Is Princess Bea batting for a bigger role in royal life?

Started by marine2109, June 20, 2014, 08:36:13 AM

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Good for her !!! She is 1000 times better as a Royal than Kate is and as Liz's granddaughter has as much right to do Royal Duties as Willy has !!! If we followed some people's logic only Will and Chuck and their wives would be doing Royal duties and personally I would pay to see that one !!!  :hehe:


 :goodpost: Eri. I wish they would include her and Eugenie, they clearly want to, are great at it, she barely does this and her speeches show great promise, unlike Kate's hair flipping showcasing sorry efforts, they would really be an asset and a greater asset than Kate who is more Royal Barbie than serious cause promoter, they can leave the celebrity stuff to Kate, she seems to do or enjoy little else, and Beatrice and her sister do enjoy and play more substantive and active roles in their charity work.
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


One of the commenters on the DM article summed it up perfectly:

Switch Bea into a greater royal role which she wants with Willy who has a royal role but doesn't want it.


I soooo agree!! And, his fans need to realize that more and more people are noticing so they too can urge him to act one way or another, this undecided aimlessness he has going on is not becoming a man in his thirties...
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


It doesn't matter who wants what.
Beatrice and Eugenie are minor royals, and unless Chales wants them to join the firm, they won't.

What counts is the birth order;  William comes after Charles unless he abdicates, and he's not fool enough to do that!


I recall the original article in the papers at the time of the Jubilee about Andrew's dagger to the heart comment and his taking his fight with Charles over slimming the monarchy down to the public.  I also remember the comments - there were almost 1000 comments indicating a high level of public interest and virtually every single comment supported Charles.

The public wants a slimmed down monarchy - they want Bea and Eugenie to get a job and they do not like or respect Andrew and Fergie.

This is all that matters - the survival of the monarchy and while the Yorks may be delightful etc girls - a slimmed down royal family is essential to the monarchy's future.

Andrew was offered a job back in the long ago by Charles and he turned it down preferring instead to become a trade rep - which ended up with much public criticism so much so that he had to leave that job.  He and his ex have been notorious for associating with very dubious characters and for very dubious dealings regarding money.  Andrew shot himself in the foot.  His whining now is just annoying and lacks credibility.  He and the rest of his family (Eugenie excluded) would do themselves a big favor by cleaning up their images - working - and offering the Brit people something better than pics of Bea in her newest designer frock at another social event or vacation.

Andrew knew the day Will was born he had become redundant - George cemented that.  He has had plenty of time to create a meaningful place for himself.  He misled his daughters and continues to mislead them by claiming they should have a bigger role in the RF - so he can continue to feed out of the public trough?  Feed his inflated sense of his importance?

Bea and Eugenie are not the only females of royal blood - there is Zara etc.  This royal blood stuff creates a perception of snobbery.

Princess Anne and her children are much more popular with the public because they WORK.  Take the hint.


^  :goodpost: :notworthy: :notworthy:

You are such a fantastic contributor to the Forum!   :thumbsup:
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


Quote from: cate1949 on June 21, 2014, 09:50:00 PM
I recall the original article in the papers at the time of the Jubilee about Andrew's dagger to the heart comment and his taking his fight with Charles over slimming the monarchy down to the public.  I also remember the comments - there were almost 1000 comments indicating a high level of public interest and virtually every single comment supported Charles.

The public wants a slimmed down monarchy - they want Bea and Eugenie to get a job and they do not like or respect Andrew and Fergie.

This is all that matters - the survival of the monarchy and while the Yorks may be delightful etc girls - a slimmed down royal family is essential to the monarchy's future.

Andrew was offered a job back in the long ago by Charles and he turned it down preferring instead to become a trade rep - which ended up with much public criticism so much so that he had to leave that job.  He and his ex have been notorious for associating with very dubious characters and for very dubious dealings regarding money.  Andrew shot himself in the foot.  His whining now is just annoying and lacks credibility.  He and the rest of his family (Eugenie excluded) would do themselves a big favor by cleaning up their images - working - and offering the Brit people something better than pics of Bea in her newest designer frock at another social event or vacation.

Andrew knew the day Will was born he had become redundant - George cemented that.  He has had plenty of time to create a meaningful place for himself.  He misled his daughters and continues to mislead them by claiming they should have a bigger role in the RF - so he can continue to feed out of the public trough?  Feed his inflated sense of his importance?

Bea and Eugenie are not the only females of royal blood - there is Zara etc.  This royal blood stuff creates a perception of snobbery.

Princess Anne and her children are much more popular with the public because they WORK.  Take the hint.
Zara lives with Mommy guess who pays for it ... besides the fact I find it unfair to pin on the children  what their parents did ... I say let Harry take his money and move to Africa let Chuck and Will get on with it and see how that one works out ...


I'm afraid Harry won't ever move to Africa. He has a real sense of duty to his father and brother, I believe.

The trouble is that Charles has not had a chance to really lay down the law to Andrew, and won't have while HM is alive. Andrew remains wedded to the belief that he, and later his girls, can be of real use to the Royal Family. He has been bolstered in this delusion over the years by his elderly mother and I can't see him doing anything but fighting a rearguard action in support of his beliefs, until he is absolutely forced to accept the reality by King Charles III.

By the way, as we all know, Charles himself has not been squeaky clean with regard to some of his monetary dealings. I expect Andrew has seized the opportunity to point to pot calling kettle black when arguments develop!


^ Besides the fact no one has died and made him King yet ... some are very confused about what Chuck has spoken against ... he has spoken against all the COUSINS who work for Liz NOT his immediate family so with that in mind he WILL make Bea work for him as his family can't do it all on their own but obviously she won't be needed once William is King !!!

Inge Jones

Though, William doesn't have three siblings like Charles.  If he doesn't bring in any of the rest of the family it will be just him, George, and George's brother or sisters.  And given the age Charles was when he had William, and William was when he had George, when William becomes King, William's children are likely to be still in full time education or too young to be expected to be full time royals.  So it will be just him, Kate and Harry doing everything.  I don't think we should write off Beatrice and Eugenie too soon.

As for Zara and Peter, they are actually lower in the line than Bea and Eugenie.  I don't think the line is retrospectively rewritten to account for the new sex equality rules.


Zara and Peter are lower, but Beatrice and Eugenie are equally unlikely to succeed.  So the succession after the first three is pretty much moot.   

Inge Jones

Well, whatever, but I think the RF could be getting *too* slim by the time Charles is on the throne, unless they're going to do less stuff.


Dafluffs  and Sandor ,good points.
Best points, cate.

IMO, these girls, B and E  , were  unfortuneately  given a  title  that  is  weighty  and for something ,you can say they are not.
YES, they  are princess because they  have that title.   P  is  more important, but they should ahve titled ,Lady B and Lady E.Still, they  are no more, no less  QEII  grandaughters  than Ms.  Z or Lady Lou.
PA  really  could  have  asked for  some title, Lady and Viscount  for her  kids. She declined  titles. Those would have  been  of  no  extraordinary rank. Still, they  are QEII  grandkids and  I guess  that is title enough  for the nonility/peers to know who they are.

Slimming down the BRF  is  indeed  somthing that has to be done under  C when he is K. He  cannot do anything about  it  now.It  will be good pr for the people.
Lots of things to see  on how the BRF  works out  during the  next eten years or more until the  Q dies.

Will B and E  have  a wedding  like  W?  It would ridicuolus  if they did.
Given  estate  properties by QE?  Hard  for the people  to digest.
Be encoruaged  by PA and with his help to buy  or lease  an estate  from some member  of the nobility? Yes.

After  the  first three in line, it is  unlikely  for others to  succeed. B and E  are  after PC  and his three heirs and  counting  and then their  father. They  are way down the line. PG  is  over  ranks them. If PH  gets married has a girl, she  will outrank  B and E too.

KC to be  is heir, and his  family  of  three and  counting are the  next up.
By"and counting" I mean  PW  adn PH  kids to come and yes, H , we  all know is not married yet.

QEII  has a good ten years.
What  to become of  B and E?
RBF duties.Ok, but they  are not Senior Royals in terms of rank.


Quote from: Inge Jones on June 22, 2014, 09:17:10 PM
Well, whatever, but I think the RF could be getting *too* slim by the time Charles is on the throne, unless they're going to do less stuff.
I agree, if that is indeed what Charles wants there are simply not enough people to go around and keep the Monarchy relevant.
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


I'm not so sure about that, Limabeany.
As it is now, is anybody truly thrilled to meet Princess Alexandra or the Duchess of Gloucester at an event?  Or even the Wessexes?

I know I wouldn't care about it.
But it would be a thrill to see the Queen or Charles and his family.

So maybe an expanded family presence isn't needed to keep the monarchy relevant.
What use to have more royals attending events if nobody even knows who they are?


^ I agree to a degree problem is Chuck doesn't have the people to go through with his idea of a slimmer Monarchy ...