Harry might be purchasing a house in Norfolk

Started by HsHCharlene, September 05, 2016, 02:21:03 AM

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This seems fake but I have always said that except for the heir the rest of the RF should have insurance in the form of property that isnt owned by the crown JMO. :orchid: :Jen: Looks like a beautiful place to live too.


Not to mention, Norfolk is his moms old stomping grounds :D
"No other member of the Royal Family mattered that year, or I think for the next 17 years, it was just her." Arthur Edwards, The Sun Photographer, talking about Diana's impact.


The flowers and potted shrubs are fabulous! When is Prince Harry hiring a gardener?



Good, I wonder where this info is coming from. Also little off topic but linked with Harry I wondered why Cressida was on the display so often within last two weeks and do not let me started about the display of her ladybits like Kate ages ago in the attempt to win William back. I saw Cressida's photos in German tabs and yuk, no posting here, her dress at the event with Stella McCartney were quite long, up to the knees but she  pulled the skirt out for the paps and showed her pink undies, so no..hope she is not the woman who will live with Harry in any property. :hug?: :windsor1:


The photos show a gorgeous property, but it looks like he won't be buying it.