Former monarchies historic discussion: France, Germany, Russia etc..

Started by amabel, January 10, 2010, 10:08:28 AM

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How young was Princess Alexandra when she was to have swallowed the glass piano?


Alexandra was 23 when she first suffered the delusion, and said she had swallowed it as a child.



At Versailles Louis XIV formalized strict etiquette that the court had to follow if they wished to remain there. The levee ceremony was one of the events.


Napoleon II was born on March 20, 1811. On the same day he was ondoyed (a French ceremony which is considered a preliminary, brief baptism) by Joseph Fesch with the name of Napoleon Francois Charles Joseph.


Empress Elisabeth took up fencing in her fifties.    :duel: :duel: :duel: :duel:



When Empress Elisabeth gave birth to a girl in March 1855, her daughter was named Sophie by Archduchess Sophie for Archduchess Sophie. Did not Elisabeth have a say in the naming of her daughter?


Empress Elisabeth bristled at anyone actually looking at her. She hid her face behind a fan or parasol.


Marie Feodorovna (1847-1928) had already received lessons in Russian in Copenhagen, Denmark before leaving for Russia. Whenever she wrote a letter to Alexander (III), she would begin the first paragraph or two in Russian.


When Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna begged her son to send Alexandra away so she could no longer interfere with political affairs, Nicholas abruptly dismissed his mother. Marie subsequently fled to Kiev.


Did Empress Elisabeth have anyone to help her learn about imperial protocol at the Austrian court? Did she confide to her mother about this?


During her first trip to Hungary with her husband, Empress Elisabeth fell in love with this nation that exhibited so much independence. She learned the Hungarian language.   
:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:


The marriage of King Louis XIV of France and Maria Theresa of Spain was contracted in 1660. The diplomats sought to include a renunciation clause that would deprive Maria Theresa and her children of any rights to the Spanish succession.


King Louis XIV meeting his uncle King Philip IV of Spain concerning his intended marriage to Infanta Maria Theresa.   
King Louis XIV of France meeting Philip IV of Spain concerning his... News Photo | Getty Images


Empress Elisabeth wrote poetry. Did she ever try to get it published?


Louis Philippe (1773-1850) was King of the French from 1830 to 1848.   
The Chamber of Deputies assigned Louis Philippe, The Duke of Orleans to the French throne on August 7, 1830.


Empress Elisabeth was permitted to mingle with only a few families and she had almost no friends.   
Franz Joseph rebuffed her efforts to offer advice.



The added color is a nice feature. It is pleasant to see the various photographs of the Imperial sisters and their brother Alexis.


King Louis XIV stated: "Laws are the sovereigns of sovereign."
