Hello Magazine interview with Peter & Autumn - All related articles here

Started by karla64, May 06, 2008, 02:03:38 PM

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I just bought the Hello issue with Peter and Autumn...
The photos are really lovely and I like those better then random shots of her. Her eye makeup gives her a more "rounded" eye instead of "slitty" ones.. I'm not being insulting here.Hopefully she will learn to use makeup for the eyes, to her favour...
The interview was quite nice... I think they make a great couple and Peter sounds very very nice.
I was surprised to learn that he and his Father aren't that close!!


I can't believe tomorrows the wedding.

The first of this generation of royals!
Harry~Hands Down


Hello! Your Majesty: Could the Queen be drawn into the row over her grandson's £500,000 wedding deal?


Rasta Watermelon

From the recent Richard Kay column in The Daily Mail about the upcoming wedding and Hello Magazine.

QuoteHello! or goodbye?

There is an intriguing backdrop to tomorrow's royal wedding of the Queen's grandson Peter Phillips to Canadian PA Autumn Kelly at Windsor Castle.

For after Hello! magazine secured a £500,000 deal with the happy couple, courtiers are nervous about just what role the publication will have at the nuptials.

Normally, for splashing out such a vast sum, the glossy would expect to secure photographs of all the principal figures — in this case, Princess Anne, Prince Philip and the Queen. Should this occur, royal complaints about privacy will begin to sound rather hollow.

Naturally, the magazine is being rather cagey about what access it has obtained. The Marquesa de Varela, the weekly's legendary fixer who negotiated the Phillips deal, is reluctant to say.

But royal aides have been told there could be something "special" for the magazine. If true, it means the Queen's permission must have been sought.

One hopes the magazine has better luck than with its 19-page special issue on Peter and Autumn, which insiders say failed to excite readers.


Anyone up for chicken tonight? Lovely!

Lovelyites #1 (I am starting a new 'ites' lol)


what he likes chicken too??? I thought we all did :) (except the paps)
!!!!! Wills is Happy!!!!! ( :D click the link to see how happy Wills is!)


Quote from: alsgal on May 17, 2008, 01:25:06 PM
what he likes chicken too??? I thought we all did :) (except the paps)
nope. you will never know ;) but it is funny.
Anyone up for chicken tonight? Lovely!

Lovelyites #1 (I am starting a new 'ites' lol)