FREEBIE HONEYMOON P&A - After the Hello ! wedding

Started by wannable, June 22, 2008, 02:12:37 AM

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QuoteThe son of the Princess Royal and his new wife authorised the five-star Tuningi Lodge to release three images of them on safari, amid suspicion that they received the £1,000-a-night accommodation for free - or at least at a knock-down rate - in return for their co-operation.

QuoteLabour MP Ian Davidson criticised the new photographs, saying: 'If the junior Royals just see their status as an opportunity to make money and get free holidays, then why should they be shown any deference by the rest of us?

'This whole practice of exploiting their Royal connections is cheapening the institution of the Royal Family and undermining its credibility.'

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: 'We do not comment on behalf of members of the Royal Family who are not on the Civil List.' we go


Not a very good move on Peter's part. If he & autumn can't afford these kind of things or don't have people willing to let them stay at these upscale places for free, with no quid pro quo, then they shouldn't do it.

Rasta Watermelon

I just don't know what all the fuss is about. :shrug:


Okay, I may sound stupid here, but what is the "Civil List" BP is talking about?? :shrug:
Someone with PDD-NOS makes me proud every day!

New research shows that 1 out of 70 boys born today will have autism!!!!


I inoticed how "furious" Charles and Camilla are said to be according to the article. Well, what about them accepting heavily discounted or free luxury cruises and they can well afford to foot the bill of the full value of a cruise. Also William going on a "freebie" trip that Kate got for him by appearing at some fashion house so the owners gave her a free trip and she took Willy and company along for the freebie (which he accepted). THese are some cases of "freebies" that come to mind. Such hypocrisy.

Peter and Autumn are the latest scapegoats.


Firstly I doubt the article is completely true, (see the word "suspicion") and secondly, the permission that they probably gave, was to have the photo taken, and the photo released. If they gave them a discount, no big deal. It's a routine thing in business.
!!!!! Wills is Happy!!!!! ( :D click the link to see how happy Wills is!)

Lila the Flirt

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:



Quote from: sandy on June 22, 2008, 12:40:02 PM
I inoticed how "furious" Charles and Camilla are said to be according to the article. Well, what about them accepting heavily discounted or free luxury cruises and they can well afford to foot the bill of the full value of a cruise. Also William going on a "freebie" trip that Kate got for him by appearing at some fashion house so the owners gave her a free trip and she took Willy and company along for the freebie (which he accepted). THese are some cases of "freebies" that come to mind. Such hypocrisy.

Peter and Autumn are the latest scapegoats.

Also, Peter does not get money from the public, so he is free to either accept or refuse the offers he gets.

serene grace

Quote from: alsgal on June 22, 2008, 12:53:09 PM
Firstly I doubt the article is completely true, (see the word "suspicion") and secondly, the permission that they probably gave, was to have the photo taken, and the photo released. If they gave them a discount, no big deal. It's a routine thing in business.

I agree .

"'Kate was going out with a bloke called Rupert Finch,' says a source. 'Soon afterwards, though, they split up and I remember William saying that he thought he might "have a go".'-TheGuardian-Observer: "Girl Interrupted"

Lila the Flirt

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Quote from: Kezza on June 22, 2008, 04:58:21 AM
I just don't know what all the fuss is about. :shrug:

I agree, they all do it. Even Kate cashes in on her royal connection!
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


BP had released a statement saying that their wedding ceremony would be private - i.e. no cameras or press invited where a public person such as HM is invited...

Maybe most of British tax payers wish too to load extra-money for seeing exclusive pictures of The Queen and her family.

Then for a such moment - a honeymoon - a private person would want it to be really "private" especially having cashed 500,000£..

Kate does not work too...

Lila the Flirt

I don't think there really is anything that can be done regarding P&A.. sadly. As long as they don't complain of press intrusion in the years to come!!

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Their beginning to come across as a bit money grabbing

Kuei Fei

Quote from: Jenee on June 26, 2008, 01:04:06 PM
I agree, they all do it. Even Kate cashes in on her royal connection!

Sooner or later all of them are going to go too far.