Formatting a Post - font effects, etc.

Started by Jenee, November 21, 2005, 10:02:27 PM

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Hello Members!

I hope everyone is getting used to the new set up here! It might take a little time to get used to, but I hope you'll all like it.

Now down to business...

Images and Links
There are a few changes in the way formatting is done here. If you remember on the old software, in order to insert an image or a hyperlink, you would click on the corrosponding button and then paste your URL into the pop-up window that appeared. This forum still allows image and link posting, but how you do it is a little bit different. For those of you not familiar with bulliten board code, you might want to read below for a better understanding.

When you click on the "insert image" icon (the one that looks like a picture), this is what you see:

    you have to insert your URL in between the two tags in order for the image to work (please note that you can only posts images like this in your signature, or if you are using a smiley from another source~ posting an image on the public board violates copywrite laws, so we still ask that you post links to images only)

    Inserting a link is done in a similar way. Click on the "insert hyperlink" icon (looks like a globe) and this is what you see:

      [url ][/url][/size][/list]

      If you paste your URL in between the two tags, this is what happens:

      however, you can easily make a tidy link by adding an = after the URL in the opening tag and pasting your link after that (will look like this: = Then add your ending bracket, insert the text you want to appear as the link, close your tags and this is what it looks like:

      Tidy Link

      Information about Bulliten Board Code (BBCode)
      BBCode allows you to add formatting to your text on a public forum like this one. BBCode consists of "tags" which are basically commands you give the software to produce a certain effect. These tags must be surrounded by brackets [ ] in order for them to work.

      You must open a tag [ ] and then close a tag [ / ] around the text that you want the effect to appear on.

      Some common BBCode tags:
      • move - creates moving text
      • b - bold
      • i - italics
      • s - strikethrough
      • u - underline
      • url= - inserts a link
      • color= - changes text color
      • font= - changes font style
      • size= - changes font size
      • img - inserts an image
      "It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


      Changing the Fonts

      The easiest way to do this on this forum is to type what you want to type, then select the text you want to change and then click on the corrosponding icons.

      Features available on this software:

      Moving TextGlowing Text
      Left Align
      Center Align
      Right Align
      Preformatted Text

      Various Font Colors
      Horizontal rule

      Insert table (haven't figured that one out yet though)
      Insert code (I assume this is HTML code, but I haven't tried it yet either)
      [li]Insert a list[/li]

      Please click on "quote" if you want to see what the code looks like
      "It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


      I hope I was able to help out, please feel free to head down to the TESTING FORUM and play around with the new features until you are comfortable with them!
      "It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore