~Misc Harry Pictures~

Started by Lila the Flirt, December 06, 2007, 04:41:13 PM

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Yes, such a sincere love it lead Harry to repeatedly cheat on her.


Yes he cheated get over it please  :sowhat:


It's just hard to believe Harry loved someone he frequently cheated on.  It doesn't seem like love or respect to me. Maybe I just have a different opinion of love? I mean, it wasn't one isolated incident, the cheating was a pattern of behavior.


We do not know for a fact how many times he cheated.

I see affection when they look at each other and so do many others


Affection or lust? Harry enjoys a blonde! Nothing wrong with that!


Lust lasts 18 months not 6 years.

Scientific fact  :biggrin:


Fine. Harry LOVED Chelsy SOOOOO much he REPEATEDLY cheated on her over the 6 years.  Hale summed up the cheating & break ups rather well, don't you think?

Quote from: Hale on October 12, 2010, 10:34:42 PM
As I recall, Harry went to watch the English Rugby team and missed Chelsy's birthday, so she dumped him.  The she managed to get hold of Harry's mobile and saw messages from other girls and dumped him.  Then she dumped him again and this was when she was quoted as telling Dean Piper that Harry cheated on her.  Chelsy's is supposed to have dumped Harry again so this is the fourth time.    


ok so let me get this straight no new pics of Harry here...  :hissyfit:

:ineedabs: :hijack!: :geek:
  Yes he's Yummy!w/o a hat!


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