Prince Andrew rebukes America over Iraq

Started by Nighthawk, February 05, 2008, 12:38:33 AM

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            you might want to read the article here and the ones in the other threads on Andrew.

Fabulous Fake

That diatribe is well overdue.

I can only hope it preceeds many others.  :wait:

Prince Andrew's behaviour is ,imho, totally unacceptable and I wish he, his ex-wife and his ridiculous elder daughter would permanently disappear.

They totally contradict all the massive goodwill that Her Majesty generates and,as I said yesterday he and his brother are going all out now to diminish the status of Royalty in this country. :mad:

Fabulous Fake

Quote from: Trudie on February 05, 2008, 11:52:56 PM
He may be a Prince of the Blood but he is entitled to speak his opinion especially as he has had war experience. FF, Fawbert have you? :hmm:

:shrug: I'm a member of the public.

That clown isn't. He is supposedly drumming up goodwill and business for Britain. He has many meetings scheduled with staunch Republicans so what does he do?

He opens his big stupid mouth and offends potential clients. FOOL!!!!  :rant: :rant:


  We have almost gotten used to his brother being a fool, but Andy should stick to food fights and golf games.


Quote from: Trudie on February 05, 2008, 11:52:56 PM
He may be a Prince of the Blood but he is entitled to speak his opinion especially as he has had war experience. FF, Fawbert have you? :hmm:

Licenced to kill, I am.

serene grace

Quote from: heather on February 06, 2008, 01:33:17 AM
            you might want to read the article here and the ones in the other threads on Andrew.

Heather....I was trying to skate by reading all of it,but I will do so..,,hahahahaha. You caught me.
:teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :flower:

Do you guys think Princess Beatrice is becoming unpopular too or is it the press agenda. Just curious?
"'Kate was going out with a bloke called Rupert Finch,' says a source. 'Soon afterwards, though, they split up and I remember William saying that he thought he might "have a go".'-TheGuardian-Observer: "Girl Interrupted"

Stix Chix

he just stepped on one hell of a hornet nest! :laugh:  maybe not the best first impression to make in America. :happy:  but i think Andrew's words have been taken out of context.  its hardly a "rebuke". 

i agree with him so far as the situation not being handled as well as it could have been....but i don't particularity recall the UK offering much advice. :mellow:  and if they did it's really no surprise the the Bush administration wouldn't have taken it. :shrug:  and anyway i dont think Blair's policies on Iraq were much better overall....thankfully!  for awhile i thought Blair had been taken advantage of but he actually knew all about the BS and dragged the UK into it anyway.

either way, i'd take a prince over a politician any day. :laugh:

Harryite #0004



  Bea needs to get a purpose in life, she is starting to annoy some of the people.
    She reminds many of her Mum, and that isn't always a good thing.

Quote from: serene grace on February 06, 2008, 02:04:02 AM
Heather....I was trying to skate by reading all of it,but I will do so..,,hahahahaha. You caught me.
:teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :flower:

     Next time it will be a lashing with a wet noodle! :P


Quote from: fawbert on February 05, 2008, 01:27:17 AM
Steer clear of the political, fray, Sir. <_<
Quote from: dizzylizzy on February 05, 2008, 02:13:39 AM
As much as I might agree that this war in Iraq was badly managed and not the best idea IMHO to begin with (sorry fellow Republicans, but I'm a big isolationist 'cause it tends to save us money) I do agree -- he should stay above the fray.

When the Royals get too political, debate over their mere existence will also get too political.  ;)

I agree and I agree.
"I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but I knew the woman I wanted to become." DvF

serene grace

"'Kate was going out with a bloke called Rupert Finch,' says a source. 'Soon afterwards, though, they split up and I remember William saying that he thought he might "have a go".'-TheGuardian-Observer: "Girl Interrupted"

serene grace

What was Princess Beatrice doing in Los Angeles this weekend?

QuoteOne has to ask why we are still applying this level of protection to these girls when there have never been any threats against them. It's unacceptable, given the pressure on police and security budgets."

That's just a copper's view - it all looks different from where Prince Andrew sits.

He disdains the cries of others: Beatrice, on a gap year, has travelled to Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and New York since September.

At the weekend, she was spotted in Los Angeles.

And everywhere she goes, her personal protection officers follow. Is this a useful way to spend taxpayers' money?

"'Kate was going out with a bloke called Rupert Finch,' says a source. 'Soon afterwards, though, they split up and I remember William saying that he thought he might "have a go".'-TheGuardian-Observer: "Girl Interrupted"


Taking in LA, eating at the Ivy. She was really at the was where she was spotted, I think.
"I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but I knew the woman I wanted to become." DvF


QuoteBeatrice, on a gap year, has travelled to Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and New York since September.

Nice to see she's using her gap year to do something useful like get to know the Commonwealth her family "rules". Oh wait...
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, I have no facts

serene grace

The IVY. She needs to stay away from those Celeb hang outs(especially if she is visiting L.A. because no good can come from it).

"'Kate was going out with a bloke called Rupert Finch,' says a source. 'Soon afterwards, though, they split up and I remember William saying that he thought he might "have a go".'-TheGuardian-Observer: "Girl Interrupted"


Ah yes The Ivy; where celebs go to complain to the press about the press.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, I have no facts

Lila the Flirt

Remain on topic please. There is another thread regarding Princess Beatrice and her gap year.

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:

Mary Rose

As much as I dislike the war and our president, I agree.   Andrew should keep his comments to himself.  It is one thing to say that about his own country but saying it to another country where he has no understanding of our political processes and where the BRF has no meaning is another.

Fabulous Fake

Prince Andrew is much better at it than this pair.


Please don't post images directly onto the forum.


Didn't Charles publicly criticize the war? I recall he did about two years ago. Yet he didn't get all this flak. I guess the nasty press misses their scapegoat Harry so the knives have to be out for someone.


Perhaps I'm reading this article differently than some of you, but I certainly don't see it as a rebuke of America, nor as some huge political statement. More of advice from a former imperial power to country who's trying to be one. He wasn't out saying "this war is terrible blahblahblah." Just "maybe it would've been good to take advice from someone who's been there before."

I also don't think it's gonna hurt him to say this right before he goes to America. It rather seems as though most of the country is ready to get out of this war anyway. (Maybe just where I live/the news stations I hear?)
Harryite #0094   


I think Charles criticized the war a short time before he visited the US with Camilla a few years ago and they met with President Bush.


I am not so sure it would hurt Andy in the Republican south.   The war, the oil prices, and all linked with the war have hurt the businesses as much as they hurt average consumers.   Let's wait and see.

BTW, the think tank genius lambasting Andy could take some lessons in manners himself.   He seems to need them more. Same goes for the article writer. 

In my opinion, it was about time someone in the RF spoke.   William training is being criticized as a waste of money.  Why not point out the real reason the money and lives are being wasted  in the middle East.


Quote from: wheet on February 06, 2008, 05:23:19 PM
I am not so sure it would hurt Andy in the Republican south.   The war, the oil prices, and all linked with the war have hurt the businesses as much as they hurt average consumers.   Let's wait and see.

BTW, the think tank genius lambasting Andy could take some lessons in manners himself.   He seems to need them more. Same goes for the article writer. 

In my opinion, it was about time someone in the RF spoke.   William training is being criticized as a waste of money.  Why not point out the real reason the money and lives are being wasted  in the middle East.

:thumbsup: you certainly Rock  :dance: