Prince William takes over as President of the British Sub-Aqua Club

Started by sara8150, May 10, 2014, 05:47:11 AM

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Quote from: HistoryGirl on July 09, 2014, 11:36:33 PM
You know this probably sounds totally ridiculous, but as the monarchy moves forward and they don't seem to have money for too many engagements, perhaps it would be best if only the monarchs and next in line do royal work and the rest either work for a living or live off their trust funds so they don't eat up public funds for their lifestyle...but of course, I highly doubt they'd wanna do that so it was just an idea in my head lol
It's a good idea.  IMO this is what Charles has in mind for the future during his reign. Quite likely his mother and father are aware of it and I believe this is why they have their other children and in-laws performing royal duties while they can.

The majority of European monarchies have already embraced the idea of a small "royal house" performing public engagements and the larger "royal family" is seen only on big days ie: the NL's King's Day or for weddings, investitures etc.. The monarch's younger children are encouraged to seek careers outside of the royal bubble and to understand that their roles will be scaled down until the heir's-heir is old enough to perform their duties. The youngest heirs will need an older relative to act in their place if necessary until they're deemed ready.


QuoteThe Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge at the British Sub-Aqua Club

The Duke of Cambridge donned a wetsuit and went scuba diving to mark becoming President of the activity's governing body.

Wearing a mask, air cylinder, regulator, buoyancy device and fins, His Royal Highness swam to the bottom of an open-air pool with a group of other divers at a local authority sports centre near Covent Garden in central London.

The Duke is a keen diver and has become the third generation of the monarchy to take the helm of the British Sub-Aqua Club (Bsac), following in the footsteps of his father, the Prince of Wales, and grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh.

At the Oasis Sports Centre His Royal Highness was joined by The Prince of Wales who had been Bsac president for 40 years until The Duke took over in May.

More: The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge at the British Sub-Aqua Club

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


QuoteIt's the classic schoolgirls' dream –  to meet a Prince. But these three  eight-year-olds got to go one better  as they went snorkelling with the  Duke of Cambridge.

Lili Young, Marni Hugo and Scarlett Owen were guests at an event to  mark the handover of the British  Sub-Aqua Club Presidency to Prince William.

Marni, of St Asaph, a pupil at  Fairholme Prep School, Lili, a pupil  at Ysgol Trefnant, and Scarlett, a  pupil at Ysgol Bro Cernyw, practised  putting on fins, masks and snorkels  with The Duke before testing out  some snorkelling signals.
More: North Wales schoolgirls go snorkelling with Prince William - Daily Post

KaTerina Montague

Wasn't that already what William was doing? Part time royal full time RAF pilot? I still feel that was what was best for him. It gave him an actual purpose instead of just sitting around waiting for grandma to die. Also besides the vacations, living in a small cottage is living off his salary and inheritance IMO. He should have stayed with the RAF if it is true that there is not enough money to fund he Kate and Harry's royal duties. The problem with that though is that William will have a full time job working as a pilot but Kate won't be seen as doing anything except the occasional royal duty. I don't think it would ever be allowed that as a part time royal she would do more engagements than him.


They have money for renovating & redecorating 2homes (that were liveable before they tore it apart  )and vacations but none to work  :D pardonne moi ...
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.