Bayeux Tapestry 'Made By Same People In Same Place'

Started by cinrit, November 16, 2012, 12:45:05 PM

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QuoteA researcher at the University of Manchester has made a new claim about how the Bayeux Tapestry was made over 900 years ago.

The widely-accepted theory is that it was created by teams of nuns across England, in nine sections which were then stitched together.

PhD researcher Alexandra Makin said the needlework is "consistent throughout".

This, she said, implies that one group of specialist embroiderers worked on it, in the same place at the same time.

BBC News - Bayeux Tapestry 'made by same people in same place' 

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


 :thumbsup:  The depictions of the fallen horses and war scenes. Outstanding.  I love the history/story behind it...well anything that has to do with English filled with mystery and intrigue.  For the article  :thanks:  :)


You're welcome. :flower:   The Bayeux Tapestry is an amazing piece of work!

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.