Princess Beatrice and her boyfriend Dave Clark in St Barth.

Started by marine2109, April 27, 2008, 08:07:18 PM

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This obsession with bodies. :thumbsdown:  No wonder children are becoming anorexic.   She is still growing, for crying out loud, and there are more important things in life than weigh and body shapes. 
I hope Dave tells her every day that she is lovely.   

The most beautiful young woman I've seen would be considered overweight, but she had such warm glow about her, I could not take my eyes off her.  Inner beauty always wins. 


^I agree, wheet. Inner beauty wins. And it's a lot more important than what's on the outside. (Not that Bea has been exceptionally impressive in that respect, but she's young so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.) My best friend would never be described as "skinny" by the press, but I think she's gorgeous (and so do most of the guys she meets). Another good friend of mine was quite nearly anorexic in high school, but she's put on weight recently and she looks better than ever! Heck, my best guy friend always calls me "hot", even though I can guarantee you that the Daily Mail would label me "fat" (and based on the recent article, say something nasty about my mum as well...for which I'd have to hurt them). Bea is a good-looking girl, maybe not uber-photogenic, but she has a nice figure, fabulous boobs which I'm quite jealous of, and quite pretty hair.

So, in conclusion, the Daily Mail can kiss my ample bottom. :)
Harryite #0094   

Rasta Watermelon

I don't think she is fat, she just has bigger thighs. We are all different in shape and size.



I feel sorry for Bea. Poor girl. She's not huge just curvy and a normal size. She'll never be the size of Kate Moss so it's good to see she's happy with herself and yet you've got some awful people going on about her body size. Plus the double standards of a Daily MAail are unbelievable. I remember in one paper they were praising one woman for beating her battle with anorexia and then a few pages later they were slagging off one of the England football wags because she had a bit of flab on her belly. This girl was a good size 6/8 (US 4/6) so she's small and hardly fat, plus this she has had children so she's bound to have a bit of loose skin around the belly. I can't believe that this paper praises and promote those who have beaten anorexia and then slates someone for being overweight when there is nothing wrong with them. The DM really needs to get it's priorities in the right order.  :gaah:


Shes not fat shes just a pear shape like most british women are


That's not true. Most British women are apple-shaped. They would kill to have as lovely a figure as Beatrice's! :) She has curves. The thighs can be fixed, but her tummy is flat and all her curves are in the right place.

This was funny:
QuoteBut they also had "fast drop genes". Rather suddenly, their looks just dropped away. Charles was quite dashing until he hit 25 - but then he started developing that pear-shape that's so unattractive in men.

Andrew has it, too. It's hard to imagine now when you see the corpulent, over-stuffed Prince Andrew, but when Beatrice's dad was her age, he was drop-dead gorgeous. Then it all just started, literally, to drop - the chins, the jaw, the belly, the buttocks.

Or drop out. Yes, that Windsor hair. Despite Prince Philip having a full head of hair well into middle age, all of his sons have been follically challenged. Sadly, the bald gene has also passed on to poor William. If his hairline continues to recede at its current rate, he'll be as bald as a bandicoot by time he's 30.

:lmao: Spot on! I did comment on William's pear shape in that uniform recently...

Beatrice is just fine. She just needs to work on her thighs. But she's young, hopefully the baby fat will melt away in a couple of years. I hope she doesn't succumb to pressure and start looking like a stick insect instead. It would be a shame to lose those curves. Amanda does not really attack Beatrice, she actually is admiring the figure, but she can see where the danger might lie in the future.
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Oh, my poor, suffering eyes! Seeing these pictures did really hurt.... If she is normal size then I'm an anorexic I guess.  :hmm:
Anyway, for some reason I just can't stand these young royals.


^ i agree. Beatrice is what IMO is called 'fat'. But there is nothing wrong with that, we should all love our bodies because one doesn't have to be skinny to be beautiful. But I think she should wear a more suitable bathing suit for her own good (to hide a few flaws like cellulite, saggy boobs, etc.)  - in the first set of pics her bra was almost falling off and in the second set you can see that her bottom clothing is too small for her.


Exactly, if you dress according to your body shape and size you can be still pretty even if you aren't slim. But Beatrice just doesn't do that... The bikini she's wearing in these photos is just too small for her and I think it makes her look even bigger.


 xD  I love it.   Bea is truly Regal -- just like her grandmother and ggg grandmother, Queen Victoria.   She doesn't care a fig how she looks.  She doesn't have to. 
If the lessons of history teach us anything it is that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us.

Princess H

Quote from: serene grace on April 29, 2008, 10:16:35 PM

I do think she should cover her breast a bit more, it's unattractive to show boobles moving and swaying in the wind.

LOL! I would suggest a cover-all for the swimsuit, something that adequately covers the "boobles."
Why allow such shocking pictures to circulate?   :o


Personally, I think she looked just fine, save for the thighs. :thumbsup: We can't all have rock-hard immobile breasts that hover just beneath our chins. :D Real, natural breasts will move, that's what they do... And she is on a beach, for crying out loud. Even Chelsy, who is well endowed in that region, gets lots of stick for having a bust. But these are the figures that real men crave - curves and boobs... So she's got a winning combination right there. The thighs in her case are inherited through her genes. But she has lots of time to fix those - long walks and lots of stair-climbing could do the trick.

I wouldn't quite call her fat, I'd say plump at the moment, but it won't take much to take her to the next stage.
"Happy are those who expect nothing, for they will never be disappointed."

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Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.

Kuei Fei

QuoteOh, my poor, suffering eyes! Seeing these pictures did really hurt.... If she is normal size then I'm an anorexic I guess. 
Anyway, for some reason I just can't stand these young royals.

I am getting tired of the younger royals as well. Everyone keeps saying "let them enjoy thier childhood," but when are they going to get it together like most their age?

Quote^ i agree. Beatrice is what IMO is called 'fat'. But there is nothing wrong with that, we should all love our bodies because one doesn't have to be skinny to be beautiful. But I think she should wear a more suitable bathing suit for her own good (to hide a few flaws like cellulite, saggy boobs, etc.)  - in the first set of pics her bra was almost falling off and in the second set you can see that her bottom clothing is too small for her.

I'd say she's overweight and her clothing selections are atrocious. She could easily hire a personal trainer to help buff her up and she could also lay off the hard partying and booze.

Princess H

^^^I agree!  When a person is photographed all the time, Beatrice does smile for the camera and appears to like the attention, there will be pressure to look your very best. I would suggest a personal trainer and a clothes shopper.

Princess H

^^^that's an awful photo...could not be worse...poor Beatrice!


Oh dear.  I do hope she never reads the nasty remarks some newspaper commentators have written. Why are women so horrid about other women. If she is healthy and comfortable in her body, good for her.


I agree Bonnie, don't we have enough of that from the media?

Unless you're a size 2 to 4 you never look "thin" in pictures especially if you have a big bust.  Bea's body is gorgeous and she's lucky to be among the 9% of woman who have the perfect body type.  Hourglasses look great at any weight and are the most desired by men and women alike! 

Fabulous Fake

Quote from: drezzle on May 01, 2008, 01:49:11 AM
xD  I love it.   Bea is truly Regal -- just like her grandmother and ggg grandmother, Queen Victoria.   She doesn't care a fig how she looks.  She doesn't have to. 

Do you understand the meaning of regal? :unsure:

Kuei Fei

I don't think that poster does. Regal is not how Beatrice is behaving.