William vs Prince William

Started by 4321BAM, September 12, 2007, 03:02:18 PM

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We've discussed the scenario where a girl likes Prince William more than William. And true enough, in a perfect world, Wills would find a girl who loves William and likes Prince William. But what if he finds a girl who loves William and dislikes Prince William?

For argument sake, let's assume that the girl is perfect in every other way: she's from an aristocratic background, she's gorgeous, big heart, fantastic mind, etc; but she's not into becoming a princess. Do you think she should go for it anyway?

What if the girl isn't perfect: she's your 'average Jane'; shy and perhaps even introvert, but he finds her perfect even if no one else does – should she go for it then? Should he like this kind of girl?     

In fact, should he ever like a girl who's completely unsuitable for Prince William even if she is completely suitable for William? Do we think this could even happen? Does he ever separate William from Prince William?  :shrug:
Well, it seems it has come to this and tho I doubt it'll do much good I'm still going to say it because it is the TRUTH. This is the only account I use on the forum and I am a member of only ONE other royal forum where I also have only ONE account. I am NOT in contact with anyone from the forums (e-mail or otherwise), the reason(s) should be self evident to anyone with half a braincell... 

God forbid greater evil (if it exists) then having PW as a partner!

The Queen

I believe your last comment will happen. William is more important than Prince William, a mistake that was made with Prince Charles and Lady Diana. The day Camilla and Charles finally married layed out the pavement for the family allowing William and future crown prince(esse)s to do what the need for themselves and not the monarchy.
Willite #00369


someone who's suitable for William will also in a way be suitable for Prince William. If she brings out the good in him, supports him, gives him love, stability and what he needs the RF and the country would also benefit from that.
WillyandKatyite #007 Willite #107 JeSnoRe KaBaAn M :snob:


So, what you guys are saying is that by 'building' a better William we automatically build a better Prince William? I mean, that makes a lot of sense to me, but don't you think that that is far too untraditional?
Well, it seems it has come to this and tho I doubt it'll do much good I'm still going to say it because it is the TRUTH. This is the only account I use on the forum and I am a member of only ONE other royal forum where I also have only ONE account. I am NOT in contact with anyone from the forums (e-mail or otherwise), the reason(s) should be self evident to anyone with half a braincell... 

God forbid greater evil (if it exists) then having PW as a partner!


Not at all.PW and William are different facets of the same person.One should hope that like any quality guy he would and should be attracted to somone who is self respecting,ethical,smart and compassionate.I fail to see how such a woman can be unsuitable for the RF.As far as shyness,financial background and physical appearances are concerned,these are not things that can not be overlooked or improved if at all the situation demands so. :thumbsup:

The Queen

Its not so much as a girl may be good for William but bad for Prince William, it is more of the thought that one girl may be the best for William while another girl is the best for Prince William.
Willite #00369


Quote from: The Queen on September 12, 2007, 05:28:40 PM
Its not so much as a girl may be good for William but bad for Prince William, it is more of the thought that one girl may be the best for William while another girl is the best for Prince William.

Excellent point  :thumbsup:


Well ,in that case he should stick with the girl who is best for William.

The Queen

Quote from: indianprincess on September 12, 2007, 06:01:46 PM
Well ,in that case he should stick with the girl who is best for William.
Exactly my thought.  :happy:
Willite #00369


Wills case is very unique... While in the 'day-to-day' world 'what' a guy is, is mostly his business, and sure enough it will have some effect on his character, but the girl is not sucked into 'what' he is. With Wills that's not the case. With Will 'the woman' gets a 'job with the husband'. Now considering that, would you expect him to consider if she is suitable for 'the job' as well as for him? If we assume that he never separates William from Prince William then I guess he could never like a girl who is unsuitable for 'the job'. But if he doesn't separate it; can he possibly know who he is? I mean HE as a person, without the 'crown'. And if he doesn't know who he is, how can 'the girl' ever know?  :shrug:
Well, it seems it has come to this and tho I doubt it'll do much good I'm still going to say it because it is the TRUTH. This is the only account I use on the forum and I am a member of only ONE other royal forum where I also have only ONE account. I am NOT in contact with anyone from the forums (e-mail or otherwise), the reason(s) should be self evident to anyone with half a braincell... 

God forbid greater evil (if it exists) then having PW as a partner!


Yes, no matter what the girl should marry William if she loves him, however if she dislikes the princess title very much it may pose a problem not just for PR and tradition sake but could cause issues in the personal relationship.

What would really be perfect is if the girl was in love with both :) That way, good for the personal relationship and good for the professional/royal one.

Think of actors who have great chemistry on screen, a lot of times these actors also have good chemistry off screen, and you know when they picked the perfect actors for the movie, this is kind of the same thing. You'll know when William has picked the absolutely perfect princess :)

And yes I think Wills can very well seperate William from Prince William.


I think if the girl is best for William then unless she's totally inapropriate (ie. stripper, murderer, cousin) then it won't matter in the end. With Camilla's entry into the royal family a lot of the requirements for future Queen were dropped (obviously). I think if she's totally in love with the man not the prince then it will show itself in him being happy, doing a better job as Prince and not acting the way he's acting now. If she is totally right for William the man, then her actions won't bring criticisms towards Wills or bring down his character as has been the case over the past 6 months.

Personally, I hope she's not perfect. Currently we're bing lumped with a super-perfect facade of a gf which is far from the reality of it. If a new girl came on the scene and we immediately saw her fallibilites and she wasn't trying to cover them up or pretend she was something that she actually wasn't, then I think it might endear her more to normal people.


:blink: murderer ??? :lol: Wombat, a stripper, or even a distant cousin is fine but I can't imagine he or the institution would approve of a murderer.

:hmm: I wonder if they do criminal background checks for future princess/queen/etc ???

The Queen

They don't have to, the tabloids do it for free.
Willite #00369


Quote from: PrincessKLS on September 13, 2007, 12:30:25 AM
:blink: murderer ??? :lol: Wombat, a stripper, or even a distant cousin is fine but I can't imagine he or the institution would approve of a murderer.
Read it again...I put murderer, stripper and cousin in the inappropriate list.


Oh okay sorry, well if it was a cousin then I hope it would be a very distant cousin such as Kate's his 13'th cousin.

And if it was a stripper than I hope it would have been an ex-stripper and not someone's who's currently one.

The Queen

That can't be right, she has no royal blood.
Willite #00369



I agree with something that was said before, that someone who is good for William will bring out the best in him, and that is automatically good for Prince William. She will make William strive to be a better person, and to do well in his job (which happens to be being Prince William). He, too, will bring the same out in her. I believe that the love of his life will be able to handle the job of Princess, because of the love. He, too, will bring out the best in her, and make her strive to do her job well, so if Princess becomes her job, she will strive to do it well. Chelsy, for example, clearly doesn't like the press, but her love for Harry makes her put up with it. In turn I believe that she brings out the best in him as well, as evidenced by him being less drunk when she's there, becoming protective, and even his charitable work. I believe the same will be true for William when he finds "the one." I also really don't think it ought to be someone who is particularly in love with "Prince William." She should know him as William first and foremost. His job should be secondary. The more minor crown princes of Europe were lucky, it seems, in that they could meet their wives in relative anonymity. For example, Prince Frederik introduced himself solely as "Fred" when he first met Mary. Clearly it's unlikely for William to meet someone, introduce himself as "Will," and have even one normal date before she knows who he is. But she shouldn't care about the title. He'll know when he meets that girl, and I think it will be clear when he's seen with her that she's it. Who knows, we may recognize changes in him even before he introduces her to the world.

I also imagine it must be difficult for him to separate himself from his title. Clearly it's important for him to do so, but remember he's been told since birth that he's "going to be the king one day." There's a way people expect him to be. I imagine that must be difficult for even him to get past sometimes. There's no comparison to it, really. Try thinking about who you want to be and what you want to do, knowing that there is only one real outcome. Harry may have had a better time of it, especially with the examples of his uncles (like Edward starting his own film company). The only comparison William has is his father, and as Charles is criticized even for the good he tries to do (I recognize a lot of it is just backlash over Camilla, but it's a bit unfair in some cases), William must have a hard time. He knows he has something to live up to, and if that doesn't fit with what he really wants, well... fiddle-dee-dee. He doesn't have much choice, really, and that must be difficult to wrap one's head around. I'd also like to think that finding the right girl will help him with that, as well, though those may be my naive, deluded ideals about love coming out.
Harryite #0094   

The Queen

Quote from: PrincessKLS on September 13, 2007, 12:44:15 AM
What ??? :huh?:
link edited no royal blood.

Very good sillybojug. :thumbsup:

edited: links to blogs and other forums arent allowed.  :thumbsup:
Willite #00369


imo it depends on how much the hypothetical girl loves william and not how much the girl loves the prince.  :thumbsup: in the end, every grown up has the capability of weighing their options imo. the girl may hate the spotlight, but if she can make a difference in her charities and support william isnt that what its mostly all about? the media is the big pitfall of being in that family, but its not the whole deal when you think about it.  :mellow: most of the royals can go about their day in an almost normal fashion on many days. not every day is spent in the spotlight.
i dont think she has to necessarily be perfect for the role, but imo she should atleast compliment and support williams role.
ElizabethII-ite: #0003Maryite #0002Willite #0054Harryite #0071Cheesite #0004Flirtite #15 :kisskiss:
My name is Toujours. I sleep in a padded cell. Wisely enough they give me an ample supply of choc


Do you think we gonna love him or praise him, IF William only as William and wasn't a Prince?
We Have Our Own Way to the Palace


No, because if he wasn't a prince he would just be an average British or American boy (American, because he said it once that he actually likes the states, I can see him fitting in here well). And if he was oridinary over 1 billion people wouldn't see him or know of his good deeds. I don't think he would really be into charity or a public life if he was oridinary.


QuoteInsert Quote
No, because if he wasn't a prince he would just be an average British or American boy (American, because he said it once that he actually likes the states, I can see him fitting in here well). And if he was oridinary over 1 billion people wouldn't see him or know of his good deeds. I don't think he would really be into charity or a public life if he was oridinary.

That's what I think if he wasn't a future king


Quote from: PrincessKLS on September 13, 2007, 02:11:09 AM
No, because if he wasn't a prince he would just be an average British or American boy (American, because he said it once that he actually likes the states, I can see him fitting in here well). And if he was oridinary over 1 billion people wouldn't see him or know of his good deeds. I don't think he would really be into charity or a public life if he was oridinary.

I beg to differ with you on the point that if Prince William was an "ordinary guy" he would not really be into charity because, how in God's Name can you know such a thing?  That statement is really an "unfair" accusation against all of the "ORDINARY GUYS/GALS" who are doing such charitable works through organizations already making a difference in 3rd world countries and around the planet. 

How about the others whom I refer to as the "True Royals" our "Unseen Heros" such as volunteers, red cross workers, missionaries, nuns, i.e, Mother Theresa, who was never looking to become an icon or saint even, she simply found a need in India's lepers and filled it as well as their hearts just by holding their hands and cleasning their wounds.  Then there is the great American-Scotsman, Dale Carnegie, look at all of the enrichment that this emigrant brought to the American society as a philantropist and a long list of other "Unknown/Ordinary" wealthy people who have given so much of their time and money to make the lives of those less forunate more enriched.


On a different note, the only problem that I have with Prince Charles' philantropy is that the more I see of his "human side" the more that I feel that his "philantropic side" is only "doing things" out of a "scoreboard situation" to improve his standing and win points with the British public and it doesn't seem to be working and maybe that's way he is so highly criticized on what he does accomplish.  If he appears so vain, shallow, out of touch and insincere to British people, then all of his accomplishments will be wrongly judged in any case.  JMO
