Chelsy snubbed again

Started by zdenka, March 22, 2008, 10:07:11 PM

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Yeah right. H&C broke up for a week at the most.

I don't think the RF is as close as the PR likes to make them seem...


The Royals needs to quit with their prejudice against Chelsy cos as far as I am concerned she is in the same position as Kate. If Kate goes Chelsy should also go as it is only fair or it would be better if neither went as neither is part of the family yet and it's not fair on Harry if Kate goes and Chelsy doesn't. Hopefully Wills and Kate might split soon after their performance on the slopes and then Kate won't be going either.


Wheet - very true.  It would explain her absence not the lack of invite.

SG - why wouldn't they be invited?  It is considered rude not to invite the serious significant others of your guests by any manners expert unless one is having a very, very small wedding--if then it borders on the questionable.

And this is not a "small" wedding by any means.  Richard Kay has written that they plan on having 350 guests.  Small by royal standards but large by wedding standards.

Also, it doesn't matter if invites went out aren't locked into only those invites...sometimes you issue belated ones.  And anyone who has actually planned a wedding and had one knows you leave a few places for unexpected guests.  Anyway, the story doesn't have legs.  Katie Nicholls is taking a stab in the dark.

Though as someone said, if it is true and Harry is able to attend (no military obligations), he ought not to go if they actually didn't give him the option of taking Chelsy but had given PW the option of taking Kate.  Harry is more senior RF than Peter by far.  And if he marries Chelsy, Chelsy will be far more senior RF than Autumn.


The thing that's absurd about this is that it implies that either Kate or Chelsy would have received their own individual invitation. At best they would have been included on William's and Harry's invitations. Or the boys could've just had invitations with a "plus one" spot. With a guest list of 350, it seems rather unlikely that they're not allowing peoples' significant others to attend. The only way Chelsy or Kate would have received their own invitations is if they were close enough friends of Autumn or Peter. We've seen Kate out with them once or twice? Never Chelsy. So maybemaybemaybe Kate could've gotten an individual invitation...but if she's still with William then it's probably a joint one. Now if they've broken up.......hehehe...then just maybe Kate would get her own invite in Autumn likes her that much. Which actually could be the perfect explanation. Kate was sent her own invitation because she's no longer with William so she couldn't be as William's guest. Chelsy did not receive a personal invitation because she's included on Harry's, either specifically by name or as a "plus one". :) I like this theory. It answers the questions, and includes the idea of Kate and William being broken up. Wonderful!!!!
Harryite #0094   


Kate wouldn't be given her own invitation regardless if she is or isn't with PW.  If she is with PW, she would have been included on his.  If she wasn't with PW, then she wouldn't be invited period.

That's why Katie's story is so ridiculous.  Neither Kate nor Chelsy would be issued their own invitation...particularly with the whole close family and friends spiel...though 350...hardly that small.  And I doubt they would give PW a plus one and not PH...b/c that would like any kind of decorum.


I think it's just plain ridiculous in the first place for the editor to have allowed the publishing of this article ! 

If its true or not, they just don't give to hurt or not PH or CD's feelings, or get the kicks reading all the posts and comments of the readers in the different forums about this.


I don't believe this story. If Harry attends the wedding, Chelsy will most probably be with him. If not, then I'm willing to bet it is because of her own inability to attend - not because Peter & Autumn snubbed her.

serene grace


Letters to the Editor

Credit to Chelsy

I AM sick and tired of reading tacky descriptions of Prince Harry's
girlfriend Chelsy Davy
. She is said to be `brassy', `pneumatic' or
something equally cheap.

Chelsy is a beautiful and obviously very intelligent young woman who
would be a fantastic addition to the Royal Family. She and Harry make a
lovely, fun, respectable couple and it's about time the media realised
that, rather than fawning over the boring Wills and Kate, who to me
don't seem anywhere near as compatible as Harry and Chelsy

James Havers, Guildford, Surrey

Yeah James.... :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
"'Kate was going out with a bloke called Rupert Finch,' says a source. 'Soon afterwards, though, they split up and I remember William saying that he thought he might "have a go".'-TheGuardian-Observer: "Girl Interrupted"

Stix Chix

go James! :thumbsup:

i wouldn't take this article at face value.  like the Sentebale spending story is turning out this one sounds like another mountain=molehill article.  if Chelsy didnt get an invite because they were having a wobble....i dont see how it would be impossible for Autumn and Peter to invite her now.  especially since the wobble only lasted 10 days!  :laugh:

and if Chelsy actually is being snubbed.....why?  Autumn is no aristocrat herself.  nor is Kate.  nor is Fergie, Sophie or Camilla.  the last aristocrat to marry into the RF was what's not ok about Chelsy?  o right, she's Harry's girl.  silly me. :sowhat:

Quote from: serene grace on March 23, 2008, 07:55:34 AM
Actually I think it's good that Chelsy isn't seen around Royal outings in public, I think it is much better if Royal girlfriends keep a distance from the press,until an engagement is announced or a girlfriend is really close to an engagement.
i agree with you.  i think Chelsy and Kate have more or less kept away from the official RF family events.  Kate kind of pushed it with the Passing Out parade at Sandhurst.....but other then that its been mostly polo matches, parties and private holidays.

Harryite #0004

Mary Rose

Just like all the Daily Mail's articles this one is crap too.

It is unlikely that either Kate or Chelsy would be invited let alone recieve special invitations because at the moment both women are still just girlfriends.  They are not members or future members of the RF currently, so why would they attend Royal events?  Btw, going sking is a vacation and not an event.   If by some chance the RF slacks on the rules and allows for an invite, why would Kate be invited and not Chelsy?  Not to mention, inviting Kate would be a mistake because the media will make the wedding all about her, William, and their relationship.


^ I agree. Plus it's unfair on Chelsy to allow Kate to come and not her since her and Harry have been together for almost as long as W&K have. Plus if any of the recent reports are anything to go by I'd say that H&C are more likely to marry next year than W&K.
You'll probably find that Katie Nicholl rang up one of her Royal sources to ask about the guest list. Got a 'no comment' and then proceeded to write what she thought would fit her story. I saw Katie on the 'This Morning' programme and still not keen. She came across as quite patronising and rather overconfident. I reckon she thinks she's the bee's knees cos she thinks she knows everything and she doesn't.


Katie Nicholl is a real piece of work. Praises Kate to the skies for doing nothing and yet portrays Chelsy, the post-graduate law student, as if she were some bimbo. :thumbsdown:

Mary Rose

I agree with you both.  It will be interesting to see what story Nicholl will write to cover herself, when neither or both shows up at the wedding.  :laugh:

If the RF did slack on the rules and invited one girl over the other, then all the suggestions about how excepting and unsnobbish HM and the rest of the RF is now, is about as true as the crap that the DM writes.


It defies logic how Chelsy is portrayed as the Cinderella of the Royals.  Her family is by far wealthier than the Middleton's and she attended Stowe & Cheltenham Ladies College so her education is on par, if not slightly more prestigious than Kates.  And Chelsy has the same "no past" status as Kate.  So perhaps the DM could explain just why Chelsy is consistently the underdog in their eyes compared to Miss Middleton.
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil


I'd be surprised if even Kate shows up. It's usually all press hype about Kate getting an invitation to this or that and not showing up (sometimes the press is too embarrassed to attempt an explanation).


Why DM is so mean? :shrug:


Who really knows? :shrug:

My only guess is that they (i.e.: Katie Nichols) is so mean is because she does not get exclusive tips a-la Fake-Do-Nothing-Middleton. :french:
SO I DID HAVE SIGNATURE UP HERE... but evidently it would probably have been removed so I removed it first. But bummer about the possible censorship!
Almost everything is speculation mixed with opinions... get over it!
Diana-ite #3 Chelsy-ite #8


Chelsy dates Harry.  That's the DM's grudge.  The DM has an image of Harry as the party prince so he has to date party girls--Chelsy is blonde with big boobs (and foreign to boot).  They make her what they want.  But they can blow it out their bums...b/c doing honors in economics and doing a law degree shows she is no dummy...


I totally agre, saywhatwhat. The press is just intentionally biased. It's amazing to watch the way the press treat certain people...they have their pre-ordained ideas and want to push them as far as they can. They've done the "heir and the spare" thing forever, and it's automatically pushed onto whoever the boys date. The press do this with everyone. They come up with something, sometimes justified sometimes not, and they run with it. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes not. It just amazes me sometimes...a former stripper and phone sex operator writes one Oscar-winning script and gets mostly good press from it, meanwhile Chelsy with no "past" whatsoever gets written up like some kind of tart because she happened to be born with blonde hair and big boobs. It's all genetic, obviously, as seen by Shawn's dirty blonde hair and Beverly's breasts, but still they portray Chelsy as a dumb blonde bimbo, more suited to the Playboy mansion than Buckingham Palace. When in reality I reckon HM is more likely to approve of Chelsy's obvious work ethic than of Kate's pseudo-aristocratic facade. But whatever...the press will do as they like.

As far as the wedding is concerned...I'm inclined to believe that if, at the time of the ceremony, either boy is dating someone seriously enough to want them at a wedding, then they'll be allowed to bring them. If both relationships last until that point, then Chelsy and Kate will probably both be in attendance. If Chelsy isn't there, it's probably her choice, IMO. If Kate's not there, it's either because the relationship is on the rocks, or Autumn doesn't want to be upstaged and stormed by the press. But if both relationships proceed smoothly...I think both girls will be there. I don't think the wedding is going to be a huge event set to total royal protocol, and the boys will likely have "plus one" listed on their invitations.
Harryite #0094   

Mary Rose

Quote from: Orchid on April 01, 2008, 01:06:44 PM
It defies logic how Chelsy is portrayed as the Cinderella of the Royals.  Her family is by far wealthier than the Middleton's and she attended Stowe & Cheltenham Ladies College so her education is on par, if not slightly more prestigious than Kates.  And Chelsy has the same "no past" status as Kate.  So perhaps the DM could explain just why Chelsy is consistently the underdog in their eyes compared to Miss Middleton.

I think it is simply the "English Rose" ideal.  Kate is British and Chelsy is not.  That is just one of the many ridculous excuses people have used as to why one girl is more suited than the other to be a member of the RF.


I think Chelsy would make a great addition to the royal family. She has already shown a strong sense of work ethic, and been involved with several charity events, despite her being nearly 4 years younger than Kate.


I agree... Chelsy is given a bad biased press because she is not what the press want her to be, as far as their made up "ideal english rose" prototype. And for the simple fact that they are just biased in order to have the "good" and "bad" gf to match their "good" and "bad" prince stereotype. :notamused:
SO I DID HAVE SIGNATURE UP HERE... but evidently it would probably have been removed so I removed it first. But bummer about the possible censorship!
Almost everything is speculation mixed with opinions... get over it!
Diana-ite #3 Chelsy-ite #8


Quote from: PSK on April 01, 2008, 09:08:55 PM
Why DM is so mean? :shrug:

because they are Pro-Kate and desperate to have NEW DIANA, but unfortunately KM isn't that good. about CD i thought this like Diana and Fergie problem.....Media always saw Fergie as the Bad girl in Royal Firm
We Have Our Own Way to the Palace

Mary Rose

And, the funny thing was Fergie got along well with the RF in the beginning.

Quote from: wheet on April 02, 2008, 04:09:46 PM
A rose?   I thought it was a wisteria.  :P
