Royal Insight Forum

King Charles III's Children, Siblings, Nieces, Nephews, and Their Families => The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh => Topic started by: cinrit on January 06, 2012, 12:33:16 PM

Title: Royal Couple Visit UK Naval Personnel In Bahrain
Post by: cinrit on January 06, 2012, 12:33:16 PM
QuoteThe Earl and Countess of Wessex visited Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary personnel in Bahrain recently, during a Christmas tour of British personnel deployed on active duties in the Middle East.

Commodore-in-Chief of the RFA, Prince Edward and his wife toured submarine HMS Triumph and support ship RFA Diligence and dropped in on the senior Royal Navy headquarters in the region, the United Kingdom Maritime Component Commander (UKMCC), during their stay in the small Gulf kingdom.

The Royal couple learned about Triumph's recent contribution to Operation ELLAMY off the coast of Libya, where the submarine was involved in the launch of Tomahawk missiles in support of the NATO mission to protect the Libyan population.

Having been served lunch literally 'fit for Royalty', a tour of the Diligence gave the Earl and Countess the opportunity to meet some of the crew and to see first hand how a RFA Ship differs from a normal Royal Navy vessel.

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