Royal Insight Forum

The King, Charles III and The Queen Consort => The Prince and Princess of Wales => Topic started by: cinrit on February 18, 2015, 12:48:06 PM

Title: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: cinrit on February 18, 2015, 12:48:06 PM
QuoteDuchess of Cambridge Is All Smiles As She Visits Pottery Factory

The Duchess, who is seven months pregnant, waved and smiled at cheering crowds as she arrived at the factory in Stoke-On-Trent to see the production of a mug the company has launched in support of East Anglia's Children's Hospices, (EACH).

Kate took a tour of the factory and saw how the earthenware products were made and decorated by hand using traditional techniques.

Showing off her burgeoning baby bump, the Duchess, who is a patron of EACH, watched as she was shown the new mug.  The Duchess has worked with Ms Bridgewater before by raising money for the charity.

z,More: Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge shows off baby bump as she visits Emma Bridgewater | Royal | News | Daily Express (



Double post auto-merged: February 18, 2015, 04:02:24 PM

QuoteDuchess of Cambridge a Dab Hand at Pottery Skills on Visit to Emma Bridgewater Factory

The Duchess of Cambridge was pronounced "a natural Stokie" as she tried her hand at pottery on a visit to the Emma Bridgewater ceramics factory.
She was not afraid to get her hands dirty as she had a go at making a plate from a disc of clay.

Warning on-lookers to "watch out", the Duchess managed to hit the mark first time as she threw the clay onto a machine, although she remarked "it's a little lop-sided".

However, 53-year-old Wayne Swindail - a "jigger-jollier" at the Stoke-on-Trent factory - said her technique had been near-perfect.

"There's nothing wrong with that," he said. "She a natural Stokie. Absolutely brilliant.  Later, he added: "She did it beautifully, and it's not as easy as it looks."

More: Duchess of Cambridge a dab hand at pottery skills on visit to Emma Bridgewater factory - Telegraph (


Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 18, 2015, 04:56:54 PM
I like that the press spoke to the mother who received two nights of respite care through EACH. Her pre-schooler son has autism and Marfan's syndrome which IMO would be an exhausting existence for a single parent. Glad to know that EACH can provide both mother and son with this type of assistance.

Please, don't quote the post directly before yours. :hug: Thank you, madame. :)

Double post auto-merged: February 18, 2015, 07:29:29 PM

What??? Can't believe I did that again. Thought I'd broken that habit. :hehe:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: cate1949 on February 19, 2015, 03:02:05 AM
she looks more animated and involved in her last two visits - good I'd say
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: cinrit on February 19, 2015, 01:03:27 PM
QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge Visits Stoke-on-Trent to Carry Out Engagements Related to Children's Well-Being

The Duchess of Cambridge has been praised as "a natural Stokie" after mucking in during a visit to the Potteries in aid of children's hospices.  Her Royal Highness was visiting the Emma Bridgewater ceramics factory in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, touring the shopfloor and watching youngsters getting creative with paint - to the delight of their Royal Visitor.

The visit was a chance for The Duchess to witness production of a new line of mugs the historic company has launched in support of East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH), of which The Duchess is Patron.

The Duchess was all smiles as she chatted with production staff before meeting families from Stoke-based Donna Louise Children's Hospice for a painting session.

She earned plenty of fans among the workers, as she tried her hand at making flatware - which involved the precision throwing of a piece of clay on to a machine.

More: The Duchess of Cambridge visits Stoke-on-Trent to carry out engagements related to children's well-being (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on February 19, 2015, 03:05:39 PM
Apparently (according to the KP twitter feed) the Queen has been patron of Action for Children for more than 50 years.  Nice to see Kate visiting one of the Queen's charities that dovetails with Kate's own focus on vulnerable young people!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Lady Adams on February 19, 2015, 03:09:39 PM
@Canuck, thanks for pointing that out-- I think that's a great way to spread BRF involvement in a valuable organization.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on February 19, 2015, 06:39:27 PM
I particularly liked this article from Richard Palmer about Kate's visit to Action on Children.  Lots of interesting detail.

QuoteAs she toured the Play and Stay playgroup at the Smethwick centre, she high-fived one little girl who toddled over to her, Safiya Hudson, aged 27 months, and watched children paint and do crafts.

Safiya's mum, Natalie, 32, a victim of domestic violence by her former partner before and after her daughter was born, has been bringing her to the play and stay sessions at the Smethwick centre since she was three months old. It gives mother and daughter a chance to socialise with other families.

She was astonished that her daughter toddled over to give Kate a high five.

"I didn't expect it. It was very spontaneous. It was how she felt. She is quite confidant if she knows someone," said Natalie.

"The Duchess was so friendly I think she encouraged my daughter to be spontaneous. I didn't expect it. But it's how she felt. She was enjoying the moment.

"It was an amazing day, perfectly organised."

Donna Ebanks, 35, said Kate wished her son, Samuel Ebanks 'happy birthday' as his big day was today "Samuel was playing with the little animals and she said that George loves then too. My daughter was at the painting table and she said that George likes getting his hands in paint."

She added: "There's a real feel-good factor here today and it will raise the profile of the centre."

Esther Bulus, 35, who brought her 17 month old daughter Elizabeth with her, added: "She saw my daughter painting and said "If George was here, that's what he would be doing."

She added: "Coming here has been great for Elizabeth's social skills - she's always so excited about coming. She's not shy now or scared."

Dad Asad Kamal told Kate he brings his sons Naqeeb, seven, (showed Kate a 'Megatron' Transformer he had been making with coloured pipecleaners) and Musa, three, to the dad's club once a week.

"She was very generous with her time and attention, considering there is a quite a difficult session with lots of families. She was really friendly and attentive," he said.

There's also some information about a private session Kate had with some families who use the charity, in which they told her about the struggles in their families.  The woman who talked to the paper about it has a heart condition that causes her to have heart attacks without warning, and she's worried about the effect it has on her kids.  A very moving story.

Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge moved to tears by families' plight | Royal | News | Daily Express (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Limabeany on February 19, 2015, 06:41:20 PM
Somdid I, not another what-kate-wore article. This is what they should all do, they are professionals and adults.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 19, 2015, 07:55:48 PM
@Canuck and @ Limabeany  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 12, 2015, 12:04:49 PM
Well, we were all wrong with our guesses that the St Patrick's Day engagement would be her last!   
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 12, 2015, 02:40:52 PM
Wonder if this is related to foster care or the children's mental health charities?
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 12, 2015, 02:44:00 PM
Good question, TLLK.  It's definitely part of the broad issue of children who are struggling with something in their private or home life, which Kate has been focused on lately.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 12, 2015, 02:51:33 PM
Thank you @snokitty for the link to the site.

Looks like a pre-school but it could be linked to any one of her charities. Have to say I was sure that St. Patrick's Day would be the last public engagement but it's good to see her going to another before she delivers baby two.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 12, 2015, 02:54:20 PM
The engagement is reportedly for Home-Start, a UK charity.  Here's some information from their website:

QuoteWhat we do
Home-Start helps families with young children deal with whatever life throws at them. We support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children. The benefits of our support include improved health and well being and better family relationships.

We provide one-to-one support for parents
Our volunteers visit the family's home for a couple of hours every week.  They tailor-make their support to the needs of the parents and children. Volunteers are very committed and will keep visiting until the youngest child turns five or starts school, or until the parents feel they can stand on their own two feet.  Parents and volunteers often develop a deeply trusting relationship which can lead to powerful change within the family.

We also run family groups and social events for families.

Our values
We offer families choice
We work in partnership – with each other, with families and with other agencies,
We work in a spirit of openness, encouragement and enjoyment
We are flexible and responsive to the needs of families.

Why it matters
The five years between birth and school are vital for a child's development. What goes on inside a family during these years strongly determines the opportunities and life chances children have. Children who are raised in a stable, loving, family environment are more likely to have a positive and healthy future. But being a parent isn't easy and sometimes life can get in the way. Circumstances throw you off course and everything else can take a back seat. A young child caught up in this can miss out on the love, routine and stimulation that are so vital for their future.  Home-Start works because our volunteers are parents. They understand how hard it can be.  They work alongside parents, in their own homes, to help them cope with the stresses and strains of life and make sure they have the skills, time and strength they need to nurture their children.

Our vision
Home-Start wants to see a society in which every parent has the support they need to give their children the best possible start in life.

Support & services for families | Family support charity | Home-Start UK (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 12, 2015, 03:01:30 PM
Thank you for the information @Canuck. Offering this type of support for families who could use the extra assistance and instruction in early childhood education are so valuable to ensure a good start to a child's school years. Any physical/emotional/developmental concerns can be addressed during this time as well.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 12, 2015, 03:20:34 PM
Agreed, TLLK!  It can be really difficult for parents to admit they need help, and then finding it can be even more difficult.  Programs like this do an enormous amount of good.   :nod:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 12, 2015, 03:29:33 PM
I've sat in on more Student Study and IEP meetings than I can count @Canuck  but it came as a complete shock that my youngest would need services for a mild autism spectrum disorder. Fortunately for us we have a school district with an outstanding early intervention program. Two months after his third birthday he was attending pre-school five days a week with speech/language therapy, OT/PT,  socialization groups and transportation imbedded in his class. The class included typical peers to serve as models. By the time he was four he'd been moved to the class with more typical peers to prep him for kindergarten and we had outside services as well in our home. I pushed for an aide, but by the first day of kindergarten the teacher asked if an aide was truly necessary as he was truly ready for the 5 hour class. Six weeks later the aide was on to another student and he's never had one since. He's now a 7th grader with a 3.5 GPA and most importantly friends!!! We were very, very fortunate that his condition was mild and that he received excellent services at an early age and through his elementary years. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 12, 2015, 03:37:30 PM
That's a wonderful story, TLLK, and I'm so glad you were able to access the services you needed and that your son has made such progress!   :thumbsup:  There's been a lot of research over the past decade or two showing the critical importance of those early years, and stories like yours definitely bear that out!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 12, 2015, 03:57:11 PM
Thank you @Canuck. Trust me we know how very fortunate we are to be living in an area where these services are available to us. Those living in rural settings often find themselves shortchanged as most are typically located in places with a larger population. My husband's cousin is the service provider for a small district in rural Minnesota and travels for hours each week to get to the different schools and home settings to meet with clients.

Double post auto-merged: March 12, 2015, 05:37:03 PM

I was also fortunate to have an aunt who was a speech/language pathologist who was instrumental in explaining my son's IEP to the older generation in my family who held the belief that such information should be kept "secret." They could not understand why we share this information with anyone. Basically she told them in the nicest possible way to stop living in the past and that education was the key in helping our son. Unfortunately 6 months later in 2005 she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of dementia and my brilliant aunt was rapidly losing her memory. I was unable to discuss his progress with her.

We traveled to TX in 2008 and had the opportunity to visit with her. The dementia had progressed to a point where she became lost moving from one room to another in her daughter's home. She  barely recognized close family members anymore. However that evening the most amazing event happened. She found me in the office and said "T..... I truly believe that M..... will continue to make excellent progress. His receptive and expressive language are flourishing. He has a bright future ahead of him." Then she left. Two hours prior she had no clue as to who my family and I were. No one had mentioned M.....'s ASD that evening to her. Somewhere in her memory she knew that she needed to speak to me about this subject. It was the last conversation she and I ever had.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug on March 12, 2015, 11:19:21 PM
 :hug: TLLK

This shows how important the early intervention is.  Ontario  introduced a program that emphases the 18 month exam.  It not only checks for the regular milestones but focuses on identifying signs of autism.  We use both the Rourke tool and the Nipissing tool.  By identifying at risk kids so young, they hopefully will get into programs to help them.  So many of these kids  weren't identified until JK or SK and by that age many interventions were not helpful. 

I really like the idea of Home-Start.  It is a program I would love to see in my area.  Although we do have great programs that parents can go to, I really see the benefits of having in-home programs.  It is truly personal and invasive but by seeing the actual home setting the true situation is better understood and care can be tailored to fit that family's needs.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 13, 2015, 12:33:04 AM
Quote from: Macrobug on March 12, 2015, 11:19:21 PM
:hug: TLLK

This shows how important the early intervention is.  Ontario  introduced a program that emphases the 18 month exam.  It not only checks for the regular milestones but focuses on identifying signs of autism.  We use both the Rourke tool and the Nipissing tool.  By identifying at risk kids so young, they hopefully will get into programs to help them.  So many of these kids  weren't identified until JK or SK and by that age many interventions were not helpful. 

I really like the idea of Home-Start.  It is a program I would love to see in my area.  Although we do have great programs that parents can go to, I really see the benefits of having in-home programs.  It is truly personal and invasive but by seeing the actual home setting the true situation is better understood and care can be tailored to fit that family's needs.
Thank you @Macrobug. I know from my own experience that not all children are going to display that "red flags" of an ASD. My son did not loose any language, did not obsessively line up objects, he was not withdrawn and made eye contact. He doesn't fit the classic autism diagnosis. During a well-baby/toddler check there isn't always the time for a pediatrician to notice the subtle signs. Our son astonished more than one therapist when they were told that he was on the spectrum. The school district was the agency that knew what cues to look for as his diagnosis was mild. Had he been showing signs at an early age we'd been referred to our local regional center.

Very pleased to know that routine screening is happening now on a regular basis with our pediatrician here in CA and that you and other healthcare professionals have diagnostic tools available for you to use. Then you can refer patients to the right agencies for services. Perhaps you've heard the expression "Time is brain." It was on my mind constantly in those days.

The Brookhill Children's center appears to have a good plan in place to guide parents who need the support and can make inquiries/referrals for families as well. The family stories are quite compelling IMO especially the one about the children who had parents who were long term addicts. A father who is caring for a terminally ill daughter and an immigrant mother who was isolated in a new country have all had support from the volunteers and professionals who work with the center.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug on March 13, 2015, 12:47:43 AM
It is the kids like your son that truly benefit from the increased use of diagnostic tools and programs like Early Years.  The kids that have severe ASD are often easy to see, even without the benefit of an enhanced exam.  But that enhanced exam picks up the mild cases, hopefully. 

Around here the kids are referred to specialists but what we are missing are the programs that give support to the families.  They are in place in larger centres but the rural areas are lacking.  I am not certain how it is in GB but I am sure that programs like Home-Start are beneficial to fufil those needs.

Just in case you are interested here are links to the Nipissing and the Rourke

Welcome to Rourke Baby Record (
Your child's enhanced 18-month well-baby visit (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 13, 2015, 01:08:47 AM
Quote from: Macrobug on March 13, 2015, 12:47:43 AM
It is the kids like your son that truly benefit from the increased use of diagnostic tools and programs like Early Years.  The kids that have severe ASD are often easy to see, even without the benefit of an enhanced exam.  But that enhanced exam picks up the mild cases, hopefully. 

Around here the kids are referred to specialists but what we are missing are the programs that give support to the families.  They are in place in larger centres but the rural areas are lacking.  I am not certain how it is in GB but I am sure that programs like Home-Start are beneficial to fufil those needs.

Just in case you are interested here are links to the Nipissing and the Rourke

Welcome to Rourke Baby Record (
Your child's enhanced 18-month well-baby visit (
This is outstanding @Macrobug !!! I am forever grateful that even with my previous background knowledge with IEPs and services that there were caring professionals to guide us through those weeks before he was enrolled in school. They were there to transition us from pre-school to kinder and beyond. They're just as proud of him as we are.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: In All I Do on March 13, 2015, 01:12:50 AM
@TLLK  :consoling1:  It's very difficult to see your child struggling. I'm glad you were able to find those supports and that he's doing so well!

@Macrobug It's really unfortunate that you don't have access to those family supports. The addition of the language screening at the 18 month well baby was what got us referred to the local program around her. My daughter had a speech delay, and the programs at the center (along with a private SPL we were able to use when we were "off program" at the public center) were a huge help. A lot of that help came in the form of support and learning for us.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug on March 13, 2015, 01:40:54 AM
We have it - it is just that the families have to travel at least an hour to access it.  It is a huge barrier for many.  Along with the identification of ASD, the kids with language issues benefit greatly from these programs.  The earlier they are id'ed, the better the outcome with language.  Glad your daughter and you received the help you needed.

I struggled through school and even now with mild dyslexia (I flip 6 and 9, m and w, 3 and 5) and a language delay (I do much better with the written word but have issues with pronunciation).  Back in the 60s and 70s these issues were not identified or treated.  I was very lucky to have a primary school teacher for a parent, a natural affinity for learning and teachers who realized that I may not be learning the same way the other kids were learning but I was learning.  And so I adapted and did ok.  Maybe I would have done better but I love to read and learn.  I was lucky.  So many were not.  A friend was labeled "slow and dumb".  She is not.  She is quite intelligent.  She has severe dyslexia  and couldn't read. She did finally get diagnosed and remedial help, but the damage was done. She believed she was stupid and it has caused her issues to this day. 

I hope with programs like this that no child today goes through what happened to her.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: In All I Do on March 13, 2015, 03:13:14 AM
Quote from: Canuck on March 12, 2015, 12:04:49 PM
Well, we were all wrong with our guesses that the St Patrick's Day engagement would be her last!

FWIW, Katie Nicholl's dropping hints that there'll be a few more engagements:

Katie Nicholl on Twitter: "Expect a few more engagements from #DuchessOfCambridge before she gives birth next month @Mornings9" (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug on March 13, 2015, 03:43:18 AM
I guess they are announcing close to the date to avoid having to publically announce cancellations if she has the baby early or has complications
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 13, 2015, 03:43:50 AM
@TLLK and @Macrobug, thanks for sharing your experiences!  It's obviously important to identify at an early age kids who are on the autism spectrum or have learning disorders, but I find it particularly interesting and valuable that programs like this also provide assistance for those with "normal" kids (those without learning disorders or other diagnosis) that simply have parents who are struggling for some reason and can use the assistance.  It is generally easier (though often still difficult!) to identify children with a particular issue that requires additional care or support; it is harder to identify and assist children who don't have any symptoms of those issues but whose families are struggling to cope for other, unrelated reasons (addiction, mental health issues among the parents, just too overwhelmed, etc.).  And the stigma for parents in admitting they just can't handle it all alone is so immense.  It's great to see efforts focused on encouraging parents to reach out for assistance.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug on March 13, 2015, 03:47:43 AM
So true.  The single parent, the family who has lost an income, health many things that can disrupt a family and create a home life that isn't the best for a preschool child's development.  And so difficult for people to admit they need help and reach out.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on March 13, 2015, 04:32:24 AM
Wonder if Kate will work until the last week of March? Compared to her usual numbers, this month has been a hard slog for her! I still feel the birth will be later in April than early but could be completely wrong.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 13, 2015, 05:11:53 AM
I think it's fairly certain she's due late in April (between the 12 week scan and Royal correspondents being told when she was 16 weeks along, it all lines up for that).  Katie Nicholl claims more engagements will be announced soon, but with her you never know whether you can trust her reports.  They do seem to be announcing things closer to the date right now, presumably so that they feel relatively confident Kate will be able to make it before announcing an event to the world, so it wouldn't surprise me if a few more happen before the end of March with about a week notice beforehand.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on March 13, 2015, 09:01:04 AM
I think that Kate was given many more engagements in the last few weeks as a result of (A) lots of grumbles that she and William had become invisible and were likely, in Kate's case to remain so for much of the year..Thus the PR people decided something had to be done.

(B) Her new burst of activity coincided, not preceded, the truly dreadful headlines involving Prince Andrew.

It was the first time that a member of the BRF was involved in what appeared to be a looming sex scandal. What to do? They could hardly send 'himself' out there. Andrew's about as popular with the public as a dose of bad milk. On the off-chance that a pregnant Kate could take publicity off the Press's main quarry, they sent her out on some engagements, killing two birds with one stone.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Liquorice on March 13, 2015, 09:52:33 AM
Quote from: Curryong on March 13, 2015, 09:01:04 AM
I think that Kate was given many more engagements in the last few weeks as a result of (A) lots of grumbles that she and William had become invisible and were likely, in Kate's case to remain so for much of the year..Thus the PR people decided something had to be done.

(B) Her new burst of activity coincided, not preceded, the truly dreadful headlines involving Prince Andrew.

It was the first time that a member of the BRF was involved in what appeared to be a looming sex scandal. What to do? They could hardly send 'himself' out there. Andrew's about as popular with the public as a dose of bad milk. On the off-chance that a pregnant Kate could take publicity off the Press's main quarry, they sent her out on some engagements, killing two birds with one stone.

She has had lots of engagements like she had had a lot when she was expecting George. I don't think the BRF would ask Kate to save Andrew's scandal. They would rather ask the Queen's other children and their spouses.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on March 13, 2015, 10:08:05 AM
There's a difference, their new KP communications secretary Jason like Jamie knows how to deal with financial scrutiny disbursement expenses of duchy Charles and his trustees. The inbetweeners failed from these two gents.

Charles asks every penny to be spent.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: tiaras on March 13, 2015, 10:49:40 AM
I agree with @Curryong also I think Kate will be staying out of the press from April, whenever she gives birth till June-July after giving birth. It's best to have a burst of engagements while she can and then proceed to disappear for a while to be with George and Baby Cambridge #2 (lol that's better than calling the child a spare).
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 13, 2015, 11:43:22 AM
I think she's just doing a bunch of engagements now because she'll soon be out of commission -- this is very similar to her activity before George was born.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on March 13, 2015, 12:07:29 PM
Quote from: Liquorice on March 13, 2015, 09:52:33 AM
Quote from: Curryong on March 13, 2015, 09:01:04 AM
I think that Kate was given many more engagements in the last few weeks as a result of (A) lots of grumbles that she and William had become invisible and were likely, in Kate's case to remain so for much of the year..Thus the PR people decided something had to be done.

(B) Her new burst of activity coincided, not preceded, the truly dreadful headlines involving Prince Andrew.

It was the first time that a member of the BRF was involved in what appeared to be a looming sex scandal. What to do? They could hardly send 'himself' out there. Andrew's about as popular with the public as a dose of bad milk. On the off-chance that a pregnant Kate could take publicity off the Press's main quarry, they sent her out on some engagements, killing two birds with one stone.

She has had lots of engagements like she had had a lot when she was expecting George. I don't think the BRF would ask Kate to save Andrew's scandal. They would rather ask the Queen's other children and their spouses.

Who? Anne, Sophie? While I have nothing at all against these two ladies, they don't garner much publicity. Richard Palmer has said on his Twitter site several times that Kate is the only one (besides the Queen, and that includes William and Harry), who is absolutely guaranteed publicity for her engagements in the pages of newspapers..
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 13, 2015, 12:33:17 PM
It's true that Kate gets the BRF the most press and I'm sure they're happy every day the headline is about her looking great while pregnant rather than Andrew being accused of sex crimes, but I just don't think her schedule has been decided by that.  It's exactly what she did before baby #1, when there was no scandal to distract from and she was just doing a run of engagements before she went out on leave.

I took a look at Kate's schedule from 2013, and she did about 21 engagements from the beginning of March until mid-June, when she began her maternity leave.  Once she does the two that are scheduled for next week, she'll have done 21 engagements between the beginning of January and late March.  So unless she adds a few more, it's the exact same number of pre-baby engagements (this time around it was over a slightly shorter period of time, but because of the Christmas holidays it had to be).
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 13, 2015, 02:25:42 PM
Quote from: Canuck on March 13, 2015, 12:33:17 PM
It's true that Kate gets the BRF the most press and I'm sure they're happy every day the headline is about her looking great while pregnant rather than Andrew being accused of sex crimes, but I just don't think her schedule has been decided by that.  It's exactly what she did before baby #1, when there was no scandal to distract from and she was just doing a run of engagements before she went out on leave.

I took a look at Kate's schedule from 2013, and she did about 21 engagements from the beginning of March until mid-June, when she began her maternity leave.  Once she does the two that are scheduled for next week, she'll have done 21 engagements between the beginning of January and late March.  So unless she adds a few more, it's the exact same number of pre-baby engagements (this time around it was over a slightly shorter period of time, but because of the Christmas holidays it had to be).
I agree. She's also fit in engagements that had to be rescheduled from the fall due to her HG issues so I'm not surprised that she's been busier lately.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 13, 2015, 02:29:40 PM
Quote from: TLLK on March 13, 2015, 02:25:42 PM
I agree. She's also fit in engagements that had to be rescheduled from the fall due to her HG issues so I'm not surprised that she's been busier lately.

That's a good point as well.  We know the 1851 Trust engagements were rescheduled from the Fall, and it wouldn't surprise me if a few others were too.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 13, 2015, 03:43:39 PM
Quote from: Macrobug on March 13, 2015, 03:47:43 AM
So true.  The single parent, the family who has lost an income, health many things that can disrupt a family and create a home life that isn't the best for a preschool child's development.  And so difficult for people to admit they need help and reach out.
I agree. What could have been an ideal situation can change in an instant. Those featured in the website stories covered those same scenarios @Macrobug.

BTW I am so sorry that your friend had a miserable time in school. Learning disabilities were not well understood or treated during those years.

Double post auto-merged: March 13, 2015, 03:45:35 PM

Quote from: Curryong on March 13, 2015, 04:32:24 AM
Wonder if Kate will work until the last week of March? Compared to her usual numbers, this month has been a hard slog for her! I still feel the birth will be later in April than early but could be completely wrong.
I have to wonder at this time if they're just waiting to announce these engagements  one week or so in advance. Once she's in that last four-six weeks  anything could happen. :)
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on March 18, 2015, 01:18:28 PM
QuoteSpot the Duchess in a £35 frock: Pregnant Kate dazzles in a polka-dot ASOS dress as she meets children and volunteers in London
The Duchess of Cambridge was visiting the Brookhill Children's Centre in London's Woolwich
Met families being helped by Home-Start, a charity that supports troubled or vulnerable parents
Visit is part of her ongoing work to boost the chances of underprivileged children and young people
The engagement is one of the last before the Duchess gives birth to her second child next month 
Looked wonderful in a cheap chic £35 maternity dress by online fashion favourite ASOS

Read more: Spot the Duchess in a £35 frock: Pregnant Kate dazzles in a polka-dot ASOS dress as she meets children and volunteers in London | Daily Mail Online (
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: marine2109 on March 18, 2015, 01:46:22 PM
QuoteKate Middleton, unstoppable in the final stages of her pregnancy

Kate Middleton, imparable en la recta final de su embarazo (

All a bit much: Pregnant Kate looks a little weary as she attends yet ANOTHER royal event | Royal | News | Daily Express (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 18, 2015, 02:13:07 PM
I'm impressed that Home Start is able to help 29,000 struggling families a year across the UK.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: cinrit on March 18, 2015, 02:18:14 PM
QuotePregnant Kate Dazzles in a Polka-Dor Dot ASOS Dress As She Meets Children and Volunteers in London (VIDEO)

Just when will the new royal baby be born? Today, the Duchess of Cambridge revealed that her due date is just over a month away as she visited a charity for children and their families today.

Touring the Brookhill Children's Centre in Woolwich, Kate, who was wearing a £35 maternity dress by ASOS, was asked about the impending royal birth by volunteer, Christine Osborne, 49.

'I’m due mid-April, to the end of April,' confessed the 33-year-old royal mother-to-be, adding: 'Not long to go now.' 'I couldn’t resist asking,’ Christine, a grandmother who has worked for the charity for seven years, said afterwards. ‘It’s very exciting – and was wonderful to have her here.’

Its 15,000 volunteers visit clients in their homes, helping parents struggling to cope with issues such as isolation, mental ill health, bereavement, multiple births, illness or disability - many of which have a direct effect on their children.

The Duchess declined a biscuit but listened intently as Rob Parkinson, CEO of Home-Start UK, outlined the work they did. Then it was on to meet some of the families who have received often life-changing help from the charity including Charlene Roper, 25 and her partner Graham Wilders Jnr, 32, who were with their impeccably behaved three-month-old daughter Francesca, the youngest of their three children.

Kate also commiserated with some of the mothers at the coffee morning about sleeping patterns and feeding routines. ‘It can be hard, can’t it,’ she said sympathetically. ‘So often it’s about giving you the confidence to interact with your baby.’

More: Spot the Duchess in a £35 frock: Pregnant Kate dazzles in a polka-dot ASOS dress as she meets children and volunteers in London | Daily Mail Online (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Canuck on March 18, 2015, 03:01:30 PM
From the DM story:

QuoteShe also spoke with a group of mothers, who did not wish to be identified, who had suffered with post natal depression. 'The Duchess made clear in advance of the visit that she was keen to speak to them as post-natal depression can have such a knock-on effect on every aspect of family life,' explained head of communications Annie O'Brian.

I'm glad to see Kate taking an active interest in the issue of post-natal depression.  It's still a very stigmatized and under-diagnosed issue, and she's absolutely right that it can affect everything else in the family.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug on March 18, 2015, 03:21:32 PM

I would be very happy to see her behind a campaign or charity that deals with post partum depression.  Many women suffer from the baby blues which can be hard on a family.  And the need to id post partum depression and psychosis is incredibly important
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 19, 2015, 02:43:27 AM
Quote from: Macrobug on March 18, 2015, 03:21:32 PM

I would be very happy to see her behind a campaign or charity that deals with post partum depression.  Many women suffer from the baby blues which can be hard on a family.  And the need to id post partum depression and psychosis is incredibly important
I wholeheartedly agree. William's mother suffered from this after his birth so IMO this is an excellent opportunity to expand her charity work.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: cinrit on March 19, 2015, 11:22:44 AM
QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge Visits Brookhill Children's Centre to Find Out the Work of Home-Start

The Duchess of Cambridge visited Brookhill Children's Centre in Woolwich to learn more about Home-Start and its support for children and families.

The Duchess attended a briefing with Home-Start's Chief Executive and the Centre's manager, hearing about the work the charity does to support families to cope, improve confidence and build better lives for their children.

Her Royal Highness then attended a coffee morning where she met families who have been supported by Home-Start and listened to their experiences. The Duchess viewed volunteer training session in which volunteers are taught how best to offer practical and emotional support in a family's home to help children make the most of nursery or school. Finally The Duchess visited the onsite Together for Twos' crèche to meet families and staff.

More: The Duchess of Cambridge visits Brookhill Children's Centre to find out about the work of Home-Start (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on September 26, 2018, 03:34:04 PM
Duchess of Cambridge's engagement on Oct. 2, 2018 Kensington Palace on Twitter: "The Duchess of Cambridge will visit the @SCTrust Forest School and Wildlife Garden at Paddington Recreation Ground on (

Quotehe Duchess of Cambridge will visit the @SCTrust Forest School and Wildlife Garden at Paddington Recreation Ground on Tuesday 2nd October.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on September 26, 2018, 05:55:26 PM
Kate Middleton will end maternity leave next week | Daily Mail Online (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on September 27, 2018, 12:25:13 AM
More information about the SC Trust Forest School.

Sayers Croft | Home Page (

QuoteSayers Croft is a beautiful, safe site with 56 acres of woodlands, meadows, ponds and fields and has been providing quality outdoor experiences for young people for over 70 years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on September 27, 2018, 01:18:32 AM
The SC Trust Forest school sounds absolutely wonderful. The nearer children (or anyone really) can come to nature, especially in the warmer months, the better, I say! Here in Melbourne's inner city there is a small farm for school children who can come and pet and look after animals they normally wouldn't see in their everyday lives, sheep, pigs, hens etc and it's proved invaluable over the years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on September 27, 2018, 06:10:01 AM
^^^I agree @Curryong that these types of programs might be one of the only opportunities for inner city children to have a connection to rural life. So pleased to see that Sayers Croft Trust Forest School will be receiving some notice next week.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on October 02, 2018, 03:43:49 AM
Kate back to work with forest school trip - ITV News (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on October 02, 2018, 12:50:42 PM
Kensington Palace on Twitter: "The Duchess of Cambridge is visiting @SCTrust Forest School and Wildlife Garden, which gives inner city children a (

Video of her arrival at the school today.

Double post auto-merged: October 02, 2018, 01:20:33 PM

Video of Catherine with school kids.

Emily Andrews on Twitter: "Video: Kate is hugged by reception kids (ages 4&5) from St Augustine?s CoE Primary in Kilburn. So sweet! Kate asks them (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on October 02, 2018, 01:56:04 PM
Kate looked very well at her first engagement back. She appears at her best, I think, in casual and sporty clothes, and looks as if she has had a new style haircut as well.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on October 02, 2018, 02:23:55 PM
Yes I think that her hair is a little shorter than it was a few months ago.

Her trusty boots should continue to last her a lifetime with proper maintenance.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on October 02, 2018, 03:21:54 PM
Kate Middleton ends maternity leave with visit to wildlife garden | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton glowing as she returns to work after maternity leave ? live updates - Photo (

Video: See the sweet moment Kate Middleton is surprised with the cutest hug (

Kate Middleton Laughs at Little Girl on 'Best Royal Behavior' | (

Kate Middleton Wears Decade-Old Boots After Maternity Leave | (

Kate Middleton Returns from Maternity Leave | (

Duchess Kate Attends First Royal Event Since Maternity Leave (

Duchess of Cambridge returns to work after five-month maternity leave with visit to a forest school (

Kate makes royal return! Duchess back from maternity leave with a visit to forest school | Royal | News | (

Duchess of Cambridge joins youngsters on bug hunt at forest school - ITV News (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on October 02, 2018, 11:03:19 PM
More video from today.

Duchess of Cambridge gets back to nature with adoring young fans - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on October 03, 2018, 03:11:23 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge visited SC Trust Forest School | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess of Cambridge Visits Sayers Croft Forest School (

Duchess of Cambridge returns from maternity leave as she spends time with school children ? Royal Central (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on October 03, 2018, 01:17:41 PM
Its good to see Kate out and about! She actually looks good for the mother of three children!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on October 03, 2018, 11:25:07 PM
AWWW. So apparently a little girl asked Catherine why there were so many photographers. Catherine told her that the photographers were there to take the little girl's picture because "You're so special!"

Kate tells a little girl that photographers are here to see her in sweet video | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on October 04, 2018, 06:03:36 AM
VIDEO: Kate Middleton's sweet response to a little girl who asks her why she is being photographed (

Kate Middleton Has Sweet Response to Girl Asking About Photographers | (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 31, 2019, 06:19:50 PM

Kensington Palace

Verified account

The Duchess of Cambridge will undertake two school visits on Tuesday 5th February to find out more about the support offered to students, teachers and parents to help with mental wellbeing.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 01, 2019, 05:10:33 AM
Duchess of Cambridge to visit two schools in support of Children?s Mental Health Week ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 01, 2019, 02:25:51 PM
This visit coincides with Children's Mental Health week.

QuoteChildren?s Mental Health Week was launched in 2015 by Place2Be, one of Kate?s original patronages, to ?shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people?s mental health.?

The focus of 2019?s Week is ?Healthy: Inside and Out.?

?When we think about healthy living, we tend to focus on looking after our bodies ? our physical wellbeing ? through food, being active and getting enough sleep,? according to Children?s Mental Health Week?s website.

?However, in order to be healthy overall, it?s important that we look after our minds ? our mental wellbeing ? too.

?Our bodies and minds are actually very closely linked, so things that we do to improve our physical wellbeing can help our mental wellbeing as well. When we take steps to be Healthy: Inside and Out, it helps us to feel better in ourselves, focus on what we want to do and deal with difficult times.?

Children?s Mental Health Week runs from 4-10 February.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 05, 2019, 01:45:17 PM
First photos from today's engagement.

Kensington Palace on Twitter: "Saying hello to Herbie the school dog at Lavender Primary School! #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek? " (

Duchess Cambridge February 05 Bilder und Fotos | Getty Images (,%202019&sort=best#license
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 05, 2019, 02:02:39 PM
She's doing the yearly rounds for the Mental Health Week. I wonder if she will do a recorded video appeal this year?

Candid Kate! Duchess shares a family photo that 'makes her feel good' as she meets primary school pupils for Children's Mental Health Week
Duchess of Cambridge is visiting primary schools in London today to mark Children's Mental Health Week
Kate, 37, met with children and staff at Lavender Primary School and Alperton Community School
At Alperton she spoke to pupils, parents and staff - including 'World's Best Teacher' Andria Zafirakou
Today?s visit will allow Kate to find out more about the support offered to students, teachers and parents

Kate Middleton visits Lavender Primary School in Enfield | Daily Mail Online (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 05, 2019, 02:12:06 PM
@wannable-Yes I wonder if she will do a recorded message, but didn't those usually air the week before the start of Children's Mental Health week?

Video from roundtable  at Lavendar Primary School.

Kensington Palace on Twitter: "The Duchess of Cambridge joins a roundtable discussion with teachers @AlpertonCS about pupil school readiness and (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 05, 2019, 03:17:05 PM
Kate Middleton visits Lavender Primary School in Enfield | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Meets Dog at School Visit | (

Kate Middleton Brings Family Photo to School Visit | (

Kate Middleton Steps Out for Children?s Mental Health Week | (

Duchess of Cambridge shows schoolchildren family photograph that 'makes her happy' (

Kate Middleton news: Duchess meets school children to promote mental health charity | Royal | News | (

Kate shares personal family photo 'that makes her happy' with London school pupils - ITV News (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited Lavender Primary School | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess of Cambridge Visits Schools In Support Of Children?s Mental Health (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 05, 2019, 03:31:10 PM
Second school visited today-

Kensington Palace on Twitter: "In the Textiles Classroom @AlpertonCS The Duchess of Cambridge heard how the school uses Art to enhance children?s (

QuoteIn the Textiles Classroom @AlpertonCS The Duchess of Cambridge heard how the school uses Art to enhance children?s confidence, creativity and wellbeing across the age groups #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

Duchess of Cambridge greeted by cute pup and shows off family photo on school tour - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 05, 2019, 04:27:27 PM
^ Thank you for the video.  I am going to give full credit marks to Kate's  Chief of Staff/Private Secretary, Catherine Quinn, ex Chief Operating Officer of The Business School Department at Oxford University and still holding position as a Director and Member of the Board of The Government Charity Commission for England, Wales and for The Royal British Legion. 

Full props because I can't help but compare and contrast that Catherine apparently listens to Mrs. Quinn @Blue Clover, who wishes and I do to MM would do, and perhaps the negative comments would decrease significantly; 1. the object or thing that the school asked KP to bring that makes her feel good, in order to discuss with the children's roundtable for interaction was an old picture. If she had taken a new picture, reports worldwide would be discussing Kate and her new picture rather than the objective and purpose of the visit, which the later is clearly being reported. 2. Let the 'spontaneous' things happen, like the school pet dog or when meeting and greeting the crowds during the duty, the children and adults that were outside the gates of the school who waited when she left the 1st school and she went to greet them and receive handshakes and flowers * or like the impromptu/unplanned moment the little girl was caressing Kate's hair the other day.  Those kind of 'me grabbing' headlines are spontaneous interactions that happen with the public rather than the 'studied' what to do with the official visit and their staff and beneficiaries.

I gave an example of getting out of the 'studied' what to do with the scope of what, where one is visiting as a representative the other day. During Kate's early days, her smarty pants comment during the BP exhibition of Faberge backfired, as the Press decided to take it way out of context (Faberge company exists, look at MM bananagate) and what happened, dear lord the majority of the comment sections everywhere were slamming and shaming the DOC.  :shrug:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on February 05, 2019, 05:52:16 PM
@wannable Yes! Absolutely briliant summary of what would stop all the negative criticism in its tracks that MM is receiving at the moment. Good preparation taliored to each charity and the population being represented. :hug?:  This is exactly what I meant in my analysis of Bananagate.  :thumbsup:

I do believe that there is a way to get this Duchessing right!  :friends:

Is it okay if I submit your name to Kensington Palace as a good candidate for a top-notch advisor to the new Duchess?  :hehe:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 05, 2019, 06:30:53 PM
Oh  :hehe: ^ and get hired, that translated to my immediate demise from the Royal Insight Forum
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 05, 2019, 06:36:46 PM
Kensington Palace on Twitter: "The Duchess of Cambridge will attend The Royal Foundation?s ?Mental Health in Education? conference on Wednesday 13th (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 05, 2019, 09:59:15 PM
Kate Middleton Shares How Her Kids Love Doing Art | (

Kate Middleton reveals the one item that makes her happy - Photo (

Kate Middleton meets World's Best Teacher Andria Zafirakou | Daily Mail Online (

Kate wears ?world?s angriest dress?: Eagle-eyed royal fan notices ?a face in? Duchess?s dress | Daily Mail Online (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 06, 2019, 02:16:51 AM
Andria Zafirakou on Twitter: "It was a gift having HRH Duchess of Cambridge visit my school today. She saw the reasons why @AlpertonCS is a special (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on February 07, 2019, 03:11:36 PM
Quote from: wannable on February 05, 2019, 06:30:53 PM
Oh  :hehe: ^ and get hired, that translated to my immediate demise from the Royal Insight Forum

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 07, 2019, 10:25:46 PM
I think this is the project that Kate is planning/doing and making it 'sustainable' for long term.


Kate Middleton Is Ready to Use Her Royal Resources for Her New Charity Campaign
According to a royal aide, Kate?s fabulous dinner party at Buckingham Palace was to celebrate the experts who have been working with her on early-intervention research.
by Katie Nicholl
February 7, 2019 12:42 pm

There was no Palace announcement or photo-call, but on Wednesday night, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge hosted a very grown-up dinner party at Buckingham Palace.
The guest list comprised a number of experts who have been working with her on her latest campaign focused on the well-being and mental health of schoolchildren in Great Britain. Kate personally secured permission from the Queen to use the monarch?s London residence.
Behind the scenes, Kate has spent the past year working closely with experts and academics to investigate the correlation between vulnerable young children and those who experience mental-health problems, addiction, and anti-social issues in later life. The duchess launched the campaign in September and has since formed a steering group of health-care experts, charity officials, and academics. They are working together to research whether earlier childhood intervention could make a difference to the lives of the population Kate cares about the most. The findings of the study will be revealed later this year.

In recent appearances, the duchess has spoken about her passionate belief that early intervention can prevent problems later in life. On Tuesday, Kate visited a primary school in South London to mark Children?s Mental Health Week in her capacity as the patron of the charity Place2Be, a leading U.K. children?s mental-health charity.
While Wednesday?s dinner was less high profile, it was equally important to Kate. ?It was a dinner for some of the specialists from the steering group meetings the duchess has been organizing, along with some other senior people who have been identified as having potential to make an impact,? says a royal aide. ?The night was a great success, and a sign of the gathering momentum of this campaign.?
Kate con the campaign before she became pregnant with Prince Louis. According to the royal aide, her visits to charities and support organizations like Place2Be helped her realize that many mental-health problems stem from early-childhood trauma. ?The duchess has seen how so many problems in adult life can stem from the early years,? the aide said. ?She has been working with a group of people and looking at scientific-based evidence that shows that any trauma in the first two years can have a serious, lasting impact in later life.?

Last year, she attended a symposium of leading academics and charities who champion early intervention into the lives of children. Now, she has formed her own committee, which meets once a month and is in the stages of drawing out a long-term plan. ?She is really crystallizing her idea, fleshing it out, and drawing on the support of many individuals to make this happen,? said the aide. The aide added that Kate has attended nearly all of the monthly meetings, which have taken place at the Royal Foundation and Kensington Palace.
There is enthusiasm about the idea in the Palace, and Kate is very committed to the work. ?The ideas are really developing with the duchess at the helm. People will see a gradual increase in the sort of engagements the duchess has been doing crescendo to more specific events. We are in the process of piecing things together,? the aide said. ?This is not a project the duchess is going to dip in and out of, it?s something that will define her over the coming decades. This is very much a personal mission and one Kate wants to drive.?

Kate Middleton Is Ready to Use Her Royal Resources for Her New Charity Campaign | Vanity Fair (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 08, 2019, 02:03:25 AM
Early intervention is key to helping students to be fully prepared to enter into school. I'm very excited about this campaign and look forward to seeing it unveiled.

Glad to see that HM granted Catherine's request to have the dinner at BP.  :Jen:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 13, 2019, 01:32:31 PM
Demure Duchess! Kate is the epitome of royal chic in a VERY prim tweed two-piece teamed with a bouncy blow dry as she visits mental health conference 

The Duchess of Cambridge looked prim and proper as she arrived at The Royal Foundation's 'Mental Health in Education' conference in London today. It seems that 'thrifty' Kate has been shopping for the occasion, wearing a new ensemble today in the form of a black tweed skirt suit. The mother-of-three opted for simple accessories in the form of an elegant black suede clutch by Mulberry and matching heeled pumps by Tods. Kate's hair had been blow dried to perfection for the occasion with her signature brunette locks looking especially bouncy this morning. The conference at Mercers Hall today will bring together delegates from across the mental health and education sectors to explore and discuss the benefits of collaborative working and what more can be done to tackle mental health issues in schools. During the visit Kate will listen to a number of sessions, including one on the benefits of integrating mental health modules into teacher training courses, and another on the role of school leaders in creating a culture of wellbeing in schools.

Kate Middleton attends the Royal Foundation?s ?Mental Health in Education? conference | Daily Mail Online (

This conference is related to her long term project.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 13, 2019, 02:11:47 PM
Kensington Palace on Twitter: "The Duchess of Cambridge is attending the The Royal Foundation?s ?Mental Health in Education? conference, which brings (

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge is attending the The Royal Foundation?s ?Mental Health in Education? conference, which brings together delegates from across the #MentalHealth and education sectors to work together to tackle mental health issues in schools.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 13, 2019, 04:08:01 PM
Kate Middleton attends the Royal Foundation?s ?Mental Health in Education? conference | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Steps Out for Mental Health in Education Conference | (

Kate Middleton just wore the world's chicest tweed suit (

Kate Middleton represents Fab Four on London outing ? live updates - Photo (

The Duchess of Cambridge attended ?Mental Health in Education? conference | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess Of Cambridge Attends ?Mental Health In Education? Conference (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 13, 2019, 05:30:40 PM
From the conference today, getting mental health educators, experts together to discuss what else can be done, fixed, etc. is very good.  I also like the idea - Kate putting together all her children related charities for this long term project/lifetime as it has been described is also great.  Usually conferences last 4 or 8 hours. Half day with a coffee or lunch break. She stayed for the 3.5 hours and very likely missed the last - coffee/lunch break.   

She found her niche/calling with this project.

Heads Together, Place2Be, YoungMinds and Anna Freud NCCF

As a note the 100WomenFinance fundraiser tonight usually make between GBP 600K to 1M.  They will be fundraising tonight for Kate's project.  I'd love to know if she will be rewearing a long gala dress or a new one, if new, I'd like her to go Beulah, they send a powerful message and are humanitarian related - i.e. the red dress she wore when she accompanied William at the 100WF in 2012.

Double post auto-merged: February 13, 2019, 07:32:59 PM

''Moments before she was due to leave, The Duchess of Cambridge told her staff she had prepared an ?impromptu speech? to give the gathered delegates. Kate had been taking notes throughout the discussions and roundtable discussions and told them''
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 13, 2019, 10:01:03 PM
Kate Middleton Admits She Was 'Very Naive Myself as a Parent' | (

Kate Middleton just made a parenting confession that we can all relate to (

Duchess of Cambridge: 'I was very naive as a parent'  (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on February 13, 2019, 10:42:37 PM
Kate looked good today. The gown was beautiful.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 14, 2019, 01:22:50 AM
Kensington Palace on Twitter: "?The first few years of a child?s life are more pivotal for social, physical and emotional development, and for future (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: royalanthropologist on February 14, 2019, 12:30:58 PM
Kate is really coming into her own in the fashion stakes. As she gets older, she seems to be getting even more stylish. I hope they continue to pass on loads of family jewels to her rather than letting them rot away in vaults. These pieces need to be shown off by a beautiful princess.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 04, 2019, 12:51:00 PM
Her Majesty The Queen has passed the patronage to The Duchess having held the role for over 65 years. Her Majesty took the patronage over from Queen Mary in 1953.

@family_action was founded in 1869 to help families in difficulty by giving them practical help and support.

New patronage announced for The Duchess of Cambridge | The Royal Family (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on December 04, 2019, 01:43:37 PM
Wow I had no idea that this organization has been serving the needs of struggling families for so long. With Catherine's interest in providing families with the best possible start, this patronage is an excellent one to add her roster. I believe that this is the second one QEII has handed down to her in 2019.

Family Action, Building stronger families (

Double post auto-merged: December 04, 2019, 01:59:34 PM,_great_missenden

Double post auto-merged: December 04, 2019, 02:36:06 PM

Twitter (

Double post auto-merged: December 04, 2019, 02:36:34 PM

QuoteNew Patronage for Duchess Kate!

Kate has become Royal Patron of Family Action, which supports people are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across UK.

Previous Patrons:
Queen Elizabeth 1953-present
Queen Mary ?-1953

Double post auto-merged: December 04, 2019, 02:38:41 PM

This brings her roster of charities and patronages to nineteen.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on December 04, 2019, 05:19:31 PM
Kate handed special patron role held by Queen for 65 years as she ramps up royal work | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton Picks Out Christmas Trees and Announces New Role | (

Kate Middleton handed royal patronage taking over from Queen after 65 years - Mirror Online (

Kate Middleton surprises excited children at a Christmas tree farm to celebrate new patronage from the Queen ? The Sun (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 04, 2019, 06:28:52 PM
Following the announcement that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge will become our new Royal Patron, The Duchess joined us at a Christmas tree farm in Buckinghamshire where children from our Peterborough Pre-Schools chose trees.

Choosing Christmas trees with HRH The Duchess of Cambridge - Family Action (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on December 04, 2019, 08:46:51 PM
This patronage passed on to Kate makes sense.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on December 05, 2019, 01:34:17 AM
Proud mother Kate Middleton reveals 'her little Louis' is talking as she's 'photobombed' by toddler | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton admires Christmas trees at Buckinghamshire farm | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton just said the cutest thing about her youngest child Prince Louis | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton photobombed by cheeky toddler ? see the hilarious photo | HELLO! (

Find out what surprised Kate Middleton at her festive engagement - details | HELLO! (

This Amazon Essentials Puffer Jacket Looks Just Like Kate Middleton?s | (

Kate Middleton Reveals 'Little Louis' Is Talking | (

Kate Middleton Twins with Mom Picking Out Christmas Trees | (

Kate Middleton Trades Hair Tips with Little Girl | (

Kate Middleton Shares Family's Christmas Tree Type | (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited Peterley Manor Farm | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess Of Cambridge Joins Family Action To Mark New Patronage (

The Duchess of Cambridge receives Family Action patronage from The Queen ? Royal Central (

Double post auto-merged: December 05, 2019, 02:47:01 AM

Duchess Kate sharing reindeer food, picking out Christmas trees with kids is a full holiday mood | GMA (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on December 05, 2019, 02:11:33 PM
According to a post I read in another forum, the commentator said to have investigated the BRF official website, court circular, finding only 3 visits carried out to this charity; 1 by Edward, 2 by Kate this year, a total of 3 visits in the past 23 years. Methodology: Placing the dates of ''search'' from 1990's until yesterday.

So I hope Kate invigorates and does a better job putting the spotlight on this charity. I believe it will be such, as:

The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have Ms. Aida Cable

From her LinkedIn
Head of Young Peoples and Mental Health Programmes
The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry
Sep 2013 ? Present6 years 4 months
Aida joined the Royal Foundation in August 2013 to lead their Young Peoples programmes, including Coach Core. Shortly after joining the organisation She became Chief of Staff for the first Invictus Games (London 2014). Post Invictus, She project managed a Task force, chaired by Lord William Hague, looking at the role of the transport industry in tackling illegal wildlife trade. At the beginning of 2016 Aida
Worked on the Heads Together Campaign, and now leads on the mental health work
Of The Royal Foundation. Over the last 2 years Aida has also managed a Task Force, chaired by Brent Hoberman, andfocussing on cyber bullying and online safety.
Aida joined the Royal Foundation in August 2013 to lead their Young Peoples programmes, including Coach Core. Shortly after joining the organisation She became Chief of Staff for the first Invictus Games (London 2014). Post Invictus, She project managed a Task force, chaired by Lord William Hague, looking at the role of the transport industry in tackling illegal wildlife trade. At the beginning of 2016 Aida
Worked on the Heads Together Campaign, and now leads on the mental health work
Of The Royal Foundation. Over the last 2 years Aida has also managed a Task Force, chaired by Brent Hoberman, andfocussing on cyber bullying and online safety.

And from this new patronage of Kate passed on by The Queen
Our trustees - Family Action

Our trustees - Family Action (

Family Action?s Board of Trustees, bring a wide range of expertise and experience to the charity. This includes social care and health (both on the ground and within research and policy development) legal affairs, financial strategy and management, human ?

Aida Cable, Trustee
Aida had a first career, of over 14 years, working in the legal profession. She trained as a barrister before joining Clyde & Co, as a commercial litigator in 1996. After working as a Partner Aida took a role as Head of Legal for an International Commodities Trading company.
Since 2011 Aida has been working in the charity sector. Aida is currently Director of Programmes at The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on December 05, 2019, 02:54:05 PM
Royal fans go wild over Kate Middleton's 'ultimate mum moment' choosing a Christmas tree | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on December 05, 2019, 11:17:40 PM
What an odd headline "go wild."? It sounds like a headline about the Beatles invading the US. LOL.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on December 06, 2019, 12:04:41 AM
QuoteAccording to a post I read in another forum, the commentator said to have investigated the BRF official website, court circular, finding only 3 visits carried out to this charity; 1 by Edward, 2 by Kate this year, a total of 3 visits in the past 23 years. Methodology: Placing the dates of ''search'' from 1990's until yesterday.

So I hope Kate invigorates and does a better job putting the spotlight on this charity. I believe it will be such, as:

Just three visits in 23 years to Family Action. :no: IMHO this is part of the problem of royals having several hundred patronages as they're unlikely to be able to visit them on an annual basis. :xmas4:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on December 10, 2019, 02:27:13 PM
Sweet little video of Catherine's visit.

Kensington Palace on Instagram: ?Some more highlights ? from The Duchess of Cambridge's visit yesterday with children and families supported by (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 21, 2020, 10:54:19 PM
Doting Kate Middleton shows off maternal side as she vows to change kids' lives - Mirror Online (

QuoteMum-of-three Kate has embarked on a 24-hour tour of the country, visiting Birmingham, Cardiff and Surrey to raise awareness of the poll, Five Big Questions on the Under Fives, thought to be the largest of its kind in the UK.

She has been quietly working on the theme since her marriage eight years ago, dedicating the vast majority of her public and private engagements to early years provision.

And this afternoon, she showed off her maternal side as she played with young children at a child-sized mini-city at a museum in Birmingham.

Heartwarming photos show the 38-year-old engaging with the youngsters in play as she beams with happiness.

She has determined that many of the hardest social challenges facing society can often be traced back to experiences in early childhood and has successfully made the subject her niche.

Twitter (

QuoteToday The Duchess of Cambridge launches #5BigQuestions📋on the Under 5s, a landmark survey which gives people across the UK an opportunity to provide their view on raising the next generation:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 21, 2020, 10:57:29 PM
Survey questions are in the link above. :Jen: Today she's visiting a children's museum in Birmingham.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on January 21, 2020, 11:51:38 PM
Lovely to see Kate out and about performing royal duties.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 12:16:24 AM
Quote from: Blue Clover on January 21, 2020, 11:51:38 PM
Lovely to see Kate out and about performing royal duties.  :thumbsup:
And focusing on a cause that is very important to parents of young children, pediatricians, social workers, and educators.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 12:58:57 AM
Duchess of Cambridge to launch landmark survey on early childhood (

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge will on Wednesday launch a landmark survey on early childhood which she hopes will trigger ?lasting change for generations to come?.

Expressing hopes the poll would ?spark the biggest ever conversation on early childhood,? the Duchess said she hoped to prevent children facing mental health battles in later life, by helping them before they turn five.

The project represents the culmination of eight years of work by the Duchess, as she stressed a child's early years were ?fundamentally the most important? and played a crucial role in the developing brain. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on January 22, 2020, 01:35:13 AM
I can't think of a better topic for Kate to introduce than to launch a survey on early childhood - a time at life that is so important for the development of mental and emotional well-being. Good on Kate for working on this project.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 22, 2020, 02:27:39 AM
Her first patronages were announced January 2012.

All royals work with people.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 02:35:36 AM
Quote from: Blue Clover on January 22, 2020, 01:35:13 AM
I can't think of a better topic for Kate to introduce than to launch a survey on early childhood - a time at life that is so important for the development of mental and emotional well-being. Good on Kate for working on this project.  :thumbsup:
I agree. That's why she created her Early Years steering committee to bring together experts from the medical, educational and mental health fields so they could focus on the needs of the children in their first five years of life and development.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on January 22, 2020, 02:40:55 AM
Quote from: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 02:35:36 AM
I agree. That's why she created her Early Years steering committee to bring together experts from the medical, educational and mental health fields so they could focus on the needs of the children in their first five years of life and development.

Very, very, important area of focus. Again, well-done!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 22, 2020, 02:44:42 AM
This is Kate's lifetime project.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 22, 2020, 02:59:00 AM
Duchess of Cambridge takes prominent solo role as royals' new post-Harry era continues | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton cuts a stylish figure in jazzy electric blue blouse and wide-leg trousers | Daily Mail Online (

Royal news: Kate Middleton SURPRISES children in Birmingham as she launches special project | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton is super stylish in a chevron-printed Tabitha Webb blouse for Birmingham visit | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton on Embarks on 24-Hour Tour of the U.K. for Kids | | (

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 03:20:29 AM

Kate launches childhood survey to help under-fives - BBC News (

Duchess of Cambridge launches survey on childhood - can you answer her questions? | UK News | Sky News (

Kate puts Meghan and Harry drama behind her to launch national survey on early childhood | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton's mission: Future queen launches national 24-hour tour to improve UK lives | Royal | News | (

Kate launches nationwide survey on development of under-fives - ITV News (

Kate Middleton shows what a hard-working royal looks like as she does three jobs in 24 hours during whistlestop UK tour ? The Sun (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 03:28:47 AM
QuoteExperts will put in the time. Not Kate. She did not major in education or child psychology  and she can talk about how "she" can change things but others do the actual work. Kate is not qualified to prepare such surveys. And she should give credit where it is due.

Yes like the majority of royal patrons Catherine is not an expert with the background in that organization's focus be it music, sport, healthcare, the military, AIDS, hospice, mental health, needlework, agriculture, police work etc..She like other royal patrons can  as a high profile public figure bring attention to a topic that affects the community or the nation. :)

Here is the speech that she gave in 2018 when the Early Years Project was first announced. The first quoted section is  where she expresses her gratitude to those who have shared their knowledge and answered her questions on the topic of  early childhood development and how it impacts mental health.

A speech by The Duchess of Cambridge at The Royal Foundation's Symposium on Early Intervention for Children | The Royal Family (

QuoteAs I look around the room, I see friends from many different sectors:  friends who have shared with me their knowledge, and who have answered my questions patiently whilst I?ve interrogated them in my endeavour to learn about this complex range of issues.

    Academic colleagues who have shown me their ground-breaking research into the causes of perinatal and post-natal depression, and how they are addressing these in the clinic;
    Those who I have visited over the years who provide crucial links within the community,  and whose services help families with essential parenting support and guidance;
    and other wonderful organisations which have done so much to improve support for the emotional wellbeing of children in schools.

I could name so many of you, but I'm utterly grateful to you all for giving your time and wisdom so freely.

We all know how important childhood is; and how the early years shape us for life.  We also know how negative the downstream impact can be, if problems emerging at the youngest age are overlooked, or ignored.   It is therefore vital that we nurture children through this critical, early period. 

But as we've heard, at what stage in a child?s development could we, or should we, intervene, to break the inter-generational cycle of disadvantage?

Here is the part of the speech in which she refers to gathering the experts in the field.

QuoteI have therefore entrusted The Royal Foundation, under the leadership of Aida Cable, to gather a group of experts to develop the thinking in this critical area:  experts and partners to build upon existing work, and to look at developing sustainable solutions which will help deliver our shared ambitions.

Providing children in their earliest years with social and emotional security builds strong foundations which last a lifetime.   I really do feel so passionately about the importance of early intervention, and that by working on new approaches together, we can make a real difference for generations to come.

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 03:40:57 AM

Quote from: wannable on January 22, 2020, 02:27:39 AM
Her first patronages were announced January 2012.

All royals work with people.

Yes even those royals who do not typically undertake official work on behalf of their monarch and nation ie: Spain's Infanta Elena, the Netherlands'  Princess Laurentian and Prince Constantijn, the UK's Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie will still take on patronages.   :happy:

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 03:45:59 AM

This article shares information on where she'll be visiting this week.

Kate Middleton launches landmark survey into early childhood | The Independent (

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 03:46:57 AM

QuoteOn Wednesday, the Duchess will join parents at London Early Years Foundation Nursery in Southwark, where she will help nursery workers serve breakfast to children. The aim of her visit is to highlight the importance of nutrition to a child?s development.

After this, Kate, who currently has two children under five, will attend a baby sensory class at Ely and Careau Children?s Centre in Cardiff, which supports children with special needs and provides parental support.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 22, 2020, 11:50:03 AM
Duchess of Cambridge visits Cardiff to attend baby sensory class at the Ely and Careau Children's Centre
She will hear about support parents receive as she continues 24-hour tour to launch survey on early years
Centre supports children and families, helps youngsters with special needs and also offers adult education
Kate launched UK-wide poll in Birmingham yesterday and will also visit Surrey today during three-leg trip
Kate Middleton arrives at Cardiff baby sensory class | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 22, 2020, 11:56:37 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge visited ThinkTank at the Birmingham Science Museum where she launched a major survey on early childhood.

She described the early years development of children as life?s most ?crucial? moment for ?future health and happiness?, making the subject one of the main focuses of her public work.

The online poll, commissioned by the Royal Foundation, will be the biggest survey of its kind in the UK and aims to spark conversation on early childhood.

Duchess of Cambridge Shares Adorable Moment with Kids at the Birmingham Science Museum - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 22, 2020, 01:55:55 PM
The Duchess of Cambridge has launched a new survey to help inform her Early Years work: the 5 Big Questions on the Under 5s.

At a children's centre in Cardiff she spoke to new parents about their experiences.

The visit forms part of Kate's landmark survey giving people across the UK an opportunity to provide their views on raising the next generation.

Duchess of Cambridge All Smiles with Children in Wales - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 02:15:25 PM
Update on Catherine's visits today. Her last visit to the center in London had to be cancelled due to weather affecting travel plans.

Twitter (

QuoteDue to weather conditions affecting her travel, Duchess Kate?s visit in LEYF Nursery in Southwark, London this morning was canceled.

QuoteThe way some are going on, you'd think it was a remake of *Planes, Trains, & Automobiles*
Perhaps a boat might have been a good substitute for today due to the weather issues. :teehee:

At the Ely and Caerau center in Cardiff earlier today.

In Pictures: Child?s play for Kate as duchess kicks off under-fives project | South Wales Guardian (

More about the center in Cardiff.

Ely & Caerau Integrated Children's Centre (

QuoteThe Ely and Caerau Children?s Centre (ECCC) was Cardiff?s first Integrated Children's Centre and has been open and operational for families since June 2005. The ECCC was built with the aims to improve health, education and the emotional development of young children and families through an integrated approach.

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 02:40:37 PM

Video from today's visit in Cardiff.

Duchess of Cambridge All Smiles with Children in Wales - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 04:20:31 PM
The visit forms part of Kate's landmark survey giving people across the UK an opportunity to provide their views on raising the next generation.

IMO the responses from the survey will be useful in determining the direction that Early Childhood educators, therapists, social workers and pediatricians need to take when working with their students, clients and patients.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 22, 2020, 04:27:33 PM
QuoteThe survey is being conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of The Royal Foundation and will run for a month, from 2230hrs on 21st January to 21st February, 2020.

The online survey can be found here: It can also be accessed via a QR code.

Work has progressed on the survey behind the scenes for the last four months, with Ipsos MORI also completing a study with a nationally representative sample of the UK alongside qualitative research to underpin the 5 questions.

This study seeks to better understand public perceptions of the importance of the early years, responsibilities for individuals and society and the support parents of 0-5 year olds feel they need and receive during that stage of life.

The Duchess of Cambridge launches landmark UK-wide survey on early childhood | Ipsos MORI (

Its not just a bunch of random questions. Polling firm Ipsos Mori worked with the Royal Foundation.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 04:34:57 PM
QuoteThe survey contains five short questions and aims to spark a national conversation on the early years that will ultimately help bring about positive, lasting change for generations to come. It is designed to bring together the thoughts of as many people as possible ? recognising that everyone has a role in ensuring strong, healthy foundations for the youngest in our society that will positively affect their lifelong outcomes.

The findings should provide a vital source of information for the early years sector, helping it to better understand public perceptions of the importance of the early years, and the first-hand experiences of parents, families and carers. This public feedback will also help to focus Her Royal Highness? work through The Royal Foundation as she endeavours to provide children across the UK with the best foundations to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

@PrincessOfPeace -Thank you for the information regarding who created the survey.

QuoteSurvey Details

The survey is being conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of The Royal Foundation and will run for a month, from 2230hrs on 21st January to 21st February, 2020. 

The online survey can be found here: It can also be accessed via a QR code.

Work has progressed on the survey behind the scenes for the last four months, with Ipsos MORI also completing a study with a nationally representative sample of the UK alongside qualitative research to underpin the 5 questions. This study seeks to better understand public perceptions of the importance of the early years, responsibilities for individuals and society and the support parents of 0-5 year olds feel they need and receive during that stage of life.

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 04:48:45 PM

Catherine now in Surrey visiting the prison that she went to in 2015.

Twitter (

Double post auto-merged: January 22, 2020, 04:49:13 PM

QuoteCatherine, Duchess of Cambridge visits HMP Send near Woking. The visit is part of HRH's 24-hour tour of the country to launch '5 big questions on the under 5s'. #KateMiddleton #duchesskate #duchessofcambridge #5BigQuestions #Royals #royal
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 22, 2020, 05:19:16 PM
Kate Middleton visits baby sensory class in 24-hour UK tour | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton steps out in a ?349 tailored Massimo Dutti camel coat and new medallion necklace | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton took fashion inspiration from sister-in-law Meghan Markle | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton planning to take George, Charlotte and Louis to Wales - best photos from her UK tour | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton admits she felt isolated after Prince George's birth | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton Connects with Prisoners 5 Years Later | | (

Kate Middleton Talks 'Isolation' She Felt with Baby Prince George | | (

Kate Middleton Steps Out on 24-Hour Tour of U.K. | | (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited Cardiff and Surrey | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess Of Cambridge Launches Landmark UK-Wide Survey On Early Childhood ? Day Two (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 22, 2020, 05:32:45 PM
Eagle Radio - News - PICTURES: Duchess of Cambridge visits HMP Send in Surrey (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 05:34:05 PM
More on Forward Trust that works with the inmates.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 22, 2020, 05:40:07 PM

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 22, 2020, 08:04:30 PM
Kate Middleton pays tribute to her children by wearing necklace engraved with their initials | Daily Mail Online (

Duchess of Cambridge: When William went on night shifts I felt so alone with baby George  (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 08:08:41 PM
Good to see  that she's had a chance to reconnect with the women that she'd met in 2015 today.

QuoteThe royal mom headed to the women?s prison HMP Send in Surrey, England, on Wednesday to reconnect with former and current inmates she previously met during a 2015 visit. She learned how some of the women are rebuilding their lives and families after being successfully rehabilitated and released.

Palace insiders say that Kate?s mission to help women and children in the early years had been partly inspired by a previous visit to Send in 2015. It and other experiences have contributed to her view that adults with problems can normally trace them back to childhood and often pass them on to their own children.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 22, 2020, 08:33:55 PM
Kate Middleton describes feeling 'isolated' as first-time mum while Wills was away - Mirror Online (

Ex-prisoners pour hearts out to Kate Middleton about addiction and violent pasts - Mirror Online (

Kate Middleton wears almost identical coat to Meghan on latest leg of whirlwind tour - Mirror Online (

Kate Middleton opens up about the ?isolation? she felt being ?cut off? in Wales when Prince George was a baby (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 22, 2020, 09:50:27 PM
More from today's visit to the women's prison.

Duchess of Cambridge: When William went on night shifts I felt so alone with baby George  (


During a later visit to Send Prison, near Woking in Surrey, Kate talked to prisoners who trace their history of offending and addiction back to troubled childhoods involving domestic violence, absent parents, drug and alcohol abuse.

?It really shocked me when I came here last time how early the challenges were that you faced,? the Duchess told a group of ex-offenders, including three women she met in 2015 when they were serving sentences.

One prisoner, Francesca, told Kate that the prison?s 12-step drug treatment programme had changed her life, adding: ?Coming to jail is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.?

The Duchess smiled and said: ?It's so often I hear that. Why does it have to get to that point before people receive the help and support?"

She also shared with parents at the center in Cardiff about a time after George was born and they were living in Anglesy and that she wished there had been a center like the one in Cardiff.

QuoteSpeaking in Cardiff on Wednesday, Kate, 38, said: ?It?s nice to be back in Wales! I was chatting to some of the mums earlier. It was the first year and I?d just had George ? William was still working with Search and Rescue and we came up here and I had a tiny tiny baby in the middle of Anglesey it was so isolated, so cut off.

?I didn?t have any family around and he was doing night shifts.

?If only I had had a centre like this,? she told staff at the Ely and Caerau Children?s Centre. 

As Kate crouched down to play with 11-month old Eleanor Logue, her mother Rhi, 29, talked about how she felt supported by other parents there.

?You can come here and tell people, ?I haven?t slept?,? said Rhi.

?And everyone else is like, ?I haven?t either!?? laughed Kate. ?It normalises it. No one is going to judge you for it. And it?s a social thing for you.

?So many families now are so spread out,? the Duchess continued. ?It?s much harder to rely on other generations for support.?
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 23, 2020, 12:46:54 AM
Video of Catherine at the prison today.

The Duchess of Cambridge visits Prison to Discuss Rebuilding Families - YouTube (

Quotehe Duchess of Cambridge has visited HMP Send, a women's prison near Woking, Surrey, where she met with women who have recently been released - to discuss how they rebuild their families.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 23, 2020, 01:08:32 AM
The PR is very aggressive of late.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 23, 2020, 01:19:43 AM
Also the Cambridges have had a busy start to 2020. According to the tally on the big royal forum, William is tied with his father and uncle Edward on the number of engagements for January.

Today is one of the busiest days so far for the BRF with engagements for the PoW, DssoC, the Cambridges, the Wessexes, the Princess Royal and the DoGloucester.  :Jen: :windsor1:

Twitter (

QuoteA very busy day today for the Royal Family with almost 20 engagements between Charles, Camilla, William, Kate, Edward, Sophie, Anne & the Duke of Gloucester.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on January 23, 2020, 02:15:12 AM
Great choices were made during this tour: highlighting early childhood and children in prison with their mothers.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 29, 2020, 01:26:20 PM
Twitter (

Duchess of Cambridge spent the morning at @LEYFOnline
Stockwell Gardens Nursery talking to staff and parents about her landmark survey #5BigQuestions.
Launched last week, the survey aims to spark a UK-wide conversation on early childhood
Homepage - 5 Big Questions (

Chefs and apprentices from the
Chef Academy spoke to The Duchess about the importance of nutritious food for child development.
The Academy offers a specialist qualification for chefs working with children to help influence healthy food choices

Time for breakfast!

The Duchess and @MrsGiFletcher served breakfast to the children at the Stockwell Gardens Nursery, and spoke to teachers and parents about her #5BigQuestions on the under 5's >

For the past 8 years, The Duchess has been hearing from people around the UK about the importance of the early years for future health and happiness.

Now she wants to hear from you, so have your say on raising the next generation here Homepage - 5 Big Questions (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 29, 2020, 01:57:19 PM
This visit was supposed to happen last week on January 22 when Catherine was making multiple visits, but inclement weather made it necessary to delay the visit.
Glad to see that it was quickly rescheduled.
PPE Agency (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 29, 2020, 05:52:33 PM
Kate Middleton arrives for a visit at a London nursery | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Surprises a Kindergarten Class | | (

Duchess of Cambridge reveals 100,000 people have already completed her landmark survey on early childhood (

Kate becomes a dinner lady for the day as she serves breakfast to school children | Royal | News | (

Double post auto-merged: January 29, 2020, 06:25:02 PM

Kate Middleton names surprise food George and Charlotte love on nursery visit - Mirror Online (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited Stockwell Gardens Nursery | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess Of Cambridge Visits LEYF Stockwell Gardens Nursery & Pre-School (

Double post auto-merged: January 29, 2020, 06:27:20 PM

Duchess Kate rocks skinny jeans while serving cereal during nursery visit | GMA (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 29, 2020, 11:36:09 PM
The survey has been open for a little over a week but 100,000 people have responded. It closes on February 21, 2020.

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge revealed that more than 100,000 people have completed her ambitious early years survey as she helped deliver breakfast to hungry children.

The Duchess's survey, called Five Big Questions On The Under Fives, was launched last week and aims to spark a UK-wide conversation about creating the best foundations for children to thrive.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Blue Clover on January 30, 2020, 01:28:51 AM
Nice and very hands!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on January 30, 2020, 04:20:32 PM
Kate Middleton is dubbed the 'children's princess' by royal fans | Daily Mail Online (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 30, 2020, 04:27:35 PM
Which royal fans? She is nothing like Diana, Diana was one of a kind. Too bad the DM is going there.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 12:11:41 AM
Kate Middleton is dubbed the 'children's princess' by royal fans | Daily Mail Online (

Quote@sandy-Which royal fans?
According to the article, she was dubbed the children's princess on social media.

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge has been dubbed the 'children's princess' after delighting families on a string of recent engagements.

Kate, 38, has visited a nursery, science museum and community centre in the last week as she promotes her landmark survey on early childhood development.

QuoteThe nickname has echoes of Princess Diana, who was affectionately known as the 'people's princess'.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 12:21:06 AM
Her fans apparently dubbed her that.

Diana was one of a kind.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 12:47:06 AM
Yes as the title states royal fans dubbed her the Children's Princess as her behavior interacting with children reminded them of the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
Kate Middleton is dubbed the 'children's princess' by royal fans | Daily Mail Online (

QuoteStepping into Diana's shoes: Kate Middleton is dubbed the 'Children's Princess' by royal fans after delighting families with her natural warmth - in echoes of People's Princess title given to her late mother-in-law

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:24:16 AM
She is nothing like Diana. Diana was special and Kate is not in her league.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 01:28:22 AM
Well it appears that according to this article, Catherine has fans who admire her and her late mother-in-law's interaction with children. :happy:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:44:23 AM
The key word is fan. She is nothing like Diana. Diana I think was more genuine than Kate
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 01:49:56 AM
It would appear that according to the article there are fans of both the late Diana, Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Cambridge who believe that both women have warmth and affection when interacting with children. :happy:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 08:19:13 AM
Quote from: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:44:23 AM
The key word is fan. She is nothing like Diana. Diana I think was more genuine than Kate

Doesn't matter.  Kate is the future Queen now. She has admirers and is seen as having a special interaction with children.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on January 31, 2020, 10:01:25 AM
Quote from: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 08:19:13 AM
Doesn't matter.  Kate is the future Queen now. She has admirers and is seen as having a special interaction with children.

Future Queen? What happened to Camilla? If Charles lives as long as his father it will be another quarter of a century or more before Kate gets to be Queen Consort. When she's over sixty years old.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 31, 2020, 11:58:13 AM
All royal watchers know both ladies are future Queen Consort's
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 12:55:31 PM
Quote from: Curryong on January 31, 2020, 10:01:25 AM
Future Queen? What happened to Camilla? If Charles lives as long as his father it will be another quarter of a century or more before Kate gets to be Queen Consort. When she's over sixty years old.
Yes, I expect that Camilla will be the next Queen.  I said "future" queen, since when Chalres has gone to his reward, William will almost certainly be King and Kate is his wife.  Therefore a future queen.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:30:55 PM
Quote from: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 01:28:22 AM
Well it appears that according to this article, Catherine has fans who admire her and her late mother-in-law's interaction with children. :happy:

"Catherine" fans are not 100 percent of the UK public. Diana did a lot more than interact with children. Kate has miles and miles to go.

Double post auto-merged: January 31, 2020, 01:31:39 PM

Quote from: wannable on January 31, 2020, 11:58:13 AM
All royal watchers know both ladies are future Queen Consort's

Not at the same time. "Catherine" may have to wait decades.

Double post auto-merged: January 31, 2020, 01:32:18 PM

Quote from: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 08:19:13 AM
Doesn't matter.  Kate is the future Queen now. She has admirers and is seen as having a special interaction with children.

I don't see anything "special" about how she reacts with children. Surely she's not going to scowl at them.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 01:35:15 PM
it doesn't matter if she has to wait decades.  She's the future queen.  She seems to get on well with children and is liked for that....
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:37:38 PM
Yet, I see some comments that make it seem her time will come soon. She is future Queen Consort. she is not in line of succession. A lot of people get on with children, Kate still has a lot to learn.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 01:48:28 PM
Quote from: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:37:38 PM
Yet, I see some comments that make it seem her time will come soon. She is future Queen Consort. she is not in line of succession. A lot of people get on with children, Kate still has a lot to learn.

What has she got to learn?   She only has to be there as Wiliams wife when he becomes King, and she will be queen.  Noone said she's in the line of succession so I don't know why you are saying this.. But as I've said she is a future queen..  Life is uncertain and one never knows when things may happen.  She might become queen in her 60s or she might become queen in a few years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:49:36 PM
One word: Plenty.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 01:51:36 PM
Quote from: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:49:36 PM
One word: Plenty.
No, she doesn't have to learn anything..just to be married to the Kign when he becomes King...
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:52:20 PM
They all had to learn. Kate also does. She is not "perfect" despite the spin. If she doesn't learn or want to learn she will be a flop. IMO.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 31, 2020, 01:52:52 PM
She's done a great job to date.   :shrug:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:54:45 PM
There are those who would disagree with you. Not everybody thinks she's perfect. If you think she has nothing else to learn that's your choice.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 31, 2020, 01:56:59 PM
Nobody is perfect.

I said has done to date a 'great job'.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 02:00:20 PM
Quote from: sandy on January 31, 2020, 01:52:20 PM
They all had to learn. Kate also does. She is not "perfect" despite the spin. If she doesn't learn or want to learn she will be a flop. IMO.
what does she have to learn?  She will be queen once William is king..
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 02:01:49 PM
Quote from: QueenAlex on January 31, 2020, 01:48:28 PM
What has she got to learn?   She only has to be there as Wiliams wife when he becomes King, and she will be queen.  Noone said she's in the line of succession so I don't know why you are saying this.. But as I've said she is a future queen..  Life is uncertain and one never knows when things may happen.  She might become queen in her 60s or she might become queen in a few years.
As far as I can see from the current Queen/Empress/GDss/Princess Consorts-Silvia, Sonja, Rania, Letizia, Maxima, Mathilde, Masako, Maria Teresa, Jetsun, and Charlene (hope I didn't forget anyone) that the ladies base their role on their respective nation's expectations. They're  expected to support their spouse, be familiar with their court's protocol, be a dignified and friendly hostess and representative at home and overseas, support national charities, patronages and organizations. They're typically advised to stay neutral and out of political matters at home and abroad. (Those that stray into their nation's political matters at home and abroad are often the subject of criticism ie: Rania/Maria Teresa.)

As far as I  can tell Camilla and Catherine have demonstrated that they are both ready to  take on the role of Queen Consort when the time comes.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2020, 02:06:54 PM
Quote@sandy-They should be interested in a variety of patronages and be willing to learn.

Based on a review of the patronages/charities that both ladies currently have on their roster, I would say that they have a wide variety of patronages/charities in matters related to education, the arts, sports, mental and physical health, the military, and so on.  :)
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 12, 2020, 12:32:01 PM
Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton arrives in Northern Ireland - (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 12, 2020, 12:56:48 PM
A pleasant surprise, thank you for sharing.

Apparently she will be touring the UK (as being reported today) for her #5Questions places related with children, parents and grandparents, communication and interaction person to person is vital for first hand ordinary people knowledge, added to her 8 years of private meeting with the experts.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 12, 2020, 01:19:58 PM
Thank you for the news PrincessofPeace.

Like with every NI visit, there is no advance notice so it's always a pleasure to see that the members of the Firm are visiting this part of the country.

QuoteThe farm visit is part of a whistle-stop tour to Northern Ireland on Wednesday to highlight the Duchess's support for the Early Years programme, which aims to support soon-to-be parents.

Owner Stewart Donaldson who runs the popular family attraction with his wife, Lorraine joked that he had been warned beforehand that there is one particular Ark Farm resident the Royal wasn't keen on meeting - a snake.

Mr Donaldson told Belfast Telegraph that he was delighted to welcome the Duchess of Cambridge to Ark Open Farm in what is a very special year for the family-run farm.

"It's our 30th anniversary. We're all very excited. It was quite a job keeping her visit secret. We had only 10 days notice," he explained.

"We have a plaque which Kate will unveil to mark our 30th anniversary."
Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton arrives in Northern Ireland - (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 12, 2020, 01:20:29 PM
ETA: Reading Instagram, rumour is she will be flying out from NI to Scotland for another visit, or her next #5Qunder5 will be in Scotland. The instagramers are 'workers' like the NI farm prepping.  The Farm did tweet days ago that the farm would be closed for a special visit today.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 12, 2020, 01:21:20 PM
Kate Middleton Surprise Visit to Farm in Northern Ireland | | (

QuoteThe Ark Open Farm opened in 1990 and after initially specializing in rare breeds of farm animals, the farm has now developed a number of play areas and activities for children. Open farms such as this ?are important in providing places in the community for family members of all generations to spend quality time together, while allowing children to benefit from spending time outdoors,? her office says. Encouraging kids to play outside and enjoy the outdoors is a key area of interest for Kate and goes in tandem with her work with nurturing  wellbeing for children.

The questions in Kate?s survey include topics such as nature vs. nurture, health and happiness. The results will help guide what is done to help vulnerable children and families for generations to come. The 5 Big Questions survey is being conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of Kate and William?s Royal Foundation and will run for a month, from 21st January 21 to February 21.

The visit to the farm is the latest leg in her mission to get to the four corners of the U.K. Her initiative began in Birmingham and has taken her to Cardiff, London and Woking, Surrey.

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 03:13:32 PM

Twitter (

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 03:13:56 PM

QuoteToday The Duchess of Cambridge is taking her UK-wide #5BigQuestions survey to Northern Ireland and Scotland, starting with a visit to @TheArkOpenFarm
in County Down, Northern Ireland

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 03:36:40 PM

Quote from: wannable on February 12, 2020, 01:20:29 PM
ETA: Reading Instagram, rumour is she will be flying out from NI to Scotland for another visit, or her next #5Qunder5 will be in Scotland. The instagramers are 'workers' like the NI farm prepping.  The Farm did tweet days ago that the farm would be closed for a special visit today.

And here she is in Aberdeen.

Twitter (

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 03:37:06 PM

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge, or The Countess of Strathearn as she?s known in Scotland, is visiting a cafe in Aberdeen as part of her UK-wide tour to promote her survey on the early years.

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 04:05:11 PM

Kensington Palace on Instagram: ?Today The Duchess of Cambridge has taken her UK-wide #5BigQuestions survey to Northern Ireland and Scotland, starting (

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 05:52:10 PM

Twitter (

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 05:52:34 PM

QuoteKensington Palace
In Aberdeen, The Duchess of Cambridge visited the @SocialBite_
caf? to meet employees, supported volunteers and customers who have experienced homelessness.

She heard how experiences in the early years of life can have a significant effect on lifelong outcomes

Double post auto-merged: February 12, 2020, 07:27:31 PM

Video from Aberdeen

Duchess of Cambridge Makes Chicken Wrap During Visit to Cafe in Aberdeen - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 13, 2020, 03:52:08 AM
Kate Middleton dons an apron as she helps prepare food for locals in a cafe in Aberdeen   | Daily Mail Online (

The Duchess of Cambridge makes a surprise appearance at a farm in Belfast as part of her UK tour | Daily Mail Online (

The nifty way Kate Middleton beat the chill during nationwide tour | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton's John Lewis roll neck comes in three different colours | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton's whistle-stop tour of Northern Ireland and Scotland - best photos | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton Just Proved She?s a Snake Charmer: Watch! | | (

Kate Middleton Surprise Visit to Farm in Northern Ireland | | (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited The Ark Open Farm in Newtownards | Newmyroyals & Hollywood Fashion (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited the Social Bite cafe in Aberdeen (

The Duchess of Cambridge visited The Ark Open Farm near Belfast as part of her tour of the UK to promote her landmark survey on the early years: ?5 (

Double post auto-merged: February 13, 2020, 07:36:00 PM

Keen cook Kate Middleton shows off culinary skills during homeless charity visit - Mirror Online (

Kate Middleton handles snake in Northern Ireland asking 'are you sure it's okay?' - Mirror Online (

Kate Middleton beams as she helps feed lambs on 'surprise' Northern Ireland visit - Mirror Online (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on February 15, 2020, 12:54:15 AM
Her royal highnesssss: Duchess Kate holds snake for 1st time during Northern Ireland trip | GMA (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 04, 2020, 09:10:57 PM
The Duchess of Cambridge has brought together 19 British brands and retailers to donate over 10,000 new items to more than 40 baby banks across the UK. #SupportingBabyBanks

Video: Twitter (

Kate Middleton wears face mask to launch incredible initiative to support children and babies | HELLO! (

KL.FM 96.7 - News - Duchess of Cambridge helps Baby Basics West Norfolk (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on August 04, 2020, 09:40:55 PM
QuoteDetermined to help, Kate has now persuaded 19 British brands to donate more than 10,000 new items to more than 40 baby banks across the UK. As she unloaded pallets and unpacked the first deliveries at the charity?s temporary distribution centre, she told volunteers: "It can get very emotional. I remember a couple of the families I met from King's Lynn and I went home and literally burst into tears, their stories were so moving. The struggles they have gone through, the bravery they have extraordinary circumstances. Helping their families through extraordinary times."

Volunteer-run baby banks provide essentials such as nappies, clothing and bedding to vulnerable families who are referred by health visitors, midwives and social workers. But while baby banks across the UK have seen an increase in demand during the Covid-19 outbreak, many have been unable to accept second-hand donations because of health and safety concerns.

Glad that these families can now receive the necessities that they needed for their baby's first year.

These are the participating companies:

QuoteThe following organisations have generously donated items such as nappies, bedding and clothing to the charities; Bloom and Blossom, Boden, Bramley, Childs Farm, Frugi, Green People (Organic Babies), John Lewis, JoJo Maman B?b?, Kit & Kin, Kokoso Baby, M&S, Mamas & Papas, Matalan, My Little Coco, Sainsbury?s, Tesco, The White Company, Trotters.

In addition, DHL Express has provided logistical services for the dissemination of donations to baby banks across the UK

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 04, 2020, 10:14:56 PM
The Duchess of Cambridge visited a baby bank in South Yorkshire to help unload a pallet of deliveries and sort donations before speaking with families about their experience of baby banks. Report by Matt Blair.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on August 05, 2020, 12:16:50 AM
Kate Middleton Helps at Baby Bank | (

Kate Middleton stuns in newly released photos from secret engagements - and you'll fall in love with her dresses | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton dons ?15 face mask by Amaia as she unpacks donations at a baby bank in Sheffield | Daily Mail Online (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on August 05, 2020, 02:11:44 AM
Impressive and wonderfully done that 19 British companies donated. I hope this turns into a yearly association with baby bank.

I'm also impressed with her RPO, 10 years ongoing.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 10, 2020, 05:51:36 PM
I saw the Duchess of Cambridge make a visit to a local charity that provides essential supplies to mothers in need. When you live comfortably, its easy to forget just how many people are battling through very difficult circumstances, so its fantastic to see Kate using her profile to highlight just how real the issue of poverty still is in our country today.

During her visit to Sheffield-based Baby Basics UK, Kate talked of literally bursting into tears after hearing from families who have found it hard to cope during lockdown, including a nurse who, despite working hard on the frontline, has still been struggling to make ends meet. It just goes to show you, anyone can be affected by poverty, even those earning a living doing vital roles within our health service.

More: Judy Murray: Big-hearted duchess made me think about how we might all do a little to help a lot - The Sunday Post (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 23, 2020, 01:29:55 PM
Join us this week as we announce the results from the 5 Big Questions survey, reveal the #5BigInsights, and take your questions.

This is just the beginning...

KP video: Twitter (

The Duchess of Cambridge will give the keynote speech at an online forum hosted by the Royal Foundation and Ipsos MORI during which the full findings of the research will be discussed.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 24, 2020, 07:00:05 PM
Taking questions from the public on Early Years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on November 27, 2020, 03:04:23 AM
Results are in Twitter (

The Duchess of Cambridge and The Royal Foundation release the #5BigInsights in the biggest ever study on the early years - Royal Foundation (

Double post auto-merged: November 27, 2020, 03:06:45 AM

Summery of the IPSOS study
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 27, 2020, 11:16:55 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge has unveiled the findings of the biggest ever UK study on the early years, in a milestone moment for her work on the importance of early childhood in shaping the rest of peoples lives. 

This comes after nine years during which Duchess Kate looked at how difficult experiences in early childhood are often the root cause of key social challenges.

The findings highlight the need to help people understand the importance of the early years, and suggest that parents and carers need more support as they raise young children.

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge Unveils Findings of Biggest Ever Early Years Study in the UK - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 27, 2020, 02:30:44 PM
The Duchess of Cambridge reveals 5 Big Questions results ? Royal Central (

QuoteThe executive summary concluded that there are three key themes that emerged out of the data: ?The importance of promoting education and dissemination of evidence on the primacy of the early years to parents, parents of the future and the whole of society? the need to cultivate and sustain more support networks for parents to enhance their mental health and wellbeing?[and] encouraging society as a whole be more supportive of parents, carers and families in the early years.?

Yes to all three key themes and I am pleased to see that their is a  recurring message that the mental and emotional health for parents and caregivers is being emphasized. I'm curious to discover what is the plan to relay the information to the public now that the report has been published.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 27, 2020, 02:57:30 PM
Todays unveiling of the 5 Big Insights follows nine years of work by The Duchess of Cambridge in which she has looked at how difficult experiences in early childhood are often the root cause of key social challenges such as poor mental health, family breakdown, addiction and homelessness - with the cost of late intervention estimated to be around 17 billion per year in England and Wales.

Find out more about our Early Years work at Home Page - Royal Foundation (

Big Change Starts Small | Early Years - YouTube (

Today, The Royal Foundation hosted an online event: *What the UK thinks about the Early Years: A Forum to Launch The Royal Foundations Landmark Study on the Early Years*, during which The Duchess of Cambridge delivered a Keynote Address. 

During the speech, Her Royal Highness spoke of her ambition to put the Early Years on an equal footing with the other great social challenges and opportunities of our time.

The speech comes as The Duchess unveiled the findings of the biggest ever UK study on the early years, in a milestone moment for her work on the importance of early childhood in shaping the rest of our lives and broader societal outcomes. The research, commissioned by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and conducted by Ipsos MORI, reveals what the UK thinks about the early years. It includes the findings of the 5 Big Questions survey which attracted over half a million responses earlier this year, making it the biggest ever survey of its kind.

She said: *We must do all we can to tackle these issues and to elevate the importance of the early years, so that together we can build a more nurturing society. Because I believe, the early years should be on par with the other great social challenges and opportunities of our time. And next year, we will announce ambitious plans to support this objective.*

To find out more, visit Home Page - Royal Foundation (

The Duchess of Cambridge gives a Keynote Speech on Landmark Research #5BigInsights | Early Years - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 27, 2020, 03:38:43 PM
Thank you for sharing this @PrincessOfPeace - I especially noted where Catherine cited that 40% of school children in the UK are arriving without the necessary developmental skills to begin successful learning. FORTY PERCENT which I believe is not limited solely to students with developmental issues but include the neurotypical students. They  have not the critical milestones in socialization, speech/listening/language communication, simple self-care ie toileting skills, fine and gross motor skills. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we'd find similar results in other first world nations ie: U.S.A., Canada, etc.. Also this is not limited to children who live in lower socio-economic status families. As an educator I have observed children in middle  and upper class homes who have not met these milestones.

Looking forward 2021 when  the next steps are to be revealed on how the Early Years steering committee plans to address the three themes.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on November 27, 2020, 03:43:00 PM
I like this project, the use of a serious company like IM to poll is fantastic.  A lot of stats to make a firm present and future project to improve first years of children. The lower strata will very likely be Kate's main aim/focus.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 27, 2020, 07:28:47 PM
Eamon McCrory, a professor of developmental neuroscience and psychopathology at University College London who joined Kates steering group on this topic in 2018, has seen her experience and expertise blossom over that time.

*She is working with homelessness and mental health and with parents and perinatal care she sees all aspects of the system,* he tells PEOPLE. *Shes talking to neuroscientists and is interested in understanding what it means for parents or what does it mean if we are interested in tackling mental health. She is really interested in putting the pieces together and having a cohesive response.*

*She has genuine curiosity and a real respect and understanding of the science," McCrory says. "Its really impressive.*

He adds: *There is a growing influence of her work, and it's likely to expand and have a long-term impact on the field.*

More: Kate Middleton?s Work with Children, Families Will Have Lasting Impact: Expert | (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on November 27, 2020, 08:08:22 PM
Whenever similar surveys about primary schoolchildren have been reported here, some commentators inevitably point to parents  who after a very long working day (sometimes in labour intensive workplaces) simply don't have the energy to concentrate on play with their children which might develop motor skills, reading comprehension etc. Exhaustion sets in after the evening meal and after some TV it's time for bed. The children in large day care centres when parents work quite naturally do not always get one to one care, though busy staff do their best.

To just put this in personal terms for a little bit. My six year old grandson had constant ear infections a couple of years ago which werent properly diagnosed and thus didn't receive immediate treatment thanks to a GP not doing her job. It resulted in a certain amount of hearing loss and some balance and developmental issues.

Jackson had treatment eventually but the hearing loss had affected his speech somewhat so that he was miles behind his twin sister. My daughter took a couple of months off work and worked on Jackson intensively for hours every day in and out of school and in the school holidays, whenever she could.

As a result his speech improved 100% and he can now speak clearly. His parents still work hard on his skill levels. Now this wasn't of course a seriously ill child but similar problems could also remain undiagnosed when parents have busy lifestyles and can't afford to take tame off,  and in busy large child care facilities.

On a different tack, I hope I won't be accused of racism, but the UK does have a huge number of migrants (illegal and otherwise) who come from the Third World, including refugee camps which offer their unfortunate residents quite primitive living conditions. I do wonder whether the very different cultural standards resulting from this play some part in these figures.

Again, just a viewpoint from my local area. During Covid, most children were home-schooled. In certain communities there were difficulties because of this, as it was found that not only could the mothers (parents) not read to their children in English but, because of war torn conditions etc they couldn't read or write in their own language.

This was certainly found to be so in certain communities such as rural Pakistan and Afghanistan, where female education was neglected or discouraged. These ladies are very shy and remain to a large extent in their own communities here in Aus. Naturally this has impacted on their children who attend Aussie schools (some of whom act as interpreters for their mothers whenever they need extra help. I've found that in my own work.)

I know I've gone off tangent here quite a bit, but my point is I suppose that cultural and financial backgrounds in families are often left out of the equation in these things.

Double post auto-merged: November 27, 2020, 08:16:04 PM

Double post auto-merged: November 27, 2020, 08:35:06 PM

Whoops, my iPad is playing up. TLLK, could you kindly remove the double part of this post, please?
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 27, 2020, 09:17:07 PM
Today, as The Duchess unveiled the findings of the biggest ever UK study on the early years, The Royal Foundation hosted an online event: *What the UK thinks about the Early Years* to explain and discuss the report.

During the event, hosted by Dr Xand van Tulleken, The Duchess of Cambridge delivered a Keynote Address, emphasising her ambition to put the Early Years on an equal footing with the other great social challenges and opportunities of our time.

The research, commissioned by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and conducted by Ipsos MORI, reveals what the UK thinks about the early years. It includes the findings of the 5 Big Questions survey which attracted over half a million responses earlier this year, making it the biggest ever survey of its kind.

The Forum featured a presentation from Ipsos MORIs Managing Director of Public Affairs, Kelly Beaver, alongside a panel disucssion on the findings of the research including:

- Dr Trudi Seneviratne (Registrar, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Adult & Perinatal Psychiatrist & Clinical Director)

- Jon Rouse (City Director, Stoke-on-Trent City Council)

- Dr Guddi Singh (Paediatric Doctor, Evelina Childrens Hospital, Guys & St.Thomas)

To find out more, visit Home Page - Royal Foundation (

What the UK thinks about the Early Years: The Royal Foundation's Forum | Early Years - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 28, 2020, 02:09:55 PM
@Curryong- Ah the curse of electronic devices misbehaving. :D  The double post has been deleted :thumbsup:.

IMHO don't find your reference to the UK's  migrant population to be racist at all. You're simply sharing a known truth as many recent immigrants from regions of  the world with instability has definitely affected access to education in particular to girls and women. When I was teaching full time I met more than one parent who had their education disrupted due to economic needs or civil unrest  in their home country. In the late 1980's and 1990's this would have been immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Columbia etc...And there was at times a reluctance to have girls/women complete their education or to start learning English. Quite simply some families didn't see the point.  :no:

I also agree that the realities of working parents makes it difficult for them to engage with their under fives and if elderly relatives are tasked with providing daycare, often times they're too exhausted to keep up. It's tempting to just place  them in front of the TV or  hand them a device. However I have also had the dubious "pleasure" of encountering parents from all socio-economic levels who simply don't care or are literally too reluctant  to work with their youngsters. The latter often delaying toilet training, independent dressing and feeding skills because it's easier to just have the adult  change diapers, dress the children or feed them. Yes these are five year olds without any disabilities who can't put on shoes, their clothing or use a spoon/fork effectively! :wacko: I recall articles in the Guardian and The Telegraph sharing stories of British teachers being asked to call a student's home every night so they could be the one to tell the child to go to bed. The parents were too reluctant to give their child limits.

I'm thrilled for your grandson's speech/language success!! :friends: Your daughter's efforts certainly paid off.  :notworthy: My brother had a similar problem when he was very young and my mother  took him to speech/language therapy after he'd had ear tubes placed to assist with his fluid build up. This is one of the reasons that I am a proponent of quality early childhood education as it often will offer an opportunity for professionals to provide an assessment, diagnosis and therapy for youngsters with a speech/language delay. I am convinced that without the early intervention that our son received for his Autism Spectrum Disorder that he would not have been prepared to enter school ready to learn. Soon after he graduated from high school this past June, I contacted his pre-school teacher and a couple of his therapists to give them a summary of his elementary, middle and high school years. They were so happy to learn that he had been so successful and now was ready to move on to college.

I am curious to see what the next steps are for the Early Years program in the coming months and years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on November 28, 2020, 04:57:33 PM
Thanks, TLLK, especially for the disappearance of the double post.  Interesting reading too of your family experience. Jackson also had tubes placed in his ears due to fluid retention. Like his father, he used to get lots of colds and that didn't help his hearing either. However, he is now very much improved. Excellent that your son got the help that he needed as well. As you say, any problems in early childhood must be picked up for any progress to be made.

I have heard of a few cases here in which five and six year olds have had troubles at school with toileting, etc such as you describe, and with no boundaries given at home. Didn't realise it was quite so widespread though! As for dressing and feeding a five/six year old, you would think these parents would realise that some teaching of these skills to their children would save them a great deal of time and effort in the long run! You do have to wonder about their own family backgrounds as well.

Yes, I too will be interested to see how the Early Years programme progresses. However, I fear that, as always, a lot of it will come down to how much money the British government is prepared to put into it, with training of extra professionals etc. I remember the Heads Together proposals for mental health years ago came up against the same problem. However, maybe things will be different this time. Hope so.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 28, 2020, 07:19:12 PM
Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a question for The Duchess and experts throughout the week. We have seen an incredible response, touching on so many different aspects of the early years.

Here The Duchess answers some of those questions we received and passes a few over to experts.

This is just the start of the conversation. Thank you for being part of it.

Duchess of Cambridge Q&A on Early Years - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 29, 2020, 02:16:01 PM
Quote from: Curryong on November 28, 2020, 04:57:33 PM
Thanks, TLLK, especially for the disappearance of the double post.  Interesting reading too of your family experience. Jackson also had tubes placed in his ears due to fluid retention. Like his father, he used to get lots of colds and that didn't help his hearing either. However, he is now very much improved. Excellent that your son got the help that he needed as well. As you say, any problems in early childhood must be picked up for any progress to be made.

I have heard of a few cases here in which five and six year olds have had troubles at school with toileting, etc such as you describe, and with no boundaries given at home. Didn't realise it was quite so widespread though! As for dressing and feeding a five/six year old, you would think these parents would realise that some teaching of these skills to their children would save them a great deal of time and effort in the long run! You do have to wonder about their own family backgrounds as well.

Yes, I too will be interested to see how the Early Years programme progresses. However, I fear that, as always, a lot of it will come down to how much money the British government is prepared to put into it, with training of extra professionals etc. I remember the Heads Together proposals for mental health years ago came up against the same problem. However, maybe things will be different this time. Hope so.

@Curryong-You're welcome. Happy to help in any way that I can in regards to making the experience here at RIF a pleasant one.

In regards to my brother and my son by happy coincidence, both of them were slightly older than their peers when each started preschool and speech/language therapy (my son had therapies that my brother didn't due to his ASD). So the extra prep time that they had prior to starting kindergarten was very helpful in their success at school. One  problem that our district's facing is convincing parents to have their child assessed as soon as they are aware that there is a possible developmental delay. It's especially a concern with some of our immigrant families from  Asian backgrounds (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Pakistani, Indian etc..) as they're concerned about a possible stigma later in life. Unfortunately not addressing the situation early on tends to exacerbate the behavioral and learning issues that the student faces. Sadly I believe this is only worsened now due to the distance learning that is happening still in so many parts of the U.S. especially in larger urban/suburban areas.

Regarding behavior issues in the classrooms and students not having the necessary skills for communication and self-care, my colleagues and I have noticed an alarming increase in explosive tantrums among elementary students in the last 6 years. Note: these are the students born after 2010 which is around the time that smart devices were becoming more available to the public. It is our belief that parents who are frequently engaged on their devices and not paying attention to their children's needs have more or less "trained" their children to be louder and more disruptive in order to have their needs met.  :wacko: Also the children appear to have a constant need for immediate gratification like one would get from a video game. It's becoming an alarming trend across the U.S. and from what I have read, it's an issue in Canada too.

Curious to see what are the next steps for Early Years and how the proposed ideas will be addressed by the healthcare/education/social care systems in the UK.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on November 29, 2020, 02:51:04 PM
Twitter (

Kate looks so comfortable speaking about Early Years and replying live to questions, latest 4 minute video posted yesterday twitter/instagram.

On a superficial note, it's sad to see the social media fan divisions, this video has created the worst meltdown to date.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 29, 2021, 02:50:02 PM
The conversation built on some of the key issues that were raised in The Duchess landmark survey on the Early Years, such as parental wellbeing and loneliness. The research, which was released last November, revealed that parents struggle to prioritise their own wellbeing, in spite of the fact that 90% see parental mental health and wellbeing as being critical to a childs development.

The Duchess of Cambridge talks homeschooling with parents - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 25, 2021, 12:08:04 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, this morning held an Early Years Meeting.

- Court Circular || 24 March 2021
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on April 25, 2021, 10:31:11 PM
A thread for articles and discussion regarding Kate's Early Years Program, part of the Royal Foundation.

For the last nine years, The Duchess of Cambridge has spent time looking into how experiences in early childhood are often the root cause of today's hardest social challenges such as addiction, family breakdown, poor mental health, suicide and homelessness.

Having met many people who are dealing with a range of issues, she has seen over and over again how often these problems can be traced back to the earliest years of someones life. What we experience in the early years, from conception to the age of five, shapes the developing brain, which is why positive physical, emotional and cognitive development during this period is so crucial. It is a time when the building blocks are established, laying foundations that help provide greater resilience to deal with future adversity.

The Duchess wanted to dig deeper into the current early years landscape to understand the issues that we face and learn how we can best tackle them. It was important to listen to the experts, academics, practitioners, service providers and charities within the sector who work every day to make our families and communities stronger. Equally important was hearing from parents themselves and in January 2020, The Duchess launched a landmark survey and travelled around the four nations to meet with parents and listen to their views on raising the next generation.

Her Royal Highness is committed to this crucial cause, but only by working together can we bring about positive, lasting change for generations to come.

Early Years - Royal Foundation (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on April 26, 2021, 05:14:50 PM
Kate visited Baby Basics in Norfolk August 2020.

One of the oldest fan bases, KateRangers did a charity giving for BB.

Baby Basics
So we had our first delivery from the wonderful donation drive from
We are blown away by the support - Thank you everyone! Red heart(thread tweet)
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 26, 2021, 05:48:12 PM
Brilliant fundraiser by Kates Rangers. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on May 06, 2021, 02:42:03 AM
Thread to post articles and for discussion regarding Kates Patronage of Action for Children

Action for Children

Website: Action For Children | Children's charity | For safe and happy childhoods (
Runs over 400 projects for some of the UK's most vulnerable and excluded children and young people.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on May 10, 2021, 03:16:57 AM
Family Action (formerly Family Welfare Association)

Website: Family Action, Building stronger families (
Provides practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the Country.

A thread to post articles and discuss Kate as Royal Patron
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 12, 2021, 11:11:19 PM
The Duchess of Cambridge, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, this morning held an Early Years Meeting.

- Court Circular || 12 May 2021
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 11, 2021, 02:14:01 PM
NEW: The Duchess of Cambridge will share a major announcement next week on how she is working to elevate the importance of early childhood and continue the conversation on this vital issue.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 11, 2021, 06:46:06 PM
Exclusive: the profoundly powerful moments that shaped Duchess of Cambridges childrens charity work.

On the eve of a major announcement, The Telegraph has been granted exclusive access to those closest to the royals latest endeavour

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 11, 2021, 10:00:18 PM
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 12, 2021, 08:51:56 AM
Jill Biden and the Duchess of Cambridge: This is what our kids deserve.

Opinion by First Lady Jill Biden and HRH The Duchess of Cambridge.

Jill Biden and the Duchess of Cambridge: This is what our kids deserve - CNN (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Princess Cassandra on June 12, 2021, 04:35:42 PM
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on June 12, 2021, 08:51:56 AM
Jill Biden and the Duchess of Cambridge: This is what our kids deserve.

Opinion by First Lady Jill Biden and HRH The Duchess of Cambridge.

Jill Biden and the Duchess of Cambridge: This is what our kids deserve - CNN (
I commend them both! They have devoted so much time and energy to the importance of healthy childhoods and education, and they both have so much knowledge and credibility.   
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on June 12, 2021, 05:34:29 PM
Duchess of Cambridge and Jill Biden say better care and education for our young children is key | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton is set to 'step up' early years campaign with 'ambitious' new project | Daily Mail Online (
Telegraph report says

Kate Middleton and Jill Biden team up to write moving open letter | HELLO! (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 13, 2021, 08:44:38 PM
Remember when Peter Fonagy, Professor of Neuroscience at UCL, CEO of the Anna Freud Centre, Fellow of the British Academy, OBE for services to psychoanalysis and clinical psychology praised the massive impact of the Duchess of Cambridges early years work?



Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on June 13, 2021, 09:38:54 PM
That?s some serious praise.  I know there was some question , in some quarters , about Kates commitment to her role.  I think this shows just how serious she is.  Often the behind the scene, non flashy work is the bedrock. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 13, 2021, 09:57:27 PM
"In some quarters" is key. The people in the know have never questioned Kate's commitment.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 13, 2021, 10:41:13 PM
While Catherine herself does not claim to be an expert in the field, I believe that her opportunity to observe, listen and discuss  with those in the field has been an education in itself. The early years has been an age group that has been far overlooked IMHO. I also believe that frequently,  faculty and staff in the upper elementary, middle and secondary years are desperately attempting to remedy situations that might have had a better outcome if addressed early on. There have been numerous concerns voiced by primary school teachers in the UK and other nations that  even native language students are arriving at school with very limited vocabulary and poor conversation skills. This is sometimes combined with no toileting skills and poor fine motor range required to use scissors, pencils, crayons etc... The need to support the students, parents and school staff who work with the Early Years group is something that cannot be ignored.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Princess Cassandra on June 17, 2021, 03:49:23 AM
When she was first married it was announced that she was researching issues in order to form the direction her royal work would take.  Back then there was a lot of criticism of her not working or not working enough, including from some on this site.  But she was doing the right thing, and we now see how thoroughly she has prepared herself and would readily admit that she is till learning.  I admire her style.  She is doing great things. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Amabel2 on June 17, 2021, 07:37:08 AM
I think she coudl have done more in the early years but I think that now, she has a genuine interest in the work she has taken up, which perhaps wasn't the case a few years ago.  Possibly, she was keen to have babies and to have a few years to spend iwth them... and now that they are a bit older, and she's had the time with them, she's developed more outside interests....
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on June 17, 2021, 08:06:48 PM
Big announcement coming.....
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 17, 2021, 11:09:53 PM
In a milestone moment for the Duchess of Cambridge which will shape her future focus as a senior royal, Kate hopes to help create a happier, more mentally healthy, more nurturing society.

The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood will start with about half a dozen staff and be funded by the duke and duchess's Royal Foundation.

The centers first project is in collaboration with Harvard University and London School of Economics.

Home - Centre for Early Childhood (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 18, 2021, 02:15:08 PM
The Duchess of Cambridge at The London School of Economics and later Kensington Palace on the day of the launch of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood in London.

Pics: Duchess Cambridge June 18 Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (,%202021

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 18, 2021, 02:47:16 PM
Catherine's video statement about the launch of the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood.

Kate Middleton Launches Royal Foundation Centre For Early Childhood - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on June 18, 2021, 02:50:05 PM
Kate Middleton carries out engagements to launch The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Wears Children's Initials on Necklace to Announce Project | (

Kate Middleton Reunites with Parents Who Inspired Her Work with Kids | (

Kate Middleton Helps Kids with Centre for Early Childhood Launch | (

Kate Middleton braves the rain in London to meet parents as she launches children's centre ? live updates | HELLO! (

Duchess of Cambridge sets up early childhood research unit and believes issue is 'social equivalent to climate change' | UK News | Sky News (

Kate Middleton transforming into 'mother of the nation' with new early years project | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton launches her Centre for Early Childhood | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton's new project revealed: Duchess's Early Childhood Centre - all the details | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton's passion project by launching kids' centre to change thousands of lives - Mirror Online (

Kate Middleton stuns as she dashes through the rain after calling for a 'happier' society with research centre launch (

The Duchess of Cambridge launches the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood ? Royal Central (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 18, 2021, 04:31:15 PM
Today, The Duchess of Cambridge launched The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood.

Big Change Starts Small | Early Years - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 18, 2021, 05:09:23 PM
Camilla Tominey reflects on Catherine's journey and how she came to focus on the Early Years. I especially agree with Camilla when she describes Catherine's long range focus as "a marathon and not a sprint."

The Duchess of Cambridge has found her voice as she launches early childhood centre | Analysis - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 19, 2021, 01:52:48 PM
All moneys (RR's are saying it's millions) by private organizations and individuals, especially Harvard University followed by the London School of Economics.

I am curious, I know this had to be signed by Harvard's president.  They usually go to/for USA edu related foundations, organizations, so this is huge.  I see many females in the officers and deans that have (via Linkedin) from scientists to psychiatrists, educator, etc. backgrounds, BUT who initiated the contact? I do know that after Kate did several scientific visits in the UK and her 5 questions, some people who are related to education contacted her, congratulated her to raise awareness.   The court circulars are so short, it's hard to know.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Princess Cassandra on June 21, 2021, 02:01:10 PM
Quote from: TLLK on June 18, 2021, 05:09:23 PM
Camilla Tominey reflects on Catherine's journey and how she came to focus on the Early Years. I especially agree with Camilla when she describes Catherine's long range focus as "a marathon and not a sprint."

The Duchess of Cambridge has found her voice as she launches early childhood centre | Analysis - YouTube (
It makes sense that as she became involved she came to the conclusion that many issues can be prevented or mitigated by enlightened parenting, intervention, and education. And unfortunately the reverse is also true.  And I also agree that it is a long range address. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 10, 2021, 02:38:52 PM
FNP graduate, Jumaima, meets Duchess of Cambridge at Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood launch.

Jumaima was invited to an event at Kensington Palace to mark the launch of the new dedicated centre and discuss early childhood development. Twenty-three-year-old, Jumaima, who has a three year old son, had previously met The Duchess in 2019 when she visited the FNP team at Sunshine House in Peckham.

FNP graduate, Jumaima, meets Duchess of Cambridge at Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood launch | Evelina London (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 12, 2021, 11:26:26 PM
It's been a year since Kate donned a mask, apron and gloves, as she helped with the delivery of supplies during a hands-on visit to Baby Basics UK in Sheffield and the down-to-earth Duchess even showed how relatable she is as she spoke openly about her own parenting challenges.

The royal mum-of-three helped to launch a major initiative to support vulnerable families, persuading 19 British brands to donate more than 10,000 new items to Baby Basics, Little Village and AberNecessities, who operate baby banks across the UK.

Cat Ross, CEO of Baby Basics UK, says that the impact of Kate's initiative has been "amazing" and while the charity had some small donations from some brands before the royal's visit, it has "absolutely snowballed since the Duchess got involved".

Read more: 'Genuine' Kate Middleton shared her parenting difficulties during visit to baby bank - exclusive | HELLO! (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on August 12, 2021, 11:55:35 PM
That's a happy report and it's great that her image has greatly amplified the donations.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on October 05, 2021, 10:46:59 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge is visiting University College London today to meet researchers embarking on a major new early years study 'Children of the 2020s'. This will be the first in a number of upcoming engagements Kate will undertake as part of the study.

Duchess of Cambridge visits UCL to discuss leading landmark early years study | UCL News - UCL ? University College London (

The Duchess Of Cambridge Meets With Leading Researchers To Discuss New Holistic Study Into The Early Years Pictures and Photos - Getty Images (,_london?
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on October 09, 2021, 01:42:12 AM
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Kate Middleton in hush-hush pow wow with top TV producer amid claims the Duchess could make a documentary on early childhood development

The meeting, held via telephone on Tuesday, was with David Glover, who commissioned the hit Channel 4 show Gogglebox and was responsible for much of the television work of physicist Stephen Hawking.

A Kensington Palace spokesman declines to comment on the 'private' meeting.

However, a royal source tells me the talks were 'preliminary and for research purposes'. 

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on November 24, 2021, 01:30:37 PM
The Duchess joined in a science lesson where year 8 pupils learned about neuroscience and the importance of early childhood development on the brain.

The royal, who shared a desk with some of the pupils, said she found the children's enthusiasm and engagement inspiring.

She tried her hand at a worksheet and asked the children whether they found the lesson 'interesting' and if they had covered the topic before.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 24, 2021, 01:54:37 PM
Pics from today:

Pictures and Photos - Getty Images (

Kate Middleton beams as she heads back to school to join pupils for science lesson - Mirror Online (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on November 24, 2021, 02:43:04 PM

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

The first five years of our lives have an extraordinary impact on the adults we become. They provide the foundations for how we respond to our biggest challenges in later life, our long-term health, wellbeing and resilience.

Everyone involved in a child?s early life has a pivotal role to play &
?s research educating teenagers in science lessons about how early experiences shape brain development is just one example.

Huge thanks to the pupils of @NowerHillHS for sharing your experiences!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 24, 2021, 02:43:36 PM
Video from today's event.

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge joined a science lesson at a school in north London this morning, teaching about the early childhood development.
Whilst there, she spoke to students about their learning and joined in with some of the class's

Kate Middleton Swats Up on Science at London School - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 24, 2021, 03:24:24 PM
HRH The Duchess of Cambridge visits Nower Hill High School - News - Nower Hill High School (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 25, 2021, 12:03:35 AM
The day continued for the Duchess with a reception at Buckingham Palace for leaders in education.

QuoteToday a group of Academy Trust leaders learnt about the innovative research by @UniofOxford
bringing this to life in secondary schools, like shown on the visit today @NowerHillHS
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on November 25, 2021, 12:04:50 AM
Thanks I was confused with the tweet from KP,. I thought it was an old picture with the Oxford experts.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 08, 2022, 02:28:40 PM
Kate at 40: her patronages supporting children ? Royal Central (

QuoteSince becoming a member of the royal family in 2011, the Duchess of Cambridge has become patron of a number of charities and organisations across the United Kingdom, particularly patronages focused on art, sports, young people, and mental health. As the Duchess celebrates her 40th birthday, Royal Central is taking a deeper look at her patronages supporting children.

One area of Catherine's charitable focus has been on children especially those that work those under five years old.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 19, 2022, 10:45:47 AM
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are visiting @FoundlingMuseum today to meet people with lived experience of the care system and learn about their stories. 

Founded in 1739 as the UK's first children's charity, is now provides support and training for young care leavers.

The Duchess of Cambridge, who became Patron of the Foundling Museum in 2019, is "committed to raising awareness of the importance of early childhood experiences" and how "today's hardest social challenges have their roots in the earliest years of a person's life."


Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 19, 2022, 02:32:01 PM
Glad to see them together visiting her patronage, the Foundling Museum. Catherine took on the role back in 2019, but like in so many nations it's been difficult to schedule in-person engagements for royals.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 19, 2022, 03:23:50 PM
Today our CEO, David Holmes CBE is joining The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge @KensingtonRoyal for a roundtable discussion @FoundlingMuseum shining a light on the issues young #CareLeavers face and how we support them as a charity.

- Family Action
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 08, 2022, 11:54:13 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge paid a visit to PACT (Parents and Children Together) in Southwark, London today, February 8. She met volunteers and attendees of PACT Southwark's weekly MumSpace group:

Editorial Photos, Celebrity, News, & Sports Images | Shutterstock Editorial (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 08, 2022, 03:15:07 PM
I so appreciate these types of parents and children groups as I recall looking forward to them when I had my two little ones. We'd gather for an hour of music, play and an opportunity to chat with other parents with babies/toddlers.

I have to wonder sometimes if Catherine used to go to a similar one with George and Charlotte when the family was primarily based in Norfolk?

Video from today's outing.

Playful Kate Middleton Makes Fruit Kebabs - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 08, 2022, 05:36:32 PM
Harper's Bazaar

Allow Duchess Kate to Read You a Bedtime Story

^'Allow', Omid openly with a meltdown
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 09, 2022, 12:01:20 AM
Here's his article about the upcoming story time. I disagree with him that Catherine or any other royal family member from a nation with a monarchy is a "celebrity." IMO they're public figures who are official representatives of their nation.

Kate Middleton Reads Favorite Bedtime Story for Children?s Mental Health Week (

QuoteDuchess Kate has marked the start of Children?s Mental Health Week in the United Kingdom by reading a bedtime story for a popular TV show.

The Duchess of Cambridge recently sat down to read from Jill Tomlinson?s children?s classic, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, which aligns with this year?s theme of Growing Together.

Dressed in a cozy cream-colored Holland Cooper Fair Isle knitted sweater and blue jeans, Kate chose to read the book, as it has been a favorite with her own children, Prince George, Prince Louis, and Princess Charlotte. The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark tells the story of Plop, a baby barn owl who is helped by others to overcome his fears and grow in confidence.

More from Harper's BAZAAR

?Bel-Air? Is a New Twist on ?Fresh Prince?

Children?s Mental Health Week was first launched in 2015 by children?s mental health charity Place2Be, of which the duchess is royal patron, and is this year encouraging children and their parents or carers to consider how they have grown and how they can help others to grow.

Patricia Hidalgo, director of BBC Children?s and Education, tells in a statement, ?I couldn?t be more proud to have The Duchess read a CBeebies Bedtime Story as we mark the 20th anniversary of our CBeebies and CBBC channels. It?s such a special and relevant tale and perfectly represents this year?s Children?s Mental Health Week theme. I can?t wait to see her deliver her own take on such a classic story and I?m sure our audience can?t either.?

Kate is one of many celebrities who have taken part in the CBeebies network?s Bedtime Stories series, with Reese Witherspoon just last week making an appearance on the popular kids? show reading Extraordinary! by Penny Harrison, which celebrates the special moments we share with friends and family.

Last year, Tom Hiddleston chose to read from picture-book Supertato, Ryan Reynolds brought a copy of Where the Wild Things Are, and Chris Evans selected Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site. Tom Hardy has made multiple appearances over the years, much to the delight of moms across the country.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 09, 2022, 01:14:42 PM
^ That's a fact @TLLK

The monarchy of the United Kingdom, commonly referred to as the British monarchy, is the constitutional form of government by which a hereditary sovereign reigns as the head of state of the United Kingdom, the Crown dependencies (the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Isle of Man) and the British Overseas Territories. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who ascended the throne in 1952.

The monarch and their immediate family undertake various official, ceremonial, diplomatic and representational duties.

Omid's profile in twitter says:  Royal Editor @HarpersBazaarUS @abc @GMA Contributor @NYTimes

Hence my comment that he openly has a meltdown with the Duchess of Cambridge. A ''Royal Editor'' knows the British Monarchy.  He is operating with anger, anger always brings bad results.  Mis-informing his USA readers.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 13, 2022, 06:19:29 PM
Earlier this month, the duchess announced a new role with a maternal mental health organization, proving that her plan to change Britain's approach to childrearing is right on track.

How Kate Middleton Became the Data-Driven Royal Expert on Early Childhood Education | Vanity Fair (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 25, 2022, 03:03:40 PM
Sally Hogg
Passionate about wellbeing of babies & their families. Mum of 2 amazing small people. Deputy CEO at @ParentInfantFdn leading @first1001days

2 hours ago
Delighted to have just had a zoom call with the Duchess of Cambridge to discuss health visiting and infant mental health. How fantastic to have @KensingtonRoyal taking such an interest in these issues.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 04, 2022, 03:58:07 PM
We received a very special surprise last night! Our Patron, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, dropped in for a private visit to meet our patients, families and staff unable to join in the celebrations this weekend.💜🇬🇧👑


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Replying to @EvelinaLondon @GSTTnhsand 8 others

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 08, 2022, 12:49:19 PM
Derek Momodu

Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge visits Little Village's hub in Brent - to hear how the baby bank is supporting local families by ensuring that they have access to essential items for their young children.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 08, 2022, 01:12:54 PM
Kate Middleton returns to work after the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations - LIVE UPDATES | HELLO! (

QuoteLittle Village, which launched in 2016, is London's largest baby bank network with eight locations across the capital, providing a warm, supportive community for families who might be going through tough times.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 08, 2022, 01:59:49 PM
Pics from today: Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 08, 2022, 03:47:12 PM
Press release Duchess of Cambridge visits Little Village baby bank charity:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 15, 2022, 01:39:53 PM
"Our Royal Patron, The Duchess of Cambridge, made a surprise visit to Evelina London Children's Hospital over the bank holiday weekend. During the private visit, The Duchess met with those who were unable to join in with celebrations to mark the Platinum Jubilee for Her Majesty The Queen."

The Duchess of Cambridge meets with families to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee | Evelina London (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 16, 2022, 10:53:13 AM
The Duchess of Cambridge Holds Early Years Roundtable:

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (,_duchess_of_cambridge_holds_early_years_roundtable
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 16, 2022, 03:36:12 PM
Centre unveils findings of new research into public perceptions of early childhood development - Centre for Early Childhood (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on June 16, 2022, 04:41:10 PM
Kate Middleton looks smart in pink ?2000 Alexander McQueen suit | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Hosts Her First Roundtable with U.K. Politicians | (

Kate Middleton hosts special children's event close to her heart ? LIVE UPDATES | HELLO! (

Kate Middleton warned 'extremely unwise' decision could quickly backfire on Duchess | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton pictures: Duchess of Cambridge in Early Years roundtable with UK ministers | Royal | News | (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 16, 2022, 09:33:53 PM (

QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge has urged government ministers to help Britain?s parents to bring up a new generation of emotionally-literate children, saying the country now has a ?huge opportunity? to change society for the better.
The Duchess, who invited Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, and Will Quince, minister for families, to a roundtable meeting that presented research from her foundation, said she hoped to raise awareness of the ?critical importance? of the first five years of a child?s life.
Teaching youngsters how to manage their emotions from a young age, she said, would help them ?avoid having to turn to self-harm, addiction or suicide later in life?, with prevention better than cure.
It is the Duchess?s first meeting on a ministerial level about the subject, marking a major step forward in her public campaigning for early years support.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 16, 2022, 09:53:03 PM
Great to meet @KensingtonRoyal & leading experts to discuss new research on the perceptions of early childhood & development.

Early years are crucial - that's why @dhscgovuk is investing over 300m with @educationgovuk @willquince to better support parents & their children.

- Sajid Javid, Member of Parliament for Bromsgrove & Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

Thank you to @KensingtonRoyal and @Earlychildhood for hosting a roundtable today. We discussed their latest research and how government, sector experts and practitioners can raise awareness of the importance of early childhood in shaping lifelong emotional and physical health.

- Will Quince, Member of Parliament for Colchester and @educationgovuk Minister for Children and Families.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 17, 2022, 02:06:58 PM

Rebecca English
Belatedly (there?s a good reason, I promise!) the Duchess of Cambridge in today?s #DailyMail as she discusses the next step of her early years initiative with government ministers #royal

^ I'm hedging a bet it will pass as a requirement, government budget money of the sort.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 21, 2022, 09:27:46 AM
We're delighted to share a letter of support from our Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge to mark this years #ChildrensHospiceWeek. @KensingtonRoyal

Read the full letter: Children's Hospice Week - East Anglia's Children's Hospices | Norfolk Cambridgeshire Essex and Suffolk (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 23, 2022, 01:28:02 PM
Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH) at Milton on Thursday, 23rd June 2022.

The Duchess is Royal Patron of the charity, and this year marks the ten-year anniversary of her patronage. This was The Duchess's first public visit to the hospice in Milton and it was the first time The Duke had accompanied her to see the work of EACH.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit EACH at Milton - East Anglia's Children's Hospices | Norfolk Cambridgeshire Essex and Suffolk (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on July 29, 2022, 08:45:48 PM
CC Thursday:

The Duchess of Cambridge, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, this afternoon held an Early Years Meeting via video link.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on August 04, 2022, 03:25:57 PM
Our story:

We believe that our first five years fundamentally shape the adults we become. At the Centre for Early Childhood, our vision is for a happier, healthier, more nurturing world.

Our story - Centre for Early Childhood (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 09, 2022, 01:07:57 PM
Catherine became  the new Royal Patron of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance in May 2022. She now has 22 charities and patronages.

The team | Maternal Mental Health Alliance (

Princess of Wales visits a children's centre - hours after the release of The Crown  | Daily Mail Online (

QuoteDuring today's visit, Kate heard how the care provided in the borough of Hillingdon exemplifies the benefits of adapting a system to better suit the needs of women and families.

Meanwhile she also joined a mother and baby group taking place at the Centre and spoke with mothers who have received support for their mental health to hear about their experiences.

The session included mothers who have been supported by two of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance's member organisations ? Home-Start and Birth Companions.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on November 09, 2022, 01:23:48 PM
Rhiannon Mills
It's not everyday you get a poppy from a Princess 😊 Akeem who's 3 was very chatty when Kate unexpectedly stopped to say hello at a maternity mental health visit so she gave him her remembrance poppy. Thanks Liberty from Colham Manor primary and Akeem's mum for letting me share

A very cute moment

Aww that was a very sweet moment to see Catherine engaging with the two kids.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 09, 2022, 03:27:32 PM
The MMHA invites The Princess of Wales to Hillingdon to showcase benefit of joined-up perinatal mental healthcare | Maternal Mental Health Alliance (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on November 09, 2022, 08:09:43 PM
Kate Middleton visits children's centre - hours after the release of The Crown  | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Gifts Young Boy with Her Poppy Pin on Royal Outing (

Kate Middleton presents little boy with a very special gift on sweet solo outing: Live updates | HELLO! (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on November 09, 2022, 08:15:08 PM
Quote from: sara8150 on November 09, 2022, 08:09:43 PM
Kate Middleton visits children's centre - hours after the release of The Crown  | Daily Mail Online (

Why would the release of a drama series prevent a royal performing an engagement? Honestly, the Fail gets more and more ridiculous by the day!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on November 09, 2022, 08:36:16 PM
Princess of Wales is finding her voice - but still has time for the sweet little moments | UK News | Sky News (

Kate Middleton dubbed 'Children's Princess' after gifting three-year-old boy her poppy | Royal | News | (

Kate Middleton gives little boy her poppy in adorable moment during surprise visit - Mirror Online (

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Macrobug67 on November 26, 2022, 04:28:01 AM
Princess of Wales: I'm determined to nurture our children in their first crucial years of life (

QuoteI'm determined to nurture our children in their first crucial years of life. They are our future
We must recognise the unique potential of early childhood and understand and acknowledge it for a healthier and happier society

Catherine comments in the Telegraph
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on November 26, 2022, 11:06:02 AM
Quote from: Macrobug67 on November 26, 2022, 04:28:01 AM
Princess of Wales: I'm determined to nurture our children in their first crucial years of life (

Catherine comments in the Telegraph

Of all the projects that any royal has done for their country and the people I firmly believe that what Catherine is doing for the future children will help to develop these children into mature mentally healthy adults....she really hit the nail on the head with this 1,000%. It all begins at home for any child, loving parents, a safe place to call home, a feeling of being cherished and going to bed with a full tummy also is so important to any child.....unfortunately not every child gets that when born.  I applaud Catherine for taking this on and it must come from her childhood and will carry over to her children and hopefully more parents and companies will support this.   
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on November 26, 2022, 01:24:45 PM
Quote from: Macrobug67 on November 26, 2022, 04:28:01 AM
Princess of Wales: I'm determined to nurture our children in their first crucial years of life (

Catherine comments in the Telegraph

More on this topic-By Telegraph's Hannah Furness Princess of Wales rightly says the first five years are the most crucial - so why do we underestimate their importance? (
Early education educators in the UK and North America have been sharing their concerns for years (even prior to the pandemic) about the exact issues Catherine highlights in the article.   They are seeing the direct impact of those children who have not had those needs and experiences met in these crucial developmental years.  My own state has had a First Five Years public service campaign now for some time with suggestions for family members and caregivers to engage with children through conversation, singing, fine motor play, exercise, to sum it up INTERACT WITH YOUR CHILDREN!

QuoteThe critical importance of the ?first 1001 days? of a child?s life is now universally agreed, as are the simple things parents and carers can do to boost child development at home. Talking to babies and maintaining eye contact is invaluable, experts say, as is noticing and following their interests and simply letting them play. Getting outside, teaching young children to understand their feelings, and prioritising social and emotional development is universally recommended. 

?There are very few parts of human development that, if you miss a small period you?re completely stuffed,? says Prof Ramchandani. ?It?s pretty much always possible to catch up, but the time available to do so gets less and less as you go on through life.?
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on November 26, 2022, 02:09:11 PM
Read more:Princess of Wales says 'not enough is being done' for children in their first five years | UK News | Sky News (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 07, 2022, 08:33:02 PM
"The best part of working with Family Action is seeing the very real and instant impact their staff and volunteers can have on families who are struggling."- HRH The Princess of Wales, our Royal Patron in @GHmagazine @KensingtonRoyal
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on December 11, 2022, 01:13:35 AM
This week, the Select Education Committee has announced they are launching an inquiry into the state of childcare after praising Kate Middleton's "extremely welcome" involvement in trying to improve the lives of young children. In the past, the Princess of Wales has warned that "not enough is being done" to help the next generation and has promised to use her role as a royal to do "everything she can" to protect Britain's youngest children.

Robin Walker, the MP for Worcester and chair of the education committee, said Kate's work to "raise the esteem and the recognition of the sector" is "crucially important".

He added: "It is extremely welcome that [the Princess of Wales] has taken that interest."

Kate Middleton praised by MP for trying to ?shine light? into early childhood development | Royal | News | (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on December 11, 2022, 05:17:35 AM
I am Glad to see that the Select Committee has decided to launch the inquiry if it brings improvements to Early Childhood Education and Care.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on December 11, 2022, 10:51:40 PM
I also for I firmly believe that Catherine has hit the nail on the head with Early Childhood Development 1000%. Being brought up in a loving home with parents who love, support and cherish their child is the most important phrase in a child's life when born.  This will help guide, produce and teach the child how to be a loving productive adult in life. No doubt in my mind that Catherine is on the road to make children with the help of other organizations and people  to be better for society in the long haul.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Princess Cassandra on December 13, 2022, 04:46:35 AM
She knows that not all parents are enlightened and that there are serious issues affecting children in many households, but she also knows that by calling attention to the needs of the children she can make a difference. I do admire her, and she is genuine.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on December 13, 2022, 06:29:17 AM
^Yes, I very much agree with your comment for maybe that is one of the reasons she  is so invested in early childhood development.  Some people are not meant to be parents I think for they have no idea how to raise a child as they themselves were not raised in a loving home.   Whatever as to why Catherine chose this is beyond me yet I so admire her for doing so. She will indeed be a fabulous queen consort some day yet in this day and age she is an outstandingly beautiful person inside and out in all ways.   William really found a truly strong intelligent hardworking and loyal woman besides the great looks to be his partner for life. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 14, 2023, 02:00:49 PM
The Princess of Wales is set to launch a program aimed at three to five year olds at the end of January.

Kate Middleton 'baffled' by Harry's attacks in book - but has 'already moved on' - Mirror Online (

Quotet the end of the month, the mum-of-three will announce a new revolutionary ?three to five year programme? aimed at impacting the vital first five years of every child?s life.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 15, 2023, 06:14:03 AM
Quote from: TLLK on January 14, 2023, 02:00:49 PM
The Princess of Wales is set to launch a program aimed at three to five year olds at the end of January.

Kate Middleton 'baffled' by Harry's attacks in book - but has 'already moved on' - Mirror Online (

Thanks for the article, yes, if there is one royal that really works hard and see what can be done is Catherine to help the babies now.....I know for a fact that she has hit the nail on the head with her wanting to help turn the tide of young children left with families that are beyond help sometimes, homelessness, being hungry, being afraid of living even, families that can't care for their own children let alone love them or cherish them or feed them or keep them safe.  This is a way to really get to those in need of changing their lives for the better so that they can grow into decent adults later in life. I will be watching to see this new program of Catherine's and with what and how she is raising her babies, will in the long run help the monarchy go forward into the future.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 18, 2023, 12:26:28 PM
The Princess of Wales is visiting Foxclubs Nursery in Luton to hear how the nursery provides support to parents and their children's long-term social and emotional development -

Editorial Photos, Celebrity, News, & Sports Images | Shutterstock Editorial (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 18, 2023, 01:31:46 PM
Here's some videos of today's engagement in Luton, Bedfordshire.

Kate Plays with Excited Kids During Nursery Visit - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 25, 2023, 12:54:50 PM
The Princess of Wales is meeting at Windsor Castle with a group of eight experts from across academia, science and the early years sector, who have been appointed to offer strategic advice and provide oversight of the work of her Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. -

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 25, 2023, 01:04:29 PM
She's getting there, I recall viewing the Grade I Queen Anne's Orangery at Kensington Palace, the Kensington Burough planning permission to use for Kate's project Education Centre.  It takes a lot of years of hard work and patience (I recall the first article dated November 2019). I believe early childhood education and the education centre are tied in her plans.

So kudos and the best to the eight 'permanent' (the official KP announcement said the 8 are permanent rather than invited guests or temporary) advisers.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 28, 2023, 11:17:48 PM
This appears to be a preview for this week's announcement.

Catherine's letter found in the Daily Mail.  Kate Middleton says she's 'absolutely determined' to change attitudes to early years development | Daily Mail Online (

QuoteI am delighted to reveal that the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood will launch a major new awareness-raising campaign, highlighting the critical importance the first five years of our lives have on shaping the adults we become.

During our very early childhood, our brains develop at an amazing rate ? faster than at any other time. Our experiences, relationships, and surroundings at that young age, shape the rest of our lives.

It is a time where we lay the foundations and building blocks for life. It is when we learn to understand ourselves, understand others and understand the world in which we live. But as a society, we currently spend much more of our time and energy on later life. I am absolutely determined that this long-term campaign is going to change that.

It will start by highlighting how we develop during early childhood and why these years matter so much in terms of shaping who we become. I will be joined by a remarkable group of experts spanning science, research, policy making and front-line practice as well as an exciting group of well-known faces from music, sport and television, to show all of us, why it is in all of our interests to care about this.

We all need to know the critical importance of our early childhood. They really are years like no other in our lives. I urge everyone reading this, to take the opportunity to learn more about this incredible time of life, to think back to your own childhood and how it shaped you, and most importantly, to ask yourselves what you can do to make the world a more supportive and loving place for our children.

Because healthy, happy children shape a healthy, happy future.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 29, 2023, 03:04:18 AM
Yes, this is one of the most important issues that is so desperately needed in this day and age as when a 6 year old takes a gun to school and shoots his teacher you wonder about the parents and how they let this happen......Catherine is right on target in dealing with these babies in their first years...I hope she gets all the support from the gov on down to everyone she comes in contact with in regards to this issue.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on January 29, 2023, 03:32:39 AM
Quote from: Nightowl on January 29, 2023, 03:04:18 AM
Yes, this is one of the most important issues that is so desperately needed in this day and age as when a 6 year old takes a gun to school and shoots his teacher you wonder about the parents and how they let this happen......Catherine is right on target in dealing with these babies in their first years...I hope she gets all the support from the gov on down to everyone she comes in contact with in regards to this issue.

Education with parental involvement and counselling when available lies primarily with govt departments in the UK as with other countries, in other words with the British Govt and its budget. If there is enough money for programmes that will help parents and families in their children?s early years (and housing and healthcare is a problem in the UK that inevitably impacts on that) then it will be doled out, though there will never be enough.

Otherwise, royals and others can make speeches and visit facilities till the cows come home and it won?t make the slightest bit of difference. We?ve seen that with other programmes that royals speak about all over the world. They highlight it and that?s about all they can do.

The only ongoing programmes in my lifetime that I?ve seen really make a difference in ordinary humans? lives because British royals headed them (and Im leaving Invictus out of it) were The Princes Trust due to extremely wealthy donors helping the POW out, and Diana?s Landmine Halo campaign because governments, headed by the British Govt, decided to do something about it in the wake of her death. That was impactful. Otherwise speeches by anyone, royal and otherwise, don?t cut it.

As for the six year old who shot his teacher that says more about US gun laws than anything else. Apart from the statement by the boy?s family that the gun was secured, which imo has a huge question mark over it, it?s clear from various news reports that this was a young child who had intellectual issues, was very troubled and had been allowed by his parents and school authorities to wander about alone at times around school property without superintendence.

No number of nice speeches about the importance of early life would have helped that child, and the State authorities apparently now have some decisions to make about where to go from here.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 29, 2023, 07:59:21 AM
^I am not going to stop believing in what Catherine is trying to do, if it helps one child and parents learn from the program I am all for it regardless of who says what.  As long as there is talk out there then someone somewhere will hear it and maybe do something or help in some way.  I am a firm believer in early childhood care as of my own life's childhood and experiences.....If this program can reach teachers, professionals and other besides parents then there is nothing wrong with it.  It is all about communication and getting the word out there to parents. There is way to much negativity in everything anyone tries to do good things for other people.....and if the job of the royal family does no good then why keep them? I would like to believe that HM loved her country with all her heart and did the best she could even if I didn't always agree with her.   Sometimes we all fall into the trap of life and just have to make do and try to do the best we can in some situations. At least Catherine is trying to do something where some royals do nothing to help those that need it.  Catherine does not strike as a lady who just does *lunch*...she walks the talk more than some.

It is about guns laws in my country and today my country is at war within itself over guns.  Yet this child'
parents should be tried and sent to jail for the neglect they did to this child and those in the school should be fired for letting any child wonder around freely.  NOBODY in their right mind should ever let a child just wonder freely anywhere......that right there is one of the problems in child care.  I go to a park close to where I live...parents with babies and small children ....parents are more interested on what is on their darn phone then the child they have....many times I have seen 2 years wondering around...and I keep an eye on them......maybe that is the ole fashioned mother in
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 29, 2023, 12:32:57 PM
@Nightowl -The use of technology around young children and the fact that they are increasingly involved with it at a very young age has been a concern for pediatricians, educators, and mental health specialists for decades now. However the advent of the smart phone and other devices has made it so much worse. 

I expect that the Early Years campaign is going to try and address this issue. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 29, 2023, 11:06:05 PM
Oh Gosh yes, social media is one of the biggest crimes in this world, sure it does some good yet look at how the UGLY have taken over and lure the young into a world of hell when they are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves to the rich men of this world.   Just walking down the streets in this city is hard enough at times let alone dealing with the news alerts of how many young women and mothers are killed in domestic violence here. I so deplore social media as most parents aren't knowledgeable about what really goes on in those dark places there.

I so applaud Catherine for trying to do something so very important for the babies of this world and hopefully it will grow into something international for children.  Some people with extreme wealth and over the top eogs need to come down to earth here and realize money is not the key to whatever they are missing in their lives and get on board with taking care of the planet and the babies being born. Oh don't get me started on the evils of this world on children, women and animals.......I firmly believe that someone does to hurt another be it a human or an animal should be done to them with no regrets.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 30, 2023, 01:52:35 PM
 Reportedly Catherine has a number of Early Years engagements this week.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 30, 2023, 05:01:11 PM
We're so excited for the launch of the Royal Foundation's new #ShapingUs campaign which aims to increase awareness of the importance of #EarlyChildhood. It's great to see this commitment from the Princess of Wales in this open letter -

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 30, 2023, 08:22:53 PM
Tonight The Prince and Princess of Wales are attending a pre-campaign launch event, hosted by The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, at BAFTA -
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 30, 2023, 08:27:10 PM
A wonderful way to kick off the Early Years campaign!
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on January 30, 2023, 09:02:39 PM

Joe Little
Majesty Magazine
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 30, 2023, 09:06:40 PM
Pics: Wales Bafta January 30 Pictures and Photos - Getty Images (,%202023&sort=newest&irgwc=1&esource=AFF_GI_IR_Skimbit%20Ltd._10078&asid=Skimbit%20Ltd.&cid=GI&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Skimbit%20Ltd.&utm_content=10078
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 30, 2023, 11:11:39 PM
The Princess of Wales' speech tonight.

QuoteIn a speech, the Princess explained why she believes it is as important to focus on children's? social and emotional needs as much as their physical and cognitive ones,

Kate Middleton Makes Landmark Speech to Kick Off Major New Campaign (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2023, 02:31:59 AM
The number of  Reception level children who are showing a significant lack of school readiness skills  has grown substantially over the years. Covid has made all of this dramatically worse. The United States had already shown similar levels of concern especially in the last decade.

Half of all children not ready to start school ? according to national survey - Kindred? (

QuoteIn November 2021, Kindred? commissioned YouGov to conduct our second annual ?school readiness? survey of school professionals. Almost a thousand primary school teachers and staff responded. They reported that on average, 50% of all children are not ready to start school. 88% of primary school teachers and teaching assistants reported having to spend additional time with those not achieving their developmental milestones, with the result that they have less time for the rest of the children in their class.

In addition, 90% of teachers surveyed had at least one child in their class who is not toilet trained and 91% of teachers surveyed had at least one child in their class who doesn?t have basic language skills (i.e., cannot say their name, answer questions, etc.) 97% of teachers surveyed had at least one child in their class who doesn?t know how to listen/respond to simple instructions.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 31, 2023, 06:04:26 AM
Catherine is most surely on the right track to help the young children in this day and age, we all need to get on board with the babies being born so that our future generations have a head start.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 06:36:01 AM
I?d like to see that report unpacked a bit. My guess is that most of these schools are in low socio-economic areas with high unemployment, parents struggling to get by, and that also have high levels of migrant populations from non English speaking areas of the world. Though it doesn?t seem to mention those factors.

And, as I wrote in my original post most of this comes down to parental education and British Ministry of Education budgets for ALL schools. Without that, and as I said, what is given it is never enough, then children and families will continue to suffer.

?On average, teachers estimate in 2022 that the average financial cost to their school for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready? is ?21,562 (in 2021 the estimate was ?17,784). Senior school leaders costed this at ?23,403. This is equivalent to
a full-time staff member?s salary.
As 99% of respondents had at least
one child in their class who was not school ready, nationally this equates to almost ?450million per year.
the average financial cost to schools for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready?
?If there is early intervention, we effectively shouldn?t need to be spending the time and money playing catch up like we are currently doing. In fact, I think we?re just putting plasters over things rather than dealing with what needs to be dealt with.?

And royals making speeches about these problems is going to help exactly how? I will be interested to see exactly what improvements have occurred in these schools after say five years of this initiative of Kate?s.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 06:48:41 AM
This is  a short article written before the Covid outbreak really bit, and remember, Melbourne and Victoria were in lockdown much much longer than most kids in the UK and the US.

One in three kids not prepared for school, and they aren't to blame (

But a new study has revealed that even before the upheaval caused by the pandemic, one in every three Australian kids was not ready to go to school ? and it wasn?t the children?s fault.

A study has found that of the 4000 Australian children entering their first school year, 640 (16 per cent) were being held back by their parents.

That may be because they aren?t being read to at home, or their parents are being inconsistent with their day-to-day approach and not following through with what they tell their child they will do.

Those students, aged between four and five, were more disadvantaged than their school peers because of the psychological distress their parents may be causing them at home.

Kids of parents with ?low? parenting abilities were 12.4 times more likely to have emotional and behavioural difficulties at age eight.

?In other words, school readiness is not just a question of whether the child is ready for school, but also whether the child?s family, school and community are ready to support the child in going to school,? the researchers wrote.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 31, 2023, 07:45:51 AM
Quote from: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 06:36:01 AM
I?d like to see that report unpacked a bit. My guess is that most of these schools are in low socio-economic areas with high unemployment, parents struggling to get by, and that also have high levels of migrant populations from non English speaking areas of the world. Though it doesn?t seem to mention those factors.

And, as I wrote in my original post most of this comes down to parental education and British Ministry of Education budgets for ALL schools. Without that, and as I said, what is given it is never enough, then children and families will continue to suffer.

?On average, teachers estimate in 2022 that the average financial cost to their school for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready? is ?21,562 (in 2021 the estimate was ?17,784). Senior school leaders costed this at ?23,403. This is equivalent to
a full-time staff member?s salary.
As 99% of respondents had at least
one child in their class who was not school ready, nationally this equates to almost ?450million per year.
the average financial cost to schools for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready?
?If there is early intervention, we effectively shouldn?t need to be spending the time and money playing catch up like we are currently doing. In fact, I think we?re just putting plasters over things rather than dealing with what needs to be dealt with.?

And royals making speeches about these problems is going to help exactly how? I will be interested to see exactly what improvements have occurred in these schools after say five years of this initiative of Kate?s.

At least Catherine is trying to do something to help and that is better then just doing nothing or lunching with friends day in and day out or playing tennis or doing nothing at all but playing at being a princess or duchess in the family.  As I said earlier if the word gets out and someone hears it and *maybe* there will be someone to do also do something.  I have learned we all can't rely on our government to help us, it is the People that need to do what is important to get things done and the ball rolling also.  I would rather be *Positive* then *Negative* about what the royal family is trying to do.. ...Jealousy is not a good look for anyone as we all can't be born royal as some are learning.  In this day and age if being born royal or marrying into a royal family, I think that also means actually doing the work for the people and that is what Catherine is trying to do.....I give her credit for at least trying to do something where our governments and others sit on their tushes and do very little to say the least. I am one that does not believe every report written or produced for the people as I know for a fact they are just words to con the people. 
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 31, 2023, 10:09:25 AM
A video from Kensington Palace:

Meet Layla @earlychildhood

Our earliest years shape the rest of our lives. From pregnancy to the age of five, the world around us, the people we meet, and the experiences we have are all #ShapingUs
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 10:45:54 AM
Quote from: Nightowl on January 31, 2023, 09:43:21 AM
First of all, Catherine still have small children at home to care for as both she and William are hands on and not relying on nannies 24/7.  Catherine is just who and what she is....Catherine, wife of William and mother of 3 small children and so many dislike her for that it seems like..some in the royal family should of learned from HM on how to be a loyal royal member of the family.  The negativity  of Catherine is very apparent.

Kate hasn?t been the mother of three small children since 2011 when she married. However each year since 2011 have shown very small numbers for her engagements. Sophie had two young children at home for years, but her numbers were still better than Kate?s.

What is more there are millions of women throughout the world who have three or four children, hold down a fulltime job and still do volunteering in their communities as well. I did that myself for years. So that?s no excuse. Let?s see if her numbers next year get anywhere those of her 72 year old aunt by marriage, and her father in law in his mid 70s.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 31, 2023, 11:44:18 AM
This isn't the thread to be discussing engagement numbers of the BRF.

Let's keep the keep the focus on Early years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on January 31, 2023, 12:26:56 PM
The Princess of Wales has arrived at Kirkgate Market in Leeds for the launch of her #ShapingUs campaign. She is meeting vendors and members of the public to discuss early childhood. -
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2023, 02:20:04 PM
Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on January 31, 2023, 11:44:18 AM
This isn't the thread to be discussing engagement numbers of the BRF.

Let's keep the keep the focus on Early years.

Remarks related to the Princess of Wales' annual engagements have been moved. Further off topic comments will be removed. Please heed the moderator comment from @PrincessOfPeace
If members wish to discuss the number of engagements that each member of the BRF makes, please continue the discussion in the thread linked below.
The annual royal tallies 2019 to the present (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on January 31, 2023, 02:51:17 PM
 Ignore the headline and the review of Catherine's clothing.   :notamused: IMO this are the important parts of the article and this is why the engagement is taking place in the city of Leeds. ( Geography note for those of outside the UK, Leeds is in north Yorkshire.)

As those of us who have worked or continue to work in Social Services, Healthcare, and Education there will always be the issue of funding and the difficult decision as to where public money must be allocated. it's also difficult to stay optimistic when you have years/decades of experience in these fields when you've seen the frustration and disappointment along with the happy outcomes. Particularly for those of us who chose these professions because we have an innate desire to assist people. (Trust me it's not the pay!)  :wink:  However I have to say that the investment in funding, time, and energy that the Leeds council has put into supporting their families, children and young people seems to have paid off for the better. IMHO this is what Early Years/Shaping Us is all about.

Kate Middleton is wolf-whistled on royal visit | Daily Mail Online (

QuoteThe Princess chose to visit Leeds today as part of the city's ongoing ambition to become the best place in the UK for young people and children to grow up in.In 2012, the city launched Child Friendly Leeds with the belief that by investing in and supporting children, young people and their families, the whole city will see immediate and longer-term social and economic benefits.

Leeds City Council, working with partners to deliver enrichment programmes to improve outcomes, has seen a safe reduction in the number of youngsters being taken into care, more teenagers going into education, employment and training, and better school attendance.

Video from today in Leeds. Kate meets traders in Leeds to discuss early-years campaign - YouTube (

At Leeds University. Princess of Wales Speaks to Students at Leeds University - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Nightowl on January 31, 2023, 10:30:44 PM
Quote from: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 10:45:54 AM
Kate hasn?t been the mother of three small children since 2011 when she married. However each year since 2011 have shown very small numbers for her engagements. Sophie had two young children at home for years, but her numbers were still better than Kate?s.

What is more there are millions of women throughout the world who have three or four children, hold down a fulltime job and still do volunteering in their communities as well. I did that myself for years. So that?s no excuse. Let?s see if her numbers next year get anywhere those of her 72 year old aunt by marriage, and her father in law in his mid 70s.

As of today Catherine has 3 small children at home, George, Charlotte and Louis.  Yes there are millions of women that have babies at home and work as I did the same yet I do not begrudge what Catherine has in marrying a royal prince like some do here and I make NO excuses for how Catherine raised her children while working or not.   NOBODY has a choice when being born who their parents are or even if
they will be born healthy as NOT all women can be born into a royal family or marry a royal period!
I whole heartily believe in what Catherine is working to do in this program and her visit today in Leeds proves just that.  A *wolf whistle* well Catherine is certainly a very beautiful woman who is not afraid of going out in public and doing the job she loves and it shows. I want to see and read more about this program for the children, I just hope that everyone gets on board to make it a success.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on February 01, 2023, 12:43:44 PM
New video released today:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 03, 2023, 11:37:30 AM
The Prince and Princess of Wales

A big part of #ShapingUs is talking about our early years, our experiences and what we can all do to help shape happier, healthier lives.

Watch the full video with our new
#ShapingUs Champion
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on February 03, 2023, 12:24:23 PM
^ The above video was taken one month ago, early January 2023 at Hertfordshire. A bit of a reference about preparation and executing.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 03, 2023, 01:28:58 PM
Here's the video of their conversation. Here's a little trivia about Roman Kemp.  If you're a later Baby Boomer/Generation Jones/or Gen X you might recognize Kemp's last name. His father Martin Kemp was the bassist for the 1980's  New Romantic band Spandau Ballet. Roman's uncle Gary Kemp was the lead guitarist and principal song writer for  the band.  Now and then you might hear "True" on the "oldies" radio.  :wink:

#ShapingUs - The Princess of Wales in conversation with Roman Kemp - YouTube (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on February 03, 2023, 09:14:52 PM
Quote from: TLLK on February 03, 2023, 01:28:58 PM
Here's the video of their conversation. Here's a little trivia about Roman Kemp.  If you're a later Baby Boomer/Generation Jones/or Gen X you might recognize Kemp's last name. His father Martin Kemp was the bassist for the 1980's  New Romantic band Spandau Ballet. Roman's uncle Gary Kemp was the lead guitarist and principal song writer for  the band.  Now and then you might hear "True" on the "oldies" radio.  :wink:

#ShapingUs - The Princess of Wales in conversation with Roman Kemp - YouTube (

A little bit more trivia. Roman?s mother Shirlie was a back up dancer/singer in the Wham days and appears in a couple of the duo?s early videos. She was apparently one of the first people George Michael confided in when he began to feel he was gay while they were on location on Ibiza for a video. They remained friends and that?s probably why George was Roman?s godfather.

And, Roman has a Swiss neuro-surgeon girlfriend he?s been dating for the last couple of years. I remember reading last year that he suffers from congenital depression and was extremely upset when one of his best friends committed suicide a couple of years ago due to being depressed.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 04, 2023, 12:19:06 AM
Thank you @Curryong. I had no idea that his mother was one of the Wham dancers.

I'm so sorry that Roman has depression and undoubtedly was affected by his friends suicide.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on February 04, 2023, 01:57:31 PM
Catherine shares a photo taken by her mother Carole featuring  herself as an infant with her father Michael in an Early Years/Shaping Us message.

The Prince and Princess of Wales ??? Instagram: "?Faces are a baby?s best toy.? On Tuesday we launched #ShapingUs to raise awareness of the vital role (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 21, 2023, 12:59:58 PM
The Princess of Wales hosted the inaugural meeting of new Business Taskforce for Early Childhood at International HQ of Natwest and RBS in London today: -

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on March 21, 2023, 01:49:31 PM
Princess dons chic blazer as she creates business taskforce to bask her childhood campaigning  | Daily Mail Online (

QuoteRun by business, for business, Kensington Palace said the business taskforce will play an 'essential role' in The Princess of Wales' work to transform the way in which society prioritises and supports children in their earliest years.

In a statement it said: 'Early childhood is vital to the health of our economy and society, now and for generations to come.

'Given the key role of the business community in both the growth of our economy and in shaping our society, as well as the clear interest in developing a strong future workforce, this is an opportunity to come together to affect long-term change.'

The Taskforce will hold its inaugural meeting today at NatWest's headquarters in the City of London, building on the recent launch of the princess' Shaping Us initiative.

The campaign has been inspired by Kate's public work in areas such as mental health, addiction , homelessness and violence and social exclusion.

She began to realise the huge impact early childhood experiences have on individuals in later life and has vowed to spend the rest of her own career working to better them through information and support for parents, educators and carers.

Amanda Berry, Chief Executive of The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales said: 'We all have a role to play in building a supportive and nurturing world around children and those who care for them, and it is fantastic to see business leaders placing the subject of early childhood at the heart of their organisations.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on March 25, 2023, 10:45:37 AM
Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales writes in today's Financial Times (@FT ) how business leaders are embracing the significance of #earlychildhood and the need to invest now, as a down payment for our collective future. -

Investing in early childhood is a down payment on all our futures | Financial Times ( --

The Princess of Wales in conversation with Iceland Foods' Richard Walker OBE -

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on March 25, 2023, 04:05:35 PM
A billionaire supporter.  Kate's years of work has paid off.

Boom  :happy20:

Note: We will see the amount end of the year financial report for The Royal Foundation of the Waleses, IF it's not leaked before, like in the rumors that HE has given millions (charity tax free, he is clean, not a mafioso giving away to charity to hide something) and  both are shying away from bragging about it.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on April 24, 2023, 11:34:54 AM
The Princess of Wales visited the Baby Bank in Windsor today: -
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on April 24, 2023, 12:18:45 PM
An impressive organization which creates "baby bundles" modeled after Finland's gifts to its new mothers. Items included are Moses basket (safe sleeping space for babies), a baby bath, diapers/nappies, clothing, wipes, toiletry items. The Windsor Baby Bank was founded by two mothers in 2015.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on May 22, 2023, 09:56:22 PM
Children's home run by charity Kate Middleton supports shut down over safeguarding fears - Mirror Online (

Ofsted said ?serious child protection allegations were being investigated? and accused staff of not knowing how to safeguard children.

The home is operated by Action for Children, which runs 14 facilities in England and has Kate as a patron.

The charity is also backed by dozens of celebrities including broadcasters Sir Trevor McDonald, Angela Rippon and Emily Maitlis.

Ofsted?s report states: ?The inspector was aware that serious child protection allegations were being investigated by the appropriate authorities.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on May 22, 2023, 10:09:03 PM
Quote from: Curryong on May 22, 2023, 09:56:22 PM
Children's home run by charity Kate Middleton supports shut down over safeguarding fears - Mirror Online (

Ofsted said ?serious child protection allegations were being investigated? and accused staff of not knowing how to safeguard children.

The home is operated by Action for Children, which runs 14 facilities in England and has Kate as a patron.

The charity is also backed by dozens of celebrities including broadcasters Sir Trevor McDonald, Angela Rippon and Emily Maitlis.

Ofsted?s report states: ?The inspector was aware that serious child protection allegations were being investigated by the appropriate authorities.

Did the article state which one of the 14 facilities was being investigated? I read through it twice but seemed to have missed it.

Hope that Ofsted's findings will bring about some much needed training for the staff at that AFC facility.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: Curryong on May 22, 2023, 10:53:30 PM
Quote from: TLLK on May 22, 2023, 10:09:03 PM
Did the article state which one of the 14 facilities was being investigated? I read through it twice but seemed to have missed it.

Hope that Ofsted's findings will bring about some much needed training for the staff at that AFC facility.

I don?t think the media were able to get hold of the original report, so probably for legal reasons weren?t able to name which particular facility it is. Reading between the lines it appears to me that quarrels and physical altercations between the young residents don?t appear to have been adequately investigated, dealt with and/or reported by staff. That?s my take on it anyway. May be wrong. The place offered short-term respite care for disabled youth, among other programmes, but some of the staff don?t appear to have received adequate training.

Action for Children is an incredibly wealthy charity, supported by many wealthy celebs. Over 140 million pounds in income last year. Has it been adequately administered from the top down? Don?t know, but it was without a CEO for a couple of years+ after the previous CEO left ?for personal reasons?. Report below.

Action for Children appoints first permanent CEO in three years (,a%20project%20leader%20in%20Scotland.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on May 23, 2023, 02:10:25 AM
@Curryong- I agree that the name of the facility could not be shared for legal reasons and to protect the identity of their clients.
I also agree that the altercations between the residents were probably the reason that there were some injuries. I expect that there's a high turnover in these types of positions.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 23, 2023, 11:24:41 AM
Action for Children exists since 1860, 163 years

In the Ofsted website, there is only 1 ''residential with special needs'' that matches Ofsted yearly auditing visit provided by the Mirror Group. Autism.

ETA: Ofsted ''inspections' are free and public in the gov. uk website. The Mirror Group says the inspection of one of the fourteen was carried out  the 16th and 17th of March. The Mirror Group says it's a ''specials needs'' facility, hence my above opinion. The other 17th March visit is an Adoption center.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 23, 2023, 02:47:59 PM
Majesty/Joe Little
The Princess of Wales's engagements in London on Thursday will highlight the importance of relationships in early childhood.

Her first stop will be at the @FoundlingMuseum. Details of the second engagement will be announced on the day. #ShapingUs

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 25, 2023, 12:02:04 PM
The Princess of Wales as Patron of the Foundling Museum visited the Museum in London today, "to meet those with lived experience of the care system, as well as with foster carers and adoptive parents to hear about their experiences":

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: HistoryGirl2 on May 25, 2023, 08:16:38 PM
That?s a funny sign lol monarchy is the antithesis of democratic spirit, but I?m not sure how child abuse relates. Good group to highlight from Kate.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 25, 2023, 11:11:45 PM
Lisa Watch
Director Policy & Comms @Kinshipcharity

It's been a truly incredible day for all the #KinshipCarers at this very special visit from the Princess of Wales @KensingtonRoyal to a @kinshipcharitypeer support group.

Profile for the amazing grandparents, relatives & friends raising children in loving homes is long overdue.


👸 We're thrilled to share with you that today The Princess of Wales made a special visit to a Kinship peer support group in London. She met with #KinshipCarer grandparents, aunts and uncles and some of the young children they are raising.


Gemma Carroll
Head of Campaigns & Communications @kinshipcharity

It's been super exciting organising The Princes of Wales' visit to our charity @kinshipcharity today. It's was a really special and memorable day for all involved ❤️

The Prince and Princess of Wales

The brilliant @kinshipcharity helps families across the UK where grandparents, relatives or friends raise someone else's child.

Spending quality time with these families today has been wonderful.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 25, 2023, 11:13:38 PM
Rebecca English

The Princess also spoke to @professorgreen and his nan, Pat, who brought him up. He made the point that there are over twice the number of children in ''Kinship care'' than there are in foster care, without much of the support that other carers get.

@professorgreen told me later of his meeting with the Princess: ''She really is passionate about this, she actively cares about it, she's educated herself about it, not just as a mother but as a professional. She is so invested in this that I think she is going to do wonders.''
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 26, 2023, 09:03:37 PM
Lucy Peake
Chief exec @kinshipcharity, trustee @Childrenengland

Following the event with The Princess of Wales, there's been a surge in enquiries to our Advice Service. Our advisers have responded with skill, expertise and compassion. Huge thanks to them all 🙏 If you need help this weekend, please try Kinship Compass
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 26, 2023, 09:09:48 PM
Baby Basics

Wow! Just wow! Thank you so much everyone ♥️

Quote Tweet
Kate's Rangers

With nearly 50% items on the baby bank wish list donated already, we have just done a restock of new items!

Donations are coming in SO FAST 💙

^ The Kate Rangers are like the Sussexsquad with donations to, in this case Kate's Baby Basics. 
For transparency, all donations are direct from Amazon.Co.UK to Baby Basics UK address

</title></head><body></body></html>"),e.close(),a)){var (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on May 30, 2023, 07:15:33 PM
How Princess Kate?s Visit with a Relative Caregiver Charity Led to a ?Surge? in Inquiries | Vanity Fair (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on May 30, 2023, 09:09:52 PM
Baby Basics

Over 700 items donated so far!
We can not thank everyone enough for giving and continuing to give so generously - we promise your donations are going to mean so much to the families we support
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 06, 2023, 11:20:48 AM
The Princess of Wales paid a visit to the Windsor Family Hub today:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 07, 2023, 11:52:24 AM
The Princess of Wales joins in a session at Maidenhead Rugby Club Maidenhead Rugby Club after a discussion with the men on early childhood and its lifelong impact:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 15, 2023, 10:59:30 AM
Today The Princess of Wales was in Nuneaton to meet health visitors taking part in a new field study funded by the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood:,%202023&sort=newest&irgwc=1&esource=AFF_GI_IR_Skimbit%20Ltd._10078&asid=Skimbit%20Ltd.&cid=GI&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Skimbit%20Ltd.&utm_content=10078
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 15, 2023, 11:44:01 AM
Rebecca English

The Princess of Wales is in Nuneaton meeting with health visitors taking part in a new field study, funded by The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, which aims to support the profession to promote infant wellbeing and social and emotional development.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 15, 2023, 03:33:45 PM
The Princess of Wales visits Nuneaton to meet health visitors taking part in study funded by The Centre for Early Childhood - Centre for Early (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 15, 2023, 04:04:37 PM
Adam Carson
Managing Director of @nhsswft

Wonderful to have the Princess of Wales visit our fantastic Health Visitors!


Delighted to welcome The Princess of Wales to Riversley Park Children's Centre today. The Princess met some of our Health Visitors and heard about a new study they're taking part in to trial the use of the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB), which is funded by @Earlychildhood.


The Prince and Princess of Wales
Lovely chatting with the wonderful health visitors and mums playing a part in creating a nurturing environment for so many children and parents at the Riversley Park Children's Centre in Nuneaton.

Health Visitors are such an important support for new parents from pregnancy through to children starting school.


The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood
It was lovely to meet with health visitors taking part in a Centre-funded field study, which aims to support the profession to promote infant wellbeing and social and emotional development.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: sara8150 on June 15, 2023, 07:44:19 PM
'I recognise that kit!' Adorable moment Kate Middleton bonds with little boy over Aston Villa | Daily Mail Online (

Princess of Wales high-fives young royal fan in Nuneaton | Daily Mail Online (

Kate Middleton Has Hilarious Reply When Burping Baby Interrupts Her (

Kate Middleton Holds Baby's Hand in Latest Adorable Outing (

Kate Middleton steps out ahead of big royal weekend as ?50k project revealed | HELLO! (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 15, 2023, 09:53:36 PM
Department of Social Policy and Intervention
University of Oxford
Our teaching and research contribute to social reform, bringing positive change to people's lives

The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood @earlychildhoodannounces a new partnership study with @iHealthVisiting, and led by Jane Barlow at
@DSPI_Oxford to support health visitors' work with families to promote infant wellbeing & social development.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 16, 2023, 01:03:42 PM
A video from The Princess of Wales - "We're delighted to release a film highlighting the vital role of health visitors in supporting families and shaping lives. This responds to our new research showing a lack of public awareness of their role and the depth of the support they provide." -
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 16, 2023, 01:26:05 PM
^ Well done, congratulations to the Waleses digital member or team. The importance of fast tracking a very recent past event to inform the viewer. 

It wouldn't make sense to produce a video of an event if it goes old, cold and the sort. A big difference, would be a 'limited series' documentary of a 'subject'.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 19, 2023, 09:19:16 AM
To mark the start of this year's Children's Hospice Week, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales has sent a personal message of support to thank children's hospices and celebrate the vital work we do:

Children's Hospice Week - East Anglia's Children's Hospices | Norfolk Cambridgeshire Essex and Suffolk (
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 20, 2023, 07:42:01 PM
During NPG visit today, two goals were achieved:

Kate then visited The Mildred and Simon Palley Learning Centre in the Gallery, which is a key part of the redevelopment, more than doubling its provision for learners. Her Royal Highness heard about the Gallery's new children's programme, before joining nursery children taking part in a multi-sensory workshop focused on the world of Beatrix  Potter. Set to launch in September, the new programme, designed for children under-5, has been developed in partnership with the London Borough of Westminster family hubs and local state nurseries, and will welcome families from the local community to the Gallery and encourage creative learning, play and exploration. Early childhood development is a cornerstone of Her Royal Highness work as a royal.

By Hope Coke
20 June 2023

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 21, 2023, 06:27:21 PM
Majesty & Joe Little

Kensington Palace: The Princess of Wales will officially open Hope Street, an @OSTCharity pioneering family-friendly residential community which will pilot a new approach to supporting women in the justice system, in Southampton on Tuesday 27th June.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 22, 2023, 01:54:24 PM
I am really looking forward to this opening as this type of residential community is needed for  mothers in the justice system and their children.

Princess of Wales to open facility which supports women in the justice system | The Independent (

QuoteHope Street offers a community alternative for women who would otherwise be sent to prison unnecessarily due to a lack of safe accommodation or concerns around their wellbeing, Kensington Palace added.

The charity has deployed an evidence-based approach, which is being independently monitored by The University of Southampton, The Prison Reform Trust and EP:IC.

The pilot aims to demonstrate how a compassionate and supportive approach towards women in the justice system can have a transformative impact and improve outcomes for society, providing a blueprint that can be scaled across the country.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: HistoryGirl2 on June 22, 2023, 04:06:43 PM
Love to see One Small Thing focusing on this issues and glad the PoW is highlighting their work. I think her team has done quite well to look at various issues and initiatives that help shape children during their early years.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 27, 2023, 03:54:22 PM
Opening of Hope Street today in Southampton.

Princess Kate opens ?inspirational? residential centre for women and children - YouTube (

4,624 views  Jun 27, 2023
The Princess of Wales has officially opened an "inspirational" family-friendly residential centre designed to provide a safe environment for women and their children as they go through the courts.
The Hope Street Centre in Southampton provides an alternative to prison for women which allows them to remain with their children and to receive ongoing support. Speaking to users of the centre, Kate said: "This is such an inspirational place." The princess also placed a hand-written message of support on a tree in the centre's courtyard which said: ?I see you and I am with you?. Report by Matt Blair.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 27, 2023, 10:33:03 PM
It's great to see billionaires investing in charities (and seeing for themselves real results).  The facilities look top notch!  I approve.

The head of One Small Think is Lady Edwina Grosvenor.

Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: PrincessOfPeace on June 27, 2023, 10:36:38 PM
Lady Edwina Grosvenor is a sister to The Duke of Westminster.
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: wannable on June 27, 2023, 10:41:15 PM
Right! I love the creation of this charity because you can very much see the investment, it really is top notch, it doesn't look dreary at all, every detail there's money invested. And the managers she hired all professional, with the touch of star power, HRH Catherine  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children
Post by: TLLK on June 28, 2023, 12:24:04 PM
We've now reached 15 pages and it's time to close this thread and open a new one.