Headline: "94% Think Diana Was Murdered"

Started by beeswax, May 25, 2005, 11:54:56 AM

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I voted for yes because i do believe that she was ....murdered and some reasons have been stated already....so i guess thats were i will leave it at.... :)

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I also think she was murdered because the driver was susposed to be drunk but if someone has a few drinks you can smell it on their breath and I really cant see Diana getting in a car with someone drunk and then theres the letters she wrote saying a car crash was being planned


Quotemy vote said no!

Princess Diana not murder! but i think she had tragic in accident

but i think Diana must getting seat belt all the times if she had accident with seatbelt its would safety if without seat belt she already dead!

Sara Boyce
we have just to look at your avatar, obvious u voted for the accident, it seems u like Camilla, don't u ?


I doesn't matter if you like Camilla or not, Princess Diana was not murdered


QuoteIts my opnion that it wasn't an accident. Too many unanswered questions. The other car that no one could find ,the camera in the tunnel, why she wasn't helped immediately, and why was the accident site cleaned up before an enquiry could be made?

She may have died because she didn't wear a seatbelt, but the crash is what the mystery is all about.
I agree.............far too many unanswered questions..........the fact it took two hours to get her to hospital.......henri paul and his huge bank account.....his autopsy evidence "lost".....the 14 cameras "all" not functioning at the time of the accident.......when they had "all" been working ten minutes before.......the rush to clean up the accident scene......the rush to embalm Diana's body....The mother of our future King died, and yet the very basics of accident scene investigation were slipshod to say the least!
    I think Diana speaking out about Landmines put her in very great danger.


There are certainly a lot of mysterious circumstances, but maybe they are all coincidences?
Why is you pickin on me? Is it cuz I is   ginger, aiii? –Arri G


I don't know... Diana herself admitted that she felt like she was being chased, and she felt unsafe sometimes. I think someone may have indirectly done it.  


Remember the story about a letter she wrote to someone saying that her husband was planning a car accident so he could get married? I don't know if it was true or not.
Why is you pickin on me? Is it cuz I is   ginger, aiii? –Arri G


Princess Diana was a human being, with all the faults of most of us, but also with a bigger heart than most of us. As I discovered on that last mission for humanity, there was an underlying humility which, at least to me, redeems all. - Nelson Mandela


Princess Diana was a human being, with all the faults of most of us, but also with a bigger heart than most of us. As I discovered on that last mission for humanity, there was an underlying humility which, at least to me, redeems all. - Nelson Mandela


I don't think it matters what anyone says now, even if they proved it was an accident people would still convince themselves she was murderd.

I really don't see why so many people go on and on about seatbelts and bank accounts, why can't people just let her be dead?

How do you think her sons feel when people are more interested in weather or not their dad killed their mum than all the good things she did when she was alive?


i think she was murdered

i saw a program a long time ago, where they took a man who was a good driver, then they made him get drunk until he reached the amount of percentage of alcohol Di's driver supposely had in his blood, and he couldn't even stand up without help and then he couldn't even drive (of course they were using a program for this test), he said while he was driving sometimes he would see everything black... how could Di's driver drive the car if he was this drunk?
Harryite #0009