The Saga of Kate, The Police & Media: Please post all stories here....

Started by hippie_cyndi, January 04, 2007, 05:02:10 PM

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exactly hippie, if' shes having this big of an issue can we imagine what a real crisis could be like


i'm lost, so she payed for the police WOMEN, that is a girl, or did PW?

peace will come when the power of
overcomes the love of power.
[ Jimi Hendrix ]
My name is brokenxhearts.


we don't know who's paying for her protection


oh,  ??? i thought someone said she payed for it.  :hmm:
okay whatever

peace will come when the power of
overcomes the love of power.
[ Jimi Hendrix ]
My name is brokenxhearts.


I was asking if she's paying for this protection or if the tax payers are


now we'll be flooded with more engagement stories  :rolleyes:
ElizabethII-ite: #0003Maryite #0002Willite #0054Harryite #0071Cheesite #0004Flirtite #15 :kisskiss:
My name is Toujours. I sleep in a padded cell. Wisely enough they give me an ample supply of choc


peace will come when the power of
overcomes the love of power.
[ Jimi Hendrix ]
My name is brokenxhearts.


Can't have it about Kate being a  big :baby: about the whole thing that wouldn't be good for her image


Quote from: smarty on January 04, 2007, 06:38:16 PM
now we'll be flooded with more engagement stories  :rolleyes:

she's achieved what she wanted... CH announcement was a letdown, but she stirred the mud anew


just want I don't want to hear more marriage rumors, cause that's all they are rumors.



Maybe Kate thought there were going to be more paparazzi outside than normal given she got so much press the day before.  She could have thought it was going to be hard for her to walk to her car and get on to work in the morning.  It could have been her who called for police protection, maybe someone else thought it was best for the meantime like the grey suits..who knows?  :shrug:
"I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but I knew the woman I wanted to become." DvF


I wonder why she needs the extra security for the photographers though,  maybe her life has been threadend, she's had photographers around her for 3 yrs now never had security then and I don't think getting a traffic ticket would bring in more photographers


 this girl is just getting more and more ridiculous! one minute she is just smiling insanely for the paps and posing, the next she is  calling for a policewoman to walk her to her car! like the paps are going to really be scared off by one lone police officer! does she really expect the paps to be all nicey 24/7? also, where is pw in all this? if he offered her protection officers before then why not be able to do that now? i think km is jumping the gun w/all this crap! does she really think that this is what the RF would do? or even an actress/celeb? if you are a "public person" and yes, she is one b/c she is the current gf of pw and i dont care who thinks she is suppose to be a "private person"....she isnt as long as she dates pw, then you have to accept and deal w/this crap along w/all the "bells and whistles" that go along w/it. i am beginning to wonder if she is either extremely moody or she has some sort of personality disorder b/c her moods are so extreme and change daily it seems. i dont mean that in my usual sarcastic way either. i think she has issues that are now coming out....and did that police officer stop her from getting her pic taken by the paps? her in the papers again.....guess she is willing to do whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight or she is just not "princess material" afterall, b/c others have dealt w/the same pressure and figured out how to handle it and still have a life.....something km does seem to be able to do. :gaah: :hissyfit:
"I am as happy as a fat mouse in a cheese factory!"


Lola, Capricorns are rumored to be mercurial (if you believe in that sort of thing). They also don't go well with Geminis  :happy:

NH, again you hit the mark, why security now? Well, we'll know it's formal protection from Wlliam if she's to be accompanied by policemen everywhere from now on (snap, snap camera) or if she "commissioned" their help to ward off paparazi this one time as pri suggested. Either way, I think she whined her way through, reminding us how the paps hound and bully her, so that we forgive her yesterday's transgression-- she must rstay perfection in the flesh. :wacko:


 i have read their horoscope compatibility and totally agree w/you on that! i dont understand why she reacted like she did.....are the paps really as bad w/her alone as they are when she is w/pw? its too bad that we a video of the paps w/her like we have of pw and ph so we can see if its as bad as she seems to think it is or she is just being a little drama queen! i also wonder how long the paps will continue to follow her once monday rolls around and pw is off full time in the military and wont be around even for the weekend?  ???
"I am as happy as a fat mouse in a cheese factory!"


I still don't thınk she ıs gettıng annoyed of paparazzis,stories etc because obvioısly she is aware of the next day's headlınes when callıng police protection she seems lık.pERFORMıng the vıctım of paparazzıs and baskıng ıt at the same tıme.Maybe she thınks that kınd of move could her her to convınce people that engagement ıs gettıng  closser as much as requıres police protection for her...


Lots to say on this topic....

First of all, please keep all the name calling out of the thread.

