The Santo Domingos

Started by mtracy2011, January 19, 2012, 05:47:16 AM

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The most well known of this American-Colombian-Brazilian Socialite family: Tatiana Santo Domingo.
Tatiana is the present girlfriend of Andrea Casiraghi, second in line to the Moneguse throne. Tatiana attended the International School of Geneva, Le Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland and the International School of Paris, where she obtained the International Bac in 2002. For university, she attended The American University in London, graduating with a BFA in 2006, and The New School in NYC where she obtained a master's degree in art history in 2010.
Tatiana has one brother, Julio Mario Santo Domingo III. Her father died of cancer in October 2009. Her grandfather died in October 2011. She has two half-uncles (her father's half brothers) Alejandro and Andres. Her mother is  Vera Rechulski Santo Domingo, who owns a botique in Paris. Her aunt is Lauren Davis Santo Domingo, who is a contributing editor of Vouge (US), she is marred to Andres.