Duchess of Sussex cant wear wedges or item around the Queen due dress code

Started by sara8150, July 03, 2018, 03:41:59 PM

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What a load of absolute cobblers! As if the Queen cares about whether young women in her family don't wear pantyhose or cross their legs when listening to a speech or wear wedges or paint their finger nails! All of these have been seen to be done by born in and married-in female royals. There is film of the QM moving ahead of King George and shaking people's hands before he did.

The tabloids and these so-called Royal 'experts' that seem to have proliferated since Meghan came on the scene have too many acres of print to fill and too much time on their hands, IMO.

The Queen has been seen with crossed legs, her sister smoked in public and in spite of pontification by self appointed experts for years who have said such things were absolute no-no's, they both wore open toed shoes in their youth, and black at non mourning events. They also wore strapless gowns on occasions, so yet another 'rule' found to be false.


^^^@Curryong-Yes like we saw with Kate, these filler/click bait articles generate so much revenue for the tabloids. <_<

I predict that we'll see the following: "Meghan channels Diana as she cheers at Wimbledon," "Copy cat Meghan wears (Insert color, clothing item) just like (Insert name of BRF family member or foreign female royal.) :wacko: