King Felipe attends funeral of former Portuguese president Mario Soares

Started by Jennifer, January 13, 2017, 06:34:10 PM

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QuoteOn Tuesday, 10 January, King Felipe travelled to Lisbon, Portugal, to attend the funeral of former Portuguese president Mario Soares, who died on 7 January at the age of 92. He was accompanied by Alfonso Dastis, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Juan Manuel de Barandica and Luxán, the Spanish ambassador to Portugal.

They were greeted at the Figo Maduro military airport by Augusto Santos and Álvaro Sebastián de Erice, who are the Portuguese Foreign Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Portuguese Embassy.

The funeral of President Mario Soares was held in the Monastery of the Jeronimos of Santa María de Belém. King Felipe spoke with the children and other members of the family of Soares to express his condolences. This was the exact location President Soares signed, in 1985, the treaty to join the European Economic Community.

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King Felipe attends funeral of former Portuguese president Mario Soares – Royal Central
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