The Sussex Family General Chat Part 3

Started by TLLK, April 17, 2023, 02:28:52 PM

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The charitable part of me would like to think that Harry noticed the paps following them, and with his paranoia about the press and his fixation on his mother's death, went into panic mode and perhaps got the others upset as well.  The more cynical side of me thinks it's interesting timing to make a scene about security and proclaim that they are in danger.  Which does not seem to be the case here.  From what I have read, it sounds like if anyone was driving recklessly, it was the Sussexes' own driver, and were they really not wearing seatbelts?  That is mind-boggling. 

I just have to say, that even if the paps were out of line--and maybe they were--but to engage in a 'near-catastrophic car chase' to avoid having pictures taken is irresponsible in the extreme.  Harry and Meghan are parents of two small children who need them to come home.  There were innocent bystanders in cars and on sidewalks.  It seems incredible that H and M would risk their own and others' lives to avoid having the paps snapping pictures of them.  For the record, I don't believe H and M's version of the story.  It seems like if things really were 'near-catastrophic' that the police would have made some arrests or at least given some tickets!  But I'm just going by the Sussexes' statement to say that if it was a dangerous situation, they and their security made some very irresponsible choices. 

I have to agree that it sounds like another case of the  Sussexes' truth not matching up with facts.  We will see though, I'm sure there is video footage and it may well be coming out over the next few days.


What I find ironic is that while the Sussexes have previously complained about the paparazzi following them in the UK, the U.S. as a nation does not have the same stringent laws protecting individuals from harassment by paparazzi in vehicles So if avoiding another episode like they experienced the other night is a goal, than it would be safer for the family to be in the UK now than the U.S.

Prince Harry Is Fighting U.S. Paparazzi Battles Royals Already Won in U.K.

QuoteRoyston explained that since the 1990s, the royals in Britain are safeguarded against similar chases as the U.K. press has stricter regulation when it comes to privacy, paparazzi and the publication of images acquired through unethical means.

"We do not tolerate this kind of conduct by paparazzi in Britain," he said. "Paparazzi are not allowed to follow celebrities here, even if it's entirely safe and nothing dangerous happens. You're not even under IPSO [Independent Press Standards Organization] press regulations, you're not allowed to persist in photographing somebody who has asked you to stop."

He continued: "What's actually happening here is that Harry in America is trying to refight battles that the British royal family won in Britain decades ago. But he's having to kind of reinvent the wheel and do it all again in America because there's a very different paparazzi culture there."


Yes, I don't think the US is safer than the UK at all.  I think the decision to move to the US was based on three things:

A)  Many A-list celebrities live in the ritzy parts of California or NYC, and that's the crowd they want to be a part of.

B)  They thought it would be easier to make their fortune in the US.

C)  Meghan grew up in California and wanted to go home. 

I really can't think that safety was a huge factor.


The UK wouldn't be safer.

That just the media that hell-bent on harming (like posting their location right after it was announced their security had been stripped, a la the daily mail)

It also doesn't help if family is willing to be silent in the face of the abuse. At least in the US, they have a support network of people will speak out and say "this isn't okay, we don't condone this and they have our support."

Also, I wonder if the Royston forgot that they couldn't stay in their home in the UK in Cotswald because.....UK Pap's flew a helicopter over their home and took photos of the living area and dining area of the home and directly into the bedroom. So no, if people want to take photos of them, agreement be dammed, photos will be taken.

UK also isn't safe because reporters on tv, radio and in print are allowed to spread disinformation. Case in point, they've out-right lied and said the Sussex's claimed it was high-speed chase. The Sussex's never said that.

And a country in which people are allowed to say on tv with no push back or anything, "as long as their is breath in her body." "throw them over the balcony." "dangle archie over a balcony." and makes it even more not in....allowing violence to be incited against them. You had one UK reporter reading their statement in a silly voice.

So, a country that makes light and jokes about and deflects about the danger they're in, isn't the safer option. The NYPD made a formal statement that seemed toned down because it's their job to keep things calm but they didn't deflect as UK media has been doing.

They won't be safe in the UK, until the UK actually does something on how they're talked about, reported about and when tabloids aren't given the power and access to the royal family that they're allowed now. That will never happen so it'll never be the safer option. These are people who won't be pleased until the worse happens.

It's as when the UK Media called for Meghan to prove that she felt suicidal, knowing there was only one way that could happen.

Their team needs to re-group, because they didn't expect to be followed for so long. We most likely won't see the three of them travel together for a while and they need to make sure that guardianship of the kids are covered. That's why I expect that we won't see Doria with them a lot as I'm assuming if something happened to them, she'd get custody and we know of one god-parent for certain who would have the means to take care of them and protect them.


Quote from: Kristeh-H on May 18, 2023, 12:58:24 PM
Yes, I don't think the US is safer than the UK at all.  I think the decision to move to the US was based on three things:

A)  Many A-list celebrities live in the ritzy parts of California or NYC, and that's the crowd they want to be a part of.

