Royal Insight Forum

Royal Family News => Jordan => Topic started by: Jennifer on June 18, 2016, 07:23:10 PM

Title: Korean King Tomb tour
Post by: Jennifer on June 18, 2016, 07:23:10 PM
This is very interesting. I wonder how big King Injo's shrine is. I would love to visit South Korea and find out!  :thumbsup:

QuoteThe shrine of the Korean King Injo (1595-1649) and his wife, Queen Inyeol, is opened to the public since Friday. And that's unique. Never before could interested people the final resting place of the Princes from the Joseon Dynasty.

The tomb is in honor of the anniversary of the death of Injo made accessible to the public. Who wants to take a look at the cemetery of the sixteenth King of the Joseon Dynasty and his wife have to hurry. About a month everything locked again.

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