Prince Charles & the Duchess of Cornwall -- Caribbean Tour

Started by Jenee, February 08, 2008, 03:58:38 AM

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Karla, the link in post # 175 appears to be fine (picture of C&C on tour) -- the old link appeared to contain pictures of Kate at Cheltenham. :shrug:

I think everything is on track for now.  :laugh:


Trapped with Charles on an official tour, now miserable Camilla knows how Diana felt
Oh dear. No one told the Duchess of Cornwall just how suffocating life at sea in a relatively confined space with the Prince of Wales was going to be.

She returns from their Caribbean tour a wiser, but somewhat disillusioned, woman



Quote" The Duchess used to be able to make him snap out of it, but she doesn't seem to be able to do that any more."

Hmm...I wonder why. Karma can be so evil. :devil:

:kisskiss: Flirt-ite #0017 :Royal: Willite #0096


I LOVE IT!!!! lOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! :banana: :) :banana:


  Perhaps she has lost her touch.

    I wonder if there is a position up for grabs.

    She's had three holidays away from him in the last ten months......must be nice. :notamused:


They look miserable together :lmao3: :lmao3: I guess now that they have been married almost 3 years the reality of life has set in. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are laughing their heads off. Cammy is no longer turning Charlie on and vice versa :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Peace and happiness just don't come at the expense of another -- but then where do boundaries start and end?   Or at least I can say for certain that good marriages aren't built on the bodies of discarded ex-spouses.   I wonder how the Camilla lovers will spin this now?
If the lessons of history teach us anything it is that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us.

Princess H

Quote from: heather on March 15, 2008, 12:24:28 AM
Perhaps she has lost her touch.
I wonder if there is a position up for grabs.
She's had three holidays away from him in the last ten months......must be nice. :notamused:

Quote from: busyme on March 14, 2008, 11:50:01 PM
Hmm...I wonder why. Karma can be so evil. :devil:

Quote from: Trudie on March 15, 2008, 12:42:03 AM
They look miserable together :lmao3: :lmao3: I guess now that they have been married almost 3 years the reality of life has set in. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are laughing their heads off. Cammy is no longer turning Charlie on and vice versa :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

All good comments. All insightful. What now? Have Charles and Camilla reached the end of the road?


Quote from: drezzle on March 15, 2008, 02:14:22 AM
Peace and happiness just don't come at the expense of another -- but then where do boundaries start and end?   Or at least I can say for certain that good marriages aren't built on the bodies of discarded ex-spouses.   I wonder how the Camilla lovers will spin this now?

  My Grandmother always said "You cannot have your happiness at the expense of others"........She was right, and so are you Drezzle.

   I have a feeling Charles will soldier on, but Camilla, who is not exactly popular, might very well stay home at Raymill for longer and longer time outs.

     As the article states, few people show up to see the woman, most tend to stay away, unless they are obliged to be there, because they work at the place she is visiting.


I must say that this does not bode well for Camilla's future in the RF. She previously enjoyed sailing trips with friends, even recently. Why would she not enjoy one with her husband? It's such a big boat, surely she could find lots of things to occupy her that had nothing to do with Charles?

She seems to do nothing but whine all day long. Not good at all. And now she's lost her touch. But I guess that this is what happens when you make total focus on a man your career. Notice how they managed to tout the "30-year" love affair while neglecting to mention Charles' numerous lovers during that time? Ah, the wonders of spin. :) I could not help but notice the parallels between the Camilla situation (lady of leisure, all her complaints) and that of Charles' elder son - even before he has succumbed to pressure to tie the knot. If Charles really does confide in his sons on matters related to the ways of the world, then this cruise, and indeed his marriage, may turn out to be more of an eye-opener to them than people imagine.

I did not realise that Camilla was so destitute before marrying Charles that she had to hide from bill-collectors? :hmm: Weren't we led to believe that she had led a charmed life, even after her divorce from Parker-Bowles, and that Charles had been picking up the tab for her expenses both before and after that? Why would she not be able to pay the grocer? (Why wouldn't she get free stuff from the farms at Highgrove?).

I agree with Heather that if things continue to proceed in this manner then Camilla may retreat more and more from public life and eventually spend most of her time holed up at Raymill. I can already see the headlines...
"Happy are those who expect nothing, for they will never be disappointed."

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words;
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits;
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.


