Were Kate and Will doomed from the start?

Started by JekkaBee, September 24, 2007, 09:00:39 PM

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to be trusted ...  ...a greater compliment
than to be loved
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M


WillyandKatyite #007 Willite #107 JeSnoRe KaBaAn M :snob:


Thanks!!   :hiya:

I hope the guys right about his eventual partner being in uni...puts me in a good position  :laugh:


to be trusted ...  ...a greater compliment
than to be loved
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M


Quote from: JekkaBee on September 24, 2007, 09:21:56 PM
Thanks!!   :hiya:

I hope the guys right about his eventual partner being in uni...puts me in a good position  :laugh:

:welcome: And I think it's possible that he didn't meet the on at St. Andrews, there are a few people who don't meet the one while at college or university. I surely didn't :(


^^ me neither   :( :( :(

But I definitely think they have both changed since leaving university.  They led a relatively sheltered life while they were there so it was bound to be different once they left (probably more for them than most people).


yeah was pretty much the honeymoon phase. no reality...
to be trusted ...  ...a greater compliment
than to be loved
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M

Mary Rose

No, I think in the beginning they had a real chance together.  Their story was not uncommon, two young people meet each other in college, start out as friends and then start dating.  However, unlike normal couples, William was a Prince so there were some problems right from the start.  I think that if their relationship is doomed now it is because they both failed to handle the problems like mature adults. They played a lot of foolish games and now their relationship is more of a joke.  William is not going to marry her.


imo they started dated at such a young age that it made it nearly impossible for the two of them.  :shrug: william obviously has things that he needs to do before he settles down and dragging any girl along, press and all, for so many years would make things difficult to say the least.  ;)
and i agree with jekka that the two of them seem to have changed since uni.
ElizabethII-ite: #0003Maryite #0002Willite #0054Harryite #0071Cheesite #0004Flirtite #15 :kisskiss:
My name is Toujours. I sleep in a padded cell. Wisely enough they give me an ample supply of choc


If two are meant for each other it doesn't matter when they meet. most university relationships don't work out in the long run because they just weren't right for each other and as people meet so early they simply don't make it till marriage.
so IMO had W&K met after uni their relationship would not have lasted any longer than it did this way, just that it would have been a divorce then.
WillyandKatyite #007 Willite #107 JeSnoRe KaBaAn M :snob:

Kuei Fei

Well, from what I've read on this forum, I think they weren't going to work out once they graduated. Normally Kate would have gotten a regular nine to five job and William would have gone onto his lifestyle of military duties and nonmilitary related duties, met someone and married. However Kate decided to refrain from getting a job and William kind of had to support her socially while she did nothing to improve herself.

I don't know if it sounds elitist, but William will probably marry someone who is prominent in his scene in her own right, if not socially then it's a good chance that she'll have an impressive career or eminent lineage and comes from a prominent family. Kate had a chance to get a good career, but ignored it in favor of idling away and frittering away time when she could have established herself. If she had even a basic career, then I doubt people on this forum would be hoping and praying that William would move on. If she had worked in a gallery with prominent socialites and made friends with them, she would still have minor connections after William dumped her. However, she kind of dragged William down by trying to pry into his life without doing something that would make him proud to be seen with her. I'm not talking about curing cancer, but just something to have that makes her shine in her own right.

So many people forget that relationships with royalty are different than that of a wealthy tycoon or heiress. They have unique obligations and expectations are higher for them. In it's own way it's hard work and a lot of royal men and women are interested if not in the aristocracy, then someone who is high achieving in their career field. Come to think of it, wealthy tycoons and heiresses also have high expectations in their potential mates.


I think it really just depends on the person's maturity level while they are in college. If a mature person connects with another mature person, then it can work. If it's all just fun and games, well then, that's all there ever will be. There are so many contributing factors. Did you have a job and attend school full time? If you work a good bit while in college, I think it gives enough of a taste of the working life that you can meet someone with that in mind and make it work.  :sigh:


I love the fact that the "happier times" photo was from Cheltanham. :lol:
SO I DID HAVE SIGNATURE UP HERE... but evidently it would probably have been removed so I removed it first. But bummer about the possible censorship!
Almost everything is speculation mixed with opinions... get over it!
Diana-ite #3 Chelsy-ite #8


Quote from: Kuei Fei on September 24, 2007, 11:59:37 PM
Normally Kate would have gotten a regular nine to five job and William would have gone onto his lifestyle of military duties and nonmilitary related duties, met someone and married. However Kate decided to refrain from getting a job and William kind of had to support her socially while she did nothing to improve herself.
I agree Kuei :thumbsup:

You know...I'm not ashamed to admit that I would still like Kate had she shown more independence post uni. Had she gotten a job and shown that she wasn't just waiting around for Wills to propose I doubt that my once positive opinion of her would have dipped so much..well not dipped..disappeared altogether :rolleyes:

Kuei Fei

It seems to me that Kate doesn't really want to be successful on her own. She seems determined to avoid the traditional success circuit.


Maybe because she thought that once she gets the elusive ring, she is gonna have to give up her job so why make the effort?? Little did she know that the ring would never come.Although if I may say so PW had been dropping hints all along.Remember the time in 2004 when the BBC correspondent asked him if he would be the next one to walk down the aisle and he gave a goffy smirk before repying "NO".That should have been KM's signal.Saying "NO" was what was expected of him,but the smirk gave away his true intetentions.At least for me it did. <_<

Kuei Fei

I just wonder why she expected the ring to be given to her so swiftly. Granted they were together for quite some time, but the relationship dynamics are generally different when one is dating a royal Heir. It isn't a typical relationship nor would it be a typical marriage. As for the hints William dropped, perhaps she should have gotten a job and done something to improve her standing in terms of career. William didn't owe her a ring, these days men and women are expected to prove themselves to each other.

Scarlet Flowers

Not necessarily.  I believe their relationship could have succeeded had Kate stayed true to herself rather than buying into her own press.
They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept any but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.~Red Cloud

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Kuei Fei

Well, she did go from college graduate to Princess in training rather swiftly.


Kate and William don't seem to work or that they ever will so I don't think this article should matter.


Were they doomed from the start?

Yes they were:
(1) William said he would "have a go". Men who are besotted, don't usually speak like that. It's the same as saying he would "take a shot at it". In other words, she looked like a fun type and he didn't mind having a bit of fun. It was never intended to be serious. And being a fun type, he thought she knew the score. That's why he reacted with such alarm and then resisted so strenuously/callously when he realised that he was being sewn up.
(2) The doom was sealed the minute manipulation became the order of the day... and further so when the pattern of "clinging on for dear life" and "ingratiating herself to his friends", etc. became obvious.

"They" did not have a chance, IMO. We'll see how the next chapter in this exciting, yet mind-numbingly dull series plays out.
"Happy are those who expect nothing, for they will never be disappointed."

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words;
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits;
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.