Royal Insight Forum

Royal Relatives & Acquaintances => Socialites & Royal Acquaintances => Topic started by: 12345 on December 21, 2008, 07:25:54 PM

Title: Boggis Rolfe
Post by: 12345 on December 21, 2008, 07:25:54 PM
I was at Beaufort the other day and some of the people I was talking to metioned the Boggis Rolfes a lot! Does anybody know anything about them?
Title: Re: Boggis Rolfe
Post by: fawbert on December 21, 2008, 07:46:16 PM
Ann Boggis-Rolfe is the wife of Joseph Buxron, Gloucestershire landowner, and mother of three children, William born 1983, Robert born 1984, and Laura Buxton, born 1990.
Title: Re: Boggis Rolfe
Post by: Alexandra123 on December 21, 2008, 07:51:52 PM
I believe the maiden name of Joseph Buxton, Ann, was Boggis-Rolfe. Joseph William Buxton is the son of the late Captain Joseph Fowell Buxton, who was the son of Henry Fowell Buxton. All of them were Harrow graduates. Joseph Buxton was cousin of Sir Thomas Buxton, sixth baronet, who passed away at the end of 1996.

I am sure you would have heard a lot about Boggis-Rolfes in Beaufort, they are one of the oldest families there. Not very distinguished (in terms of 'titled' members) but very 'active' in all social activities in Beaufort and are one of the most respected, and oldest, families there.
If I am not mistaken, the Boggis-Rolfe family has also produced quite a few distinguished polo players.

Hope that helps. :)
Title: Re: Boggis Rolfe
Post by: topqueenb on December 23, 2008, 04:38:09 PM
OMG! Who are you people!?! LOL! I thought I knew the Royals & their acquaintances, but gee.  If I didn't know any better, I would think you were at the very least acquaintances yourselves.