There are two issues for me here...
Obviously it was more fun when they had to sneak about and the anticipation of sneaking about to see each other was a great motivator... Now it's not so much fun... They have each other til death do them part..  Charles -- GET A MISTRESS !!! :rolleyes:

The 2nd one is... can it be believed that Camilla still knows how to slip the news to the media? Does anyone think that perhaps she gave her blessings to her friend to share her feelings with the world... I mean, that article takes a great swipe at his nibs.. Is it NOW Camilla beginning to undermine charles in the same manner that Diana was blamed??   Interesting! I say, "Camilla , shut up and get yourself a toyboy"..    cheating was such a way of life for both of them, I am sure they are missing it!! :laugh:

If she ends up spending her days at Raymill, does anyone really care!?? :teehee:


I hope that my last message was not too too aggressive or full of poisen...
  :mellow: 8)

Princess H

Quote from: Lillianna on March 15, 2008, 12:17:36 PM
I must say that this does not bode well for Camilla's future in the RF. She previously enjoyed sailing trips with friends, even recently. Why would she not enjoy one with her husband? It's such a big boat, surely she could find lots of things to occupy her that had nothing to do with Charles?

She seems to do nothing but whine all day long. Not good at all. And now she's lost her touch...

...I did not realise that Camilla was so destitute before marrying Charles that she had to hide from bill-collectors? :hmm: Weren't we led to believe that she had led a charmed life, even after her divorce from Parker-Bowles, and that Charles had been picking up the tab for her expenses both before and after that? Why would she not be able to pay the grocer? (Why wouldn't she get free stuff from the farms at Highgrove?).

I agree with Heather that if things continue to proceed in this manner then Camilla may retreat more and more from public life and eventually spend most of her time holed up at Raymill. I can already see the headlines...

I agree with much of what you said. What does this Queen think of this lack of gratitude and this from a woman who could not pay her grocery bill! Charles and the BRF have showered tons of luxuries on Camilla since her marriage to Charles and she just seems so indifferent to it all. Can you answer to that? Why is Camilla so indifferent Lillianna? Say more about her losing her touch. Thanks!  :flower:

Raymill may be her fate.

Quote from: Kate on March 15, 2008, 01:57:06 PM
There are two issues for me here...
Obviously it was more fun when they had to sneak about and the anticipation of sneaking about to see each other was a great motivator... Now it's not so much fun... They have each other til death do them part..  Charles -- GET A MISTRESS !!! :rolleyes:

The 2nd one is... can it be believed that Camilla still knows how to slip the news to the media? Does anyone think that perhaps she gave her blessings to her friend to share her feelings with the world... I mean, that article takes a great swipe at his nibs.. Is it NOW Camilla beginning to undermine charles in the same manner that Diana was blamed??   Interesting! I say, "Camilla , shut up and get yourself a toyboy"..    cheating was such a way of life for both of them, I am sure they are missing it!! :laugh:

If she ends up spending her days at Raymill, does anyone really care!?? :teehee:

I know that extramaritial sneaking around is thrilling for just that reason. Kate I have a few questions for you. What does Camilla gain by undermining Charles and indirectly the BRF? They have saved her from poverty and absolute ruin? How does she gain from the leaks to the press about her disdain for Charles? Thanks! :flower:

BTW, your last message was not too aggressive or full of poison, I found it insightful.


  Camilla lost much of her monies in investments.

     Charles and some of her friends got together to bail her out.

         I wonder if she thought about getting a job at that time.....probably not! :thumbsdown:

    I agree with you the spin about the 30 year" love affair" does not include all of the lovers Charles had over that time.  Some people buy into that myth though. :unsure:

Quote from: Kate on March 15, 2008, 05:10:34 PM
I hope that my last message was not too too aggressive or full of poisen...
  :mellow: 8)

      Not in my opinion, many of us would be only too happy to see Camilla retire from public life.


Kate, I agree -- especially with your point about sneaking around. For a spoiled Prince who had been used to getting whatever he wanted, I think the main appeal of Camilla (and the others) might have been due to the fact that she was for the longest time, unavailable and forbidden. What a great challenge for a man who supposedly often felt ineffectual and incompetent: first, getting his hated mistress to be accepted enough by his family to marry her, and then trying to convince the public to do the same.

He reminds me of a small child who thinks he will be happy once he gets what he doesn't yet have. Once he has it, it loses it's appeal. Maybe the same thing has happened here?