Secondly- the only picture I saw of a cop with Kate was the one where she was walking behind Kate... maybe it was just a coincidence and paps are twisting the photo to make it out to be something it isn't. They do that all the time!

There were photos of Kate in her car-- alone. I would have thought that if she had police protection, they would be in the car with her, like William's are (most of the time) or there would be a police car following her to work.

Because I did not see any evidence of either of those things happening, I am going to reserve judgement for now, until more info comes out.  I highly doubt she had around-the-clock security, and if she did, it would not be in the form of a uniformed police officer, as city police do not do that sort of thing. She would have had to hire someone on her own. If she was being harassed at that very moment, she could call the police for an escort, but it would not be like she hired them, or was paying them-- anyone who is being harassed can call for a police escort.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


QuoteSurely the police (and my taxes) could be put to more important use than walking Midds to her car.

You got that right! this was done to take the heat off of her ticket yesterday. I agree Royalphile she got exactly what I do believe she wanted. Though I agree with you Jenee as well we need more info on this.  :happy:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. 
~Ambrose Redmoon


My best friend growing up was the daughter of a Federal Judge (talk about a friendship of opposites, as I live to bend the law to suit my own bizarre moral code!) -- anyway, after a sentence was handed down her father usually appeared in the paper, which was then usually followed by some death threats and well, you'd be amazed at the things some crazies will threaten to do ... so for a week or so, they'd have a police officer outside their house who probably wouldn't help much against an armed gang but who at least made them feel safer ...

Maybe Party Pieces or CH have been receiving threats of some kind against Midds that we're not privy to? Especially after all of yesterday's publicity?

And if any of you poor taxpayers out there are annoyed that this might be yet another frivolous example of your tax dollars at work, you can always look at what we have in the States as a consolation:  look all the bratty kids of former Presidents and VPs we have to pay the Secret Service to protect ... 'til death do us part.


I find the way she plays the media really interesting.

And there seems to be a chronology of known occasions of Midds complaining of media harrasment and her advancing up the 'levels' of her relationship with Wee Willy

1. First photographs of her and Wee Willy together published in The Sun
Result Annoys Prince Charles ('these bloody people'), The Sunis banned from photographing royal events

2. They photographed her on a bus
So solicitors acting on behalf of her and Wee Willy issue a warning/threat that Midds is a member of the public and harrassing her could lead to action being taken in the European Court of Human Rights
Result She is offered protection from Wee Willy's security guards

3. For the second time she is photographed waiting to get on a bus (I suspect she complained about this)
Result she is offered formal diplomatic protection

4. At the Cheltenham racing show she arrives smiling and posing for the awaiting photographers- she rings a friend of Wee Willy's and complains of being hounded by the press
Result Wee Willy informs Charlie and Cam and she is invited into the royal box

5. She is photographed being given a fine for illegally parking her car and holds her hands up so as not to be photographed
Result the following morning she is photographed leaving her flat accompanied by a police office

Suddenly it all starts to add up...

And you have to hand it to her she knows what she's doing- Midds is quite the strategist.



Quote from: dizzylizzy on January 04, 2007, 08:29:52 PM
Maybe Party Pieces or CH have been receiving threats of some kind against Midds that we're not privy to? Especially after all of yesterday's publicity?

Maybe. I have no idea what the general public opinion is of Kate in Britain, but if it is anything like this forum, I wouldn't be surprised if she's gotten a threat or two!

And did someone say she recently moved? Maybe that's why??

In a way (a very small way) I do feel bad for her. It is a lot to deal with, and because of royal protocol, she is pretty much on her own. I've been with a military guy before, and you really are left to deal with everything on your own, because the military takes up so much time. It will be worse after William is through his training, because he may have to do a lot of traveling.

William needs to step up and make an honest women of her, or break it off. Either give her the status so she can get the protection/privacy she wants/needs or end the relationship so she can get back a semblance of a normal life.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


 who is calling plp names? i thought we were all getting along...... ???

margherita: pw had nothing to do w/the cheltenham horse show....he wasnt even there....she supposedly called one of pws friends who was already in the royal box and thats how she got there....
"I am as happy as a fat mouse in a cheese factory!"


QuoteAnnoys Prince Charles ('these bloody people'), The Sunis banned from photographing royal events
I don't think Kate was the reason for that. One of the reporters said something rude. Like "are you happy this time or something." Or maybe wtf i don't even know. But i don't think that was Kate's doing.

QuoteWee Willy informs Charlie and Cam and she is invited into the royal box
Kate whined to a friend of PW's that was already there, he invited her up, Charles said "i was surprised to see her there."

peace will come when the power of
overcomes the love of power.
[ Jimi Hendrix ]
My name is brokenxhearts.