Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe

Started by truly_thata, April 23, 2007, 07:24:05 AM

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but william seem prefer for brunette :unsure:
We Have Our Own Way to the Palace


Personally..I think Wills just likes women..regardless of hair colour ;)


We Have Our Own Way to the Palace


:lol: womby nailed it in the head!
Thanx Crystalrayn :flowery:



She was born at the Royal County Hospital, Winchester, March 3, 1980. Pisces? And I've said it before and I'll say it again, posh lineage aside, I think William is better of with the daughter of woman who chews gum, says "bog" instead of lavaotory and breaks wind in the royal box but has only been down the aisle the once, than with the daughter of a woman with four husbands living. We've heard a lot lately re William on the lines of "like father, like son" well, if Isabella is "like mother, like daughter" he should steer well clear.

Lila the Flirt

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


I saw a film recently with Isabella in it. It's called 'Stage Beauty' with Clare Danes. She doesn't say a lot but I recognised her. She is attractive and I don't blame Wills for having a major crush on her. I would have thought most of his circle would find her attractive.


^ Thanks for that LIW...Stage Beauty was made in 2004.

Quote from: fawbert on May 05, 2007, 12:11:56 PM
We've heard a lot lately re William on the lines of "like father, like son" well, if Isabella is "like mother, like daughter" he should steer well clear.
Maybe both will be the opposite of their parents? ;)


well look @ Kate....from a supposed stable...loving 'nuclear family'.....yet she's more lost.....emotionally devoid and clueless....compared 2 the likes of Isabelle with 4 step-dads....and William with scandalous divorce parents........sometimes what looks good or bad on paper do not translate in REAL life ;)
Thanx Crystalrayn :flowery:


The fact that Isabella isn't resting on her familys money and is trying to get a career of her own speaks volumes about her character IMO :chelsy:



As a child of a woman who has been married three times, I have to say seeing her godawful selfishness and restlessness growing up made me all the more determined not to ever get divorced.

If Mr. Dizzy wants to get rid of me, he'll have to shoot me first. :laugh:

I think people often believe another person is responsible for their happiness or unhappiness. Once you accept that you alone are responsible for your joy, misery, satisfaction, contentment, sorrow, etc. that it is easier to be in a relationship with another person. Perhaps it helps them as well because you aren't placing so many demands on them to fulfill you  :shrug: ...


Thanx Crystalrayn :flowery: