Prince Carl Philip has a new lady in his life

Started by marine2109, January 13, 2010, 06:52:00 PM

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Here's another one. I guess Sofia Hellvquist doesn't look so bad in comparision to this lady

Oh well I guess it really depends on how much Carl Philip wants her. Hakonnen or whatever his name is by the sounds of it threatened to give up the throne so who knows... Ugh what are royal families coming to..


oh WOW that is insane! Couldnt imagine a girl like that even coming to close to the BRF! I can definatly see how the SRF would spin this, but then again six months that could still very much be rebound , just a bit of  fun.


Well the only thing that makes me think it might be a bit more serious is that he has reportedly met her parents. If you are just having a bit of fun you don't allow yourself to be manouvered into that situation IMO but who knows..  What a mess...


jjonefifty  :thankyou: :thumbsup: thank you very, very much for those links.  Unbelievable.  I can't believe that the King & Queen welcomed her with open arms like that.  I suspect that is spin.  Seriously, come on. 

Still it all made for fascinating reading.

Miss Scarlett

Yes, I read that the King and Queen did not "gently" try to separate them --they told him it was MM or the throne, and Haakon said he'd take MM.  So they relented.

And MetteMarie blows my mind now --she comes across as the snottiest of all the crown princesses.  From what I've seen other places, she only looks happy when a camera is around and has a perpetual scowl on her face the rest of the time.

I love Haakon, but I wonder what kind of person he is that he fell so madly in love with MM.  I can't help but wonder if this was his way of rebelling?


Her reputation is disgusting! What is going on with Royal families. Princes nowadays are going for promiscuous girls!


Quote from: jjonefifty on January 21, 2010, 06:16:41 PM
Here's another one. I guess Sofia Hellvquist doesn't look so bad in comparision to this lady

Oh well I guess it really depends on how much Carl Philip wants her. Hakonnen or whatever his name is by the sounds of it threatened to give up the throne so who knows... Ugh what are royal families coming to..

My God! I had read about her past but hadn't heard all the details. I quite frankly think it's unacceptable. Royal families are there to serve the people. I think it's atrocious that because the Crown Prince (a position he gained through sheer luck) has taken a fancy to such a troubled, young woman, his subjects are expected to accept her and maintain their lives in the lap of luxury.

Stories like this make me firmly believe that the time for Royalty was in the past when it was an actual institution that existed to serve the country and the people, and those who were a part of it took their responsibility seriously or at least tried to present the image of doing so.

BOT: If this new gf of Carl Philip isn't a rebound and he happens to settle down with her soon enough, I can't imagine how horrible that would make Emma Pernald feel. It's stories like this that make me doubt the certainty of a certain other Prince's relationship with a particular young woman. The best intentions may exist but when couples begin dating so young, there is never any uncertainty of the outcome. ;)


I hope he's just having fun and that Sofia knows it, but I do worry that if they break up, she will talk to the press about what it's like having a relationship with him. As it has been shown in her past, she does want fame :(

Any videos that show him being interviewed?


I think so too ... it looks like --- she will be the one to end the relationship once she gets tired of him and not the way around ... Hopefully, he realized what a trash she is before it is too late ... he deserves a nice sweet girl with a good back bone and a good head on her shoulders ... Yikes!!! ... WHAT WAS HE THINKING??!!!


Going after 'forbidden women ' is the done thing in Scandinavia......among both Harald and Carl Gustav~

QuoteSonja became engaged to then Crown Prince Harald in March 1968. They had been dating for nine years, although this had been kept secret because of opposition to her non-royal status. [2] The Crown Prince made it clear to his father, King Olav V, that he would remain unmarried for life unless he could marry her. This would in effect have put an end to the rule of his family and most likely the monarchy in Norway as well; he was the sole heir to the throne.
Like father like son.

Silvia, Carl's Queen, was also a commoner and a flight attendant ( ring any bells? )
of course the Kings of Sweden were actually elected......see Swedish History for details.....

CP Mette-Marit made some serious mistakes when she was quite young but has made a fine wife for Haakon and her son Maurius is loved by the whole family.

Here she and Haakon are with their three children.....he adopted Maurius:

After their marriage, Mette-Marit and Haakon moved to London and attended the London School of Economics together.

BOT Albeit I'm having a bit of trouble visulalizing Carl Philip and his new gel at school together........maybe the circus....Princess Stephanie could get them free passes !!! :P

Why would Carl Philip deserve such a nice girl as 'Sweetie' described? Just curious.

His Dad has quite a rep:

QuoteExpressen revealed breathlessly that King Carl Gustaf is a member of an exclusive members' club in central Stockholm. The king "asks his driver to take him to the discrete club belonging to his friend Noppe Lewenhaupts," the paper said.

While The Local wouldn't dream of questioning His Majesty's taste, the description of the club suggested that it will not be selected for appearance on our listings page any time soon. The walls, explained Expressen, are adorned with an oil painting of Noppe himself, and at tables round the club sit "divorced, upper-class women with perfect make-up," on the look out for "divorced men with an upper-class suntan and well-manicured nails."

"It's something of an aristocratic meat-market in there," an unnamed source told Expressen.



Its been reported that Maurius spends time w/his biological father--holidays and family events w/his father's family.  Haakon makes a great stepfather--Maurius was a young child, maybe 2-4 yrs. old when his mother married Haakon.  Haakon was quoted telling the CP Fredrick of Denmark that when he married Mette-Matte, becoming a father changed his life for the better--he had never known the happiness he shared w/his new family before!  It was made clear from the beginning that Mette-Matte & Maurius was a package deal--and the NRF accepted that!  Maurius's father was in jail for drugs when she married Haakon but he did not relinquish his parenteral rights and when he got out of jail, he became a better father to his son; probably didn't want to lose anything else to the CP.    :boredatwork:


"Royal Men" or "Men --- in general" ... (No offense to the Good Boys out there) have always been reputed to have clandestine relationships with all sorts of unsavory women ... and Prince Carl Philip, not that I am condoning bad behavior like dumping your girlfriend for 10 years for a girl like Sofia (Yuck!!) but I would still like to give him the benefit of doubt that he definitely should get a "Nice, Sweet and Respectable Girl" whom he can have fun with and still be Princess Material at the same time ... There is just something in him that shouts out that he can be a good and loyal boyfriend or husband to the right girl that he finds someday ... if Sofia ever leaves her claws off of him ... Although "Lucy" is right, I can't see Carl Phillip and Sofia in school together -- they are better off trying to weed off hangover than open a book  :brightside: