Things Being Equal, the Monarchy Should Survive

Started by cinrit, October 30, 2011, 11:55:05 AM

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QuoteAn angel of mercy has descended upon the House of Windsor in recent times, and its name is David Cameron. In the space of a few short months since achieving office the Prime Minister has broken the stranglehold over constipated royal finances, and reversed the royal house out of a constitutional cul-de-sac.

The announcement from the Perth Commonwealth Leaders' conference that there will be no gender bias in the choice of the next monarch-but-three is the latest in Mr Cameron's modernising plans. Earlier this month, the Sovereign Grant Act passed into law under the premier's signature allowing the Queen and her successors to avoid going cap-in-hand to Parliament every few years to top up the Civil List grant.

Too much to hope that Mr Cameron will now complete his modernising crusade by removing the royals' regrettable immunity from Freedom of Information requests, their protection from criticism in the House of Commons, and their exemption from scrutiny when it comes to tax-paying arrangements.

But, for adherents to the royal cause, Cameron's coup is nothing short of miraculous, given that eleven Prime Ministers over nearly six decades of the Queen's reign have paid lip-service to their Sovereign - but done little to ease the pickle she's been in.

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