Duke and Duchess of Sussex wont hire nanny likes Cambridges

Started by sara8150, January 24, 2019, 05:51:18 PM

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^^^After reading the article from the DM, it does state that they're considering not hiring a nanny immediately after the baby is born, but will consider one when the infant is older. This is much like what William and Catherine did when George was born. They waited until he was a little older which was prior to the trip to Australia and New Zealand.  :shrug:

QuoteSources close to Harry and Meghan told Vanity Fair the couple will not 'initially' hire a nanny, suggesting they might still employ one further in the future.

       I wouldn't be surprised if a nanny is introduced into the Sussex household prior to the couple's reported trip to Canada this upcoming fall.


oh come on...  of course they are going to have a nanny.  Is Doria going to be afull time carer?  is meghan going to give up her duties?

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: amabel on January 25, 2019, 06:58:28 PM
oh come on...  of course they are going to have a nanny.  Is Doria going to be afull time carer?  is meghan going to give up her duties?
I'm sure that when her "maternity leave" is over and she is attending both day and evening functions a full time nanny will be hired. When people are counting on her she can't risk not being able to make her commitments. But when you are a new mother and are trying to establish nursing plus adjusting to it all, it's your mother that you want with you. What a comfort that will be for her - hope Doria will stay for a fair bit!


I don't believe a word of this. Her mother has her own job in the US and she can't stay indefinitely. They will have a nanny.

Blue Clover

Yes, they will hire a nanny. They will be a working couple and won't be able to be the only caretakers for the baby.

Princess Cassandra

We all agree a nanny will be hired. I wonder how long Megan's mother will stay.  Perhaps a month?


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on January 27, 2019, 06:51:52 PM
We all agree a nanny will be hired. I wonder how long Megan's mother will stay.  Perhaps a month?

I dont know but Meghan makes decisions to hired nanny after maternity leave but she wont hired nanny after baby born like Kate..

Meghan?s mom will help new mom and baby for 6 weeks to month i dont know how long Doria will stay with Meghan Meghan will makes decisions


^^^I expect that Meghan will prefer to have her mother there to help much like Catherine did with George. Neither Catherine or Meghan came from a background that would have had a maternity nurse or nanny hired when their first child arrived. Like many women around the world, a female relative helps to care for the new mother and child if possible or another trusted person is present.

I expect that like the Cambridges did in the months after George was born, that they'll eventually hire a nanny.  :)


These stories remind me of the ones written when Kate was expecting George and they've probably got about as much substance. Both Meghan and Harry will be performing fulltime royal duties. Unless they take their babies and toddlers with them to engagements (something Sarah Duchess of York disastrously tried a couple of times) then somebody is going to have to look after this baby and any subsequent children.

And to expect Doria, who has her own life and career in California, to be a defacto nanny for years is absurd. Of course Doria will come and help in those first weeks after the birth and will undoubtedly visit  subsequently, but that will be it, IMO. I think the Sussexes may well employ a British-trained foreign nanny, who has a foreign language or two tucked under her belt, rather like Maria. As I think foreign language skills are essential for those in the BRF and you can't start early enough, IMO that would be excellent.

Blue Clover

Quote from: Princess Cassandra on January 27, 2019, 06:51:52 PM
We all agree a nanny will be hired. I wonder how long Megan's mother will stay.  Perhaps a month?

I often think having a mother around is useful for the mother as she recovers and also for the grandparent to get to know the baby. I've heard many new mothers complain when the mother-in-law stays longer than a few weeks.  :teehee:


I was so grateful that my mother (retired ICU nurse) could be there to help especially since I had back to back c-sections. I was especially thankful for her presence with my second because my mother could help care for my then two year old who needed reassurance and structure in her life now that a new baby was in the picture.