Sophie should deliver this Friday

Started by wheet, December 16, 2007, 04:02:01 AM

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hope everything goes well. all the best.

i'm thinking it's kind of funny kate wasn't invited to the restaurant. Me think it probably had to do with sophie early delivery, some king of baby shower.

You would think after being invited by kate to the book launch, she would invite her back as a courtesy gesture. They seemed to be sort of close from the picture of the launch book, right?


No I think they were just talking... and from the looks of it... Kate was running her mouth while Laura just wanted to sit down. :lmao:
SO I DID HAVE SIGNATURE UP HERE... but evidently it would probably have been removed so I removed it first. But bummer about the possible censorship!
Almost everything is speculation mixed with opinions... get over it!
Diana-ite #3 Chelsy-ite #8


Varya, that was a nice comment you made and I was glad to see it posted at the DM site!  :rudolf:


Well, as my mother used to say, all surgery, no matter how minor, carries a risk. I hope things go well, and that the end result will be cause for celebration.

I find it hard to believe that the Queen would have been "disappointed" at the news, since an original delivery on Christmas Day would also have meant that Sophie would have been absent from the Christmas celebrations anyway. Katie Nicholls and her manufacturing again, I daresay.

It is true that the Queen is close to Sophie, but there will be a whole house full of people that she has not seen in a while, not the least cousins and grandchildren, many of whom she is genuinely fond of, and the latest prospective member of the family - Autumn. So she will hardly have a glum Christmas! :)

P.S. Great DM comment, Varya!

And before we go off... do let's keep this thread focussed on the article in question, :thumbsup:.
"Happy are those who expect nothing, for they will never be disappointed."

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words;
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits;
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.


We Have Our Own Way to the Palace


  Both my daughters were born by "C" section, no labour  :D

     I send Sophie Wessex and her baby all good wishes, and I am sure HM will be greatly relieved when this baby comes into the world. :thumbsup: