Spain Offers Legal Protection to Members of Spanish Monarchy

Started by cinrit, April 05, 2014, 11:58:27 AM

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QuoteSpanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Friday approved a draft legislation boosting the legal protection afforded to Queen Sofia, Crown Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia, putting them on par with members of the government.

Previously, members of the Spanish royal family did not enjoy any form of legal immunity, and would have had to appear before a civilian court if charged with a crime. This is due to a loophole in the hastily written Spanish constitution of 1978.

If the new law is passed by the Spanish parliament, the queen, the crown prince and his wife will only have to answer to the Supreme Court - a privilege currently enjoyed by government ministers and members of parliament.

More: Spain offers legal protection to members of Spanish monarchy - Wire Lifestyle - The Sacramento Bee

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Interesting, under British law, The Queen is above the law and cannot be prosecuted – she is also free from civil action. but this doesn't extend to the Queen's family.

Blue Clover

I wonder of this was motivated/influenced by recent legal problems in the SRF?