Zara's private ceremony

Started by Nighthawk, November 27, 2007, 06:55:09 PM

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For me, that outfit is a miss. That coat, with her hair up, makes her look like some kind of turn of the century school marme or headmistress. Not very flattering, it looks dowdy.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, I have no facts


thanks for the articles

I still think that Zara looked beautiful I love her hair pulled back she looks good w/it that way IMO


They have lived together for ages. An engagement is coming....


I thought she looked lovely. She dressed to suit the occasion. I don't supposed she would have embarassed her grandma in front of all those other recipients by vamping it up too much. She strikes me as a very thoughtful young lady.

Fawbert - I feel the same way. When I looked at the photographs of the four of them, and Zara and Mike hand in hand, I thought: I bet the next couple to tie the knot will be these two! :) Which is exactly as it ought to be, I think. Now that's what a couple in love looks like!
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Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
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Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.


WillyandKatyite #007 Willite #107 JeSnoRe KaBaAn M :snob:



Quote from: Lillianna on November 29, 2007, 04:48:05 PM
Now that's what a couple in love looks like!

I know, but the heir to the throne isn't going to behave like this until the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, ad the ring is on her finger....


I don't understand why he always has to avoid her, barely look at her, and act angry when she's around (remember the pic when he is all angry and Kate is grinning away as always?).


Enough of the Wills and Kate engagement rumours I think Mike and Zara will beat them to it. Congrats to Zara.  :thumbsup:


Wills is way too young and too immature to get married. Zara seems a lot more than just 13 months older that Wills, IMO. I think she could get married in the next few years and be happy. :)


That's pretty cool, I wonder is William or Harry on grandma's honour list :hmm: