Who here likes Kate ?

Started by heather, July 13, 2007, 03:51:26 AM

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do normal people have their parents pay for vacations not in the real world people who work part time can't vacation almost every month and pay for car pymts, insurance, food etc etc....normal people work for a living JMO


Quote from: goldylocks on July 18, 2007, 03:05:58 AM
also to add...does a normal gets a compassionate leave for breaking up with bf??????

....its hard life getting dumbed by the future King of your country....gotta get compensated somehow ;)
Thanx Crystalrayn :flowery:


Kate's relationship with Wills makes her out of the normal...she's not extraordinary...she's just not normal 8)


i think she is she is only not even dating the future king he only thing that will make her extraordinary in my eyeswill be an engagement andfallow by marriage  :sick: :no:


Ok, let's leave it here. What I like about this forum is the variety of opinions and I don't feel like arguing with anybody just because our different points of view. I repeat: I don't dislike Kate but I respect people who do. (And NO: saying that somebody is too hard on anybody else is not being disrespectful). I just posted what I think and I almost got an online lynching for that. If people don't like her, OK: they have the right to do so the same way I don't like "Letizia-the-perfect-hard-working-princess-and-super-mummy". So let's relax and not take this so seriously.

And Wombat: yes, you are right about the fact that waiting until de wedding to express your doubts would be useless. But do you think that doing it now will make a big difference? I mean... she is dating PW and HE is the one who will make his choice and decide wether she is suitable as a future queen of England or not. I don't think people's opinions will change a thing. Our prince married the woman he wanted and he didn't care if we liked her or not. They kept it secret all the time so we didn't even have the chance to express our opinions before the wedding. Anyway... they rule, they decide. 


CAN'T STAND HER!!  :notamused:


I can't Stand her Either!


I don't love Kate.  She's too sloaney and--I don't know, something else--for me to love...(yes, this is Pri saying that!), but she's okay.  Not my best friend, but a welcome member of the group. Right after, they broke up--I thought she was great! She gave me some good laughs!
"I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but I knew the woman I wanted to become." DvF


I don't hate her I just don't particularly like her now. And granted I only get info on her based through tabloid reports, but she can't deny taking a lot of vacations and not doing any charity work and dressing more skimpily after the breakup and smoking and drinking in excess and wearing things that are very unflattering. Alright that's enough for now  :teehee:


Quote from: Sydney on July 18, 2007, 05:03:47 PM
Ok, let's leave it here. What I like about this forum is the variety of opinions and I don't feel like arguing with anybody just because our different points of view. I repeat: I don't dislike Kate but I respect people who do. (And NO: saying that somebody is too hard on anybody else is not being disrespectful). I just posted what I think and I almost got an online lynching for that. If people don't like her, OK: they have the right to do so the same way I don't like "Letizia-the-perfect-hard-working-princess-and-super-mummy". So let's relax and not take this so seriously.

coool :thumbsup:
Harryite #0102 :kisskiss:                   Fedup-ite # 005 :hissyfit:


I think Kate lacks charisma, or at least that's how she comes across to me. She isn't ordinary in one sense, because she's dating a prince and if she marries him she will eventually become queen and you can't less ordinary than that. But in another sense she is ordinary, meaning she seems just about average in looks and intelligence and in style, and maybe some of us feel that someone who might become queen should be in some way more than that. She only differs from the average girl in the street by being the daughter of well-off parents who are apparently happy to fund her rich-girl lifestyle of expensive flat, constant shopping (and we've seen the prices of some of her clothes) and endless holidays. All in all, the whole package that is Kate doesn't seem to add up to much. I don't understand why, if she wants to become part of the RF, she thinks her present lifestyle is good preparation for her future. The one thing that she could have done to show some commitment to helping others was the dragon boat race and she pulled out of that merely to concentrate on her own future. To my mind, Kate's idea of becoming part of the RF is based on what she will get out of it rather than what she can put in and I find that a rather depressing thought.  :(


Quote from: Sydney on July 18, 2007, 05:03:47 PM
And Wombat: yes, you are right about the fact that waiting until de wedding to express your doubts would be useless. But do you think that doing it now will make a big difference? I mean... she is dating PW and HE is the one who will make his choice and decide wether she is suitable as a future queen of England or not. I don't think people's opinions will change a thing. Our prince married the woman he wanted and he didn't care if we liked her or not. They kept it secret all the time so we didn't even have the chance to express our opinions before the wedding. Anyway... they rule, they decide. 
Our expressing our opinions have already made a difference. One newspaper took up our debate about Kate not working...which then ( a few months later after she returned from a holiday) IMO put pressure on Kate to get a job. I think the public have a right to voice any opinion they have about their POSSIBLE future Queen. IMO you have no right to complain about what you get as your future Queen if you don't express your honest opinion beforehand. It may be Wills choice...and ultimately it will be...but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on it or try and express it. The court of public opinion has never had a better stage to get it's message out there like it has now with the internet etc. We do get heard...we do get read...don't think for one moment there aren't people who take notice of us and others on various sites. To think our opinions don't matter or can't instigate change is being very narrow minded.

