Would Harry cheat?

Started by Lo, December 12, 2005, 05:04:02 PM

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Hey Harryites! The other day i was talkin w/my mum and i asked her a question. That question went somethin along the lines of "If i were asked to get married to some high classed English guy-let's say Prince Harry-  :P would you mind?" Well her answer was a big NO and when i asked her why she said somethign along the lines of "like father, like son". Then she started explaining to me about Diana and Charles's relationship and how he treated her pretty bad and he cheated on her and what not... She was saying that if somehow "miraculously" :laugh: Harry found a deep interest in me adn asked to marry me, she wont want me to end up the same way as Diana (NOT the death part)
But im gonna see if i coudl prove her wrong. I know this guy whose parents didnt have a very good relationship (his dad used to abuse his wife), but with the whole abuse thing, thier son stood by his mum. So my family said it was ok to like the guy b/c he wouldnt do to his wife wat his dad did to his mum. I think the same could be said for Harry; he loves his mum so much and he's even trying to continue where she left off, so he wont let his wife go thru wat his mum did.(Gosh that makes me like him even more :hug:) I'd like to hear other opinions.


Quote from: Lo on December 12, 2005, 05:04:02 PM
So my family said it was ok to like the guy b/c he wouldnt do to his wife wat his dad did to his mum.

First things first... no one can tell you who you can and cannot like.

QuoteI'd like to hear other opinions.

(Unfortunately) I dont know Harry and I don't know what his character is like. I could say that most of the time when you see one parent hurting another (cheating, abuse, divorce, etc) you either turn out either just like the bad parent, or as an advocate in the opposite direction. Harry seems like a sweetheart, and I want to believe the best in people... but he's a young guy and he has women swooning over him left and right and I doubt that will ever change. So it really depends on his strength of character, which I can't speak to, since I don't know him.

I am going to assume that he's a great guy, otherwise Chelsy probably wouldn't stay with him.
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


Harryite #0009

Stix Chix

Jen said what i was going to say only she said it a lot better.  :happy:

Harryite #0004


i think she right too. i think harry wouldnt cheat on his girlfreind/wife because he see what pain it make in mothers heart. she loved his father and he not love her back. how this right? harry is nice looking and i think this chelsy is cute girl.


I'd hope Harry wouldn't. :unsure:  But I don't know him. :cry:

I'd be disappointed in him if he did though :cry:


Quote from: wombat on December 14, 2005, 05:27:53 AM
I'd hope Harry wouldn't. :unsure:  But I don't know him. :cry:

I'd be disappointed in him if he did though :cry:

Agreed.  I think the media tries to portray him as a bit of a playboy but we haven't actually seen any proof of this.  It appears that he has been faithful and devoted to Chelsy for a long time despite their distance and the fact that he is in the military and they don't see each other very often.
Harryite #0060  Chelsyite #0025
My name is Miryoku. I sleep in a padded cell.


Kids (luckily) don't always turn out as their parents ...

My dad also treated my mum pretty bad (their divorced now and she remarried about a year ago, so its all good now), but he cheated on her several times and hit her and stuff.

My brother and I are a lot more like my mum though, because she was the one who educated us, so we have more of her values and I would never cheat on my boyfriend.

I think it's a bit simliar with Wills and Harry, as I see it they have learned a lot from their mum and (hopefully) also how you should treat a woman. And also if they've seen the mistakes that their dad made as a husband they might have learned from that and be more careful not to repeat those.

And as a (well at least half-finished) psychologist I can attest that education, environment and the individual also contribute a lot to a persons charakter, it's not all genes and inheritance ... and I personally would be pissed if anyone would say I might cheat just because my father did ;-)

So ... yeah, just my 50 cent :P I do not think Harry would cheat ...

Willitie #0048