Why people seems to be so concerned about skin color of William's future wife?

Started by XOXO, January 03, 2008, 09:46:45 PM

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^Very true and very sad for them. 

If someone wanted to marry a person that wasn't Caucasian, wasn't Black, wasn't Russian (yea, I guess Russian isn't considered "white" over there.  LOL! Crazy) they wouldn't share that viewpoint.  People who have a problem with a stranger's choice in spouse or the color of their children have to really examine why they have that problem.


If he ventures out of his norm, he might end up in an interacial relationship  .sticky
It's common now, look at Angela and Maximilian :hug:
I will be happy if she has a job too :chuckle:


Quote from: leogirl on July 04, 2008, 04:59:31 AM
For example, if William married a black girl, their children would have darker skin and black curly hair. William is white and has blond hair, so the kids wouldn't really look like him.

So, if  he married Kate they may have brunette hair like her :shrug: And some half black people have straight hair.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Princess H

Quote from: leogirl on July 04, 2008, 04:59:31 AM
For example, if William married a black girl, their children would have darker skin and black curly hair. William is white and has blond hair, so the kids wouldn't really look like him.

This is the strangest comment I have ever read in my entire life. It actually gives me the creeps. Two people don't always have children that look like them NO MATTER what color they are, it is not a given! Sure it happens, but you can not count on it and fall in love with people based on the chance that your children will look JUST LIKE YOU.
How could you possibly think this is why people fall in love with other people?


Quote from: Princess H on July 05, 2008, 03:07:34 AM
This is the strangest comment I have ever read in my entire life. It actually gives me the creeps. Two people don't always have children that look like them NO MATTER what color they are, it is not a given! Sure it happens, but you can not count on it and fall in love with people based on the chance that your children will look JUST LIKE YOU.
How could you possibly think this is why people fall in love with other people?

Scary isn't it?! You'd be surprise of the type of ppl like that who are living and breathing the same air that we do  <_<


:goodpost: both Princess H and helloeveryone!!

Personally I dont think anyone should be upset over wills choice of wife, afterall its his marraige. As for the children thing - maybe some are weird about it as RF is suppose to be traditional and interacial marriage is was unacceptable....would that be an issue maybe??

I really dont get why this is really even an issue. :shrug:


In my example, I meant they would be LESS likely to look like William than if he married someone who was of a different racial background. Yes, Kate has brown hair, but so do a lot of members of William's family.

I was just trying to help people understand WHY some people choose to date only within their race, based on people I've talked to. This is NOT my personal opinion. I am also not saying this is "why people fall in love"... I don't know where that came from. People fall in love because the person looks like them? That doesn't even make sense.  :lmao:

And let's not forget the couples that marry and both parents are white and their children were fraternal twins and one child was black and the other white. The father wanted a DNA test because he thought his wife was cheating on him. One of the parents had black ancestry a few generations back and it decided to pop up then. The child still looked like his parents (biology... that's where they get their genes from), but just had darker skin.

I think it would be good for William if he expanded his set of friends and got to meet new people outside the aristocratic white-British set he usually surrounds himself with. If he wants to date outside his race, I'm all for it. But it's definitely his choice. :thumbsup:

OT- Why are you guys trying to paint me as a racist, point fingers, for no reason... and some of you wonder why I left for two months???  Maybe I should leave, just to avoid the fights...


I wasnt saying anyone was racist.... I just dont think this is an issue in modern times and I was just pointing out that it is his choice for who he wants to marry and nobody should really care!!!


^ Really? It's not an issue?!... there is a high school in Georgia that just had its first desegregated prom last year.


I very much agree that it's William's choice.


^ Really - omg disegregated proms, why?? Well maybe from my point of view it isnt a big issue - Im aussie and we are a multinational country - i am used to seeing couples from different backgrounds.

Although in this thread i stated it might be an issue to the 'aristos' since they seem traditional and interacial marriage might be frowned upon other than that I personally dont see it as an issue!!

Polo Fan

William is not so nice as people believe and yes he is a bit racist but he doesn't even know. This is only my opinion I can't prove it but I truly believe this, thats why he is only surrounded by royals and aristos, kate is middleclass but she went to St Andrews somehow she has a connection to him.

Off Topic - leogirl I am happy you are back  :thumbsup: you were the 1st forum member that PM me.  :happy: remember that thing about what I was hoping for. :D  :flower:


I wonder if William has any black friends? Asian friends? All the ones I've seen are white. Is he racist, or does he just want to hide in his box community of aristocrats? I don't think he is choosing friends consciously, maybe he's afraid of new faces, and these are the old families so he feels like he can trust them? And KM went to school with them at Marlborough, so maybe that's why she is "safe".
I live in California, there's no way I could be racist in my community or I'd have some serious problems... people would hate me!


I dont think he is racist... when you are in the aristo circles you mix with people from your circle and there are no other races in Britian high society are there??? Will and Harry were raised the same way and H has 'coloured friends' (not being racist btw) on ehe was pictured with was that Ben soldier who lost his limbs - there in contact. He doesnt hang out with him but he talks to him so will might be the same. He might have his circle then his outer circle of acquantances... does anyone follow that???

Just because he isnt pictured with them doesnt mean he has no friends from different races!!! Just a theory!


Leogirl, I understand your point about the children looking like him. Or looking like his children (I used to know a half-Black girl once, and people would always assume that her mother had adopted her - and wasn't her biological mother).

However, what if he decided to marry someone of Middle-Eastern, Indian, or Asian ancestry? While it will always be uncertain which parent the child will ultimately take after, there's a better chance that the child will look somewhat white (probably with darker hair/tanned skin, though).

Just a thought.


^ Yes, that is what I meant.  :flower:

I don't think he is racist either. I just think it would do him some good to meet 'real' people, i.e. people outside his circle. Harry has good friends from the army and also makes regular visits to Lesotho. This is why I think it would be good for William to choose a branch of the military and stick with it, and the same with charity. He can make friends and get to know people.


if William ever have a child with a black woman the kids will still look like him, i know for sure from my family all 4 of my sister married a white men all their kids look like their fathers and their is no problem with them so if he choose that his kids will be fine they will not be that much a different from any child, just look at prince Albert son he look like both his parent, but if you check back to reality it is impossible for William to married outside his race because people will always have problem with it i don't think the Queen and the royal family will ever accept it sad but true but i would love to see him married someone from another country or religious, but i don't think the society will allow him to break free, he has to follow the rule and the law but i wish it was possible for him to break free from all. :no: :tired: