Made-Up Harry Headlines

Started by Wombat, October 05, 2005, 04:27:01 AM

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OMG, I need to read this thread more often!!
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore

Lila the Flirt

 :happytears: :happytears: It's absolutely great especially if wombat is bored.  :D

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Butt Problems?

Prince Harry, 21, was seen grabbing, or scratching his butt. We are not sure yet which was the cause. Is it a rash? That would be disgusting, wouldn't it? Sure, it can be something else. Maybe Chelsy spanking him too much is bringing pain consequences. It doesn't matter what the cause could be, it made, once again, the Harryites go crazy drooling, and causing a flood. :drool:
Harryite #0009


 :happytears: Good idea for a story :hug:

Royal Forum Flooded

The Daily Sun Telegraph on the Mirror can report that the internationally known website for all that is hellacious and royal, The Royal Forum has been hit by a series of floods.

Our sources have revealed that the constant flooding conincides with new pictures of Prince Harry being released by Clarence House...Coincidence? Or Royal coverup?


Harry drops his Regiment and escapes with Chelsy in SA/

Prince Harry has dropped his Regiment and has signed papers and a statement in which he denies all his rights to the British Throne.He has decided to live in South Africa,where he and his future wife Chelsy have started adopting papers for a one year old litle girl who suffers from AIds and 7 year old Mutu.Prince Harry will start workiing immediately in a Charity who fights against Aids and poverty he seted up secretly with the money he inherited from his mother,and with the two million he already had raised.Chelsy has donated all her personal money and inheritance too,while she dropped her last year at UNiversity.The two of them are expected to get Wed in   few days time  in the house of his Maternal Uncle Earl Spencer.Clarence House has released a statement stating,what a great father Charles is,Harry loves Camilla to bits,William is a great guy and thinks his father is amazing and the Queen will step down for Charles in the coming 100 years.Prince William was seen desperately searching for Kate who was out buying grocery according to the latest informations,and was rumored to be quite mad that his brother again has done something more worthy than him first.Rumors that he too is planning to get away with Kate in Kenya to become a white man Hunter are denied as rubish by CH.
News Flash.

The Queen in a Television Adress to the Nation has decided to abdicate and to state that she refuses Harrys denial and instead she declared him King.South Africa has decided to convert to the UK after this declaration,and it seems Kenya is heading there too cause they are sick of WIlliam-Kate-Jecca and the rest.They want Harry too.According to the last information,the Newly elected woman President of Australia,known publicly as wombat,has anounced that after the thousands people marching in the streets in favor of Prince Harry,she will do as people say and declare Harry as King of Australia with full power.
NewsFlash.The heir to the British Throne Prince Charles and his heir Prince William have just appeared in National Tv,with a portait of the Late Princess Diana above them,where Prince Charles made a desperate attempt to keep hold of his future Reign,saying Camilla had him drugged for years and he always loved Diana,and he couldnt see straight.Prince William tried also to convince he was his mothers son providing DNA tests and video proofs for his labour where its clear Diana was after all his mother,but Royal watchers predict that the Harry Tsunami is hitting countries around the world and they cant stop it.

NewsFlash from Africa.
Prince Harry and Chelsy DavyLive

After consulting my Uncle and my Aunt and talking with my wife,i have decided to accept peoples call,as my mother did before me when she became Princess of Wales,and accept the Throne of the Newly created British Empire.I also want to name as my heir,my two year old daughter,who was recently got the all cleared from the AIds Virus.I also allow my father brother and their respective wifes to live in a Villa in France in the Paris Suburbs who was very politely Mr Al Fayed had given them for this reason.Their Previous home,Clarence House will be turned into a museum and a University seat so the future generations will know all about my mother.
Power to the People,be cool.

XXXXX Harry Spencer.