Birthdays, anniversaries and other milestones for the extended family

Started by princessrose, March 28, 2004, 04:56:35 PM

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The Duke was born only three months or so before the death of his grandfather George V, in 1935, and is still active in his public duties. These Windsors go on for ever!




Happy, Joyful Birthday to Princess Alexandra of Kent!     
:xmas17: :xmas17: :xmas17: :xmas17: :xmas16: :xmas13: :xmas13: :xmas13:






Happy, Joyous Birthday to Lady Helen Taylor!   

:icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream:



Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary to The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester!

To mark 50 years since their wedding day, a new photograph of the couple has been released, taken in the garden of their home at Kensington Palace earlier this week.


Prince Richard designed a special brooch for his wife to celebrate their golden anniversary.   :lovestars:

The special token of love created by the Duke of Gloucester for his Duchess on their 50th wedding anniversary ? Royal Central

QuoteThe Duke of Gloucester has shown his love for his Duchess with a very special piece of jewellery to mark their golden wedding anniversary.

Prince Richard has designed a brooch with their two initials intertwined to mark their 50 years of marriage.



Happy, Wonderful Birthday to Timothy Taylor!   

:bday4: :bday4: :bday4: :bday4: :bday4:


Happy, Wonderful Birthday to Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester!!   

:whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo:



Happy, Joyous Birthday to Peter Phillips!   
:bdaycake: :bdaycake: :bdaycake: :bdaycake:


Happy 90th Birthday to the Duchess of Kent!

She is currently the oldest member of the British Royal Family.  :bday7: :jensinging: :bdaycake: :happyuk:

The Duchess of Kent celebrates her 90th birthday ? Royal Central

QuoteThe Duchess of Kent is celebrating her 90th birthday on Wednesday ? a milestone occasion for the discreet royal.

The Duchess, who prefers to be known simply as Katharine, is the oldest member of The Royal Family following on from the death of Queen Elizabeth II last year.

As usual, she is celebrating the occasion privately with her family.


The Duchess of Kent ? the 90 year old royal who loves gangsta rap and beatboxing, with a particular fondness for Ice Cube ? Royal Central

QuoteIn August 2022, the Duchess of Kent granted a rare interview to the Sunday Telegraph in which she revealed that she has a love of gangsta rap.

The Duchess, who is prefers to be known informally as Katharine Kent, told Camilla Tominey that American rappers Ice Cube and Eminem are two of her favourite artists.

The royal, who is now 90-years-old, said: ?I just love music. Something that catches my ear on the radio ? I don?t really listen to records. If it makes my feet tap, then I?m happy.?

She added: ?I?ll listen to anything. I even like beatboxing.?

Katharine said that although she cannot remember the names of all of her favourite rappers, she has a particular fondness for both Ice Cube and Eminem.

The Duchess stepped down from royal duties in 2002, and has since led a quiet life away from the public spotlight.

The 90-year-old royal?s biggest passion in life is music, and the very few engagements which she still conducts are usually musically based. As well as teaching in Hull and London, the Duchess also rented out a flat in London where she taught piano lessons.


:goodpost: It was informative to learn that Princess Alexandra wore the wedding                     
  veil of Princess Victoria Patricia of Connaught.


Happy 4th Anniversary for Lady Gabriella and Thomas Kingston.  :hearts:


Happy, Wonderful Birthday to Prince Michael of Kent!   

:bdaycake: :bdaycake: :bdaycake: :bdaycake: :bdaycake: :bdaycake: