Queen Sofia rubs elbows with legendary spaceman

Started by Jennifer, October 06, 2014, 10:58:53 AM

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QuoteWhen Buzz Aldrin of the Apollo 11 in 1969 took his first steps on the moon only surpassed by his colleague Neil Armstrong, the then 30-year-old Queen Sofia probably sat glued to the television screen like the rest of the world.

At Friday's 10th Steiger Award at the LWL-Industriemuseum Henrichshuette in Hattingen, Germany, it wasn't clear which one of them was most starstruck as they mingled with each other in the flickering lights of the cameras. 

At the award Queen Sofia, 75, received the Solidarity Award in recognition of her work with the Alzheimer's disease and dementia while the 84-year-old former astronaut was presented with a prize for his lifelong achievement within science.

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Queen Sofia rubs elbows with legendary spaceman | Royalista
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That would be an exciting moment for anyone who watched that event on TV.