What Question would you ask Prince William?

Started by FetchingHag, June 03, 2003, 01:29:29 PM

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What questions would you ask Prince William?
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm-Churchill

Don't worry about things that could happen, worry about things when they happen-Unknown

The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which


i'd ask him if whether his hair is really thining or not...
for some reason, i can't get over that thought. i'm really bothered by it. :huh:  


He is a little young for that but sometimes it affects anybody really.I read star yesterday and its really all a piece of bullsh*t. In there it was talking about him saying the nigth before his birthday thatr he did not want to be King. For one thing the magazine was from June 10 and dhis birthday is june 21.  


ohhh its ok chole!! i dont think it will "happen" completly for a while...
Harryite #0035


I wishes he will ask for me out dates ! and gets married ! im older enough ! im 22 year old ! i can gets plans for wedding anyway than my mother she is ditwit !

Sara Boyce


I would also ask a very personal question...When did he frist have sex and with who?  :P  :P  :P we all want to know....And also a few year ago thare was a story saying that he fathered a child with a 22 year old cashier I would ask if it was true?
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm-Churchill

Don't worry about things that could happen, worry about things when they happen-Unknown

The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which


yeah I heard about that one. BTW sarah ur older than Wills! I'm old fashiponed and beilve the girl should be younger or the same age but not older.
Harryite #0035


preppy I agree..and I'd be uncomfortable knowing about his sex life etc..unless I was dating him. But I'm a few months old er than him darn


I think the whole thing about men should be older than women are wrong.  My mom is 6 years older than my dad and they are still together.  I think when its true love age gap doesn't matter at all.  Besides, you know that men mature slower than women, so I think it can still work.


Quoteyeah I heard about that one. BTW sarah ur older than Wills! I'm old fashiponed and beilve the girl should be younger or the same age but not older.
you're right ! im become 22 year old last month May 26th he will be 21 on June 21st i knew it he same my height !

i still seeker for man ! i would like as British man not American man i would still seeker for right man they would be mine !

Sara Boyce


I agree with kasper age does not matter if thare is love and a good friendship then a relationship will work out...I have a had a boyfriend that was two year older then me but I was the mature one in the relationship but before my last relationship I went out with a guy a year and half younger then me and he was more mature then me...It does not matter the age just the kind of person... :)  :)  
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm-Churchill

Don't worry about things that could happen, worry about things when they happen-Unknown

The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which


I dont know its just what I think sorry.
Harryite #0035


I would like to ask the two questions to him: How long you lived in England? and Which country do you like the best?

I'm 4 months older than him that I was born on March 9th, and he was born on June 21st in the same year - 1982. I'm 22 years old.
Harryite #0040