Princess Madeleine harassed by fanatical sect

Started by Wombat, April 03, 2007, 08:52:05 AM

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Princess Madeleine harassed by fanatical sect ~ The Local
QuoteThe Swedish Royal Court has confirmed that it has been receiving abusive faxes from the fanatical Westboro Baptist Church sect.
Terrible stuff..poor this is harassment Kate Middleton :rant:

Lila the Flirt

QuoteLed by minister Fred Phelps , the small group's hatred of the royal family and all things Swedish is linked directly to an equally virulent hatred of homosexuals.
Phelps praises homophobic crimes, including murder.

:huh?: i think the word minister is so loose these days :mellow:

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


i googled them, they're a scary bunch.

their website:

QuoteEstablished in 1955 by Pastor Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kansas still exists today as an Old School (or, Primitive) Baptist Church. In short, we adhere to the teachings of the Bible, preach against all form of sin (e.g., fornication, adultery, sodomy), and insist that the doctrines of grace be taught publicly to all men.

they decide that god hates america, canada and sweden.  :hmm:

  :no: poor madeline. i'd be worried

non kate-ite #0009
harryite # 110
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M


Yeah, Fred Phelps is a scary man. Makes me glad I'm not from Kansas. He's actually turned out the members of his family who aren't as fanatical as he is. That's horrible to treat poor Princess Madeleine like that! What a horrible man he is!
Harryite #0094   


I thought I recognised the name. They were the subject of a Louis Theroux doco last week 'The Most Hated Family in America' . They sound like the biggest bunch of freaks.


I hope these wackos don't enjoy the same tax free status as legitimate chuches enjoy in the U.S. :uhhuh:


I saw them on the Tyra Banks show once. They were just really ignorant and intolerant. It's sad that people are still prejudiced against so many things.

peace will come when the power of
overcomes the love of power.
[ Jimi Hendrix ]
My name is brokenxhearts.


How horrible...this must have been so scary for Madeleine.

Why do they hate Canada?  I thought we were ignored by virtually everyone on the planet...hence, our serious inferiority complex as a nation.  Oh, never mind - equal marriage-rights for homosexual couples - yeah, that would probably anger them given their website name.
Harryite #0060  Chelsyite #0025
My name is Miryoku. I sleep in a padded cell.


^ it's quite a surprise they didnt add the netherlands on their list. it's like sinner's heaven here  :teehee:
or maybe they confused sweden with the netherlands?

non kate-ite #0009
harryite # 110
JeSnoRe KaBaAn M


That's true - Sweden is a very liberal country but I can think of many more "sinful" countries in the world to target...and targetting a Swedish princess is pretty random and strange.

Why not target some South American or South East Asian countries for participating in the child-sex trade?...maybe this organization believes that pedophilia is less sinful than homosexuality.

Harryite #0060  Chelsyite #0025
My name is Miryoku. I sleep in a padded cell.


Ok, I'll fess up, this so called christian man is from Kansas and I see him protesting all the time here in Wichita.  It's sick.  We have a veterans of foreign wars motorcycle gang that flys huge american flags to block his protests during any veterans funeral. He protests at every funeral they can get to.  There is only about 10 people who are consistently with him. All the flags block them so the family of the deceased veterans don't have to see it. I'm a veteran as I've stated before, it's horrible.  All the flags, It's a very emotional sight and if I knew how to put a link here, I could show you pictures of it.  Sorry, new at this.

He is outrageous and we were working on a law (It may have passed last week) that states their are no protests allowed during funerals.  He has no sense or reasoning, I'm ashamed it's crossed the pond now.  How embarrassing for the Kansas people who hate this.  Gosh, this is so upsetting to me.


That sounds horrible bpwriter47.   :cry:  :hug: How incredibly traumatic it must be for the family and friends already going through such a difficult and sensitive time, to be exposed to the hatred of this misguided group...and not to mention, incredibly disrespectful to the veterans who have given so much to their country and to the world.

I hope the law was successfully passed and that it will prevent or at least deter the protests because they will now receive some sort of punishment should they choose to break the law.
Harryite #0060  Chelsyite #0025
My name is Miryoku. I sleep in a padded cell.


thanks m81,
I hate that Kansas is known for a few things, "Wizard of Oz" (that's ok), tornados (our small town is the only town in the US to ever be hit twice with the 2 F-4 tornados, the 2nd and 3rd largest ever, talk about removing your historical buildings), known for this crazy man who is so misguiding others and of course our famous serial killer BTK.  I think most people, like Oprah was recently here and she stayed in Wichita, would be surprised to see the advanced city and beautiful contempory (done with original buildings) downtown area that is growing and our many Arts; new river walk (where Oprah stayed) and we even have our own castle here which is a Bed and Breakfast built like a castle in Scotland.  I spent my wedding night there; beautiful.  I've lived many places (loved England), but the kansas people are the nicest people I've ever come across.  It's sad to have someone like this on the news and some of the news seems to make this man seem like he's a huge force when in fact it's a few fanaticals that we can't seem to shake.  They were even going to have an antigay protest in the state where there were several Amish children shot at a school.  Why?!! I guess it shows individuals how much they can do in the world with just one person; good or bad.  Google this guy, he's everywhere.  We did pass the law banning protests at funerals and there are approximately 13 other states that have done this too because of one person. 

I hope Sweden can get rid of him, send him back here; we don't pay attention to him anymore.
Thanks for the reply. 


I wonder what would they say about other monarchs. Especially the British, I mean you had William who cohabitated and may be cohabitating with his current girlfriend (during university); Charles who not only had an affair but married his mistress and also divorced his first wife. Not to mention he supported his friend Elton John's right to a civil union with his long time boyfriend.


I think with this fanatical fellow - he could find something to hate about every single country and every single person within that country...if only he would turn his gaze inwards and at himself.
Harryite #0060  Chelsyite #0025
My name is Miryoku. I sleep in a padded cell.


Lila the Flirt


:no: This is really sad. Now this is serious harassment...

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Quote from: wombat on April 07, 2007, 09:38:22 AM
Doesn't everyone hate Canada?  :shrug:

:lmao: That's so wrong :crazylaugh:



Quote from: sambarumba on April 03, 2007, 12:44:58 PM
i googled them, they're a scary bunch.

their website:

they decide that god hates america, canada and sweden.  :hmm:

  :no: poor madeline. i'd be worried

They have that some logo on their church website, right on the front page, to what I've seen the only thing they care about is dissing homosexuals and various countries. I emailed them about that but I don't know if they'll respond :shrug:



Again, I see this fanatical group all the time and honestly there's only about 10 of them.  Unfortunately what I think it shows is how much affect 1 human being can have in the world, although he's chosen to use it for not such good things in the way he does it. He was protesting every Veterans funeral claiming they were all homosexual. He is obviously not in his right mind and here in Kansas we try to ignore him although as I stated earlier, we did pass a law he couldn't protest at funerals.  can you imagine trying to bury your son or daughter and someone is protesting; sick!! 
Again, I hope Sweden will not put up with him.  He's been given too much attention already. 


canada, the truth is that we are a really really really boring country, im from canada and yes i admit it we are boring.


This idiot and his group now plan to picket the funeral of a victim of the Virginia Tech shootings.  Have they no shame.  :thumbsdown:

Hate group to protest at victim's funeral
Harryite #0060  Chelsyite #0025
My name is Miryoku. I sleep in a padded cell.