Sussex Christmas Card 2019

Started by TLLK, December 23, 2019, 11:52:29 PM

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The picture is still in the DM website with a @sussexroyal/pa

Quite @Curryong, though written in a broadsheet, it may be 1. She's pregnant and will be absent or 2. the couple have decided to quit, very unlikely.


Quote from: wannable on December 25, 2019, 01:16:47 AM
The picture is still in the DM website with a @sussexroyal/pa

Quite @Curryong, though written in a broadsheet, it may be 1. She's pregnant and will be absent or 2. the couple have decided to quit, very unlikely.

Actually there's a third scenario which is the likeliest. ie Mount doesn't know what he's writing about, and Harry and Meghan come back in the New Year refreshed, formally launch their foundation and BOTH begin work again for the year in January 2020.

Double post auto-merged: December 25, 2019, 04:21:02 AM

And Janina has called out the vile British tabloid press over her photograph.


The tabloids, especially the Fail, took a sweet photo of a little family with baby and scuttled about trying to cheapen it all.

Double post auto-merged: December 25, 2019, 04:22:58 AM

From Janina

...and to The Mail, I see your campaign against my friend continues. Nice photoshop of my non-photoshopped image. Now may we all get back to the spirit of Christmas and not the spirit of maliciousness.


wasnt this photo on their instagram?


The Sussexes sent an Xmas e-card of their family to one of their charities, the Commonwealth Trust, (an unphotoshopped image.) AP snaffled it and somehow in the tabloids' hands, including the DM, it became photoshopped.

Janina, the original photographer, has just complained about the Fail doing that, on her IG.


i thought had seen this e-card with hearts in their offcial insta account


No.  The ecard original or otherwise was shared by unverified accounts, including the QueenComTrust until last night Meghan's friend who took the picture posted a tweet, her account is verified.


Glad to see that the DM has egg all over its face today after Janina came out and stated that her photo of the Sussex family was NOT photoshopped. After that it was all 'There is no suggestion that the Duke and Duchess edited the card'  etc which was precisely what they were inferring in their disgusting earlier article. And they have called Meghan 'the Duchess for once, not Meghan Markle. Very satisfactory from my point of view. The Sussexes 1 The Fail and Twitter and Tumblr trolls mob 0 this time!  :teehee:

Blue Clover

The card is cute! I'm sure those who received an official copy were excited about it.