Stuff about Chelsy.

Started by ~Sophia~, December 08, 2004, 08:38:32 PM

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Stix Chix

Thanxs glossy!  :hiya:

They sound like a good match.  B)  

Harryite #0004

Stix Chix

Quotebut umm anyone know anything about the hillary duff thing?
She needed attention.  :P  

Harryite #0004


Quote"She is not interested in publicity or protocol and does not have any fairy-tale ambitions to be a princess," says Cape Town pal.
-She's low-maintenance.
"She is not designer-obsessed or status-seeking," says the pal."She prefers jeans to Prada and African bead bracelets to a diamond tiara."
-"Chelsy thrives on success,but she wouldn't be with Prince Harry because of his royal status," says a former classmate of Chelsy's."She is a determined go-getter and not intimidated by anyone."
I couldn't help but laugh when I read that. It seems that she is quite the opposite.  :P

here here sister! LOL. who is that good? it's like the ppl know just exactly what to say. even my friends couldn't put that talk that good. the best they would say is, "She's a nice person. She is someone who doesn't care about having attention. Money and designer clothes doesn't impress her." LOL. or something along that line. how amazing put are these quotes. make her look PERFECT :lol:

he's young, like he cares. he probably just want to bang have some fun with her! true, he probably wants to date someone who doesn't care that he's a prince. but most girls will say, "oh course I don't care who you are. I like you for who you are." who is gonna say, "OMG! you want me to go out with you? LIKE NO WAY! It's like my dream! NO WAY! OMG!" LOL.

and i heard from like the special on E! called, "True Hollywood Story: Young, Hot & Royals" or something like that, it was rarely new, not the old one, saying that he likes to use a line to pick up girls..."Would you like to shag a prince?"
Take me to you, imprison me, for I, Except you enthrall me, never shall be free, Nor even chaste, except you ravish me.[
~~John Donne's "Holy Sonnet XIV: Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God"~~


Quotehe likes to use a line to pick up girls..."Would you like to shag a prince?"
:lol:  bless him  :lol: