Japanese Monarchy: Articles from 2009-2010

Started by Kuei Fei, November 18, 2008, 06:41:04 PM

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Vanity Fair

QuoteIn Japan, a man has been arrested for allegedly posting online a death threat against the eight-year-old Princess Aiko. Japanese news outlets have reported that Kengo Ezaka, 26, posted the following disturbing message on the country's largest Internet forum: "I shall kill Aiko-sama by smashing her head with a hammer." Ezaka has claimed he made the threat merely to test the reactions of other forum users.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


This is totally sick. The Princess is only an 8 year old child this is no joke I hope he is sent to jail for a very long time and gets mental help.


Kuei Fei

Kuei Fei

Scarlet Flowers

They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept any but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.~Red Cloud

When you step out in faith, you step into a whole other world.



QuotePrincess Mako (18), a student of liberal arts at the International Christian University in Tokyo, came to the capital along with 19 of her classmates in June. She attended a six-week summer programme at the Applied Language Centre at UCD and lived on campus.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore

Blue Clover

I didn't realize she was attending ICU in Tokyo.


Quote from: royalwatcher05 on March 10, 2010, 02:16:20 PM
Good to see that she back at school

(Forgive me for bumping an older thread. I won't make a habit of it.)

Yes, since she has developed school phobia, the best thing is to get her back into school with lots and lots of support. Otherwise it will only get worse. Having her mother with her will probably help, but she needs to be slowly weaned off of that dependency. Poor baby. I had the same issues; it is hellish to get through. I hope they will allow her to get some support from a counselor.
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Kuei Fei

".....exposure to be a bit of harsh teasing might even help to prepare privileged royals for the fact that not everyone reveres royalty, even in Japan."

So it's okay to pick on someone because they are perceived as 'privileged?' I suffered through that and it for one can warp you. It's wrong no matter the class that the victim comes from.


You're right, that's a rank comment. However, I do think that she needs to develop a thick skin - I worry that her mother's phobias will do worse for her then a few bullies at school.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore

Kuei Fei

I think her mother's mental problems may have been having an effect on her. I think it's her mother who needs to get a thick skin and get it together. I am sick of hearing about Masako's problems when she shoud pull herself together for the sake of her daughter's mental health.

Aiko is a KID and needs more support that she isn't likely getting at home. If she is having problems coping with stuff at school, it's likely the home environment.



She's refused to go to school again. When I was her age, I didn't "refuse" to do anything... I did exactly what I was told! Where is the parental guidance here?
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


Jenee it may no be as simple as that. I am willing to bet the school administration is unable to take responsibility and have a meeting with the parents and children of all involved. I was bullied in school and the school did not take responsibility to end it and I suffered from it. Fast forward a few years and it had not improved my niece was bullied in elementary school because of birth defects and despite my sister going to the school the principal did not take action either. My daughter happened to be on the playground one day when she saw her cousin crying and being bullied and she punched the kid. I was called to the school and asked what I was going to do about it and I replied to the principal nothing. They had been made aware of the bullying and chose to do nothing and I stood by my daughter for standing up for her cousin and putting an end to this child's bullying. The point here is maybe the school being as prestigious as it is may be trying to protect it's reputation by denying that this is happening. I will say though the experiences have taught me not to be intimidated by anyone as that is what drives a bully even adult bully's


Good for your daughter in taking care of a situation that should have been taken care of long before it came to that! My younger sister is disabled and I would certainly do the same if I ever had to.  I was commenting more on the word usage in the article. It certainly makes it sound like a toddler is running the house.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


That could also be the case Jenee. Aiko is an only child and with her mother's difficulties perhaps Aiko is trying to be a parent. But in any case the issue of being bullied in school totally needs to be addressed by counselors and administration. I also think the worst thing they are doing is protecting her by having her mother always in attendance and hiding her in a room during assemblies, a teacher should be there with her and to reassure her nothing is going harm her. By doing what they are doing they are giving the bullies the leverage and attention to keep doing this to other children.

I'm sorry your sister is disabled and I sincerely hope that she never suffers from the ill informed ignorance of people who see only the disability and not the person. I'm sure she must be a lovely person to be around. :thumbsup:


It's nice to see her out and about. I hope she is recovering well though it must be hard with the IHA breathing down her neck.


Japan Today

QuoteJapan's Imperial Household Agency has been promoting a project to digitalize some 30,000 old photographs, taken mainly during the Meiji period (1868-1912), the agency said Friday. Some are more than 100 years old and are fading and deteriorating.

This would really be so amazing!!  :Jen:
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


I'd love to see it.
(sigh) imagine the enhancement of that historical culture.

Kuei Fei

II hope the IHA has some sort of therapy for Masako so Aiko isn't forced to be a parent figure ot her mother. Flame me for this, but Masako needs to get it together for her daughter, if not for herself or the Imperial Family.

Blue Clover

Kuei Fei

I'm going to get flamed for this, but I think that there has been a lot of dysfunction that Aiko might have been seeing since her mother's mental health is so fragile. I personally think that she might be confused as to why her mother isn't acting normally, why it is that there might be some sort of Palace intrigue we don't know about, and I wonder if Aiko has been messed up as a result. Bullies pick up on this and often target kids who are messed up as a result. Masako shouldn't be in the schoolroom, she should be in a therapist's office getting help and doing engagements. All of these students are the children of prominent IHA families and I am sure that these kids hear stuff said by their parents about the Crown Princess and I don't think it's flattering. They might bully Aiko, blaming her by proxy for what is wrong with her mother. So basically Aiko is a target for a lot of illogical rage that the kids of the Court Officials feel towards Masako.

I think the Japanese RF is so controlled since birth that they aren't taught to be self sufficient. Not sheltering, but control.

Kind of like if WIlliam and Harry had gotten bullied because of Diana, blamed by the Court for all the scandals that occured. I have to wonder though, WHY is Masako no doing engagements and getting the proper help? WHY is she able to sit in a classroom, but unable to sit with a therapist and start doing engagements?