Royal Insight Forum

Royal Family News => Norway => Topic started by: PrincessOfPeace on July 19, 2020, 08:19:35 PM

Title: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on July 19, 2020, 08:19:35 PM
A thread dedicated to the Crown Prince and Princess and their family.

Lovely pics. Ingrid Alexandra is growing up.

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Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Princess Cassandra on July 22, 2020, 12:02:31 AM
She is pretty and has a very sincere smile. In fact, the pictures give the impression of a sincere and loving family. 
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Macrobug67 on July 27, 2020, 03:22:48 AM
She is a lovely young lady.  I was highly impressed with her confirmation speech.  I think she is going to be a great asset for the NRF.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on July 29, 2020, 03:21:24 AM
She is growing into a lovely young woman.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Macrobug67 on July 29, 2020, 04:05:44 AM
And based on her confirmation speech, rather funny.  And loved.  It was so obvious that her family loves her and are very proud of her.  She will need that support in the future.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: LouisFerdinand on August 02, 2020, 12:04:18 AM
Prince Sverre Magnus is taller than his sister.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 06, 2020, 12:04:58 AM
Photos from their summer vacation.

Aftenposten-logo (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: LouisFerdinand on August 07, 2020, 12:18:03 AM
My favorite picture is Prince Sverre Magnus hugging Muffins.  :hug?: :hug?: :hug?:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 13, 2020, 01:38:09 PM
Details of the confirmation of Prince Sverre Magnus revealed ? Royal Central (

QuoteDetails of Prince Sverre Magnus? confirmation into the Norwegian church has been revealed in a short statement from the Royal Court on Thursday morning. The prince will be confirmed on Saturday 5 September 2020.

Sverre Magnus has this year followed the confirmation teaching in Asker parish and the confirmation service will therefore takes place in Asker church. After the confirmation service, a smaller, private dinner will be held at the Skaugum Estate.

Prince Sverre Magnus was carried to his baptism in 2006 by his grandmother, Queen Sonja, who was also one of his godparents. His other sponsors are Queen M?xima of the Netherlands, Crown Prince Pavlos, Rosario Nadal, Espen H?iby, Bj?rn Andersen-Steinsland and Marianne Gjellestad. It is expected that royals from other European nations will participate in the confirmation in September.

The ceremony will take place almost one year after the prince?s older sister, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, was confirmed. According to royal tradition, she was confirmed in the chapel at the Royal Palace in Oslo, followed by a grand lunch for several hundred guests.

Prince Sverre Magnus was born on December 3, 2005 in Oslo. The Prince is the third in line to the throne after his father and sister. In the autumn of 2007, Prince Sverre Magnus started kindergarten in Asker, and in the autumn of 2011 he started in 1st grade at Jansl?kka school, where Princess Ingrid Alexandra also went. On 18 August 2014, the prince started at the Montessori school in Oslo. The prince likes skiing, primarily alpine, and cycling ? BMX and cross. He also shares the joy of water sports, and especially surfing, with the rest of the Crown Prince?s family.

Te confirmation will be a Lutheran Christian ceremony and is seen as the sealing of the Christianity created in baptism. Those being confirmed are known as confirmands. The traditional worship ceremony will consist of prayer, hymns and reading of the Bible.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 14, 2020, 10:37:07 PM
The Prince's Godparents will be unable to attend as they'd have to quarantine for ten days before the event.

Royal godparents to miss Prince Sverre Magnus? confirmation ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: LouisFerdinand on August 14, 2020, 11:42:29 PM
Do the godparents also serve as confirmation sponsors? Or in the Norwegian church, is there no such thing as a confirmation sponsor?
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on August 15, 2020, 01:57:13 AM
How a confirmation ceremony is viewed in Norway.

Confirmation in Norway ? from childhood to adulthood ? LITTLE SCANDINAVIAN (

Apparently it's usually held when the young person is about 14/15. Sverre Magnus's confirmation is likely to follow the format of his sister Ingrid Alexandra, a year or two ago, sans the godparents due to the Coronavirus. King Felipe of Spain, an RC of course, was present at I-A's confirmation due to his being her godparent. He and the other godparents witnessed the ceremony but don't seem to have played any active role in the ceremony.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 18, 2020, 01:23:56 PM
A thread to discuss the Crown Prince and Princess and their family

Princess Ingrid Alexandra has first day at her new high school ? Royal Central (

QuotePrincess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway had her first day at her new school yesterday.

In July, Head of Communications at the Royal Court, Guri Ofstad Varpe, confirmed to the Norwegian News Agency ?NTB? that Princess Ingrid Alexandra would attend the ?study specialisation line? at the popular school of Elvebakken in Oslo.

The Princess will attend the school for the next three years before she possibly begins her education in the military or at a university. The line that the Princess has entered, study specialisation, is intended to prepare students for further studies at the university. The Princess must now decide which language she wants to learn, and the school offers Chinese, German, French and Spanish. She must also decide whether she wants to learn practical or theoretical mathematics.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Princess Cassandra on September 02, 2020, 11:42:32 AM
Quote from: TLLK on August 18, 2020, 01:23:56 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra has first day at her new high school ? Royal Central (
Seems like she became a young woman all of a sudden! I've always thought she was lively and interesting, and very close to her parents and grandparents.. 
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on January 05, 2021, 10:29:33 PM
"Seen and Heard" is claiming that the Crown Princess and her daughter Princess Ingrid Alexandra tangled their skis on the lift when they were exiting. The CPss fell and needed to spend a night in the hospital. This has not been confirmed by the palace at this point in time.

Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit: - Ble innlagt etter slal?m-drama (

Double post auto-merged: January 06, 2021, 03:03:58 PM

Still not confirmed by the Royal Palace but it does appear that she has broken her  tailbone and that was why she was not with the King, Queen and Crown Prince visiting with landslide survivors.

Crown Princess Mette Marit breaks her coccyx in ski accident ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on February 22, 2021, 02:39:55 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit speaks of fracturing her tailbone: ?It is simply the worst thing I have experienced? ? Royal Central (

QuoteHer Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway participated recently in a podcast for the Norwegian state TV-channel NRK. The podcast was the first solo event that the Crown Princess participated in for almost a year. In the recording, Her Royal Highness discusses many things, including the recent fracture in her coccyx (tailbone).

In the podcast, the host Else K?ss Furuseth jokingly asked the Crown Princess if one has to enjoy skiing in order to be part of the Norwegian Royal Family. Her Royal Highness said: ?I really like skiing. Right now, I have just started skiing again, because I managed to break my tailbone just before Christmas. It was so embarrassing. In addition, it is not because I am a Crown Princess or anything, but first and foremost because I was alone on the ground with my children, and they think it was so embarrassing. I was in so much pain that I could not stop howling. I laughed and just screamed, because it is simply the worst thing I have experienced.?
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on July 06, 2021, 02:33:41 AM
It has been announced the Prince will start at Elvebakken in the fall.

Mobile Uploads (

It is the same school Ingrid Alexandra.

He will be taking their information technology and media production vocational route. In contrast to Ingrid who is taking their study specialization route to prepare for University.

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on July 06, 2021, 03:08:07 AM
I do wonder about Sverre Magnus sometimes, and what his future will be. His sister Ingrid-Alexandra will IMO probably be starting royal duties earlier than some of her contemporaries due to her mother?s incurable health condition and her grandfather?s age. King Harald?s spirit is strong but his body is not.

There have been some questions asked about Magnus over the years but it would be nice if he could be trained for some kind of trade or profession which would allow him to support his sister in the future with royal engagements, at least until she marries.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on July 06, 2021, 04:13:58 AM
While I hope he is able to assist his sister, I do hope the focus is on him and his career. Especially if he is only a hold over for her future spouse.

I would hate resentment to bubble if he puts his future career plans on hold to support her, and then gets bumped to the back burner when she gets married. When he takes on royal duties, if he does (I assume he will take on some at least) it should only be to the level he will be expected in the future. If he won't be a full time royal when she marries, then he shouldn't be one prior.

I always look to the Dutch as a great example. Looking at Willem Alexander's younger brothers and how they were encouraged to real jobs and lives not just supportive shadows to their brother.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on July 06, 2021, 04:53:32 AM
Exactly. All spares in royal families should be encouraged to take up satisfying future careers in the future.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on July 06, 2021, 02:16:36 PM
Happy for Sverre Magnus that he's off to high school in the fall. Likely he's heard all about Elvebakken from Ingrid-Alexandra.

Yes I also agree that the Dutch model for the monarch's younger children is the most practical one that I've seen in practice. Princes Friso and Constantijn were able to pursue an education that prepared them for life outside of the monarchy but they still held a few patronages/charitable roles. Plus there was no question of them receiving an allowance from the state which was very wise IMO. That's been an ongoing issue for other European monarchies ie: Belgium. Also the Dutch constitution ended the practice of the monarch's grandchildren being styled His/Her Highness and  titled Prince/Princess. All of former Queen Beatrix's grandchildren from Friso/Mabel and Constantijn/Laurentian are titled Count/Countess and are focused on educations that will prepare them for life outside the Royal House.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Amabel2 on July 07, 2021, 09:22:41 AM
Yes but the Norwegian Royal house is quite a small one.. Harald is old and in poor health. MM is also ill... and Martha L is n't very stable and isn't going to be doing royal work...  so it will be a burden on Ingrid.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on July 07, 2021, 06:01:29 PM
Quote from: Amabel2 on July 07, 2021, 09:22:41 AM
Yes but the Norwegian Royal house is quite a small one.. Harald is old and in poor health. MM is also ill... and Martha L is n't very stable and isn't going to be doing royal work...  so it will be a burden on Ingrid.

Certainly not the smallest. They aren't the only ones who don't consider the need for an army.

Felipe and Willem Alexander both only have their wives. Their mothers do the odd event but not a lot. None of their siblings are full time royals.

Haakon is not going any where. He isn't that old and bar accident he will be one the throne when Ingrid gets married. She won't be doing it alone.

Nothing wrong with Sverre doing royal duties. But he doesn't need to be a full time royal, putting life on back burner, until his sister marries.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Amabel2 on July 07, 2021, 06:04:22 PM
It seems to me that it is quite a burden on Haakon.  He has a wife who is ill, and a father who's now elderly and not up to working.. He has no back up.. Ingrid and Magnus are too young.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Macrobug67 on July 07, 2021, 06:36:47 PM
It a fairly relaxed country and relaxed monarchy.  Most of it is ceremonial and indirect parliamentary role.  The monarch can do most of it.  Right now The CP fills in for theKing on occasion.  The same will be the case when Haakon is King.  He?s young - IA will be middle age before Queen, likely.  And will likely have an heir of her own.   Her brother can have his own life.   The burden is on her. 
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on July 08, 2021, 01:26:00 AM
Quote from: Amabel2 on July 07, 2021, 06:04:22 PM
It seems to me that it is quite a burden on Haakon.  He has a wife who is ill, and a father who's now elderly and not up to working.. He has no back up.. Ingrid and Magnus are too young.

I agree. Old age isn?t a problem that gets better with time. And Queen Sonja is no spring chicken either. If the King dies in the next year or two (which is perfectly possible) there will be the new King Haakon, his wife who has a serious health condition and can?t travel abroad or sometimes perform engagements in Norway, and IA, who will be in the tertiary part of her education. And Magnus will be a schoolboy. The back up is likely to be the very elderly Sonja.

Of all the European monarchies the Norwegian and the Spanish are the ones who will be in a bit of a fix if anything happens to the two principals in the next few years, though I suppose the constitution could be relaxed in Spain to allow Infanta Elena to perform engagements for a while.

The Norwegians haven?t even got that. In fact until these young heirs marry and the consorts join the team it?s likely to be a problem in both countries, but especially in Norway, because MM is not well and isn?t likely to be a very active Queen.

However informal a monarchy is, I do think that four healthy and active people are needed for engagements throughout the year.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on July 08, 2021, 03:30:15 AM
I think it does very much depend on the country.

The Netherlands currently has 2 (if we aren't counting Sonja then we shouldnt count Beatrix either). They are doing just fine.

Spain has 2. They are doing just fine.

Denmark is one better with three full time royals (with Joachim and Marie now in France mainly). If Margrethe passes in next few years (since we seem to think all the elderly royals are on deaths door) that would leave Fred and Mary in the same spot as the others. Same with Luxembourg. With MT basically stepped away Henri has his heir and heir's wife, his other kids live outside the country and have their own jobs.

Really only the Swedish come close to the British in number of working royals. And even then Carl Philip and Madeleine were encouraged to jobs and not simply royal duties.

If Harald dies in the next few years Sverre Magnus is going to be too young to help anyways. Mette Marit and Sonja can both aid Haakon on the home front. And he wouldn't be the only royal to travel alone. Or he could do as Henri has done in Luxembourg, and take his daughter with him on trips.

The reality is there is no need for there to be any full time working royal beyond the monarch, the heir and spouses if there are any.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on July 08, 2021, 06:56:09 AM
Who isn?t counting Sonja? And age and whether a monarch decides to abdicate or go on to the end does play its part too. Beatrix abdicated at the top of her game and is still there if needed. JC of Spain abdicated because of scandals but he also had serious health issues. I do agree that in normal circumstances four with no spares is fine. It?s the natural ageing and other occurrences that should be planned for, however.

The Queen of the UK is like energiser bunny but Harald of Norway isn?t, through no will of his own. It?s just a fact of life that people in their 80s and 90s usually aren?t as healthy, fit and active as people in their 60s and their 40s.

That isn?t usually a problem except when it is a very small RF. And as we?ve seen with Marit Marie  bad health can also strike the middle aged. The Spanish royal couple quarantined because of Covid last year. What if, God forbid, Felipe went to hospital and died? Letizia and Sofia would have carried on in a regency, but it would have been a stretch.

Camilla and Charles may well be in their mid to late 70s when Charles is King. Camilla is already regarded as not as fit and healthy as her spouse. If in ten years the four in the BRF just rests on the King, Queen and Will and Kate as POWs, and there is still a Commonwealth, most of what is now done every year by a dozen people including the elderly cousins will just be undoable.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Amabel2 on July 08, 2021, 07:31:25 AM
I agree that while for financial and other reasons, nowadays a smaller royal family is desirable and I support Charles cutting back in the UK, but OTOH a very small family like the Norwegian or Spanish one.. has its own problems. I think its a lot of responsibility and strain for one person to carry virtually all the duties, which may well be the case for Haakon. 
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on July 09, 2021, 08:21:00 PM
Quote from: Curryong on July 08, 2021, 06:56:09 AM
Who isn?t counting Sonja? And age and whether a monarch decides to abdicate or go on to the end does play its part too. Beatrix abdicated at the top of her game and is still there if needed. JC of Spain abdicated because of scandals but he also had serious health issues. I do agree that in normal circumstances four with no spares is fine. It?s the natural ageing and other occurrences that should be planned for, however.

The Queen of the UK is like energiser bunny but Harald of Norway isn?t, through no will of his own. It?s just a fact of life that people in their 80s and 90s usually aren?t as healthy, fit and active as people in their 60s and their 40s.

That isn?t usually a problem except when it is a very small RF. And as we?ve seen with Marit Marie  bad health can also strike the middle aged. The Spanish royal couple quarantined because of Covid last year. What if, God forbid, Felipe went to hospital and died? Letizia and Sofia would have carried on in a regency, but it would have been a stretch.

Camilla and Charles may well be in their mid to late 70s when Charles is King. Camilla is already regarded as not as fit and healthy as her spouse. If in ten years the four in the BRF just rests on the King, Queen and Will and Kate as POWs, and there is still a Commonwealth, most of what is now done every year by a dozen people including the elderly cousins will just be undoable.

You didn't.

You said if Harald was to die in the next year or two it left Haakon, MM and their two young kids.  That was the comment I was replying to.

If Harald were to die tomorrow they would be in the same position they were in back in 1991. A king, his wife with two minor children and one supporting royal. Back in 1991 it was Astrid, right now it is Sonja. In both cases there was also a royal family member who was a fully private citizen who they could have had to consider drawing back into the royal folds if needed. Martha would be a lot easier to do then Ragnild would have been considering simple logistics of where Harald's sister was and how long she had been gone from the royal fold (other then family events).

I am not arguing that it's not a good idea Sverre does some royal duties. But his first priority should be his own career and life. This expecting the spares to put their life on the back burner to be a shadow to their sibling is not reasonable. And in cases we have seen breeds resentment.

The reality is when his sister marries, Sverre is not going to be needed as a full royal. And its not fair to think of him as a place holder until then.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Amabel2 on July 09, 2021, 08:28:30 PM
Sorry are you saying they could call On Martha Louise? 
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on July 09, 2021, 09:56:02 PM
I think I?ve been misunderstood!!

What I said in the first para of the original post was

?I agree.Old age isn?t a problem that gets better with time. And Queen Sonja is no spring chicken either. If the King dies in the next year or two (which is perfectly possible) there will be the new King Haakon, his wife who has a serious health condition and can?t travel abroad or sometimes perform engagements in Norway, and IA, who will be in the tertiary part of her education. And Magnus will be a schoolboy. The back up is likely to be the very elderly Sonja.?  End Quote.

I wasn?t leaving Sonja out. Simply calculated in that she is 84 now, and good health in one?s later 80s  (should the King pass in the next two to three years) just simply can?t be guaranteed. I referred to her as a back up simply because of that. My hope is of course that she is like Queen Elizabeth and goes on into her mid 90?s!  :flower3:

As for M-L I really can?t see her coming back to help out with royal duties. She hasn?t performed any for years, regards herself as a private citizen, and is seen as such by the family, and I read elsewhere today that she is starting some sort of production company with a friend.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Amabel2 on July 10, 2021, 08:10:32 AM
I certainly think that Martha L isn't suitable for the job, and wouldn't want it.. and Sonya is elderly.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on August 02, 2021, 04:33:00 AM
I am sure they considered what is best for Magnus in terms of his future. He will have the contacts and support to be successful in any field he chooses.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 19, 2021, 08:28:12 PM
August 18. Crown Prince Haakon visited Stovner District in Oslo.

Kronprins Haakon p? Stovner-bes?k ? Siste nytt ? NRK (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 22, 2021, 06:33:43 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra got tested positive for COVID 19 and is isolated at home at Skaugum. 

The rest of the Crown Prince family has also been tested and came out negative. Engagements of the Crown Princes are postponed.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 22, 2021, 07:13:10 PM
Thank you.  I had read that CP Mette Marit was not going to participate in an event related to their anniversary.  The reason given was that it was health related.but at least it isn't  COVID.

Update-CP Haakon will also be postponing his upcoming events too.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway tests positive for COVID ? Royal Central (

QuoteNorway?s Princess Ingrid Alexandra has tested positive for COVID-19.

Ingrid Alexandra, 17, is isolating at her family?s home ? the Skaugum Estate.

Her parents, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and her younger brother, Prince Sverre Magnus were also tested, but as of now, they do not have the virus.

As a result of their exposure to the virus, the Crown Prince Couple will postpone the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Crown Prince Couple?s Foundation that was due to take place on Wednesday at the family?s home. Crown Prince Haakon will also no longer participate in the debarking of the Royal Yacht ?Norge? on Monday.

In addition, the Crown Prince will also postpone his visit to the UngInvest in Modum, also due to take place Monday.

The Princess is the first member of the Norwegian Royal Family to contract the virus.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra is second in line to the Norwegian throne as the granddaughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja. She will one day succeed her father, Haakon, to the Norwegian throne. She will be Norway?s second queen regnant.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on August 23, 2021, 02:31:07 PM

29 coronasmittet ved prinsesse Ingrid Alexandras skole | ABC Nyheter (

29 positive cases of Covid found at Princess Ingrid-Alexandra?s school. Poor kids and others. I hope no-one suffers any longterm side effects from this rotten virus.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 23, 2021, 04:16:21 PM
@Curryong-I wouldn't be surprised if there will be a rise in cases around the globe as students begin to return to school in the coming weeks.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Macrobug67 on August 23, 2021, 09:40:55 PM
Increase in COVID, increase in normal return to school bugs, increase in the little kid illnesses like RSV, big surge in flu. 

It?s going to be an really bad fall and winter. 

Fingers crossed for IA
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 23, 2021, 11:48:33 PM
For this very reason I am going to continue to limit my substitute teaching to just one school for the foreseeable future.
Hope that Ingrid Alexandra, her classmates and the school faculty/staff will be all right.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: sara8150 on August 24, 2021, 03:13:47 AM
Palace confirms that Princess has tested positive for COVID-19 | HELLO! (

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 27, 2021, 03:28:39 PM
CP Haakon hears about efforts to end child marriage which is a cause that the NL's Princess Mabel is also involved with.

Crown Prince Haakon hears of work to stamp out child marriage ? Royal Central (

QuoteCrown Prince Haakon of Norway has met with Plan Norway and UNICEF Norway at the Royal Palace in Oslo. Crown Prince Haakon is the protector of this year?s Norwegian TV charity campaign which aims to collect funds to Plan?s work to fight child marriage in five countries.

The representatives of Plan Norway informed the Crown Prince about the specific projects in the period up to 24 October and how they plan to use the funds raised. Under the action name ?Children, not brides?, Plan Norway wants to reach three million people to end child marriages where they know it can make a difference in Bangladesh, Nepal, Malawi, Mali and Niger. Every three seconds, a girl gets married. That amounts to 12 million girls in one year. Child marriage slows down development and perpetuates poverty. Where girls are married off as children and lose the opportunity to go to school, the risk of being exposed to violence and abuse increases.

The United Nations Children?s Fund, UNICEF, works to help children around the world, and the rights of all children in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since 2009, UNICEF Norway has run the program ?You can be the one?. During the meeting, the representatives told the Crown Prince about this work. Many children in Norway also find it difficult, and often it takes no more than one safe adult to create a positive change in a child?s life. Hence the name ?You can be the One?. The goal of the program is to inspire adults to act on their own initiative and become the person who makes a change in a child?s life.

UNICEF also believes that the climate crisis is a child rights crisis. Another important topic for the meeting with Crown Prince Haakon was how climate changes children?s fundamental rights, such as the right to life, development, good health, education and a good standard of living.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on September 01, 2021, 02:17:38 PM
CP Haakon confirms that Princess Ingrid Alexandra has recovered from COVID and has returned to school. (Side note-Almost twenty years of typing the CP's name and I still have to double check my spelling every time.)  :girlblush:

Princess Ingrid Alexandra recovers from Covid-19 and heads back to school ? Royal Central (

QuotePrincess Ingrid Alexandra is back at school again, after being recovering from coronavirus. The news was confirmed by her father, Crown Prince Haakon, to the Norwegian TV-channel NRK. NRK asked His Royal Highness during an event at the Norwegian National Archive on September 1st 2021 with the Crown Prince replying: ?Princess Ingrid is well and back at school again. She felt it a little, but she has gotten well again and is up and running again. Nevertheless, this was a reminder to us that the virus situation is not quite over yet?.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 01, 2021, 03:23:30 PM
September 1. Crown Prince Haakon visited the National Archives of Norway in Oslo.

Digitaliserte brev fra 1233 - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 08, 2021, 07:06:26 PM
This week, Crown Prince Haakon has visited the Norwegian forces in Finnmark patrolling and guarding the border with Russia.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 17, 2021, 01:27:03 PM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the Dovre Railway Line Centenary at Hjerkinn today.

Kronprinsen bes?kte Dovrebanen. N? er det 100 ?r siden ?pningen (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on September 18, 2021, 04:54:50 PM
A photo of the CP families of both Norway and Sweden together.

Kongehuset - Kronprinsparet og Prinsesse Ingrid Alexandra tilbrakte noen flotte sensommerdager p? Gotland i ?stersj?en sist helg, sammen med den (

I love how close the couples and their kids are. It feels like just a natural photo you can almost forget they are royal.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Nightowl on September 20, 2021, 04:52:12 AM
What a fabulous picture of the 2 royal families together out walking.......they look great, shorts, sneakers, sweaters, just like any other family out enjoying the day walking.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 20, 2021, 10:41:57 AM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the 50th anniversary of the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Bodo today.

Kronprinsen skal feire i Bod? ? NRK Nordland (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 23, 2021, 02:57:38 PM
September 23, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit hosted a reception for young people at Skaugum to celebrate 20 years of their foundation:

Kronprinsparet feiret fondets 20 ?r ? Siste nytt ? NRK (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 27, 2021, 11:50:49 AM
September 27. Crown Prince Haakon attended the opening of Oslo Innovation Week 2021 this morning.

Kronprins H?kon m?tte Oslos gr?ndermilj?er p? Rebel | Computerworld (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on September 29, 2021, 03:55:52 PM
The couple on a joint visit to the southern part of Norway yesterday. It's good to see Mette Marit out with him.

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit on county visit ? Royal Central (

QuoteThere are long traditions in Norway for the royals to regularly visit different parts of the kingdom. This week, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess have visited the inner parts of ?stfold, which is located in the southeast of the nation. On September 28th 2021, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess visited several places in the region.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on October 13, 2021, 11:27:15 AM
October 13. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited UngInvest AIB in Modum today, as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Crown Prince Couple's Fond:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on October 17, 2021, 12:24:55 PM
October 17. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended a memorial service at Kongsberg church for the victims of the attack in Kongsberg last week.

Kongsberg-drapene, Kongsberg | F? de siste oppdateringene (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on October 21, 2021, 02:54:19 PM
October 21. Crown Prince Haakon was in Trondheim today, to host a breakfast meeting on technology and cooperation at Stiftsgarden, to visit the cultural festival UKA and to lay the foundation stone for the new Studentersamfundet (Student Society):

La ned den nye grunnsteinen til Samfundet - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 03, 2021, 03:25:17 PM
November 3. Crown Prince Haakon visited AutoStore in Nedre Vats and companies and Girl Tech Fest in Haugesund today.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 07, 2021, 01:44:30 PM
November 7. Crown Prince Haakon attended the Memorial Day 2021 at Akershus Fortress today.

Forsvarets minnedag 2021 - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 17, 2021, 05:35:22 PM
Crown Prince Haakon participated in the celebration of the housing associations today. The 75th anniversary NBBL was founded after World War II when there was a great need to rebuild the country and build 100,000 new homes.

Feiret boligbyggelagene - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 19, 2021, 01:32:30 PM
November 18. Crown Prince haakon attended the 100th anniversary of Norway Trade Fairs in Lillestrom:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 20, 2021, 02:08:00 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra visited a military base today.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra visited the soldiers of the Armed Forces' Special Command at Rena camp in ?sterdalen today, November 20.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 22, 2021, 12:56:50 PM
November 22. Crown Prince Haakon attended the Olympiatoppen achievement conference at the new MUNCH in Oslo this morning.

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on November 24, 2021, 02:08:49 AM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra looking as if she?s really enjoying herself during military exercises, practising a jump no less! Happy and healthy and pretty. I think I-A is lovely!

Log into Facebook | Facebook (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 01, 2021, 12:20:20 PM
November 30. Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited the Norwegian Girl's Choir at Ruselokka Primary School:

Kronprinsessen p? kor?velse - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 02, 2021, 10:36:48 AM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway will pay an official visit to Sweden from 26 to 28 January next year.

Norway?s Crown Prince and Princess announce first official foreign visit of 2022 ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 06, 2021, 06:54:50 PM
Crown Prince Haakon today began a four-day official visit to the United States.

Together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Petroleum and Energy and the Minister of Trade and Industry, the Crown Prince visit the UN, meet with the American authorities and the business community.

Kronprinsen i FN - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 08, 2021, 12:27:45 AM
Crown Prince Haakon on his second day in New York City today.

Norges plass i det gr?nne skiftet - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 09, 2021, 10:57:21 PM
December 9. Crown Prince Haakon laid a wreath at the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" at the honorary burial grove in Arlington.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 10, 2021, 12:24:09 PM
Crown Prince Haakon concludes US visit at Arlington ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 11, 2021, 01:31:20 PM
Princess Ingrid is today in Bodo and will receive an update from the Royal Air Force.

F16 will be phased out in favor of F35 and the Princess will now be one of the last Norwegians to fly the plane.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 16, 2021, 12:59:54 PM
December 16. Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited a vaccination centre in Grunerlokka, Oslo, today:

Kronprinsessen bes?kte vaksinesenter ? Siste nytt ? NRK (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on December 19, 2021, 10:22:45 PM
CPss Mette-Marit visiting a vaccination center on 12/16/21. :Jen:

Kronprinsessen bes?kte vaksinesenter - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on December 25, 2021, 09:29:45 AM
The family attended Christmas eve church in Asker.

Image - Free Image Hosting - View Image (
Image - Free Image Hosting - View Image (

And a lovely photo of Ingrid from the family shoot

Image - Free Image Hosting - View Image (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on December 27, 2021, 10:08:15 AM
Ingrid is lovely!
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on December 29, 2021, 02:11:17 PM
A look back at the Norwegian royals' year in 2021.

A look back at the Norwegian royal year ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 09, 2022, 08:17:48 PM
January 9, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended a memorial service for Desmond Tutu at Oslo Cathedral:

Desmond Tutu hedret med takkegudstjeneste i Oslo domkirke ? Siste nytt ? NRK (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 13, 2022, 03:22:14 PM
January 13. Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Martha Louise attended the World Para Snow Sports Championships held in Lillehammer:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 13, 2022, 03:41:28 PM
Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit is the protector of 16 organizations. Today she received representatives of five of them in a digital audience.

I audiens hos Kronprinsessen - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 17, 2022, 04:15:59 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra will pay an official visit to the Norwegian Parliament on Thursday 20 January.

She will be briefed on their work.

Last time Princess Ingrid Alexandra was in the building, was in connection with the constitutional anniversary in 2014.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 27, 2022, 04:10:19 PM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Oslo today:

Holocaustdagen ble markert ved Akershuskaia i Oslo ? Dagsavisen (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2022, 02:21:45 PM
The Crown Prince at the International Holocaust Commemoration Day event.

Crown Prince Haakon marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 02, 2022, 12:19:28 PM
February 2, Crown Prince Haakon met young people and volunteers for the Norwegian Trekking Association at Skar, Oslo:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 04, 2022, 04:07:47 PM
Crown Prince Haakon received the President of Estonia Alar Karis for an audience and hosted a luncheon for his guest today:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 07, 2022, 02:36:49 PM
Crown Prince Haakon visited the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation at Sessvollmoen this morning:

Kronprins Haakon skal bes?ke Cold Response (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 10, 2022, 02:59:18 PM
February 10, Crown Prince Haakon inaugurated the "The King's Cars. Vehicles Through Four Generations" exhibition at Queen Sonja Art Stables:

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 17, 2022, 01:45:09 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited the "Every Moment Counts - Feeling of AIDS" exhibition in Hovikodden today:

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 02, 2022, 07:06:34 PM
Crown Prince Haakon receives a briefing from Save the Children, Norwegian Refugee Council and the Red Cross on the situation in Ukraine, at Save the Children's premises today:

Bes?kte humanit?re organisasjoner - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 02, 2022, 09:07:10 PM
Crown Prince Couple of Norway attend peace service for Ukraine ? Royal Central (

QuoteNorway?s Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit have attended a peace service for Ukraine at Oslo?s Trinity Church.

The Crown Prince Couple joined the clergy of various denominations and Ukrainians in Norway at the service on Tuesday night. Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Emilie Enger Mehl attended on behalf of the Norwegian government.

When the couple arrived, they were greeted by a 13-year-old Ukrainian named Maksym Popil before heading inside for the service.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 05, 2022, 12:40:47 PM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the Holmenkollen skifestival today:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 07, 2022, 06:43:19 PM
Crown Princes couple met with children from the Children's Climate Panel at Skaugum today:

Kronprinsparet m?tte Barnas Klimapanel - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on April 02, 2022, 01:49:13 PM
Crown Princess Mette Marit visiting Ukrainian at a Red Cross Facility.

Bes?kte R?de Kors - Det norske kongehus (

Earlier in the week she attended a ceremony for district mothers.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit attends diploma ceremony for City Mothers ? UFO No More (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on April 05, 2022, 04:00:59 PM
Crown Prince Haakon visits city close to the Russian border ? Royal Central (

Quotehe war in Ukraine continues to dominate. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway has visited the Norwegian city of Kirkenes, on the border with Russia, to meet the locals and hear how it feels to live close to the border with Russia after the country?s invasion of Ukraine.

Kirkenes is located in S?r-Varanger municipality, which is the only municipality in Norway that borders Russia. The Crown Prince began the visit to the Barents Secretariat, where the mayor of Kirkenes, Lena Bergeng and head of the Barents Secretariat, Lars Georg Fordal, talked about how Russia?s warfare affects the city?s population. They also discussed cooperation and friendship across borders, and business. At the same time, they also told the Crown Prince about the strong community in Kirkenes, and the unity they enjoy, regardless of nationality.

The mayor of Kirkenes said that many Russians live in the city, and that everyone knows someone from Russia. They are friends, neighbours, spouses and colleagues. In addition, they are used to traveling freely across the border to shop, visit friends, maintain business cooperation and go on holiday.

The head of the Barents Secretariat said to His Royal Highness that their goal is to create mutual understanding between Russia and Norway, by sharing knowledge and building networks and financing cooperation projects.

After the briefing, the Crown Prince took a walk through the snow-covered centre of the city, and had lunch at the local patisserie with six of the city?s residents. Together they talked about how they experience living close to the Russian border. At the local youth club, the Crown Prince met several young people from the Youth Council, and was shown around by the unit leader for culture. The young people told about the offer at the newly opened club and enjoyed showing their visitor the new E-sports room.

Crown Prince Haakon`s visit concluded at the city?s ice hockey field.

Glad to see that the Norwegian and Russian residents have good relationship despite the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 21, 2022, 04:02:58 AM
Norway's Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit arrive in Svalbard | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 21, 2022, 06:28:09 PM

Day 2:

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on May 02, 2022, 12:58:22 PM
Crown Prince Haakon and CPss Mette-Marit finally meet with their Swedish counterparts after their official visit had been postponed many times.

Crown Princess Mette Marit of Norway and Crown Prince Haakon kickoff their three-day visit to Sweden | Daily Mail Online (

QuoteCrown Princess Mette Marit showcased her knowledge of seasonal fashion trends as she and husband Crown Prince Hakakon kicked-off their three-day visit to Sweden with stylish photos taken on the steps of Haga Palace.

The Norwegian royal couple were welcomed by Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel as they arrived on Monday to strengthen the neighbourly relations between the two countries.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 02, 2022, 03:51:30 PM

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 03, 2022, 08:28:49 AM
Some pics from day 2:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (,%202022
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on May 06, 2022, 02:02:55 PM
Past and future combined as Norwegian Crown Prince concludes visit to Sweden ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 10, 2022, 07:26:58 PM
On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon, as Patron of Year of Volunteering, of Norway attended the opening of Together on Tour in Drammen, Norway.

HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway Attends the Opening of Together on Tour in Drammen. (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 12, 2022, 03:53:04 PM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the NHO Annual Conference at Oslo Spektrum this morning:

Kronprinsen p? NHOs ?rskonferanse - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 15, 2022, 10:54:12 AM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit held a reception for Norwegian honorary consuls at the Royal Palace yesterday afternoon:

Holdt mottakelse for konsuler - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TudorQueen on June 17, 2022, 08:47:03 AM
And we have a tiara

New photographs of Princess Ingrid Alexandra - The Royal House of Norway (

And it indeed is Ingeborg's circlet.

She is also wearing orders in the portrait

'Princess Ingrid Alexandra is wearing the Grand Cross of the Order of St Olav and His Majesty King Harald V’s House order (portrait brooch), which were conferred on her by the King on her 18th birthday on 21 January, 2022. This is the first time the Princess is wearing the decorations. She is also wearing miniatures of the Order of St Olav, the Royal House of Norway Centenary Medal and His Majesty King Harald V’s Jubilee Medal 1991 – 2016.'
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on June 17, 2022, 12:07:00 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra is a beautiful young lady. This is a lovely formal portrait of her in tiara and decorations.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: sara8150 on June 17, 2022, 04:58:03 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra makes dazzling tiara debut in new 18th birthday portraits | HELLO! (
Princess Ingrid loaner from her mom?s dress and tiara loaned from great aunt Princess Ragnhild like old and new
Quotediamond and pearl tiara the glittering tiara, which was a gift from her great-aunt Princess Ragnhild's family, has been passed down from Princess Ingeborg of Sweden, who was the grandmother of the King of Norway and the great-great-grandmother of Princess Ingrid Alexandra The statement headpiece has also previously been used by Princess M?rtha of Sweden (Crown Princess of Norway), Princess Margaretha of Denmark and of course, Princess Ragnhild of Norway.Meanwhile, Princess Ingrid Alexandra's ballgown has been inherited from her mother, Crown Princess Mette-Marit. The senior royal was seen wearing the gorgeous dress at the banquet for the UK's State Visit to Norway in 2001 before her marriage to Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway.She added: "It is a beautiful tiara made of interlocking diamond circles set in platinum. The button-style diamond and pearl elements are later additions. Grandfather purchased the tiara for grandmother when they were attending the Paris Exposition in 1900."Princess Astrid continued: "Grandmother used the tiara often throughout her life. The last time she wore it was at my brother 's celebration of his 21st birthday in 1958."
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 20, 2022, 01:46:18 PM
Crown Prince Haakon opened the exhibition "Compassion in action. The legacy of Fridtjof Nansen" at the Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo this morning:

TT Nyhetsbyr?n (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 25, 2022, 05:11:54 PM
Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Sverre Magnus are visiting the makeshift memorial in the aftermath of yesterday?s shooting in Oslo this afternoon:

La ned blomster ved London Pub - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: sara8150 on June 27, 2022, 02:16:04 AM
Norwegian royals remember victims of Oslo terror attack on gay bar before city's Pride parade | Daily Mail Online (

Oslo 'terror suspect refuses to answer cops' questions' - stalling investigation into gay bar attack | Daily Mail Online (

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit lead tributes to two killed in Oslo terror attack | Daily Mail Online (

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on June 27, 2022, 02:44:00 PM
Very sad event. Nice to see royal support.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 26, 2022, 11:25:58 PM
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today received board chair Henriette Marie Skj?veland and board member Andre Schau of the Norwegian Lighthouse Association in an audience at the Royal Palace.

Tatt imot i audiens - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 31, 2022, 12:02:43 AM
Crown Prince Haakon was today 30 August present during the Norfund conference 2022 at the Old Library in Oslo. Norfund marks its 25th anniversary this year.

Norfund-konferansen 2022 - Det norske kongehus (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on September 01, 2022, 06:27:55 PM
September 1, Crown Prince Haakon visited UiT The Arctic University of Norway and later attended the 50th anniversary of UiT The Arctic University of Norway at Tromso Cathedral:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on September 02, 2022, 12:27:15 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit attends literary conversation in Lillestr?m ? Royal Central (

QuoteCrown Princess Mette-Marit has attended a literary discussion at the new Lillestr?m library, opening the Cultural Corners week at the new library.

In a conversation about representation and expectations and how that relates to literature, the Crown Princess listened as Jan Grue, Ella Marie H?tta Isaksen and Abid Raja spoke about their experiences.

The conversation was entitled ?I am not your?? and focused on how representation, other peoples? expectations of people and literature can affect a person and their associations.

?It is very gratifying and great for the new Lillestr?m library that HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit wants to participate in the event. Our impression is that the Crown Princess is keenly interested in literature, communication and telling a story,? said Ragnhild Malfang, section leader of Lillestr?m library, on the library?s official website.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on October 19, 2022, 11:27:33 PM
Crown Prince Haakon visits special kindergarten ? Royal Central (

QuoteQueen Maud?s College for Kindergarten Teacher Education in Trondheim provides training for those working in early years? education. It is a private college organized as an independent foundation within the Church of Norway.

The school is now celebrating its 75th anniversary and, to mark the occasion, Crown Prince Haakon visited the school that bears the name of his great-grandmother. Queen Maud?s College is the only university in Norway that has the education of kindergarten teachers as its main task.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on October 24, 2022, 02:11:15 PM
The Norwegian Army
Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra visits the army at Setermoen. (Pool NRK and NTB)

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 07, 2022, 05:34:21 PM
Crown Prince Haakon leads tributes on Armed Forces Memorial Day ? Royal Central (

I had not realized that this was a relatively new memorial holiday for Norway.


The Norwegian Armed Forces Memorial Day has been marked with Crown Prince Haakon placing a wreath at the national veteran monument at Akershus Fortress in Oslo.

At the ceremony at Akershus fortress, on November 6th 2022, the Chief of Defence, General Eirik Kristoffersen gave the memorial speech before he asked the Crown Prince to place the wreath. Guardsmen from His Majesty the King?s Guard stood guard of honour at the monument. Parliament President Masud Gharahkhani was also present during the ceremony.

After the wreath-laying ceremony, the Crown Prince stopped at the memorial plaque which bears the names of those who have died in international operations, and the fallen were remembered in a minute?s silence. The National Veterans Monument was unveiled by King Harald in August 2021 and honours all personnel who have served in international operations since 1945. It consists of a stone monument, a bronze plaque with the names of those who have lost their lives in international operations, and the ?eternal flame? shaped like a torch. On the monument the line ?also we when it is demanded? from Norway?s national anthem is engraved.

After the wreath-laying ceremony, the Crown Prince participated in the memorial service in Akershus Castle Church, where the field priest, Lieutenant Colonel Kyrre Klevberg, officiated. During the service Crown Prince Haakon lit the Armed Forces? memorial candle, followed by a minute?s silence.

This Norwegian memorial day was introduced in 2007 and the commemoration takes place on the first Sunday in November. This is the day to honour and remember all who have lost their lives in the Armed Forces? service in and outside Norway. The main event takes place at Akershus Fortress in Oslo, but the day is also marked with events elsewhere in Norway and abroad.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 08, 2022, 01:20:34 PM
The way of the future.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 13, 2022, 02:30:38 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway opens scouting conference ? Royal Central (

QuoteCrown Princess Mette-Marit officially opened this year?s Scouting Assembly on Friday in Lillestr?m, honouring young scouts and awarding them for their leadership abilities.

At the opening ceremony, the Crown Princess, who is royal patron of the Norwegian Scout Association, presented the Flame Awards to five young leaders: Trond Anders Nordby from the H?nefoss troop; Marthe Elisabeth Bang Hellum from the Charlottenlund troop; Tordis Drivenes from the 1st Vennesla troop; and Hanne Kristine Lybekk and Regine Skogmo Gr?tte, both from the 1st Sandsv?r troop.

The Flame Award recognises those who ?have shown a burning commitment and have made a great effort for the scouting cause? and motivates them to make a positive difference in their communities, according to the Norwegian Royal Court.

In a speech, Crown Princess Mette-Marit said: ?I am sure that if the world consisted of more Scouts, the world would be a better place.?
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 17, 2022, 01:35:01 PM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit host banquet at Skaugum ? UFO No More (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 22, 2022, 01:25:18 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit gifts special gown to the National Museum's collection ? UFO No More (

QuoteThe gown was designed by Peter Dundas and the fabric was woven by members of Aurora Verksted, a workshop for people with and without disabilities. Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore the gown last June for the official opening of the Museum.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on January 09, 2023, 07:25:50 PM
CP Haakon opened the new head office of Innovation Norway in Oslo today 9 January
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on January 10, 2023, 01:59:07 PM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the funeral of Pakistani-born Norwegian stand-up comedian, writer, and columnist Shabana Rehman today, January 10. Shabana Rehman had died aged 46 suffering from cancer:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 23, 2023, 12:23:31 PM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit will be in London on an official visit on 1 and 2 March 2023:

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess to visit UK - The Royal House of Norway (

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on January 24, 2023, 02:13:18 PM
QuoteThe Crown Prince and Crown Princess to visit UK

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit will be in London on an official visit on 1 and 2 March 2023.

The visit of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess will celebrate the long history of strong ties and excellent relations between Norway and the United Kingdom. The UK is one of Norway?s most important partners and its largest export market.

The main purpose of the visit is to promote increased business sector cooperation with a focus on green industrial transition and innovation, and to expand cooperation on energy. Promotion of Norwegian literature and music will also be included in the programme.

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess will be accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt, Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland and Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre, together with a business delegation.

The programme is currently being drawn up. More information will be provided at a later date.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 30, 2023, 06:44:39 PM
Today, Crown Prince Haakon visited the Norwegian construction and civil engineering company Veidekke at Ulven in Oslo:

Beelden | ANP Foto (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 01, 2023, 11:20:04 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway joins Crown Prince Haakon at a reception in London | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 02, 2023, 01:19:44 PM
The CP couple met their British counterparts at Windsor Castle today.

A meeting of heirs at Windsor Castle ? Royal Central (

Quotehe future kings of the United Kingdom and Norway have met again and put the environment at the heart of their conversation.

The Prince and Princess of Wales welcomed Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit to Windsor Castle during an official visit by the Norwegian royals to the UK. The four had previously met when William and Kate headed to Oslo in 2018.

During their latest meeting, there were discussions around a number of issues including the environment and green energy. One of the main focuses of the Crown Prince and Princess of Norway during their visit to the UK is strengthening co-operation between the two countries in areas including green energy.

The royals were joined by representatives from leading Norwegian businesses involved in finding green energy solutions for the meeting which took place, appropriately enough, in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor.

The meeting came on day two of the official visit, March 2nd 2023. At the start of their trip, the Crown Prince and Princess had travelled to Brixton to see the contribution of Norwegian company, Betongpark, in restoring Stockwell skate park to make it a valuable resource for the local community.

And ahead of World Book Day, Crown Princess Mette-Marit hosted a meeting for the book industry which brought together booksellers, publishers and journalists. Literature and literacy is one of the Crown Princess? main interests. During the reception, at the Norwegian ambassador?s residence in Kensington, Crown Princess Mette-Marit said ??Literature binds us together? across continents and different life experiences. Literature binds us to each other, and to ourselves.?

The Norwegian visit to the UK concludes on March 2nd 2023.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on March 10, 2023, 04:55:51 AM
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on March 01, 2023, 11:20:04 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway joins Crown Prince Haakon at a reception in London | Daily Mail Online (

I am not in love with Mette-Marit's dress. It's frumpy!
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 10, 2023, 01:49:18 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit attends opening of the Mental Health Conference 2023 ? UFO No More (
QuoteOn Thursday, Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the opening of the Mental Health Conference 2023. The conference was held under the theme "How to create hope when it is difficult to imagine a future?".
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 15, 2023, 12:29:14 PM
Norwegian royals are spectators at historic five mile race ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 23, 2023, 07:22:11 PM

QuoteNorwegian Royals Visit ?vresetertjern
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 29, 2023, 12:20:15 PM
Special visits are on the plans to celebrate the CP couple's 50th birthdays this summer.

Plans announced to celebrate Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway?s 50th birthdays ? Royal Central (

QuoteNorway?s Royal Court has announced plans to mark the 50th birthdays of Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit.

The Crown Prince Couple have decided to mark their 50 years with five trips with different themes throughout Norway. The Royal Court said the couple will use this to ?highlight some of what they value most in Norway.?
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on March 30, 2023, 02:45:11 AM
The CP couple at a concert wearing traditional bunad.

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attend concert in Bykle Old Church ? UFO No More (


On Wednesday, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended a concert in Bykle Old Church as part of their 50th birthdays? visits.

The concert showcased the musical heritage of Setesdal, the ?stevjing?, which is part of the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2019.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on April 13, 2023, 12:06:58 PM
Crown Prince Haakon makes a sweet treat ? Royal Central (

QuoteIt is not every day that a Crown Prince?s working day consists of scooping ice cream, but that was the case for Crown Prince Haakon of Norway on Tuesday at the opening of Cousin?s caf? in Oslo.

The Crown Prince participated in making ice cream at the small ice cream factory that employs young people with a refugee background.

During the event, Hussein Mahmoud, Sanaa Tamin, and founder Christoffer Naustdal Hjelm demonstrated the ice cream-making process to the Crown Prince, inviting His Royal Highness to join in and help.

Crown Prince Haakon inaugurated the cafe by making the first sale at the till with a chocolate ice cream to Mayor Marianne Borgen. Cousins, formerly Sandwich Brothers, was established in 2016 to provide job opportunities to young, unmarried refugees. Since 2018, the Crown Prince Couple?s Fund has supported this small ice cream factory.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 19, 2023, 01:23:38 PM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway cancels special birthday outing due to illness | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on April 19, 2023, 02:19:35 PM
I hope that Mette-Marit will make a speedy and full recovery.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on May 23, 2023, 02:14:20 AM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit visits the Future Library Forest in Nordmarka ? UFO No More (


On Sunday, Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited the Future Library Forest in Nordmarka with authors Judith Schalansky and Ocean Vuong. She toured the forest and attended the annual ceremony.

Each year, authors are invited to contribute a new text to the Future Library Forest where a thousand trees have been planted in 2014. The texts will remain unread and unpublished and will be kept in a beautiful quiet room in Deichman Bj?rvika until 2114. The trees will then become paper on which all the texts are printed.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 26, 2023, 07:55:06 PM
On Friday morning His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon boarded the American aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, which is currently visiting Norway with an escort of support vessels. In Oslo, the vessel is anchored in the Bunne Fjord, south of the city centre -

Crown Prince on board the USS Gerald R. Ford?? - The Royal House of Norway (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 31, 2023, 12:22:04 PM
Crown Prince Haakon inspected the Royal Guard at Huseby camp in Oslo today:

Beelden | ANP Foto (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 06, 2023, 11:23:56 AM
Crown Prince Haakon attended the 2023 Nor-Shipping Ocean Leadership Conference at NOVA Spektrum in Lillestrom this morning:

Beelden | ANP Foto (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 07, 2023, 05:51:00 PM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited "The Church City Mission" in Drammen and "Sisters in Business in Slemmestad:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 09, 2023, 11:25:39 AM
Crown Prince Haakon presented the Holberg Prize 2023 at the University of Bergen yesterday:

Holbergprisen til forsker p? milj?konflikter - Det norske kongehus (

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on June 22, 2023, 11:51:55 AM
Norwegian Crown Prince Family hosts Friendly Football Match at Skaugum ? UFO No More (

QuoteOn Wednesday, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Princess Ingrid-Alexandra, and Prince Sverre Magnus took part in the annual friendly football match in front of their home in Skaugum.The Crown Prince Family was joined by Norwegian football players Martin ?degaard, Maren Mjelde, and Guro Bergsvand in Team Skaugum. Team Skaugum faced B?n Unified which is a sports team that aims to provide sporting activities to people with disabilities in Eidsvoll.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on June 27, 2023, 12:06:03 PM
Princess Ingrid Alexandra will be following a similar path that Belgium's Princess Elisabeth and Spain's Princess Leonor are taking with their post secondary school years by undergoing military training.

Princess Ingrid Alexandra to undertake military training ? Royal Central (

QuotePrincess Ingrid Alexandra will spend a calendar year serving in the Norwegian military, the Royal Court announced on 26 June.

The future queen, who graduated from Elvebakken Upper Secondary School last week, will spend the autumn working at a school before beginning a full 12 months of military service at the Skjold Camp in Indre Troms, which is home to the Engineer Battalion, where she will serve.

The Norwegian Royal Court announced that Princess Ingrid Alexandra would work as a school assistant and environmental worker at the Uranineborg School in the autumn months before joining the Engineer Battalion in the Brigade Nord.

?After the recruitment period, the Princess is assigned a service position, and completes a professional period with more specific education followed by a departmental period of training and practice,? the Royal Court announced.

According to the Norwegian military?s website, members of the Engineer Battalion are specialists ?who, among other things, work with defence facilities, bridges and other constructions and CBRN.?

The Engineer Battalion works to remove obstacles and helps with mobility?or anti-mobility, in some cases?and advancing; they also help with protection and fortification, as well as camouflage.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on July 24, 2023, 12:49:13 PM
Norway?s future king reveals surprising job he would have had if he wasn?t royal ? Royal Central (

QuoteNorway?s Crown Prince Haakon has given a major TV interview as he marks his fiftieth birthday and he?s told NRK exactly what career he would pursue if he wasn?t royal.

His surprising revelation also reveals a special link with his daughter, Princess Ingrid Alexandra. For the future king says he would have tried to make a living by surfing ? a sport the princess has won titles in.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on July 25, 2023, 12:17:29 PM
CP Haakon reveals that Prince Sverre Magnus will likely have to "find his own way."

Crown Prince Haakon reveals the future royal role of his son, Prince Sverre Magnus ? Royal Central (

QuoteWhile the future of Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway has been known from birth, the role her younger brother, Prince Sverre Magnus, will have in royal life has been much debated. Now, their father, Crown Prince Haakon, has revealed the part his youngest child will play in his royal family in the years to come.

During an interview with Norwegian broadcaster, NRK, last week, Crown Prince Haakon, shared what he thinks about his son?s future in the royal family.

Crown Prince Haakon says: ?I expect that he will have to find his own way in life. It is Ingrid who is going to take over the role. Magnus will probably be involved in something, but I probably don?t think he will have an official role or a full-time position. That is not the plan. So, he has to find something he wants to do in life?.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on July 25, 2023, 01:42:50 PM
That will probably be the same with all Royal spares in the future, especially in Western royal families. Cr Prince Haakon should be keeping in mind though that his parents are very elderly and the King is not in robust health. Neither is MM. Best to leave a bit of leeway for say the next ten years or even after I-A marries.

I know Norway is a very small country but if it?s just going to be himself and I-A on fulltime royal duties in future then it might be a stretch if, for instance I-A marries and has a couple of children and her husband isn?t interested in undertaking royal duties. .
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on July 25, 2023, 02:38:07 PM
I could see Sverre Magnus taking on some patronages and then accompanying his parents and sister for national events. King Harald's sisters both acted as representatives during their father's and brother's reigns.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 16, 2023, 01:03:49 PM
Crown Prince Haakon visits flood-affected areas ? Royal Central (

QuoteNorway has been hit by the worst floods in over 20 years. Last week, King Harald and Queen Sonja visited flood victims in Eastern Norway. Now Crown Prince Haakon has also shown his support for those who have been evacuated and have lost their homes.

The visit began meeting evacuees at the Kl?kken hotel. They were eating in the dining room when the Crown Prince arrived.

Kl?kken is located close to city of H?nefoss, one of the places hit hard by the extreme weather ?Hans?. The hotel has been converted into a centre for evacuees. After the visit to the evacuation centre, the Crown Prince travelled on the H?nefoss to see the river and the damage it has caused.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on August 22, 2023, 10:08:36 PM
Prince Haakon is showing his leadership qualities. He is well-prepared to step into his future role when the time comes.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on August 28, 2023, 08:00:26 PM
CPss Mette Marit visits the Norwegian Children's Cancer Association.

Det Norske Kongehuset on Instagram: "Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit bes?kte barn og unge ved Barneavdeling for kreft- og blodsykdommer p? @oushf sammen med (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on September 14, 2023, 12:39:35 PM
Mette-Marit has extended her sick leave.

Crown Princess Mette Marit on extended sick leave ? Royal Central (

QuoteCrown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway is on sick leave for two weeks but may need further rest after that.

The news was announced by the Norwegian Royal Court on September 13th 2023. The decision comes on the advice of the Crown Princess? doctor.

The Crown Princess is initially on sick leave for two weeks, but this period may be extended.

It means that the Crown Princess cannot carry out her planned visit to Stockholm together with the King and Queen of Norway and her husband, Crown Prince Haakon. They are going to Sweden to mark King Carl XVI Gustaf?s Golden Jubilee.

The Crown Princess will also miss the county trip to Vestland, which will take place later this month. Crown Prince Haakon will therefore go on the visit by himself.

The Royal Court further informs that the sick leave is a result of the Crown Princess ongoing medical condition, pulmonary fibrosis, which at times limits the exercise of her official programme.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on September 28, 2023, 02:49:25 AM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit?s health issues continue ? Royal Central (

QuoteCrown Princess Mette-Marit?s health issues will sideline her for a bit longer.

The Crown Princess does not have any events scheduled for the upcoming week or autumn holidays.

The Royal Court told Dagbladet that the royal?s sick leave would be extended, ?The Crown Princess will continue to have reduced activity and has no official program planned this week or during the autumn holidays.?
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on September 28, 2023, 11:39:51 AM
Quote from: TLLK on September 28, 2023, 02:49:25 AM
Crown Princess Mette-Marit?s health issues continue ? Royal Central (

That is very sad. And of course it impacts her family, including her children as well, and puts some extra stress on her parents in law. If only her  dingbat sister in law would jettison her shyster boyfriend and support the family by taking on some royal engagements for a few years while Prss I-A gets through University it would be a real help, but that?s not likely to happen.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on September 28, 2023, 12:22:31 PM
@Curryong-I agree that it would be have been very helpful if Martha-Louise had displayed some of her aunts Princess Raghnild and Astrid's behavior by being there to support the family in their duties. However her behavior has really left the NRF and the government with no choice.  King Harald's sisters stepped in to their late mother's role after her death and before Harald and Sonja married. I'm afraid that with Harald's on going health concerns along with Mette-Marit's that the work is going to fall to CP Hakkon and his mother Queen Sonja.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Curryong on September 29, 2023, 08:24:03 PM

New photos of Prss Ingrid-Alexandra in traditional Norwegian dress, an outfit she was gifted for her eighteenth birthday.

Deler nye bilder av Prinsesse Ingrid Alexandra (

She?s such a cheerful and happy-looking girl. And everyone is growing up so fast! Christian of Denmark?s eighteenth birthday soon.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on October 19, 2023, 12:13:33 PM
October 18, Crown Prince Haakon attended a meeting of the Advisory Board of the 2025 Nordic World Ski Championships in Trondheim:

M?te i hovedkomiteen for VM p? ski - Det norske kongehus (

Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 02, 2023, 12:47:15 PM
CP Hakkon opened the new Norwegian Space Port today.

Kronprinsen ?pnet And?ya Spaceport: ? Alle disse ?rene med hardt arbeid har f?rt til dagens ?pning - (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: TLLK on November 10, 2023, 01:52:14 PM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visit Berlin ? UFO No More (

QuoteOn Thursday, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were in Berlin to mark the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit met with the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Bellevue Palace.They also were received by Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Federal Chancellery where they attended a meeting with several Ministers. 
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 10, 2024, 11:08:55 AM
January 9, Crown Princess Mette-Marit reopened the library at Vahl School in Oslo:

PPE Agency (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 17, 2024, 06:59:23 PM
On Wednesday, Princess Ingrid Alexandra began her first service at Skjold camp:

Ryktene svirret rundt prinsesse Ingrid Alexandra og milit?ret: N? er det klart (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 19, 2024, 01:22:17 PM
Future Queen of Norway, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, 19, begins her military training and reveals she can already assemble and assault rifle | Daily (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 27, 2024, 08:20:58 PM
Crown Prince Haakon paid a visit in connection with the 40th anniversary of the Apprenticeship Centre for the Building Trades at Kuben Vocational Arena in Oslo today:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 28, 2024, 08:41:50 PM
Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit are visiting the Finsekurset (Finse Course) 2024 today and tomorrow, February 29.

The "Finsekurset" is the "Red Cross' course for the training of team leaders who will lead search operations regardless of the season and surroundings".

Here are some photos of today, February 28:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 13, 2024, 08:27:06 PM
This evening, March 13, Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended a concert of the Gjermund Larsen Trio at Ris Church as part of the Oslo International Church Music Festival:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: LouisFerdinand on March 13, 2024, 09:39:20 PM
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on March 13, 2024, 08:27:06 PMThis evening, March 13, Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended a concert of the Gjermund Larsen Trio at Ris Church as part of the Oslo International Church Music Festival:

The International Church Music Festival events would be fabulous to attend.   
I like organ music very much.
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: Blue Clover on March 18, 2024, 02:21:36 AM
How long before Prince Haakon will take over from his father, who is very ill?
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 18, 2024, 03:22:36 PM
On March 15 and 16 Crown Prince Haakon attened the 60th anniversary of the Ridderrennet annual winter sports week for the visually and mobility impaired:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 02, 2024, 11:36:21 AM
Crown Prince Haakon visited the Norwegian Confederation of Business and Industry in Oslo this morning, April 2:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 04, 2024, 08:42:55 PM
The Crown Prince was in Lithuania this week:
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 25, 2024, 08:43:56 PM
Kongehuset: Today, April 25, Crown Prince Haakon attended the 50th anniversary of the environmental organization Future in our hands in Oslo: (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 29, 2024, 03:29:18 PM
Kongehuset: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was present during the final ceremony of the Young Researchers competition. The competition aims to be an arena for engagement and interest in research among young people. (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 21, 2024, 03:21:50 PM
Official website: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today presented the prestigious Abel Prize for 2024 to Michel Talagrand for pioneering contributions to truth theory and functional analysis. (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 28, 2024, 07:19:45 PM
Official website: Their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince and Crown Princess held a reception for honorary consuls at the Palace this afternoon.  (
Title: Re: The Crown Princely Family Current Events and Discussion
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 01, 2024, 01:50:28 PM
Pics: Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Christian Law in Moster this afternoon (