Harry Who? Partying till 7am, flirting with handsome men...

Started by wannable, January 22, 2011, 10:41:13 PM

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Chelsy over exposing herself? She is a young girl having a good time, and she knows how to exit the back seat of a car in a graceful manner, without exposing anything.. IMO


I have seen Kate's private parts at least 100 times, I have never seen Chelsy's.


If you define gracefully as spreading her legs & showing her crotch, then yeah, I guess she can enter & exit a car in a graceful manner.
Quote from: Kate on February 10, 2011, 11:32:01 PM
Chelsy over exposing herself? She is a young girl having a good time, and she knows how to exit the back seat of a car in a graceful manner, without exposing anything.. IMO


Quote from: pinkpearls on February 10, 2011, 10:50:27 PM
Hugging a guy isn't, but showing off for the audience is in poor taste. Chelsy's clothing choices are not the best taste, either. She consistently looks sloppy and over exposing her herself. Her actions are to call attention to herself. Between her clothing choices and behavior, it all adds up to bad taste.

There is a lot of teenage girls (and boys) under 21, who identify with her, the jedwards, etc.

There are also a lot of nasty street paparazzi photos of Chelsy showing her parts, but I'd like to think she didn't flash purposely.


Quote from: wannabe on February 10, 2011, 11:41:22 PM
Quote from: pinkpearls on February 10, 2011, 10:50:27 PM
Hugging a guy isn't, but showing off for the audience is in poor taste. Chelsy's clothing choices are not the best taste, either. She consistently looks sloppy and over exposing her herself. Her actions are to call attention to herself. Between her clothing choices and behavior, it all adds up to bad taste.

There is a lot of teenage girls (and boys) under 21, who identify with her, the jedwards, etc.

There are also a lot of nasty street paparazzi photos of Chelsy showing her parts, but I'd like to think she didn't flash purposely.

She may not have purposely flashed, but if she knew how to "gracefully enter & exit a car" then those photos would exist.


I was not talking about the paparazzi photos where they trap the girls. In that both girls and I guess almost all celebrities were caught off guard and it is not their fault. I would not blame Kate for her unflattering photos exiting a car, her fall at the disco charity, likewise I would not think less of Chelsy for her bum shots at the airport or in the balcony of her home or her unflattering car exiting photos.

I was talking about the recent photos. She could have made better choices. In the New Year's Party, she could have avoided the photographer/photographers.

Those are not flattering at all. Not befitting the girlfriend of a prince. No, she is not the first girl to have her photo taken with a guy's arm wrapped around her. But then not every girl is a 26-year-old, dating a prince from one of the most conservative royal families in the world for six years.

I have said this before, take those pics, put Kate's head on them and there would be no end the criticism, even before the engagement announcement. Why? Because since these girls are associated with the BRF, they are expected to behave in a certain manner.

Chelsy was sort of exempt from it since we all assumed she broke up with Harry, for good. However it looks like they are back together, and I for one am leaning towards the theory that they never broke up. So I will criticize her and say that her judgement was poor in having such photos taken, putting on those clothes and not looking proper. If this were Kate I would be saying the same thing. Neither is a 20 year old, naive, new royal girlfriend. They both know better.

But then again, I believe Chelsy's I-don't-give-a-d--n attitude is what attracts Harry to her.


I agree psm. I really don't think she cares what people think of her, she's got lots of unflattering photos hugging, sleeping, posing with guy (friends)

Actually was replying to MK and Kate (poster) opinion about taxi-street paparazzi shots. 


Quote from: psm on February 10, 2011, 11:55:55 PM
I have said this before, take those pics, put Kate's head on them and there would be no end the criticism, even before the engagement announcement. Why? Because since these girls are associated with the BRF, they are expected to behave in a certain manner.

Chelsy was sort of exempt from it since we all assumed she broke up with Harry, for good. However it looks like they are back together, and I for one am leaning towards the theory that they never broke up. So I will criticize her and say that her judgement was poor in having such photos taken, putting on those clothes and not looking proper. If this were Kate I would be saying the same thing. Neither is a 20 year old, naive, new royal girlfriend. They both know better.

But then again, I believe Chelsy's I-don't-give-a-d--n attitude is what attracts Harry to her.
I agree! :)
~The truth sounds insane sometimes, but that doesn\'t mean it\'s not the truth~


Can someone PLEASE explain to me what exactly is wrong with a friend--male or female--putting their arm around another friend? Or posing for a photo together in a hug-like position? I'm genuinely asking. What is wrong with a hug? Or, indeed, a kiss? What's wrong with showing affection to friends? How on earth can it ever be inappropriate to show your friends that you love them? Chelsy is (possibly) dating a prince and that means she can't show affection? If that's the case then I hope to god that I always stay a middle class nobody, because I'd be heartbroken by not being allowed to cuddle up to my friends or take silly photos.

Seriously. Whether or not she's dating a prince should not be the determining factor in whether or not she's allowed to have fun.
Harryite #0094   


It is becoming more evident to me that some royal watchers would be satisfied with Jenna Jamison dating Prince Harry.





Well I must act like a Porn Star then because I hug my male friends all the times and sometimes even with a camera around. When a friend takes photos I sometimes put my arm around a male friends waist or shoulder.

Should I be admitting this online?  :ahhh:

Do you all think I am a whore now?


It's okay, mousie_kins. I mean, clearly you're a harlot who's going to hell because you have friends of the opposite sex to whom you show affection, but no worries. I'll see you there! Although I might be in an even deeper circle of hell than you, seeing as there are even photos of me kissing men on the cheek, holding alcoholic beverages, and even smoking completely legal cigarettes in completely legal open air spaces. Clearly I'm an evil heathen.

No, but seriously, comparing Chelsy to an adult film star is a little bit much, don't you think? One has male friends who she hugs or even kisses on the cheek. The other gets paid to have sexual relations with many different men on camera so that other men can watch it. Maybe I'm crazy, but those don't sound the same to me at all.
Harryite #0094   


I think this has happened in W&K as in H&C's threads.

W spotted at the polo, a girl talking to him and wham, despite K being around in a green dress, 20 page discussion.

So its simples, those who like C, won't feel the same with K, even if the situation is slightly or a bit far similar.


That's no excuse, though. If you know it's wrong to do it to one person, then you shouldn't do it to another. I don't freak out when Wills talks to a girl, or when Kate talks to a guy, and I'm not going to freak out because Chelsy hugged a friend either. Fair is fair.
Harryite #0094   


SJB, I agree.

Men talk to women
Women talk to men

Women hug guy friends
Men hug female friends

Big deal.

Also, I will see you in hell, I'll start the bbq  :thumbsup:


It's still IMO, my truth.  Today, I could easily give examples from both threads


Harry and Chelsy are both affectionate people which is not a bad thing. They like to hug and kiss their friends, it is not cheating but being affectionate.

Maybe it is because I am from a loving family who run up and hug one another when we greet eachother before giving a kiss on the cheek, I also do the same with friends.

I have never once by anyone been told that I was being appropriate or been accused of cheating by my boyfriends or friends.

So I do not judge Chelsy of any of those things.

I also do not accuse Kate when she lets men touch her when dancing around a pole, or when she lets men dance on top of her while she slithers on the floor like a snake and when she grinds on men.



Wannabe, you are exactly right.  Anytime Harry, Chelsy, William, or Kate is in the presence of a member of the opposite sex there is always a discussion about what that person's relationship is with our main subject.  There's speculation, debate, argument, comparison.  We can't help it, we're a nosy bunch!
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am