B)  They thought it would be easier to make their fortune in the US.

C)  Meghan grew up in California and wanted to go home. 

I really can't think that safety was a huge factor.

A - Yes, they do and normally don't get this type of coverage it makes sense that they'd want to be a in a place were they treated like other people

B - No, they understood that family and friends in the US don't have agreements and with tabloids and can't give their movements away

C - Yes, Meghan wanted to be with a support network that wouldn't shrug her their shoulders at mental health or run and tell Valentine Low about it while twisting their thumbs and saying they couldn't help her.

E - So safety was a main factor as well as mental health.

Case in point to this reply and my earlier reply, one of the most vile and inhuman things said about Meghan came from Camilla's close friend and there was silence but Camilla did find the time to give a wink and nudge to support authors not losing their voices and having the right to write. 

Mentally safety is just as important and Dan Wotton said himself, since the Sussex's left, it's been harder to get information on them. The Mirror, in court said that they got stories about Harry from his father's staff.

So, unless the family is willing to stop playing the games with the tabs, the Sussex's will never be safer in the UK.


Jack Royston 100% Correct!

The United Kingdom is safer and Harry won his Cotswold Lawsuit!

Google tells me there are 7 pages of the Cotswold Harry win over illegal pap shots.

Sample of the first page in google search:

Prince Harry Wins Lawsuit Against Paparazzi Agency ...

Insider ? Lifestyle ? News
May 16, 2019 ? The Duke of Sussex won a lawsuit against Splash News on Thursday after its photographers released intimate photos of his home to the press.

Prince Harry & Meghan Win Privacy Invasion Lawsuit for ...
News, data and insight about the powerful forces that shape the world. | Observer ? 2019/05 ? prince-harry-megha...
May 16, 2019 ? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle won a lawsuit against Splash News for invasion of privacy after the photo agency took aerial photos of their ...
Missing: wins ‎| Must include: wins

Prince Harry settles privacy claim against news agency that ...

Fox News
Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos ? entertainment ? prince-ha...
May 16, 2019 ? The spare heir and the Duchess of Sussex sued Splash News and Photo Agency for taking invasive photographs of the Oxfordshire property and ...

Prince Harry accepts damages over Splash News Agency ...

BBC - Homepage ? news
May 16, 2019 ? The Duke of Sussex has accepted damages and an apology from a news agency which used a helicopter to take photographs of his home in the ...

Prince Harry paid damages over photos of his Oxfordshire ...

The Guardian
News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian ? uk-news ? may ? prin...
May 16, 2019 ? Prince Harry has accepted substantial damages and an apology from a news agency that took aerial photographs of his Cotswolds home, ...

Paparazzi agency will not target Meghan in future, high ...
News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian ? uk-news ? dec ? papar...
Dec 18, 2020 ? ... in relation to a privacy and data protection claim by Meghan and her son with Prince Harry against Splash News and Picture Agency.
People also ask
Did Harry and Meghan win the appeal?
How much did Meghan win from her appeal?

A paparazzi agency has filed for bankruptcy after losing ...

Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos ? now ? paparazzi-agency-file...
Mar 24, 2021 ? Splash News has filed for bankruptcy after losing a legal battle to Meghan Markle. Markle and Prince Harry have taken legal action against ...

UK's Prince Harry wins damages over photos shot from ...

Punch Newspapers
Punch Newspapers - Breaking News, Nigerian News, Entertainment, Sport, Business and Politics ? uks-prince-harry-wins-damages...
May 16, 2019 ? The Duke of Sussex sued Splash News over the January incident, arguing it had breached his privacy and data rights under British law and the ...


As Jack says, Harry is fighting a pap battle in the USA. He want's the law to be changed.


Don?t forget he?s  also not happy about First Amendment  :laugh10: He?s going to teach those Americans all the things they don?t know about their own constitution :laugh10:


Prince Harry paid damages over photos of his Oxfordshire  :wink:


I forgot, Harry was also followed from Diana's memorial and recorded that, so no, being in the UK doesn't keep them safe. It simply gives access to those who want to harm them the most.


Harry the Hermit want's to be famous, sells his family down the river, but want's nobody to take a picture of him.  A bit of a 15 second, standing still, smile, wave, a twirl, get into your car. Adios!

IF he was so pressed about July 1 2021 visit to the UK, give the footage to the Met Police/Scotland Yard and SUE again. Followed by a scooter 15 meters off (footage available in Social Media, footage of the scooter person with a colorful language clearly leaving H alone after 1 block also available in Social Media), who then left him alone next block.  He (and Meghan) create a drama over every single thing taking the shine away from i.e. the Diana Memorial and his previous day visit to Well Child because of one scooter.


Quote from: changemhysoul on May 18, 2023, 02:35:42 PM
I forgot, Harry was also followed from Diana's memorial and recorded that, so no, being in the UK doesn't keep them safe. It simply gives access to those who want to harm them the most.
sorry how was he injured?  How was he unsafe? 


Quote from: changemhysoul on May 18, 2023, 02:35:42 PM
I forgot, Harry was also followed from Diana's memorial and recorded that, so no, being in the UK doesn't keep them safe. It simply gives access to those who want to harm them the most.

I respectfully disagree as the UK as a nation does have laws in place in order to protect its citizens from harassment unlike the U.S. Various states might have limitations but nothing nationwide. 

QuoteSome of the pictures taken by these paparazzi were very briefly published by the Daily Mail and the Express in Britain," Royston noted. "But as soon as they realized the circumstances around them, they were pulled down. TMZ are still running that footage and still running those images, and my understanding is that the Sussexes viewed that as completely inexcusable."

Discussing the lasting concerns that will have arisen for Harry and Meghan as a result of their experience in NYC, Royston noted that it will be the publication of the images taken through such dangerous measures.

"I think what's going to cause the really prolonged upset is that he hasn't succeeded in forcing TMZ, a U.S. tabloid, to take these images down and there has actually been a whole spate of paparazzi photographs of Harry and Meghan in the last few months, including published on Page Six, TMZ, U.S. tabloid websites. know, they've left Britain because they wanted a better relationship with the media and they have wound up in a version of Princess Diana's experience in the 1990s."

Photos allegedly taken  from Prince Harry's exit from the statue unveiling were never published

QuoteThough the U.K. press does have regulations in place to prevent dangerous media practices, Harry has raised concerns in the past about his treatment by photographers on British soil.

In court documents made public in 2022 during the prince's lawsuit over the government decision to remove his state funded bodyguards, it was claimed that the royal was chased by photographers after a charity event in July 2021. Photographs from the alleged incident were never published.
@changemhysoul -Would please elaborate as to whom you believe "would want to hurt them the most" is?


The BBC put together a timeframe of the incident.

The Sussexes are asking for Backgrid's photos and videos. The agency is declining their request.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Demand Photo Agency Give Them Footage of 'Chase'


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to put the squeeze on a photo agency that claimed their freelance paparazzi who followed the couple Tuesday night were not, as M&H claimed, "highly aggressive" and didn't cause a near-collision.

Harry and Meghan's legal team fired off a letter to the Backgrid photo agency, claiming in part they need the agency's footage of the "chase" to shore up their own security, adding ... "We hereby demand that Backgrid immediately provide us with copies of all photos, videos, and/or films taken last night by the freelance photographers after the couple left their event and over the next several hours."

Backgrid's lawyer has rejected the Sussex's demand, saying in a letter ... "In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers."

Backgrid says they had 4 photogs, 3 in cars and one on a bike, adding they "had no intention of causing any distress or harm, as their only tool was their cameras."

There's no legal basis for Backgrid to turn over its footage -- no lawsuit has been filed that would require the agency to turn over documents. Nevertheless, the demand was made.

As we reported, Harry and Meghan's team called their encounter with paps "near catastrophic," but NYPD sources say that's way overblown.


Quote from: wannable on May 18, 2023, 01:28:49 PM
As Jack says, Harry is fighting a pap battle in the USA. He want's the law to be changed.

He is crazy.


Quote from: Ayse on May 18, 2023, 01:36:22 PM
Don?t forget he?s  also not happy about First Amendment  :laugh10: He?s going to teach those Americans all the things they don?t know about their own constitution :laugh10:

He is bonkers.
He is a celebrity, entertainer
famous person in The USA


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Demand Photo Agency Give Them Footage of 'Chase'

Here ya? go. Pictures of them in a NYC cab, lol. Harry looking very scared. 
Seriously, this is a very troubled person.
I am not making fun of him.
His face says it all.
Using his phone light to fire back a photogs.
Meggie, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

Soooooo, they went from a  multi- caravan of blackened windows SUVs with their private security team , lol.
Make this all make sense if you can, you cannot make this make sense.
You know, this cab ride, police station visit all gave them maximum pr.
Had the just stayed in their SUV caravan, they would not have had this.

Read between the lines.


Quote from: Ayse on May 18, 2023, 01:36:22 PM
Don?t forget he?s  also not happy about First Amendment  :laugh10: He?s going to teach those Americans all the things they don?t know about their own constitution :laugh10:

YEP....... :lol: :lol: :eyes:


Apparently, what Harry said was that it was Bonkers how people got round the First Amendment.. not that it was bonkers


'Cars in New York are not really my priority or my responsibility.

'What is my priority and responsibility is people's safety at home.'

Rishi Sunak says Harry and Meghan car chase row 'not really my priority' | Daily Mail Online


^^^IMHO this is an appropriate response from PM Sunak. The Sussexes are private citizens and residents of the United States. They're not the concern of the British Prime Minister.