Quote from: Sydney on July 18, 2007, 05:03:47 PM
(And NO: saying that somebody is too hard on anybody else is not being disrespectful). I just posted what I think and I almost got an online lynching for that. If people don't like her, OK: they have the right to do so the same way I don't like "Letizia-the-perfect-hard-working-princess-and-super-mummy". So let's relax and not take this so seriously.
No one lynched you. It was very obvious that saying people were too hard on Kate was taken by numerous people as you being disrespectful..otherwise people would never have gotten upset with you.

What you have to realise is that we often get people logging on and instead of saying WHY they like Kate they prefer to criticise people on here for not liking Kate....many of us are completely fed up with it. Personally I think you can like Kate without criticising people for not liking Kate or telling them they are being hard on her or that they are snarky etc...it displays a certain degree of arrogance IMO as neither side of the debate (those who like Kate or those who dislike Kate) can say with 100% that their argument is the correct one...

Not directed at you Sydney: This constant logging on only to criticise people about being negative about Kate implies to those of us that our opinions are not being respected and are devalued because people are perceiving that negativity towards Kate equals a wrong opinion. People have a right to like or dislike Kate or anyone else for that matter..no one has the right to be criticised for whatever side of the Kate fence they choose to sit on.


Quote from: Wombat on July 18, 2007, 03:16:53 AM
Kate's relationship with Wills makes her out of the normal...she's not extraordinary...she's just not normal 8)

you need to explain about word normal
We Have Our Own Way to the Palace


Not directed at you Sydney: This constant logging on only to criticise people about being negative about Kate implies to those of us that our opinions are not being respected and are devalued because people are perceiving that negativity towards Kate equals a wrong opinion. People have a right to like or dislike Kate or anyone else for that matter..no one has the right to be criticised for whatever side of the Kate fence they choose to sit on.

I agree with that, but I have never insulted anyone or told them they were wrong about their opinions. I have always said WHY I like Kate (or why I don't dislike her). And maybe thinking that opinions can't instigate change is being narrow minded, but here in Spain we do express our opinions about our Prince's choice and nobody listens to us. What they do instead is shut every forum in which people express their opinions about Letizia and censore every post in which they say what they really think of her. Anyway... as I said: they are the ones to decide.

Miss Flores

I agree with Isobel and Wombat. As always, they bring forward some of the best points :thumbsup:

Ps: I don't like Kate because she could be extraordinary, but she chooses to be mediocre. I think I already said that earlier or in another thread :)
Fedup-ite #015


Quote from: Sydney on July 19, 2007, 09:21:17 AM
And maybe thinking that opinions can't instigate change is being narrow minded, but here in Spain we do express our opinions about our Prince's choice and nobody listens to us. What they do instead is shut every forum in which people express their opinions about Letizia and censore every post in which they say what they really think of her.
Well IMO that is wrong.

There are many forums out there where that is the case for those who don't like Kate Middleton ..where people cannot express a negative opinion about Kate. Some of the people who find our forum have said that they are refugees from these forums because they were constantly under attack for not liking Kate or trying to discuss why they didn't like Kate. So I say..whether you like or dislike Kate, everyone is welcome here... :thumbsup:

Lila the Flirt

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


^ ^ You do?  :unsure:
I like her on some days I log on the forum.... on other days, eh...   But I LOVE reading the posts about her.  Everyone here writes so brilliantly.   With my morning double coffee... this is the most entertaining place on the net.  8)

Lila the Flirt

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


QuoteThey'll all pretty spoiled and out of touch with reality, so she'll do fine.

I don't get this "it is already broke so why bother fixing it" mentality.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, I have no facts


I'm surprised the mods haven't  :nono: for bumping this old thread.


This is way old for a thread....thanks for bumping it :brainwashed:



Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.
~Aldous Huxley