Royal Insight Forum

Royal Family News => Jordan => Topic started by: Alexandra123 on April 26, 2009, 06:42:03 PM

Title: King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Queen Noor of Jordan in the USA
Post by: Alexandra123 on April 26, 2009, 06:42:03 PM
King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Queen Noor of Jordan are on working visit to the US. Their visit has included (so far) meetings with President Obama and other Washington politicians, interviews with journalists and speeches at different forums.
This set of pictures (, however, shows Rania and three of her children in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Some selected pictures:
Rania, Iman, Salma and Hashem (
Rania, Iman and Hashem (
Rania, Salma and Hashem (
Rania, Salma and Hashem (
Rania and Hashem (

Secret of Rania's wonderful figure (

Title: Re: King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Queen Noor of Jordan in the USA
Post by: Alexandra123 on April 26, 2009, 06:59:28 PM
Some articles about the visit:

Jordan's king urges more U.S. intervention in Mideast peace process (
QuoteKing Abdullah II urged the Obama administration to intervene determinedly in the Middle East peace process, saying the process would not "get anywhere" without U.S. intervention, NBC television reported on Sunday.
"If it's left to the players, the Israelis and Palestinians by themselves, we're not going to get anywhere," said King Abdullah II in an interview broadcast Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"It can only happen if there is an American umbrella with a determined American president that is going to get the Israelis and Palestinians to sit (at) the table," said King Abdullah II, the first Arab head of state to meet with President Barack Obama at the White House.

King Abdullah: A moment of truth is here (
Quote"Now is the time for the United States to lead, to ensure that no more time is wasted. Failing to act means that we will all lose. The status quo is simply untenable. The dangers are too many and too big to ignore. A moment of truth is here, for all who claim to seek peace and justice. It is a time for partnership, courage and action."

King Abdullah talks peace with Obama (
QuoteKing Abdullah met with Barack Obama yesterday (21.04.09).
The 47-year-old monarch and the US President discussed peace in the Middle East during an official meeting at the White House in Washington D.C.
Obama promised to "deeply engage" in Arab-Israeli diplomacy and pledged America's commitment to developing a "two-state" solution to the Isreali-Palestinian conflict.

'We are ready to shoulder our responsibilities' (
QuoteHis Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday called for the formation of task forces from Arab and Islamic countries to help the US in realising peace.
King Abdullah made his remarks after a meeting with Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi yesterday in joint statements to the press.
The King said: "We are ready to shoulder our responsibilities," adding that the US has shouldered heavy burdens for many years.
At the meeting, in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Rania, King Abdullah and Pelosi discussed efforts to revive the peace process and bring about stability and security in the Middle East.

Queen Rania, Congresswoman Nita Lowey Launch 'The Big Read' Global Edcation Campaign (
QuoteQueen Rania of Jordan joined other leading education advocates Congresswoman Nita Lowey and Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury Gene Sperling to launch "The Big Read" as part of Global Campaign for Education's global action week calling for quality basic education for all children.
"This week, millions of children, teachers, adult learners, campaigners and parents around the world will call on global leaders to give every child, everywhere, a quality education," said Queen Rania. "Together, we can amplify the many voices asking that we give the 75 million children around the world out of school today the happy ending they deserve - education for all."

Queen briefed on 'Knowledge is Power Programme' at LEAP Academy (
QuoteQueen Rania on Friday visited the LEAP Academy in Washington, DC to learn how the "Knowledge is Power Programme" (KIPP) has helped underserved children make significant academic gains and reach the highest test scores of any public school network in the US.
LEAP Academy opened in July 2007 as KIPP DC's first early childhood school designed to equip children with the necessary academic, intellectual and character skills needed for success in high school, college and the competitive world beyond.

Queen Rania finds inspiration in jam (
QuoteQueen Rania used a jar of homemade jam to illustrate her points at the 8th Annual Global Philanthropy Forum Conference.
Giving the keynote address at the event in Washington, the monarch stressed that "the need for global philanthropy is more urgent than ever before" before asking "How do we know when philanthropy is making a positive difference?"
Clutching the jam, she explained the answer could be found in the story of a nine-year-old Jordanian girl, Leila, who was asked to come up with a healthy breakfast for her schoolmates.
Leila collected uneaten apples from pupils and, with the help of her mother, made a large jar of jam which was served in school and then sold on at markets. All profits were donated back to the disadvantaged school.
The Queen commented: "Philanthropy means giving bold thinkers like Leila the chance to lift their whole community and to realise the power within themselves to change things for the better.

Pictures (from the articles):
King Abdullah, Queen Rania and the Jordanian delegation are seen in talks with members of the US House of Representatives headed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (
Queen Rania during the launc of 'The Big Read' (
Queen Rania joins students at the LEAP Academy (
Queen Noor with Kathy Calvin

Title: Re: King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Queen Noor of Jordan in the USA
Post by: marine2109 on April 29, 2009, 08:27:36 PM
More pics from visit... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: King Abdullah, Queen Rania and Queen Noor of Jordan in the USA
Post by: Selene on May 09, 2009, 05:23:10 AM
Rania with children look so natural, they blend with regular people on street.