media trying to make william out to be a cad

Started by riskybusiness, August 07, 2007, 09:43:08 AM

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why is the media always talkin smack about william and his love life just cause he broke up  with kate in  the words of dr.phil GET OVER IT william is a young man you know he should have a few flings date a few bleach blonde  Centerfolds before settling down like a normal guy but no the media has to get all moral and call william a jerk   for doing things that most red blooded males   would do in his   position i mean lets face it most women  if they Actually met william would probably go down faster then a [EDITED FOR CONTENT] on a  Wicker Couch you cant blame william for this can you :angel:

Wombat agree with you...but you may want to edit your post before the mods do :lmao:


 i just did they  ****out the word so i put it in letters LOL 


yeah they do that with the word *** too. :lol: and welcome to the forum, love.  :Royal:
to be trusted ...  ...a greater compliment
than to be loved
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M


thanks angeleyed and the mods can ******* just kidding that was not a real word just you know horseplay LOL


i TOTALLY AGREE 1st i am firm suporter that he needs to go out more and see wut kind of girl he likes before getting married and by his option on women like kate he really needs to go out more i understand that is not going to be easy and is going to meet bad girls but i know he will find the one ( i can be an option lol lol) but really let take wills out lol :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


I agree with you.....but you should also put the blame squarely on William....he's the one who keeps around a woman who would sell him just 2 insure she gets that tiara she's desperate for!
Thanx Crystalrayn :flowery:


yes wills is the blame if i was him i will just got all out and say that we are not together anymore  :hmm: :loco: :loco:


You must be sadly mistaken that's Kit Kan't and family, and whatever friends she has that's trying to make William look like a cad and trying to force a unwanted marriage on William.
If I find out that something is not quite right about you, and your not a benefit to me but a leech I will discard u at will

Ruthless Angel


Quote from: leonda on August 08, 2007, 12:22:52 AM
You must be sadly mistaken that's Kit Kan't and family, and whatever friends she has that's trying to make William look like a cad and trying to force a unwanted marriage on William.
i dont agree with that  im not mistaken nad nobody can be force into marriage on this day and this culture not even PW  :hiya: :hiya: :hmm: :hmm:


I wonder how many of these tabs have sons in William's own age. Would they be pressuring them to marry a woman who has been behaving the way Kate has? Would they be slagging them off at every opportunity if they resisted? Would they want them to marry women they clearly did not love and were miserable around?
"Happy are those who expect nothing, for they will never be disappointed."

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Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
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Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.


Quote from: caroes24 on August 08, 2007, 12:38:55 AM
  i dont agree with that  im not mistaken nad nobody can be force into marriage on this day and this culture not even PW  :hiya: :hiya: :hmm: :hmm:

What I'm saying is that it's mostly Kate's doing and I was actually replying to the topic and  not to any particular person.
If I find out that something is not quite right about you, and your not a benefit to me but a leech I will discard u at will

Ruthless Angel



If I find out that something is not quite right about you, and your not a benefit to me but a leech I will discard u at will

Ruthless Angel


I hope that whoever PW ends up marrying, he doesn't let the press put pressure on him...I think he has a good head on his shoulders and deserves someone who truly loves him....the press have caused him enough problems in the past...I hope they give him the space he needs and deserves...


I know I would be tempted to go down on William if we met :lol:


to be trusted ...  ...a greater compliment
than to be loved
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M


Wow one dumps his g/f and suddenly he's a cad for doing so.  The media really just needs to get over Kate and move on seems like that's what William is doing or we would have gotten pictures of these 2 by now the way the stalkers follow Kate how can she Hide or sneak in anywhere for that matter.  :notamused:  Paps are like blood hounds they'll find anybody  :happytears:


Harryite #0102 :kisskiss:                   Fedup-ite # 005 :hissyfit:

Kuei Fei

QuoteWow one dumps his g/f and suddenly he's a cad for doing so.  The media really just needs to get over Kate

I agree. The press has to acknowledge that not every relationship works out. Kate was not princess material and lacks the needed personality. William is the one who has a right to decide if whether or not he wishes to marry someone he dates; barring a betrothal or him getting interested in someone hideously inappropriate, it's ultimately up to him. People so easily forget that while the press might adore someone, he has to live with that person behind closed doors.

He did what he felt was the right thing and he's getting picked apart for it as if Kate had been some naive girl from the country or someone he took advantage of. She wasn't and she had plenty of chances to build a contructive life for herself and get a good job while she had plenty of goodwill. She didn't however and is now at this late point trying to...I don't know. William did the right thing in breaking up with her and he's getting unfairly crucified for it.


Harryite #0102 :kisskiss:                   Fedup-ite # 005 :hissyfit:


Harryite #0040


It's unfair that the press label him a cad just because he won't let them tell him who he should marry. But if they called him an indecisive ditherer I'd be inclined to agree. He could put a stop to all this press speculation right this minute if he wanted to, so why doesn't he? Either walk away from any contact with Kate or keep her around and put up with the media circus that always surrounds her. It's his decision; he can marry her if he wants, but if he does he must know that the media circus will never go away, not ever, because she'll make sure it doesn't. It's his decision all the way - no one is forcing him to have anything to do with her. If he has a grain of sense he'd rather be called a cad that live the rest of his life with a publicity-hungry woman he has already told her grandmother he doesn't love enough.

Let someone from the press marry her if they're so keen on her. They could draw lots. Serve the loser, sorry ... winner, right.  :D


Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M
I agree with everything Margherita says...sometimes :sigh:

The Dream Couple: WillyandKatyite #002 - I wear my # with Pride :snob:
