Royal Historical Facts Potpurri Chat Part 2

Started by PrincessKLS, October 28, 2007, 04:46:12 AM

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A number of electors were opposed to the election of Leopold I as Holy Roman Emperor. 
The traditional Habsburg claim to the emperorship was challenged by France.


Hail our King, Hail! is the anthem of the King of Bavaria.   
Heil unserm K?nig, Heil! (Hail our King, Hail!) anthem of the Kingdom of Bavaria - YouTube   

:royalsneeze: :royalsneeze: :royalsneeze: :royalsneeze: :royalsneeze: :royalsneeze:


Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg was the Queen Consort of King Gustav II Adolph of Sweden.
Though she was a German princess and a Swedish queen, she did not properly write German or Swedish.
She spoke and most often wrote in French, which was the court language.


Archduke Johann of Austria (1782-1859) was the son of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II.
  He was interested in the history and geography of the Alpine countries.     
Juan de Austria, El Archiduque Alpinista que se Enamor? de los Bellos Paisajes del Tirol y Estiria. - YouTube




Eleanor of Brittany (1275-1342) was the sixteenth abbess of Fontevrault.   
She was the daughter of Duke John II of Brittany and Beatrice of England.   
In 1290 she moved to Fontevrault Abbey in France. She took her vows and became a nun in March 1291.


King Stephen of England and the Pope had disagreed for some years over the installation 
to York of the papal candidate, Henry Murdac. In order to mollify the Pope, Queen Matilda of Boulogne persuaded Stephen to accept Murdoc.


Mainly because the rival for the archbishopry was William of York, who was named archbishop twice but had never been approved by the pope.

William's father was chancellor to Henry I, and his mother Emma was believed to be the ilegitimate half-sister of King Stephen (through his dad). Both of Emma's half brothers Stephen and Henry, Bishop of Winchester were strong supporters of his placement as Archbishop.

The main reason Stephen stopped opposing Henry as Archbishop was Henry agreed to try and get Papal backing for Eustace to be named heir to the English throne.


After having been placed in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity of Caen, Cecily of Normandy,   
the daughter of King Williiam I of England, was educated by the abbess Matilda.


The House of Vasa was founded in 1523 in Sweden.   
After the abolition of the Kalmar Union, Gustav Eriksson Vasa became King Gustav I of Sweden in 1523.


How is Charles III Related to Every British King and Queen? - YouTube

This YouTube piece is quite interesting. It rushes through the relationship our new monarch Charles III has (or doesn?t) with every single English/British monarch since and including William the Conquerer. It?s sometimes quite amusing, and I learned a few things from it.


The Royal Family

King George V kept a diary throughout his life, writing on his Coronation day in 1911, ''Today was indeed a great & memorable day in our lives & one which we can never forget, but it brought back to me many sad memories of 9 years ago when the beloved Parents were crowned.''

In 1902, when The Prince of Wales, George V reflected on his parents?, King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra?s, Coronation day:

?It was most beautifully done & the singing & music very fine, and it was a magnificent spectacle.?


Queen Victoria wrote a lengthy entry in her diary following her Coronation in 1838.

''It was a fine day & the crowds of people exceeded what I have ever seen...I really cannot say how proud I felt to be the Queen of such a nation.''



Frederick Augustus III of Saxony was the last King of Saxony.     
He reigned from 1904 to 1918.   
The Life of His Majesty The King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony - (1865 ?1932) - YouTube


How often does a Princess have the middle name of Ferdinanda
Maria Antonia of Spain (1729-1785) was Queen of Sardinia by marriage to   
King Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia. She was Maria Antonia Ferdinanda.


Emperor Napoleon III of France was interested in marrying Eugenie, Countess of Teba.   
Many were dead set against the marriage, among them being ex-King Jerome and   
Drouyn de Lhuys, Minister for Foreign Affairs.   
Ex-King Jerome would have preferred the Emperor to remain single, thus leaving   
the succession in the hands of King Jerome's son, Prince Napoleon.


It was not until Rainier III of Monaco's grandfather named Rainier's mother   
Princess Charlotte of Monaco heir presumptive that little Rainier got his royal titles.


Quote from: LouisFerdinand on August 14, 2023, 11:11:22 PM
It was not until Rainier III of Monaco's grandfather named Rainier's mother   
Princess Charlotte of Monaco heir presumptive that little Rainier got his royal titles.

That was because Charlotte was born illegitimate (her mother was a cabaret singer who had a brief affair with Prince Louis) and there were legal and dynastic questions over her being heir presumptive. It was supposedly solved by Prince Louis, who had no other heirs, formally adopting her.

There remains a huge question mark over the legalities of the adoption, to say the least, and it probably wouldn?t have been acceptable in any other dynastic royal House at that time.

Then Charlotte appears to have been forced into a ?suitable? marriage with a man who turned out to be homosexual. The marriage, like so many among Monaco royals went pearshaped quite soon and there was a divorce (she was living with her lover at the time.) Regardless of his royal titles Rainier III seems to have had a very strange and rather unhappy upbringing.




Sverker I was King of Sweden from 1132 to 1156. He based much of his royal authority on the patronage of the Church.


Infanta Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain married Victor Amadeus, Duke of Savoy by proxy in Madrid, Spain on April 12, 1750.


A video which features background information on the eleven women who have held the title Princess of Wales.

ALL THE PRINCESSES OF WALES | History of royal women | famous royal women | History Calling - YouTube