Chelsy the chav: DM article

Started by brittanylala, September 06, 2008, 11:41:48 PM

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But I think she should care about being used. She should care about being exploited in this way. Even if this picture was ripped off this forum (which wouldn't surprise me), there have been other pictures that have made their way into newspapers and tabloids. It's just dumb. It's indiscreet. I also don't think it matters whether or not she ends up marrying Harry, which is a big IF. For her own future and how she is perceived in the future, she should be more discreet because it will matter to her when she's older and wiser. She will be 23 this October, right? Time to grow up some more.


Rasta Watermelon

 :goodpost: Countessa I also think the same should apply to James Middleton also. He should of been more careful in allowing some people into his facebook and making them free to be posted on the internet.


James is not dating a  royal Chelsy is.


I'm not a huge fan of Chelsy but I agree that she is a good match with Harry (who I respect immensely).  She's allowed to have fun and blow off some steam.  She's in school and applying herself towards something.  She's not sitting around, waiting for Harry to call and invite her on another vacation, like some people.

The Chocolate Princess

I don't get what's so outragous with the pic? I have to admit she doesn't dook like a princess in the theme party pic, but Kates english Pocahontas wasn't very royal either. AND? IT'S A THEME PARTY! Nothing wrong with it, unless you dont get too overzealous wearing stockings and a french maid outfit as a guy.  :haha: But it is funny.
What I like with Chelsy is that she doesn't seem to want to be something special/royal/high society like. I believe if you say to Chelsy "You dressed like a chav!" She would be like "Yeah I know! What off it?"  8)
Here you can see it is NOT royal security protocol for the girlfriends to walk out of the club first. Like Kate: "Oh Willipoo let me go out first. I will distract the paparazzi so you can walk unbothered. See how much I love you?"  :kisskiss:  Will:"Oh Katiekins you would do THAT for me??"  :teehee:

and Harry and Chelsy are holding hands :wub2: they are always so sweet  :brightside: with THIS two you can see that they are in love. It is how normal couples behave...

Glamorous Kate: