Royal Insight Forum

The King, Charles III and The Queen Consort => The Duke and Duchess of Sussex => Topic started by: pixie on July 15, 2003, 08:27:12 AM

Title: Polo positions
Post by: pixie on July 15, 2003, 08:27:12 AM
Something I've noticed:

When Harry plays with the Highgrove team, he always plays as #2, which is one of the offensive positions.  On some other teams, though, he plays #4, which is the most defensive spot.  (The positions are, of course, fluid, but you don't see 4's scoring   as often as 1's.)  Why do you think this is?

Is Harry being nice and letting his Dad play #4 on the Highgrove team, even though he prefers defense to offense?   And, if you support this as true, why wouldn't he play #3, which is the second most defensive spot?

Or, is Harry better at defense (why he plays #4 on all the other teams) but prefers to play offense, and does the fam just indulge him and let him play at #2?

Ah, the questions I ask when no one's posting on the board . . .
Title: Polo positions
Post by: pixie on July 15, 2003, 08:44:21 AM
My thoughts:

Harry's a better 4 than 2, but he prefers 2 because he likes scoring goals and all the glory that comes with it.  The Highgrove team is not purely indulging him.  Charles is probably a better 4 than Harry is, or better at 4 than any other position, so they put him there.  Will always plays 1, so he goes there.  Harry and the pro have 2 and 3 left between them, and as Harry prefers 2 because he gets to score more goals, he goes there, even though he might be a marginally better 3 (if he is, indeed, better at defense than offense).  The pro gets stuck with 3, but hell, he's a pro and better than all of them anyway, regardeless of what position he plays.  :)  :)  :)  
Title: Polo positions
Post by: pixie on July 15, 2003, 08:45:31 AM
Oh, and in case I didn't make it clear, 90% of that last post was speculation.